Intel Mac :: How To Turn Back On Bluetooth - Wireless Mouse / Keyboard Not Working
Apr 4, 2012I accidentally turn off bluetooth so my wireless mouse and keyboard didn't work, how to bring it back.
I accidentally turn off bluetooth so my wireless mouse and keyboard didn't work, how to bring it back.
I turned off the bluetooth function and my keyboard and mouse wont now work and I cant get back into the system - how do I reactivate without the use of the keyboard ?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
For some reason when i turned my imac on tonight my bluetooth is turned off and my wireless mouse is not recognized so i can't use it to turn my bluetooth back on. Not what do I do?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
my mouse has stopped working. How do I turn on mouse keys through my keyboard?
iPad, iOS 5.0.1
My bluetooth wirless keyboard suddenly stopped working. It started with the low battery alert, so I changed the batteries, however after replacing the batteries, it stopped working even though it says connected.
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
I was thinking of purchasing an Apple Wireless Keyboard, and an Apple Magic Mouse. I'm absolutely sure it'll be a wise investment, and an awesome Christmas gift. My current Mighty Mouse is quite horrible, I don't even have the ability to scroll up. Of course I don't bother to waste my time cleaning it. Oh well, they don't have a scroll bar for nothing.
The only problem is that I'm not sure if my Mac has the proper capabilities to enable usage for the wireless perpherials I'm planning to buy. This is somewhat how my Mac looks, though I'm running on Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 (I purchased the disk). I believe my computer has Bluetooth, there's an Icon for it in System Preferences. In my System Profiler, it also has a Bluetooth tab (here's the information is shows, I just cropped out some info. at the top, and my name).
How do I know if my Mac is set for these two items?Looking forward to your responses.
I installed Windows 7 on iMac 20 inch. All went smoothly and after lot of trail and errors, was able to recognize my apple wireless keyboard and mouse. All well till here. Now the problem is that these two devices keeps disconnecting very very often. For mouse, atleast i can move around and after few clicks, it starts working, but keyboard just doesn't work at all. I have to switch off the keyboard and then switch it back on to get it working for few more minutes. Is there a way I can resolve this? I've installed Bluetooth drivers from bootcamp 2.1 update for vista.
View 10 Replies View Relatedi woke up this morning and neither my mouse or keyboard will connect to my imac im now using a wireles mouse app on my ipod i tried restarting the computer but since doing that it says bluetooth not available.
when i click the bluetooth symbol in the top theres not even a bluetooth option in my system preferences folder.
Ever since I updated from 10.5.6 to 10.5.7, I'm now loosing my Apple wireless keyboard and mighty mouse bluetooth connection with my MacBook Pro. At least once a day, my keyboard and mouse both loose connection. There is no lag going on before it happens, it just happens suddenly. I can get connection back to both my mouse and keyboard by simply using the trackpad to turn bluetooth off then on again from the menu bar. Up until last week this was happening on my 17"/2.6GHz/4GB previous gen MacBook Pro. I have now sold that and as I'm sitting here setting up my new 17" uMBP, I just lost keyboard and mouse connection. Grrr. Obviously it's not my machine and obviously it's not my keyboard or mouse as they both loose connection at the same time - it's 10.5.7 I'm using airport wireless 'n' 5GHz only. I also have bluetooth enabled on my iPhone, but always have - and never had issues when running 10.5.6 (or earlier). I have searched here but haven't found anyone else mention this exact problem. Strange. I would have thought that it would be common now that I've experienced it with two MacBook Pro's running 10.5.7. Can I go back to 10.5.6 somehow without having to rebuild?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI just set up bootcamp on my iMac and windows is working great. The only problem is I cannot get back into OSX. I left my apple keyboard at home, and am now using a wireless logitech keyboard and mouse. When I boot up my computer, I hold down the windows key 'option' when the grey screen comes up, but the options of what to boot never comes up. What am I doing wrong? And if its because I need the apple keyboard, is there any workaround? I'll be stick in windows for weeks if thats the issue.
View 8 Replies View RelatedOk, My roomate just got an apple keyboard to use with his blackbook. Its the new bluetooth aluminum one, without the numberpad.When connected to his computer, it acts like a mouse.... The "i" key clicks, i think it was 'G' moves the cursor, and will no type at all. The 'F' keys work, volume up, down, play pause.... those work. It will even eject, but will not type.
The funny thing? It works fine with my aluminum macbook....Both are 10.5.6
My wireless mouse and wireless keyboard are not working... My bluetooth connection must have been lost, yet I can't do anything to fix it because I can't use keyboard or mouse.
Mac Pro
I loaded a linux iso on a usb. Loaded it on a reboot. It may have been corrupted or something, because it did not load correctly. I rebooted the computer again and now the bluetooth keyboard and mouse will not connect.
MacBook Pro, iOS 4.3.3, Application "TurboCollage"
I have changed both sets of batteries. Turned them off and back on multiple times. Only reason I am able to ask this question is because I'm using my phone. I need my computer back. No I don't have a wired mouse or keyboard laying around. The mouse isn't registering or moving on the screen. The keyboard was working until I tried turning it off and back on. Now nothing is working.
iMac (27-inch Late 2009)
I've had my imac for over a year and a half now with no troubles. But, the last couple of weeks my wireless keyboard has not been working. A message pops up saying that the connection has been lost. Then, the wired mouse moves around....but won't select or highlight anything...the 'click' doesn't work. Then all of a sudden everything goes back to normal.
View 2 Replies View Relatedmy wireless Apple Keyboard went from 43% to 19% battery life in one day ! IS this normal? Using it with my 27" iMAC and magic mouse.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
i have been using my wireless keyboard and mouse with no probs until today-installed updates this morning-since I restarted have been unable to use either device-have tried everything Apple suggests to do- re-pairing unsuccessfully; turned everything off and back on-sometimes the Bluetooth says it is connected, othertimes not-but even when it says it is connected the keyboard/mouse don't work; put in new batteries-no go also; bluetooth icon is on.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've shied away from wireless keyboards in the past because I do alot of online baking and investment activities from my computer. I also love a clean workspace and a wireless keyboard could remove yet another wire from my desk. Do you consider wireless and/or bluetooth keyboards safe?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy iMac recently shows a "low battery" warning on the keyboard batteries.Â
The iMac's hard drive had just been fixed by a shop and the OS re-installed. To my surprise I didn't need to do anything to get it to recognize both bluetooth keyboard and mouse - it just worked! Wow.Â
Until yesterday. I took out the keyboard batteries, charged them, and put them back in. Â
Now I get the login prompt where I have to enter a password. The only problem is, I can't enter a password without a keyboard! And it doesn't recognize the keyboard. Â
I tested the keyboard with my MacBook Pro - it works just fine. So I believe that somehow the iMac thinks it's still paired with the keyboard, while the keyboard knows nothing about this. And between those two things it doesn't work.Â
I restarted multiple times, and tried to start from another partition by holding down option - the problem is the iMac doesn't recognize the keyboard at startup either.
My wireless keyboard and sync connect when I turn the computer on and then daily it loses the sync after a period of sleep. The only way to reboot the computer is to hold down the power button, which I'm sure can't be good. It seemed to start after a recent upgrade. It had been working fine for 2 years and nothing I am aware of in the environment has changed with the exception of a new iphone.
I have fresh batteries in both latest update installed have no metal objects, wirless phone etc around the computer
Wireless mouse not working and batteries ok
Mac Pro
Just purchased a new iMac that came with a wireless keyboard. When I am working on accounting documents, I wish to use a numeric keyboard. The apple numeric keyboard I purchased does not seem to always work when I turn on my computer. It seems to only want to pick up the bluetooth keyboard. I have tried disconnecting the bluetooth keyboard but then it says "no keyboard found" even though I have the numeric keyboard plugged into the USB.
iMac, iOS 7.1.2
I changed the batteries but it still didn't work. So I turned the batteries the other way, thinking maybe I put them in wrong, but it still does not work.
iMac, iOS 5.0.1, Can't write in a box like this.
I just bought a new imac and keyboard is not working
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have had an iMac since 2010 and everything has been great however recently my batteries needed changing in my wirless keyboard, when i chenged them all of a sudden two rows of letters would not work.all of the function buttons work fine as do the numbers and the line of letters with q,w,e,r,t however the row with a,s,d,f and z,x,c,v do not. (except for the capslock button)They keyboard has not been dropped i simply changed the batteries and they stopped working.I have tried hooking the keyboard up to my macbook pro and the same thing i am reluctant to drive an hour to my nearest apple store, for them just to tell me its broke and i need to pay £57 for a new one.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was having trouble with apple wireless keyboard becasue it was not connecting to my imac (running on mac os x). it says "the pairing attempt attempt was inseccessful. make sure your device is in range of this computer, turned on and "discoverable" when ready click continue to try again.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I bought a new i7 iMac about two months ago and love it but the Bluetooth keyboard it came with recently started acting up. It randomly disconnects and when it does it will type whatever letter I last hit on the keyboard repeatly.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am having a very 'strange' variant of the bluetooth keyboard and mouse disconnects.
I use the new thin Apple wireless keyboard and wireless mighty mouse. I have the lates Mac Mini 2Ghz, 4 GB RAM, Leopard 10.5.6
While I use the computer it can occur that the mouse and keyboard suddenly stop responding. The battery charge is full on both of them and the Keyboard or Mouse Disconnected Dialoge does not appear.
Turning the keyboard or mouse off and on again does not fix this. However, if I hit the power-switch on the Mac Mini to bring it into sleep mode, I can then hit a key on the bluetooth keyboard to wake it again, and all is fine.
What could be the problem?
Btw: I have never had this problem with my Macbook Pro 2nd Gen (2.33 Ghz C2D), Leopard 10.5.6.
I've found many different explanations to why bluetooth on my Macbook would 'overheat' and then disconnect from all devices, only to show 'Bluetooth Not Responding'.
I was wondering if anyone has found a fix to this problem. I'm current on all updates running Snow Leopard. Normally, the bluetooth keyboard and mouse works for up to 5 minutes or so, but then loses its connection until it 'cools down' and then this process just repeats. The laptop is currently on a cooling fan and rarely needs the internal fan to even kick on so not sure what else to do.
Clicking with the left and right mouse buttons doesn't seem to be working properly. I first realised this when a message box warning me of low disk space popped up and I couldn't click on OK. Scrolling with the ball works, as does clicking with it. I restarted my iMac and removed the batteries from the mouse for a minute, but all that happened was that left and right clicks started acting like middle clicks. A wired mighty mouse works fine. I've tried cleaning it by turning it upside down and rubbing the ball on paper and a clean damp cloth, no change.
View 4 Replies View Related