Intel Mac :: Application Indicator Lights Not Working Properly In OS X Lion 10.7.4?
May 12, 2012
I was opening apps today and realized that the indicator lights weren't activating. I am aware that they can be turned off, but I made sure they were on and I still have this issue. For example, here is a screenshot of my screen with Safari and Settings open, but with no indicator lights. All software is up-to-date and current.I have come to rely on these inducator lights to let me know what apps are running, and this problem is troubling to me.
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Jun 20, 2012
I have checked off this option in the Dock Preferences but the indicators still do not show. I cant tell what applications are running. Also, the option to quit a running application is not present from the Dock Options. MacBook Air, fully updated, running 10.7.4
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 2, 2009
anybody else have this problem? just got it in the mail today, everything is perfect except that the lights on the left side are not working. i don't know if there is a setting i have to turn on or something.
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Sep 16, 2009
I can't for the life of me find those dock indicator lights that are bright blue and shaped like power indicators, like the logo on the MBP power button.
I had them before and have been searching for an hour and cannot find them anywhere.
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Jun 21, 2012
I have a check mark in the box next to "Show indicator lights for open applications," yet lights do not appear when an application is open.
Info:Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Running the new 10.7
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Oct 19, 2010
I recently had issues regarding my display (June 2009 MBP 17") not dimming as the ambient lighting changed. The issue was only recent. I reset the SMC, and that has appeared to fix it.
However, I've noticed that the battery indicator lights do not fade after 5 seconds anymore and just turn straight off when the computer is open and on. When shut down or asleep, they behave as normal.
I reset the SMC again to ty and fix this but there was no change.
Now, I could be wrong, and maybe that's how it always was, but I do remember them fading no matter whether the computer was active or off.
Can anyone confirm this and if so, provide any possible fixes?
It's not a huge issue, just a minor annoyance now that I'm aware of it.
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Dec 6, 2008
I have a question on the charge indicator on my wife's G4. Her DC in-board was acting flaky where it would alternate between charging and not charging every 5 minutes. I searched the internet and determined it was the DC in-board and I bought the part and swapped it out myself. I just replaced that in her laptop and it now doesn't do that but I do have another question on the expected G4 behavior. When the battery is running low with the lid open and I plug in the power cord it will turn orange to indicate it is charging If I close the lid it stays orange and goes to sleep as expected. But if I then open the lid it will turn green for a couple minutes and then go to orange.
Shouldn't it stay orange the whole time no matter if I take it out of sleep mode or not? My Macbook Pro stays orange once it is charging and doesn't stop until it is fully charged. The reason it concerns me is I just replaced the battery on her laptop after the DC in-board issues described above. The constant charge/no charge made her battery only hold a 20 minute charge. It seems switching from charge to no-charge for the couple minutes after waking up would mess with the battery as well. I reset her Power Management Unit thinking that would clear things up maybe and had no effect. Can someone confirm if her computer if behaving as it should.
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Mar 29, 2010
I've already tried the "remove the battery and hold the power button down, then put the battery back in, etc." thing. Not working. My MacBook keeps saying my battery is not charging. If I press the button on my battery, all five green indicator lights come on, as if the battery is fully charged. When unplug the MacBook's power cord, the computer goes dead. This is a 2.4 Penryn black MacBook.
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Feb 10, 2012
Why can't find Battery indicator lights (side)? the manual shows they should be on the left side of laptop
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Jun 5, 2012
My macbook pro 13" Mid 2010 model will simply not turn on! I tried does SMC and PRAM but still no results. The Macbook gives me 3 green blinking lights on the battery indicator and nothing else. I already tried switching the ram for a dead or faulty ram but still nothing. Also the power adapter doesn't seem to want to work. When I plug it to the macbook, I can hear small sparks each time, looking at it, there are some black marks on both the charger and the mac. [URL]s
MacBook Pro
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May 18, 2012
In addition, I often shut down my APPs each day with the keyboard shortcut COMMAND-TAB.
HAS this happened to anybody else? Why?
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Apr 2, 2012
I have an early 2008 non-unibody MacBook Pro. For about a year now, the status of the battery has been "replace soon." I was still getting a pretty good amount of time off of one charge so I wasn't too worried. This past Saturday morning, I woke up, checked the battery indicator lights on my computer (it had been sleeping since the day before) and it said it had about 60% percent so I opened it. I was on the Internet for about 10 minutes before it shut off without warning.
It wouldn't turn back on when I pressed the power button, so I plugged it in and it turned back on. When I checked, the battery status was "replace now." After using it, I turned it back off and left for NYC for the weekend and didn't bring it with me. When I got home last night, I plugged it in and tried turning it on with no luck. The battery indicator light was flashing one light, so I just assumed it would need to charge for a bit before it would turn back on. After about two hours, when I went to bed, it still was flashing just one light. I kept it plugged in over night, and this morning when I checked it, the battery indicator lights showed that it was fully charged, but it still wouldn't turn on. I still kept it plugged in throughout the day just in case, but it still won't turn on even though all the lights are lit. Is the battery just showing me false information, or should I be worried about more than just the battery?
2008 MacBook pro
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Mar 21, 2012
i bought a new macbook pro last week and suddenly the battery isn't charging. I had it plugged in earlier today and i worked then i unplugged it and now it won't work. i changed the adapter from the extension to the regular and i changed power outlets.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 3, 2011
I just got a new Intel Core i7 Mac and installed MPlayer OSX Extended (Rev 13) on my computer. After installing it, it needed to "update it's font cache" and after doing this, it asked "whether or not to check for updates automatically". However, after I made my choice, the application unexpectedly quit. I tried doing this again several time to no avail. After resetting my computer again multiple times, and reinstalling the application, I finally got the MPlayer Rev 13 to open and play videos. Normally, when I open an application on the dock, the icon "jumps" and then the application opens. However, whenever I open the MPlayer app, it "jumps" and pauses and finishes the jump. Furthermore, whenever I try to go fullscreen (by clicking the screen twice), nothing happens. I have read online that there have been some cases where the borders blacken, but the video stays the same size, but in my case, nothing happens at all.
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Jun 14, 2012
mouse cursor not working properly, when i go to my hidden dock it will not appear unless i left click, and when i try and drag and drop whatever i pick up gets stuck to cursor and i have to power down, and when i go to the tool bar at top, and highlight a particular section the highlight does not follow my cursor nor will it change from file to edit to view etc. without me actually clicking each individual section, i have done 3 fresh installs, and run the boot cd live and still have the same problem running to boot cd live.
I have no idea what is causing this problem, i have run hardware test, both using memtest for mac and macs own internal test holding the D key down on boot, memtest ran with not errors, but the mac test came up with two seperate issues the first was using the quick test the second was using the extended test: 4MOT/1/ 40000003: HDD-1363 and the second was 4MOT/1/40000003: HDD-1429,Oh the machine is a intel based 20" imac, with the core 2 duo 2ghz processor, 2006 i believe and its running osx 10.5.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Mar 23, 2012
Whenever i click on an email on the web (like Craigslist), instead of opening mail (yes its running) it opens a new tab in chrome (i haven't messed w/ the chrome settings) and brings me to my email sign in. I have tried quitting and also restarting my computer.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), imac 17" 1.83GHz, 2GB RAM
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May 29, 2012
My Wireless mac keypad has stopped properly working. The keys sometime do not correspond to the result, or a a simultaneous duel actio, for example when the delete button is pressed the. Ursor does go backwards, but it also turns the sound up. The keyboard is properly connected to the computer, and the battery life is up in the nineties.
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Mar 24, 2012
Time Machine can not find a file that I deleted just a few days ago, which is very annoying, because I can find the file just fine when I open my external hard drive (my Time Machine backup drive) with the Finder and navigate to the exact date and location where the file was located when I deleted it.
Why is Time machine not working like it is supposed to?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 19, 2012
The search feature in Lion/Mail will not find names or words in the "Subject" category even when I know they exists. I use mail for my business and often need to find old emails from clients..... the new search feature in Lion does not work. How can Apple release a product with such a obvious flaw?
Other problems with mail..... • When I open mail no new mail will appear in my "in box" until I select another mail box like "trash" or "Sent".... then the new mail will appear. • The "Hide Mail" feature is greyed out when mail is open.... there's no way to hide mail. • The scroll down bar on the right side of the window is hidden until you drag the edge of the frame over to reveal it. • Windows are locked and can't be moved. I've been using Apple products from the earliest days in the 1980's and quite frankly have been shocked at some of the things Apple is screwing up these days. From the Final Cut Pro conversion to Final Cut X disaster that has sent thousands of professional editors running to other products, to these seemingly small but irritating flaws with the new software being released before these problems have been addressed. A search feature that does not work?
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Mar 20, 2012
I just bought a macbook pro last week. Since using lion, I have noticed a problem clicking. Such as opening folders, minimizing windows, clicking the back space button etc. I click on a few folders and they open, and then I try to click on another one and it refuses to open no matter how many times I click on it unless I unselect it and try again. It is not consistent to specific folders/icons, it just happens at random.
It is as if the OS is not registering clicks consistently, like it were a hardware problem. Also my right click malfunctions at times and will either not work or will behave like it is the left click and vice versa and takes awhile to regulate itself. Keep in mind I use both a wireless usb mouse and my trackpad and this is a problem I experience with both of them. I am using the latest version (10.7.3)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 21, 2010
My roommate spilled wd 40 on my keyboard and now some of the lights don't work. If I want to fix this issue, what do I have to replace. I searched threads and some people say just the keyboard and some people say keyboard and upper case. So what exactly do I need to replace?
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Apr 23, 2010
recently I've noticed that my task bar doesn't let me know what programs are running. For instance, normally when a program is open, there's a small white dot under the icon, meaning the program is open. Now that doesn't appear anymore. Can anyone explain how I can turn this option back on? I might have inadvertently shut it off somehow.
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Jan 15, 2009
I noticed a couple of days ago that my sleep indicator has stopped working. When I shut the lid the computer goes to sleep.... when i open it back up after 30 seconds or a minute msn tries to reconnect and i heard the cd make that little noise that it does... anyone know of anything i could try to make it work again?
This is my first mac, it's a Macbook Aluminum Unibody 13" 2.0GHz... this is the only problem I've encountered.... I know it's pretty minor, but I like things to work as they're supposed to, especially when they're this new.
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Mar 15, 2012
My iMac is making the most terrible noise when burning a disc, and after two or three tracks are burnt it gives me an error message and then will not burn anymore?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 13, 2012
All of a sudden I cannot connect to the internet. I use both Safari and Firefox and have not been having any problems. My machine tells me that it is connected to the ethernet and I have an IP address and everything else, but it just won't connect. I run diagnostics and the internet and server lights are yellow, not green. There are no proxy servers and I changed the firewall settings to allow all connections. Still doesn't work. My provider tole me to exchange the modem today and see if that works. They say they can see my computer but they can't communicate with it. Is there some hidden firewall somewhere in the OS.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), cable modem
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May 31, 2012
My iMac all of a sudden started to scroll down gray and then said I needed to restart. When I push the power button the screen lights up but the iMac just beeps. How do I start up?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
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Mar 13, 2012
my keyboard lights doesn't work!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 30, 2014
I just bought a brand new late 2013 iMac, upgraded the RAM, installed Yosemite Version 10.10.1, and have been working on it a bit over the last week, and I just noticed that the volume indicator that pops up when you change the volume has black corners that make it fully square instead of just the classic rounded corners.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jul 5, 2012
I installed a CDROM application on Leopard 10.6.8 which worked fine. I now try to install the same software on Lion 10.7.2 and it does not allow me to open the application. The content is fine, I think the issue lies with the installer?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jan 25, 2009
I've had my unibody 2.0 since November. It's always said 5 hours or so when i open it up fully charged. This week it's started fluctuating wildy. While typing this post it's gone from 3 hours 23 mins to 4 hours and five started at 2 it's up to 4...very odd. Any ideas on why this has started happening all of the sudden?
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