Intel Mac :: Won't Boot Up And Keeps On Saying Need To Restart Computer?
Jun 19, 2012My Imac won't boot up and keeps on saying I need to restart computer
View 3 RepliesMy Imac won't boot up and keeps on saying I need to restart computer
View 3 RepliesI have a Powerbook G4 with an error message when I boot. "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or Press the restart button". Restarting the computer doesn't work.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWith my Macbook, I just did a software update to be able to use the newer version of AIM. So I let the updates install and the let the computer restart. So when I turn it on I keep getting this message: You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button for several seconds or press the Restart button.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI get a message saying "You must restart your computer." (hold down the power key, blah blah).
I've researched a little bit, and apparently its indicative of a kernel panic.
It's not booting from CD either.... what's going on?
I am trying to create a partition with Boot Camp and install Windows XP SP2. Whenever i try to create a partition, the kernel crashes and i need to restart my whole computer, boot up from the OSX CD and then "Repair Disk" to get the lost hard drive space back. I had partitioned my HD last week, but then removed it, but now when i try it, it always freezes the computer. is there any way to solve this problem without my data being lost?
View 10 Replies View RelatedMy iMac will not start up when shut down, or awake from sleep.To get it to start i must turn off the power, and turn it back on, then it starts up and runs fine.If i Restart it, it switches off, and will not power back on. The machine still works great but is begining to be a pain in the back-side cycling the power every morning.I have done an SMC Reset, and that did not change it.
I have also added a new user, and when i logged in as the new user, it did restart a couple of times (cannot remember the exact amount) and then when i switched back to my normal account it restarted fine... i assumed it was fixed... but after that it's gone back to it's old painful self..
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Work iMac
I have to repair an external hard drive and disc utility said to restart my computer wit the system disc and thenrepair the disc. Iforget how to do that. I insert the USC and then hold down some keys I believe, but not sure.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I verified the hard disc on my mid 2010 3.06 ghz 10.7.3 iMac this morning to be greeted by a box telling me this disc was corrupt and that I needed to restart while holding cmd+r until the apple logo appears then to repair the this point I would like to say that I am posting this from said iMac and it boots up normally and runs fine.but,when I start it holding cmd and 'r' let go at the apple logo the cog starts turning below the apple for about 10/15 seconds then the apple is replaced with a circle with a line through it (the cog keeps on spinning below it) it seems like it would just sit like this for ever - after about 5 mins I held the power button, turned it off, turned it back on again and just left it to boot up normally - no problems. thought I would try it again - turned it off, held cmd and r exactly the same as before......
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
My IMAC keeps prompting me to restart after the screen turns grey. Essentially, after a few hours of use, the screen turns dark grey, filling in from the top to the bottom slowly. Once the screen has the dark grey hue, directions pop up in the middle of the screen for me to restart the computer. Once I restart it, the computer automatically generates an error box to report to apple. However, when I click the box to submit to apple, even if when the computer is connected and running well, it will not allow me to report it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Whenever I open my mac mini it comes up with the same message "You need to restart your computer hold down the power button or press restart" in four different languages.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy does my computer sometimes startup in safe boot
iMac Power Pc, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
It's a 2.16 intel Core 2 duo with the ATI Radeon X1600 128MB video and I'm running OSX 10.7.3. It started happening on Snow leopard so I thought maybe upgrading to Lion would fix it but it has continued exactly the same. I've had an issue for a while now where the computer would just freeze all of a sudden. It happened after a few days at times while sometimes it happen right after a reboot.
Here are the things I've tried.
1. I upgraded to lion
2. I replaced the ram
3. Look at the crash log but found nothing
4. Ram mem check utility but it found nothing
I can boot the computer in safe mode by holding the shift key and it works perfect with no freezing but I loose audio support becuase I think it's not loading the audio drivers. Question is: Can I select what drivers I want on boot when starting in regular mode not safe mode in order to try to disable drivers until I find the issue? Is there anyplace else that I can find which driver caused the computer to freeze after a freeze/crash? If I can ID the driver is there a way to update/replace the driver if it doesn't come up in "software update"? I'm thinking it's the video driver becuase I would occationally get some weird things happening on the screen that I attributed to an older display.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), ATI Radeon X1600 3GB ram Core 2 Duo
I was using garage band when the screen popped up saying that i need to restart my computer. i tried holding down the power button but the screen is frozen. the computer is making a quiet clicking sound. if i close the laptop the light stays on and the sound persists.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor some odd reason, when I try to put my Mac to sleep, it decides to dim the screen and show me that "You need to restart your computer" message in 8 languages. I usually keep my Mac on sleep when I am gone.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy pc is
Seagate 40GB
Kingston 667 1GB
I have installed Mac OS X 10.5.6, the installation is going fine and completed successfully when I restart machine, It does going to booting but my PC restart again
Then I try to use -x -v and -v to see what happen,
I can't see anything because it restart before I can read last line
my MBP gray screened with the "You need to restart your computer..." error message. I have absolutely no idea what could have caused this, although Final Cut Studio 2 did finish installing about 10 minutes before it happened for the first time. I tried restarting a few times but the error message kept on appearing about 30-60 seconds after the desktop loads up. I left the laptop alone over night and in the morning, I switched it on and it appeared to have fixed itself but this afternoon, the restart screen came up again.
I have a time machine backup from yesterday, but as I have work due in at the end of this week, I'm a little bit panicky at the moment.
What I'm concerned about, is that if I reinstall Snow Leopard, then restore from a Time Machine back up, it's just going to restore this error.
If anyone could help, it would really be appreciated. (I've attached the error message if anyone doesn't know what I'm on about.)
So ever since about 3-4 months ago, I'll get an error message on my Mac stating that I need to restart my computer. I lose all control and my only option really is to hold the power button down and restart it. I then Googled the issue and found this out. [URL]. No now my question is, do I do a clean install of my OS? Can Can I reinstall and then use time machine to restore my computer? I'm guessing that would give me the same problem as before. Any advice would be great! By the way.. I have a 2010 MacBook Pro i5 so its still really new. This problem happens maybe once every 2 months depending on how hard I'm using it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhat does this error message mean? I have had my MBA since Feb, and never had this error. I get the error, in several languages, and the computer is frozen at that point. A restart gets me back up and running until it happens again, usually within; an hour or so. Always while using Safari.
View 21 Replies View RelatedI have a 2008 MacPro Octo 2.8GHz. Whilst I was in Vista64 (a separate drive, not visualization) I was playing a halflife game called day of defeat. The game froze twice, requiring a crtl-alt-del to release it and stop the application that was not working. When I then rebooted into OSX, the "You need to restart your computer" screen appeared in 4 languages, which I believe is the Kernel panic screen. I've done the hardware test that reports no problems (D key). I've tried re-installing the operating system, (C key), no go just panics. I've tried a safe boot (shift) lots of disk activity followed by a panic. I've even reset the PRAM, no effect.
The queer thing is it will boot into Vista64, but there is some screen corruption whilsts its booting, but once in, it works OK with the exception of playing any 3D games, they will not launch (re-installed drivers). Vista reports that there is no 3D hardware acceleration. Does OSX require 3D just to get past the login screen? I've removed some ram and removed all the other hard drives. I'm beginning to think the 8800GT is playing up, otherwise why would vista still work?, but not 3D games? Is there any software I can use in Vista to check the 8800GT? I also noticed that it seemed to be taking longer and longer to shut down.
im getting a message on a grey screen asking me to restart my computer when i'm trying to start my imac? So, i hold down the on / off button to do a hard restart and i get the same message again.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI just installed a 500gb hard drive into my macbook pro. Then I tried installing the osx using my 10.5 leopard disc. After getting to the installation screen, I selected my time machine as my system restore source. However my system restore source is 10.6 snow leopard disc. After restoring everything, I restart the computer and then I get the following message in 5 different languages: "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button until it turns off, then press the power button again". Even after multiple restarts I get the same message.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've got this message around 5 times since I've installed my new ram about a month ago: What is the cause?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI recently got a MacBook from my school. Last night it was freezing quite a bit so I shut it down. This morning when I boot it up I get a screen saying 'you need to restart you computer. Hold down the power button until it turns off, then press the power button again'. Each time I do this though I get the same screen. I think the start up disk for the computer is at my school. is there anyway I can get it working just for today? I have also tried holding down F8 as I start it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI got a message to update some software, so I pushed the right keys to download. A few minutes later I got an error key and the screen went gray. I shut it down. Then I got a message that says, "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button until it turns off, then press the Power button again." I've done this countless times. The message in the left corner says panic, which I am doing.
It says, "Unable to find driver for this platform: /"ACPI/" Slashes go the other way,but can't find any on this laptop.
iMac, iOS 5.1.1, use lion
I have a mid-2010 MacBook Pro, which has been upgraded recently to Mavericks. My problem is that randomly (usually due to pressing a button or using the mouse) my computer will black out and restart. I was having these intermittent kernel panics earlier this year and took it to a repair shop that said it was not a hardware issue and clean-installed the OSX, but the problem has persisted. The only difference is that before it would just restart while now I get the gray "Your computer was restarted because of a problem" error screen.
Below is the log from the latest report:
Anonymous UUID: 7E9ECFC6-2275-1966-C858-56615F0EFD1F
Thu Sep 11 08:33:35 2014
panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff7f839fef7c): "GPU Panic: [<None>] 3 3 7f 0 0 0 0 3 : NVRM[0/1:0:0]: Read Error 0x00000100: CFG 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff, BAR0 0xd2000000 0xffffff80e4392000 0x0a5480a2, D0, P3/4
"@/SourceCache/AppleGraphicsControl/AppleGraphicsControl-3.6.22/src/Apple MuxControl/kext/GPUPanic.cpp:127
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
The machine will not restart. When I attempt a "restart," everything seems to shut down properly. When trying to start back up, the machine hangs at the gray screen. I have left it there for a long time and nothing happens. However, I then force a shut-down by holding the power button for a few seconds. After that, the machine will start up properly. Again, a "cold" start works perfectly fine. Only a "restart" causes a problem and will always hang at the gray screen (no logo - nothing). This is the only way I can restart my machine.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 20GB Ram
I am experiencing a weird deal where an OPTION startup will show me my boot volumes but it won't boot into any of these volumes. these are a mix of internal and external drives
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 10.6.8 with 64 bit Win7 in Parallel
So i updated to 10.5.7 the other day and it took a few restarts to get it going, but all is well now.
i was just tooling around on my computer with several programs open as i usually do (safari looking at gmail, ical, mail, itunes, ichat, weatherdock, TM error logger), then all of a sudden a grey dim starts at the top of the screen and swipes all the way to the bottom then the following message appears: "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the Restart button."
Anyone else have this issue with 10.5.7? what did it mean if you had it in the past?
I'm running a mid 2007 MBP 2.4 SR, with stock 2GB RAM, stock 160GB hard drive, 2 Western Digital external hard drives, one USB for Times Machine and a FW800 for iTunes media.
I've had my imac for a few weeks now with only one problem that's recently occured and the problem is this. During the process of uploading attachments to emails or posts or uploading anything to putfile, the screen dims from the top and I get a multilingual message telling me to hold down the power button for several seconds. This first occured while uploading a .zip file.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I did read though the previous forum relating to this problem. None of the posters were having the exact issue I am, and I could not find a solution within.
my hardware: powerbook G4. 1.33GHz Power PC. (upgraded to) 2GB DDR SDRAM. (just upgraded to) 320GB WD HDD
my OS: Just installed 10.4.11
Here's the scenario (I hope someone can help):
Several months ago my poor baby took a dive off a counter onto the tile floor, while running. Never before this did I see the "Kernal Panic" restart screen.
Immediately following the fall, I get the error if the computer is bumped, moved or if I put weight on the keyboard (palms).
I feared it was a HDD issue so I hastily replaced the toshiba 60GB HD with a WD320 HD. And at the same time I upgraded from 10.3.9 to 10.4.11.
The computer seemed fine for a couple weeks, now I am getting the error again with increasing frequency. Mostly when I put pressure on the keyboard (palms).
What I tried: new HD, new OS, checked the RAM to see if it had come loose in the fall.
Could it be my video card? Is it more likely hardware or software?