I have a CD in my iMac that won't come out. Evidently the drive is broken. I tried all of the tricks, I think. I no longer have a warranty on it. It seems that others have had the same problem concerning the Pioneer DVD RW, DVR - K06. Can I somehow pull the cd out? I don't want to hurt the computer but the drive is history. Other than taking it apart or getting it fixed, do I have any other option?Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), (1) 2.16 Ghz Intel Core, 3 GB, Airport extreme
I just removed over 1000 cookies. They were bogging the system down to the point of having some pages freeze. I then closed Safari. I launched Safari again a few minutes later and all the cookies were back, even though the only site I went to was the Apple open page.
I have a Mac version 10.7.2 I have found that I have hundreds of duplicates of information on my mac.This I found out when undertaking a search with spotlight. what would be a safe utility to easily remove duplicates.Â
Info: Acrobat Connectnow, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Processer 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5
I'm running Lion V10.7.2 on my iMac and I'd like to modify trash.I'll like Trash to stop asking me if I'm sure I want to remove the contents of trash. Yes, I do and I don't want to have to click twice, I'm a big boy. You'd think you were running 'Windows'.Any way I can stop the O/S from asking me if I'm sure.
For an iMac 27" 3.06 GHZ (DDR3) late 2009 can I add a pair of 2x4GB RAM to the 2x2GB RAM that I already have installed (for a total of 12GB RAM)? They are matched pairs - I'm just not sure if each card has to be the same amount of RAM - in other words stick with 8GB or move up to 16GB.
I would like to remove an application from my profile that my sister has installed, i.e. when I press the "go to applications screen button", I don't want it to be in my grid of applications.Â
Just wondering is it possible to upgrade the 27" imac mid 2011 graphics card from 6970 to the 6990? If not is it possible to send it to apple techs to have this done as a paid service?
I videotaped a presentation - the speaker was using PP projector close to him (close to his lapel mike) - sound volume on my camera was quite low. Now I have buzz from the projector equally loud to his voice. Is there away I can remove the projector buzz?
I have been offered update on Adobe Reader appx 12 times now and it has been accepted and closed other programs to install. It 9.5.1 version. Now I have two pdf files on my desktop 28bea10-8739248572913388.pdf and a similar one which cannot be trashed or removed from the desktop. A sign comes up cannot be deleted therefore cannot be removed from the desktop.
I'm new to Apple. I have an iMac (fairly recent) - beats me if it is an "Intel" or a "PPC" .I have my camera attached via a cable and I want to disconnect safely.
I tried to send an email with several jpg attachments. I've watched the spinning ball for over an hour. I can find no way to stop the message from trying to send, nor can I delete it.Â
Every update that installs reports preblems with a series of lexmark and hp printer drivers. Most refer to "kext" can't be used. I have only one printer installed, an Epson model. How do I properly remove these problem drivers without creating more problems on the next install?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2010 version 8 GB memory