I have Mac bought 15 days before. Now my key board is not working. Its acting wierd, type numbers and than just dont type. Even USB key board is not working correctly. However the same key board works on other mac
I changed the batteries but it still didn't work. So I turned the batteries the other way, thinking maybe I put them in wrong, but it still does not work.
Info: iMac, iOS 5.0.1, Can't write in a box like this.
My keyboard is working fine but the 10 key attachment on the right hand side is not working. I have changed the batteries. When going into preferences, the iMac doesnt find either piece
In an attempt to improve the mac's performance I performed all of the actions described in the following article: 11 Ways to Optimize your Mac's Performance url... ). Basically, I cleaned up files and 'other' system preferences. Things seemed to be fine and the computer did run much better. However, after running Monolingual and deleting what I understood to be 'unnecessary' PowerPC files the standard USB keyboard is no longer working.I've tried to search for various remedies, but have come to a dead end. So I'm left with reinstalling the Snow Leopard OS (I think it is 10.6.8?) BUT I can't because it is asking to input the account password (which I know) to make the change and I can't figure how to do that when the keyboard not working.
Info: iMac5,2, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 17" 1.83 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
I have had an iMac since 2010 and everything has been great however recently my batteries needed changing in my wirless keyboard, when i chenged them all of a sudden two rows of letters would not work.all of the function buttons work fine as do the numbers and the line of letters with q,w,e,r,t however the row with a,s,d,f and z,x,c,v do not. (except for the capslock button)They keyboard has not been dropped i simply changed the batteries and they stopped working.I have tried hooking the keyboard up to my macbook pro and the same thing happens.as i am reluctant to drive an hour to my nearest apple store, for them just to tell me its broke and i need to pay £57 for a new one.
I was having trouble with apple wireless keyboard becasue it was not connecting to my imac (running on mac os x). it says "the pairing attempt attempt was inseccessful. make sure your device is in range of this computer, turned on and "discoverable" when ready click continue to try again.
My keyboard stopped working in Finder last week. I see a number of other discussions were going about this but either thier problem was not the same as mine or the solutions given were not available to me, such as rebooting from a disc.
My keyboard stopped working so I went to the apple store to replace it with another one. Now I am back home and the keys at the very top are not working correctly (volumn F12 shows the dashboard, F11 takes the screen up and away, F8 pause button shows spaces, etc.). What should I do to correct this problem - I assume I probably need to download some type of softwear but what? I have a Mac OS X Version 10.5.8 desktop - 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), new keyboard problems
I just purchased a new wired keyboard for imac and brightness and volume control keys not working . i have tried adjusting keyboard settings. I have software version 10.5.8. Do I need to upgrade software.
Recently the ALT +2 and ALT +3 functions (to insert the euro and hashtag symbols, respectively) have stopped working on my keyboard. I have looked into various preferences and settings but have been unable to sort this out.I'm on an iMac running Lion 10.7.3 and a wired Euro keyboard with keypad.Â
After the cat spilled a glass of water on my wireless keyboard I had to get a new one. I asked the folks at my local Apple store both over the phone and in person if the 10-key keyboard (non-wireless) they were going to sell me was compatible with Mac OS X version 10.5.8 (I think I'm Leopard) and they assured me it was. When I hit the volume keys, it initially used the assigned function of the F10, F11, and F12 keys (manipulated the windows and dashboard). I removed those key assignments through system preferences but now the volume keys do absolutely nothing. I tried looking for volume controls through the assignments but couldn't even find them to assign the F10, F11 and F12 keys to them.Â
I tried an SMC reset and all. It was working, system locked had to reboot, and then a looking for bluetooth keyboard dialouge came up on restart. I got out of that, worked with mouse for a while, then realized my usb keyboard was not working. I reset SMC, tried different USB ports, Everything.
Immediately press and hold the Option key. After a few seconds, the Startup Manager should appear. The Startup Manager scans for available available volumes. <- This doesn't work at all. I'm using apple wireless keyboard.
My bluetooth wirless keyboard suddenly stopped working. It started with the low battery alert, so I changed the batteries, however after replacing the batteries, it stopped working even though it says connected.
My iMac recently shows a "low battery" warning on the keyboard batteries.Â
The iMac's hard drive had just been fixed by a shop and the OS re-installed. To my surprise I didn't need to do anything to get it to recognize both bluetooth keyboard and mouse - it just worked! Wow.Â
Until yesterday. I took out the keyboard batteries, charged them, and put them back in. Â
Now I get the login prompt where I have to enter a password. The only problem is, I can't enter a password without a keyboard! And it doesn't recognize the keyboard. Â
I tested the keyboard with my MacBook Pro - it works just fine. So I believe that somehow the iMac thinks it's still paired with the keyboard, while the keyboard knows nothing about this. And between those two things it doesn't work.Â
I restarted multiple times, and tried to start from another partition by holding down option - the problem is the iMac doesn't recognize the keyboard at startup either.
My two-year-old daughter was messing with the keyboard on my iMac, and now the keys on the keyboard are not functioning as they were before. The delete key doesn't work, "a" types a symbol-topped "a" followed by the copyright symbol, etc...Â
I've restores the factory settings to the function keys in system preferences, but the problem persists.
I bought an iMac on dec, 2010 it came with snow leopard and a wired aluminum keyboard, everything was good until dec, 2011 when my keyboard suddenly stopped working, I took it to an apple store and they replaced it, everything was fine until last month when my new keyboard stopped working again.
I have an old macbook (1st gen of intel-based macbooks) and if I connect the keyboard to that macbook it works just fine, I have checked and all the USB ports on my iMac and they work but when I connect the keyboard it just doesn't recognizes it as a keyboard (or as anything because it doesn't show on system profiler). I have connected another keyboard I own (a logitech wireless one) and the imac recognizes it, I don't know what to do.
Btw, if I disconnect the keyboard for a day or two it works again when I connect it to the iMac, also If I use the USB ports attached to the keyboard I get an error that the USB is taking too much power and it shuts down (and then the keyboard stops working again on the iMac)
Yesterday I had a Leopard software update which included new keyboard firmware. I did the update and the keyboard continued to function normally. This AM I booted my MacBook Pro and discovered the keyboard no longer responds to inputs. However, the MB does responds to an external USB keyboard.
Now I don't know if I have a sudden hardware problem or the MB keyboard is not working as a result of the firmware update. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem? Can I go back to the earlier revision of the keyboard firmware?
Hmmm - while writing this I just realized I have a bootable image of my system made a few week back on an external drive - I'll have to try it.
So my friend was using his MacBook and went to do something else. He came back and the screen was black, he hit space and nothing, tried the trackpad and nothing. He restarted by holding the Power button, and it go to the log-in screen, but he can't type anything, or use the trackpad. He has tired restarting several times and no luck. He also tried an external Keyboard/Mouse and that didn't work.
He did plug in a Flash drive and the light turned on, so the USB ports are at least getting power, but nothing is working.
I'm yet to figure out a pattern, but my Macbook Pro's keyboard will just stop working for several minutes at a time at random points in time...Even if I hit caps or num lock, they don't turn green. Sometimes it'll just happen once every few hours, but I was in class the other day and it would work for a minute, then not work for a few, than work for another minute, etc.
during SW to my mini-mac wireless key board the keyboard stop responding. now i have left without an ability to work with my wireless keyboard. is there any why to reset the keyboard to default setting so it will come to live again..
I recently spilled a protein shake over my mb pro. It spilled on the right side, but I quickly cleaned it with a wet tissue and dried it up. The problem, now, is that the illuminated keyboard isn't working..only a few random keys are working and the rest aren't..
What should I do? I have a 1 year warranty left, but I'm not sure it'll be covered.
I just got a generic usb keyboard to use with my mbp as schoolwork is taking its toll on the keys and I wouldn't mind preserving it a little better. This keyboard is the dynex from bbuy that's labeled in windows crap but was cheap and works fine on the mac. Unfortunately, everytime the mbp comes out of sleep, the keyboard is unresponsive and i have to set it up again in settings.
Just hoping there's a simple fix and that it's not terminal
I just bought a new 2012 aluminum Wireless keyboard and the function keys do not work properly. I am currently running OS 1.5.8. I would expect most keys to match the icons on the keyboard. I do not want to upgrade to Snow Leopard or Lion. I have installed an aluminum keyboard upgrade 2.0 and this did not help. I just want the the keyboard functions to match the icons on the keyboard.. Volume up...volume down...