Intel Mac :: Wired Aluminum Keyboard Not Working Running Snow Leopard
May 27, 2012
I bought an iMac on dec, 2010 it came with snow leopard and a wired aluminum keyboard, everything was good until dec, 2011 when my keyboard suddenly stopped working, I took it to an apple store and they replaced it, everything was fine until last month when my new keyboard stopped working again.
I have an old macbook (1st gen of intel-based macbooks) and if I connect the keyboard to that macbook it works just fine, I have checked and all the USB ports on my iMac and they work but when I connect the keyboard it just doesn't recognizes it as a keyboard (or as anything because it doesn't show on system profiler). I have connected another keyboard I own (a logitech wireless one) and the imac recognizes it, I don't know what to do.
Btw, if I disconnect the keyboard for a day or two it works again when I connect it to the iMac, also If I use the USB ports attached to the keyboard I get an error that the USB is taking too much power and it shuts down (and then the keyboard stops working again on the iMac)
My number pad hasn't been working lately. It looks like some kind of setting has taken effect and I'm not sure how to fix it. For example, my numbers are now directional movements for my cursor: 2 moves it down, 4 moves it left, 6 moves it right, 8 moves it up, and 1, 3, 7, and 9 move my cursor diagonally. My Logitech MX Laser mouse works fine but somehow clicking gets disabled. I have a feeling these problems are related somewhere.
In an attempt to improve the mac's performance I performed all of the actions described in the following article: 11 Ways to Optimize your Mac's Performance url... ). Basically, I cleaned up files and 'other' system preferences. Things seemed to be fine and the computer did run much better. However, after running Monolingual and deleting what I understood to be 'unnecessary' PowerPC files the standard USB keyboard is no longer working.I've tried to search for various remedies, but have come to a dead end. So I'm left with reinstalling the Snow Leopard OS (I think it is 10.6.8?) BUT I can't because it is asking to input the account password (which I know) to make the change and I can't figure how to do that when the keyboard not working.
Info: iMac5,2, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 17" 1.83 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
I've had my imac for over a year and a half now with no troubles. But, the last couple of weeks my wireless keyboard has not been working. A message pops up saying that the connection has been lost. Then, the wired mouse moves around....but won't select or highlight anything...the 'click' doesn't work. Then all of a sudden everything goes back to normal.
I've just got the Das Keyboard Ultimate Model S for my 2009 MacBook Pro, running Snow Leopard 10.6.8. I'm using the USB port to connect the keyboard, and the first time I plugged it in, the computer asked me to hit the first key to the right side of the left Shift key, which is pretty standard whenever a new keyboard is plugged into the Mac. It recognized it as a European ISO standard, which it is.
However since then my Mac no longer recognizes it as that kind of keyboard. When I go into the "Show Keyboard Viewer", the keyboard is recognized as a US Standard layout, and an Apple keyboard as well (meaning it doesn't "see" the numpad). You can see it's a US standard keyboard, as the Enter key is horizontal, and the left Shift key is wider. (the rest of the layout is Danish, which shouldn't matter in this case).
How do I tell my Mac that this isn't the correct keyboard? I've resetted the SMC, PRAM and NVRAM. I've tried to find and delete the file "" in my Library -> Preferences folder, but for some reason I don't have that file. I've plugged the keyboard into my iMac, running the same OS, and here the keyboard is recognized correctly, so it's not the keyboard that's faulty.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8), Das Keyboard Ultimate Model S
I just bought a new 2012 aluminum Wireless keyboard and the function keys do not work properly. I am currently running OS 1.5.8. I would expect most keys to match the icons on the keyboard. I do not want to upgrade to Snow Leopard or Lion. I have installed an aluminum keyboard upgrade 2.0 and this did not help. I just want the the keyboard functions to match the icons on the keyboard.. Volume up...volume down...
Installing 10.6 on my iMac has killed some basic system keyboard functions, including the arrow keys and all Command+ combos. It's the same on both the wired and BT keyboards.
A number of times now my Apple brand Wired Keyboard has droped out of control. The letter keys work fine, but things like enter, return, the volume keys and more everything in that line will not operate. OF course, then waking it up from sleep becomes a problem and to get that back or any of the usual control I need to restart.
Whilst working on my iMac as per normal, I get this little window that pops up declaring that a USB decice is drawing too much power from my computer and as as a result, one or more of my USB devices has been disabled.Â
This is not an alien dialogue box to me, I have seen it many times. The problem this time is that, when I removed all my devices to see which one was causing the message to pop up, I discovered that it was my keyboard that was misbehaving.Â
When the message pops up it states that the offending device has been disabled. This cannot be the case however, as I am able to press enter to close it, and if the keyboard truly is the problem then I shouldn't be able to close it with enter because it would have been disabled... right?Â
Wondering if anyone else has had this problem. My keyboard is the standard wired + number pad one shipped free with new iMacs. It's not a custom one, it's apple stock through and through. Â
The baffling thing is that this has only just occured. In the year or two since I bought my iMac it's never been a problem. Â
Yes I have tried using a different USB slot, and no that doesn't fix it. Â
This box keeps popping up unless I disconnect my keyboard which of course is no way to use the computer, and I don't have a spare keyboard handy.
I left my macbook pro open for along period of time, I am not sure if its as gone to"power save" mode. But it was not in sleep mode. After I open it some of the letters in my mac book pro is not working anymore. Num lock is not working, plus sign is not working, number six is not workingletter "y" "m" "h" is not working too
some keys on aluminum usb keyboard don't work.I cleaned the keys with a magic eraser, trying not to get any liquid into the keyboard.Now many keys don't work.
It looks like the surface of a few keys has been eaten away by acid, I can only imagine it has happened because my fingernails touch the keys through normal typing, but this is completely unavoidable unless I type like a one-fingered man. It mainly seems to happen on the A and S keys, this has happened on my white MacBook, Wireless Aluminium keyboard and Wired Aluminium keyboard, but as they are so expensive to replace I am not willing to buy a whole new keyboard for this. Also, one of my cmd keys has an odd stain on it, possibly from a crumb or droplet of orange juice which I'm sure I would have wiped off immediately, I wouldn't have expected plastic to stain so easily. Has anyone else found this with their Aluminium keyboard?Â
I suppose there's nothing much I can do to prevent it (I refuse to use a silicone cover), so my option appears to be just to replace those keys damaged through wear and tear however I can. Are the keys interchangeable between these three keyboards? (Wireless / Wired Aluminium, white 2008 MacBook Core2Duo) The main keys look the same apart from the bottom row on the Wired Aluminium keyboard which are a bit wider.
Recently installed Snow Leopard. Mail not working. Tried to update Mail but Destination Selection portion said, "Mail Update can't be installed on this disk. This volume does not meet the requirements for this update."
I've just bought a Mac mini to use as a media centre, and I picked up the Apple wireless keyboard and mouse while I was at it. It wasn't until I got home that I read the "requirements" section on the side of the mouse and keyboard boxes, where it states that an existing keyboard and mouse are needed for setup.
I have a USB mouse, but no keyboard (my other Mac is a MBP), and nowhere to borrow one from (all my friends have laptops).
My desk configuration for my imac includes a keyboard tray. I am contemplating just not using it, however it really does put the keyboard in a more natural place for me to sit correctly. If I want to use the wired keyboard though, I will obviously need some type of usb extension. I have read these came with the old keyboards, but they don't come with the new ones. Does anyone know where I can find one that is compatible with the aluminum keyboard? Would the extenders that came with the old Mac keyboards work (in case i can find one on ebay or something)?
Along with a first mac mouse, I am also looking to buy a keyboard for my MBP for use at home when connected to the 24" screen.
The big question is however, the small wireless or the fullsized wired apple keyboard?
Are therer any issues with the bluetooth connection? Like, does the MPB need to have booted completely before it is "active" or will it be active from the boot chime? (this could be usefull when needing to boot into bootcamp )
I just purchased a brand new wired keyboard from apple for my imac G5, I was told it would work with what i have running, leopard. I followed instructions, plugged in
and checked for upadates, there was none, but the volume button is not regonized, the volume button instread brings on gadgets, or make the gadgets leave, in other words, some keys work for something else, or not work at all.
"Photoshop CS" and "Acrobat 6.0 Standard" suddenly stopped working in my iMac, apparently after I upgraded it to MacOS 10.6.8 (the latest version of Snow Leopard). Both programs had worked normally until that OS upgrade. I deleted Photoshop CS and tried to re-install it from the original CD, but the installation never proceeds because I get an error message entitled: "Install Adobe Photoshop CS quit unexpectedly". This is the full error message:Â
Process:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â LaunchCFMApp [1516] Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Volumes/Adobe(R) Photoshop(R) CS/Adobe(R) Photoshop(R) CS/Install Adobe Photoshop Adobe Photoshop CS Identifier:Â Â Â Â Â com.MindVision.InstallerVISE
I've just purchased a wired Apple keyboard for my mac mini. I'm moving from el cheapo to the wired keyboard.Its nice, the keys are silent but the space bar produces a clunk sound when depressed.Is that normal? As the other keys are silent.
I want to get the apple wired keyboard (not the wireless), but I'm undecided on which version. Is the shorter wired version a lot more cramped than the longer one, in respect to the majorily used keys, or is the spacing the same between the characters for both keyboards. I never use a num pad normally and would like to free up a little space on my desk, but I'm worried that the rest of the keys will be more cramped and uncomfortable to type on.
I have a Macpro 1.1 running Lion 10.7.4 and I the apple wired keyboard with numeric keypad that isn't working. I am looking for the updated drivers to reinstall.