Intel Mac :: It Keeps Freezing Up And When Restart It Freezes Up Also?

Jun 25, 2012

it keeps freezing up and when restart it freezes up also

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: G4 Freezing About 15 Seconds After Each Restart

Sep 30, 2009

I just brought my computer from work to my home and now it's freezing. The G4 running osx 10.4.. freezes about 15 seconds after each restart. The screen is still active but mouse/keyboard is frozen. If it is kept on after a few minutes the computer starts to get very loud, with all the fans working overtime.

I've tried opening it and making sure everything is seated and plugged in well.
Tried different mouse and keyboard.
Tried running disk permissions.
Tried starting to run scripts but can't get to then before the comp freezes.
Tried safe mode but it still freezes too.

Any ideas or do i need to go back to the office and get the restore disk and start over reinstalling anything?

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Mac Book Air Keeps Freezing Freezes

May 5, 2012

whenever i try to change the wallpaper and i have to force shut down and it still doesnt work.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: IBook Keeps Freezing With Restart Screen

Sep 23, 2008

My friend has an iBook that keeps freezing. This startup screen appears every time. Though I have seen it before, it never reoccurred for me.

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MacBook Air :: Keeps Freezing And Asking To Hard Restart The Computer?

Jun 24, 2012

just bought a new macbook air and it keeps freezing on me and asking me to hard restart the computer

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X Yosemite :: IMac Keeps Freezing / Needing A Restart

Dec 4, 2014

My 2011 21.5 inch iMac keeps freezing.  Strangely, the trackpad works but nothing on the screen reacts to moving the cursor around or clicking anywhere. requiring a restart (using the power button on the back).   

When I then restart, I get an immediate error message saying "A graphics problem has been detected" and enables me to report the problem, which I do. 

However, this happens several times a day and only since an upgrade to Yosemite and I have tried a software update. 

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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MacBook Pro :: 13 Freezing Constantly - Freezes On Reboot?

Jul 24, 2009

Recently my 13 inch MBP has been freezing a lot. It seems similar to the 1.7 firmware problem many are reporting, but from what I can tell from their posts the freezing only lasts 15-30 seconds then they can work again. On my computer the freezing does not stop and I am forced to hold the power button to shutdown every time. When I attempt to reboot the computer after that I have to reset the PRAM every time.

I am using a 3rd party hard drive that worked fine up until a little less than a week ago, and also worked fine in my old plastic white macbook. When I put the stock hard drive back in it seems to work fine, but I admittedly haven't used it as extensively and not all of my apps are installed, but most of my freezing occurs in safari as well sometimes itunes.If anyone knows how to downgrade firmware back to 1.6 I would try that as well, but I am not sure if that is possible.

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OS X :: IMac Freezes On Restart

Jan 6, 2011

I have a 3.06 Intel Core 2 Duo iMac with Snow Leopard. It is completely up-to-date and has always ran beautifully. I have not installed any new programs lately. Recently, when I go to APPLE > Restart (maybe after an update or just because I like to restart my computer on occasion) the bar at the top disappears, my dock stays up on the screen, and the computer just sits there and freezes up on me. I am forced to hold down the button on the back to get my computer back. Here are the things I have tried:Re-install of the latest update using Combo Update Reset PRAM Repaired Permissions Booted from disk and ran a Repair Disk Complete zero-out of the HD, clean install of Snow Leopard, and reinstallation of everything from a Time Machine backup Nothing has worked...The other problem is that it only happens when my computer is on for several days. If I restart daily, it doesn't happen. So, it makes it hard for me to log-in as a different user for that long to initiate the problem. I think it has something to do with a program that I may open and close throughout the week but I have no way to pinpoint what program it is.

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MacBook :: Freezing At Random Intervals Forcing To Manually Restart

Feb 3, 2012

In the last few weeks my Macbook has started be begin freezing at seemingly random intervals. It is a 2008 Macbook, not a Macbook Pro or Macbook Air. At first this was only once a day, or once every other day, but it has gotten progressively worse. By today, I can't go more than 2 or 3 hours without it freezing, forcing me to manually restart the computer. The freezing is not application specific; once it freezes with one application, if I try to pull up anything on the menu bar, the menu bar proceeds to freeze. I haven't made any recent major changes to the computer, and it had been working perfectly fine before now. I'm working on scanning it in case it is a virus, but this is seeming increasingly unlikely.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Restart 15" Because Of Freezing For More Than 10 Minutes After Downloading A RAR File?

May 1, 2012

So I even followed some tips from a previous discussion up here somewhere in this forum and still haven't succeeded.... When I tried the Option key at the startup chime, I got an padlock icon and underneath it there was a box like to enter a pass code with an right arrow tab next to it...

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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MacBook Air :: Computer Freezes And Need To Restart

Jun 13, 2008

What does this error message mean? I have had my MBA since Feb, and never had this error. I get the error, in several languages, and the computer is frozen at that point. A restart gets me back up and running until it happens again, usually within; an hour or so. Always while using Safari.

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MacBook Pro :: Yosemite Freezes And Restart OS?

Dec 5, 2014

Before two weeks I have done a clean install of OS Yosemite in my MBP retina. 

But unfortunately I have noticed some bugs such as: 

- When I press Shut down the dock stays the half freezed, not completely disappeared and then the system shut down.

- Its a grey screen when I switch on from sleep

- It has completely freezed 3 times and restarts itself

- The wifi signal has been lost 2 times, in my home using my router wlan.

- The continuity doesn't work with my iPhone 6+.

- I don't know but I think that Mavericks were faster.. 

I have done PRAM and SMC reset but nothing. 

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10)

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MacBook :: Screen Freezes Up And Tells To Restart

Jun 12, 2009

every 10 minutes something popped up and froze saying that i have to restart my mac book. iz there a virus?? what shud i do so it wont pop up for me to restart every 10 minutes again?

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OS X :: Mac Freezes And Stuck On White Screen On Restart

Jan 2, 2010

I got my IMac 3 years ago just recently started running slower in the past couple months, nothing too bad though. However just yesterday it became unbearable to use. 10 min to start up, once it was on took forever to open up any files etc. So I did some research online and I decided my best option was to reinstall the OS with my startup disk. I did that and erased all my harddrive (nothing important on it.) After doing that it ran great like brand new. Today I turn it on, it continues to work great for a few hours then it freezes in me. I held down the power button to restart. Turned back on and it was stuck on the white apple startup screen. After 15 min I decided to power it off and let it rest a while. After resting it still won't start up.

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OS X :: MacBook Pro Screen Freaked Out - Freezes On Restart

Jun 26, 2010

Yesterday I was working away at it when suddenly the screen freaked out, there was blocks of color everywhere and the mouse was acting strange (jerky, up was down, down was up etc etc) I had to hold down power to repair it. When it started loading it froze the little circle in the middle stopped spinning and I had to restart it. Then the same thing happened again froze. So I started it in safe mode then restarted again. This time everything was back to normal. But today again I was just using the computer when everything went all glitchy again and same thing, this time when I went in safe mode the screen darkened and a box in the middle said something was wrong and to restart my computer.

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MacBook Pro :: Hot CPU Freezes Its Forcing Hard Restart

Jun 20, 2012

My MacBook Pro early 2011 13" freezes, requiring a hard restart when the CPU temperature stays in the 195 F (as measured by iStat nano) range for more than a few minutes.  The fans run appropriately.  I am running 16 GB of RAM, most of which is not being used during these 'hot' episodes (according to Activity Monitor).  Typically they happen when Mail is trying to connect to iCloud and can't seem to do it.  Then the spinning beach ball.  Can't force quit or restart from the Apple menu.  I'm using 10.7.4 on a dual core i7, 2.7 GHz unit.

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Speck clam shell translucent case

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MacBook :: Screen Goes Dark And Freezes And Makes Restart

Sep 8, 2010

While surfing the internet the screen goes dark and wont let me do anything but turn off. (see picture)

Anyone else had this issue? not the first time this has happened!

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IMac :: Freezes On Startup - Restart To Start Working

Mar 22, 2009

Almost every other day when I start up my iMac it freezes and I have to restart it to get it working. Can anyone offer me any advice on this?

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Restart - Freezes On Blank Desktop Background

May 20, 2010

I have a base 15" mbp 2010 model. I wanted to restart my laptop several times and this happened about twice now. I had to force shutdown by holding the power button, but this can't be healthy for it. Here's what happens, I go to apple>restart and then my desktop icons and taskbar, finder bar goes all away so that only my desktop background is showing, and it stays there. I can still move the cursor with my trackpad but me being new to macs, i don't know any keyboard shortcuts to bring up the activity monitor and stuff. Is something wrong with my macbook pro?

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MacBook :: Freezes At Restart - Unable To Insert Disc

Jun 30, 2010

I put in a cd that my computer was unable to read. I tried to eject it using disk utility but it failed. I read that another option was to restart the computer and hold down command, option, o, and f at the same time to open disk firmware to eject it. instead of actually working, my computer froze at the rstart screen, and i have no idea what to do - and i am unable to insert a disc.

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MacBook :: When Updating Software It Won't Restart And Screen Freezes

Apr 11, 2012

When ask to update software and click 'update all' and asked to restart laptop, the screen freezes and I had to force shutdown.

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Freezes With Msg Restart Computer By Pressing Power Button

Apr 8, 2009

I have a macbook pro, bought it May last year(2008). I don't know much about computers, but I loved the transition between pc and mac, had no trouble with it, loved to work with it, until now. I had noticed it became slower like 3 weeks ago, and a week ago, it started to freeze up on me followed by a message that said please restart your computer by pressing the power button and the screen becomes dark. When I try to restart it again, it takes a while because it shuts down again and again, until the 10th time it works. The store told me to clean intall, which I did yesterday, it seemed to have worked, it was faster for sure, but today it happened again, 3 times! Has this happened to anyone? Does somebody know what to do?

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OS X Yosemite :: IMac Retina Freezes And Restart Randomly On Clear System

Dec 2, 2014

my iMac random freeze and restart, on console i not see any message about kernel panic and etc system clear install ! what's happened ?   

log1  System Version: OS X 10.10.1 (14B25) 
Kernel Version: Darwin 14.0.0
Boot Mode: Normal
Model: iMac15,1
RAM details...[code]....

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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OS X Mavericks :: Frequent White Screen Crashes / Restart Freezes On IMac - 10.4.9

Aug 25, 2014

Since the last itunes update (May be a co incidence) , my 27" Mac keeps crashing with a white screen and flickering   It then wont restart most times, even when using boot up options such as option, Cmd P+R. even removing power!waiting and restarting etc on most restarts wont work its a white screen.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Windows On Mac :: Freezes - Black Screen When Request Restart From XP Side Of Boocamped Machine

Apr 8, 2008

Does anyone else consistently experience a black screen and 'nothing' when they request a restart from XP side of a boocamped machine, but not the OSX side?

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Intel Mac :: Keeps Freezing Up After Its Been 'sleeping'

Mar 14, 2012

The IMac is about 2 years old, we have Lion installed, use a trackpad.  Our mouse is sitting next to the trackpad, and until today, was not turned off. Would that have anything to do with it?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: It Is Freezing All Time

Mar 14, 2012

My mac is freezing all the time, how can I fix this?

Info:IMac, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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Intel Mac :: My Screen Keep Freezing

Apr 18, 2012

I am worried that my computer is heading for a crash. I bought it in January 2007 and it has served me well up until the last couple of months. The screen freezes more and more frequently. Although I have tried all three USB ports on the back, my wireless mouse freezes constantly.  (Yes, I have installed new batteries multiple times.) Sometimes there are very brief flashes of black behind whatever screen I'm working on.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Why Does It Keep Freezing/crashing

Apr 22, 2012

I've had my iMac since January 2011 and it has never had a problem, i've got the Apple care thing and tried ringing them but their offices are closed. Desperately need this fixed as i'm at uni and have deadlines in less than two weeks! Basically, my iMac started playing up yesterday, crashing and freezing, I thought nothing of it and reset it once or twice and it all seemed fine.Today I switched it on and it was fine until it crashed after a few minutes whilst using Safari.When I say crashed I mean the dock at the bottom wouldn't allow me to open any programmes and the top Apple menu won't allow me to click on anything IE Safari, File, View etc.I've restarted and shut down my computer many times, with difficulty - as stated I can't click on the Apple logo to switch it off. Based on google searches i've tried doing permission verify through disk utilities and repair disk permissions.I'm currently on the Mac and it's taken me 6 hours to get to this forum, register, and type this! Signs that it's going to crash or has crashed are the mouse really lagging, not being able to use the magic scroll, unresponsive buttons, unresponsive dock, and menu. Only things that will work when it crashes are the volume keys on my wireless keyboard, multi window button and brightness etc.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: It Keeps Freezing And Rebooting On Its Own

May 8, 2012

Yesterday my wife's iMac froze and she tried powering off manually by holding the power button down on the back of the machine. Then she tried to boot it back up and got the welcome screen but she couldn't select an account to login to. Tries restarting again and gets a blank blue screen. 

Call me out to take a look. 

Not knowing much, I googled some help sites and performed the following: 

SMC reset

PRAM reset

Verified disk permissions and repaired disk permissions

Boot from install disk (repaired permissions and verify disk) 

Restarted and everything seemed to be working fine. Until this afternoon. She was in the middle of an upload and the computer restarted itself. She's in the middle of the upload again (almost finished). But when it's finished, I'd like to troubleshoot this some more. 

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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