Intel Mac :: I3 Mid 2010 21,5 Turns On Periodically

Apr 18, 2012

I read a lot about that issue but I found replies about imacs that wont turn on. But my Imac after the problem, turned on one time.

My issue is that my imac was working like a charm. The day before yesterday, at night, i had an automatic update of firefox and after i switched it off normally.

The day after, at morning, I tried to turn it on but it was behaving like it was not attached to the electricity.

I started to read and I found all that solutions so I did the following:

1. Tried other cables (for power supply)

2. Tried other plugs (in different rooms)

3. Put out the ram sticks and cleaned with a blow dryer the sticks and the space inside the imac so the dust goes out.

4. Tried the reset of SMC with no success as it could not be turned on 

I tried everything and after I leaved the mac alone, (3-4 hours) and after i just clicked the button and it was on. I left it all night long switched on so that i save my data and I found it on, this morning. 

So this morning I did everything to reset the SMC. I put it in sleep mode, restart it, shut it down, put out the cable for 15 sec, put it back, wait 5 sec, but it wont turn on again. I know that there are a lot of responses for the same issue, but I didn't find one that the imac turns on periodically.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Mid 2010 Only Turns On If Connect Magsafe Charger?

Dec 9, 2014

My Macbook Pro (Mid 2010 model) will not turn on unless I connect the Magsafe charger into it. If my macbook is off, and I connect the charger - it will turn itself on without me having to press the power button? I am also stuck on 23% battery and under the battery icon it says 'Battery Not Charging'? I'm finding this weird because the battery is only about a year old.

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MacBook Pro :: Mid 2010 Had Accidental Liquid Spillage But Still Turns On But The Screen Is Black?

May 26, 2012

It was just an accidental liquid spill, but however my macbook pro has been acting up before all this mishap with the graphics. I thought is was just nothing so I didn't care to bring it to an apple store but when I had to bring it and check it out using the Nvidia video test it presumed a failed video card. The genuius said it will take 2 weeks to be fix until several days later I recieved a call saying it can not be fix due to a foreseen amount of liquid damage. I've spilt other liquid items but wiped it off the keyboard quickly and it still worked. I'm using my MBP right now with an external monitor, it still works fine but with the issue of the screen being pitch black.

MacBook Pro

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Intel Mac :: Its Running 10.6 Hangs Up Periodically?

May 17, 2012

The response to the mouse takes a couple seconds, itunes stops for a couple seconds then proceeds, usually where it left off. This does not happen regularly. Some days never. Sometimes several times an hour. I ran the hardware test on the OS disk. nothing.

Numbers 09, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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Intel Mac :: OS X Lion Hangs Periodically?

Jun 1, 2012

My iMac hangs periodically every time I use it.  It doesn't seem to show a discernable pattern with regard to activities I'd be performing when it hangs.  I could be browsing or checking/composing emails; or perhaps organizing files, iTunes, movies, etc. 

iMac would hang for a few seconds and it's not just the active app that hangs.  Everything is affected -- background apps, dock, menu bar, etc.  This would happen a few times each day.  I have 8GB of RAM installed and would usually maintain about 3.5 - 5.5 free RAM. I even stopped using Safari cuz it hogs too much RAM.   

P.S.  Mac hanged as I was about to click on the radio button for "Product - iMac" below.  Mac also hanged earlier which prompted me to send out this call for help....

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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Intel Mac :: Host Name Periodically Change?

Jun 4, 2012

Every now and then I get a message advising me that my host name has changed.  It actually remains the same but the numeral at the end changes to the next number.

AppleTV 2, Mac OS X (10.7.3), I have an o2 router

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MacBook Pro :: Turns On Will Not Boot - When Progress Bar Is Complete It Turns Off

Sep 11, 2014

My Mac pro will turn on. When the progress bar is finished filling in the mac turns off.

MacBook Pro

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac Turns Off By Itself / Does Not Want To Turns On Late

May 3, 2012

1.- The imac turned off by it self.

2.- I tried to turned on pressing the turn on/off button and it did not do anything.

3.- I disconected the computer form the wall and wait for some minutes, and it did no do anything.

4.- After about 20 minutes i tried again and turned on by pessing the on and off button.

5.- The imac turned off again and disconected form the wall and conected to another electrical contact at the wall, adn it did not turned on.  i wait for some minutes and turned on again, but after about five minutes it turned off again.

6.- I left the imac connected to the wall for a couple hours and i tried to turned onn by pessing the on/off button and it did not turned on.

7.- I left all night connected form the wall and tried to turn it on this morning and it did not turn on.

8.- This time, I only disconnected the imac cord form the back of the computer and left it for a couple of hours, then I concected and turned on

9.- All the times that the computer turned on it started like a restart and no announce or windows appear telling me about an error or something like that.

10.- One of the times I touched the computer at the back and felt it hot, not too hot, but I do not how normal is.

11.- I can feel some very, very little air at the back form the vent.

What do I hve to do? What kind of tests can I do to know if the computer's an is working ok?

iMac, iMac mid 2011

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Intel Mac :: Screen Just Turns Off?

May 23, 2012

I got home to find my mac was unresponsive. I thought it had fallen to sleep so i kept pressing keys on the keyboard and clicking the mouse. Nothing happened, I tried everything. So I turned it off by holding down the power button and turned it back on. But then 10 mins later while using it, the screen just instantly turned off! The iMac was still running, it even had the music still playing in the background from iTunes, but again it was unresponsive to my commands. After 1 minute the music turned into an awful static cry for help. So i turned it off. Here i am again on the Mac after turning it back on, but i'm scared it could just go again any second. 

iMac (20-inch Late 2006), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.16 Ghz, 3GB Ram, 256MB Gfx 1TB HD

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Intel Mac :: Wifi Randomly Turns Off?

Feb 23, 2012

my wifi randomly turns off on my IMac. I have 10.7.3 installed

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: It Keeps Asking For A Six Number Code Before It Turns On?

May 18, 2012

We bought a mac from eBay and my son had changed the log on but now it is asking for a six number code?

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Intel Mac :: 24" 2.93GHz Turns Off

May 22, 2012

My AppleCare just ran out a little while ago and now my iMac is starting to shut off. Usually, in iMovie and iPhoto but today if I plug a USB Memory stick in I lose connection to my Bluetooth devices. Yesterday, everytime I tried to open a .pdf file on the USB drive the computer would shut off. I am fairly certain it is the logic board? I wish this had happen a couple months ago then it would have still been covered.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: 27" Turns Off As If It Short-circuits?

Feb 9, 2012

I've only noticed this happening when I'm using Photoshop CS5... I have an iMac 27" with:  

Intel Core i5
2.8 GHz
16GB Memory 
(Mod identifier: iMac11,3) 

WHEN I USE PHOTOSHOP, and I use the free transform tool to enlarge (only when I enlarge) an image, the computer turns off completely, instantly without any warning. Just straight to 'OFF' mode. I have to start it again with the power button. No reports of unusual behaviour come up on the screen, it just shuts off as if there has been a power cut. Nothing else shuts off from the power supply, just the iMac so I know the problem is definitely internal (within the iMac).

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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Intel Mac :: Computer Sometimes Turns Off When Is Sleep Mode?

May 27, 2012

My computer sometimes turns off when in screensaver/ sleep mode. Then it doesn't want to turn back on. It eventually does. It's annoying!

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Intel Mac :: Turns On But Screen Stays Black ?

Jun 19, 2012

imac turns on but screen stays black ? i can hear it operating ...

imac 20" and macbook 13", Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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Intel Mac :: Turns On, Gets Half Way Through Booting Up, Then Just Stops?

Jun 30, 2012

my imac turns on, gets half way through booting up, then just stops.

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Intel Mac :: Screen Turns Gray And Computer Must Be Restarted

Feb 9, 2012

While working on the computer, sometimes the screen will turn gray (from top to bottom) and a message will appear saying the computer must be restarted.So far the local Apple store has not been able to find the problem. The last solution the store tried was to replace the Airport Card, but that didn't work. Computer was purchased in December 2011.

Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Intel Mac :: Fans Run At Full Speed After Computer Turns On

Apr 8, 2012

My Mac OS X  as soon as I turn it on the fan is running. I have already gone thru the reset SMC . Could I have too much stuff in it?

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4GB 1067

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Intel Mac :: 24" Always Turns Off At Grey Screen In Less Than A Minute, Can't Load Snow Leopard To New HDD

May 25, 2012

I put a new hard drive into my iMac 24". I could not install OS X because every time I turned the machine on it would shut down in less than a minute at the grey screen and Apple logo - whether the disk was in the slot or not. I finally was able to install Snow Leopard via firewire from a Macbook Pro. It runs fine - but I can only access the iMac Snow Leopard installation from the Macbook Pro. When I turn on the iMac, it still shuts down every time. The new drive was formatted with the Disk Utility as an external drive - since I couldn't get to it while it was in the iMac. My Snow Leopard disk was a full version, not an upgrade.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac (Intel) :: On Startup Apple Logo Briefly Turns Red With Dark Blue Background

Jun 23, 2014

I purchased a new late 2013 27 inch iMac 3.4Ghz i5. The only thing I did after pulling it out of the box was restore Time Machine from my previous iMac. On startup the machine boots as expected, but gets interrupted by the screen turning a dark blue, and the apple logo turning bright red, for about a second or so, then boots as normal, and opens Mavericks. I've spoken to Applecare - they suggested I re-install Mavericks, which I did. The problem is still there. I've done a hardware diagnostics test - no problems. Though I wonder if it could be a faulty graphics card? As far as I'm aware there are no other issues with the iMac. The machine is under warranty but would love to solve this if possible.

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OS X :: Does A Mac Need Tech Tool Periodically

Oct 28, 2010

I've had a Mac Pro for 2.5 years. I've never run diagnostics or de-fragged the HD like I did with my old G4. I called AppleCare to ask if I should do this periodically (I have the Tech Tool "light" disk that came w/Apple Care, and I often hear ads for $99 Tech Tool Pro).

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MacBook :: Time Changes Periodically - Log Onto OS X

Mar 2, 2010

I have a macbook unibody model which I recently installed windows 7 on via bootcamp. For some reason ever since then when I log onto OSX the time is changed, and I checked the settings on it, and set it manually, automatically but for some reason it still manages to change itself, even if I lock it from being able to make changes.

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Intel Mac :: Maxing Out Ram In Mid 2010 I7?

Apr 10, 2012

just deciding i'd liek to go for the full 16GB of ram in my imac. its a mid 2010 i7 2.8GHz quad core. what i'm wondering about is should i take it in, or is it that big of a deal to just do it myself? i've installed ram in my macbook before, but never not my imac. I have the stand 4GB in right now. and it's not quite as smooth as i'd like it to be.

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Intel Mac :: 2010 - Add Thunderbolt To It?

Jun 8, 2012

I made a bit of a stuff up and bought the wrong drive for a friends iMac.I incorrectly took his specification down as being a 2011 iMac when it was actually a 2010. This meant I specified a thunderbolt drive (Promise Pegasys R4) thinking the iMac has thunderbolt. I was wrong!! It only has mini display and Firewire 800.I see some thunder bolt to firewire docks are due out soon but is there a product that will allow me to add a thunderbolt interface to the iMac?Something along the lines of a PCI type card or a Firewire 800 to thunderbolt adapter? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 27"

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MacBook Pro :: Periodically Hangs On Bootup

Nov 28, 2010

Every once in a while, my mid-2010 15" i5 MBP sits at the greyish Apple logo screen, after the "bong," with the wheel spinning forever. If I shut down and reboot, I'm at a log-on screen in about 15 seconds (which is my typical boot time, as I have an SSD). This is my first Mac after a long time on PCs, so I've got no idea where to start. All the posts I've found by searching pertain to earlier model machines using HDDs where the user can't get a boot at all; I'm only seeing this weirdness periodically.

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Hardware :: MyBook HD Shutting Down Periodically

Apr 21, 2007

I have a Western Digital HD with a mac mini. Sometimes, after the Mybook is not used for a while, it will shut down, to the point that, only unplugging both the firewire AND power to the Mybook will restart it. How do I get this thing to reboot and show up on my desktop/finder again? It's quite frustrating w/ itunes, as the songs wont play at all if the HD shuts down.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Periodically Backup Contacts In It?

Jun 17, 2012

I would like to periodically backup my Contacts in my Macbook Air. How do I do it?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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OS X Mavericks :: Finder Freezing Periodically?

Jun 17, 2014

Running iMac 27" with Mavericks - running with all the latst updates. Iv noticed in the past 2 weeks or so - Everytime i open up a new finder window - it freezes and i get the beachball. All the other apps run fine no issues, but just with finder. However, when finder opens up - then everything works fine.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Goes Dark Periodically

Dec 12, 2014

My MacBook Pro's screen has been going black recently, sometimes is pops back up and sometimes I have to shut down and reboot. But while the screen is dark the computer seems to be functioning (music still playing, sounds from touching keys randomly in the dark) I recently upgraded to Yosemite - coincidence or is my 6-year old Macbook just getting on in years?  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mail 4.6

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MacBook Air :: 2010 From 13" 2010 And IPad Owner's Point Of View

Oct 26, 2010

I have an iPad 32GB WiFi and a MacBook Pro as well so I was trying very hard to justify myself in getting an 11" MBA but ending up talking myself out of it. The 13" MBP is perfect for my uses. It's already lightweight and portable as it is. After playing with the 11" in the Apple store, I was impressed on how light it was. This no doubt blows away any netbook or any notebook in it's weight class in terms of size and performance. However, the MBP's battery life, hard drive space, and processing power OUTWEIGHS the reasons of dumping my 13" MBP for the Air. Also, I have it hooked up to a 21.5 Inch HP monitor at home and it's good enough to use as a main computer at home, and light enough to take on the road.

If I needed to lookup something quickly in bed or around the house, that's where the iPad comes in. If I needed to send a quick e-mail, my HTC Evo is already great at doing that. If I didn't have a 13" MBP or even the iPad, I would have most likely went ahead and purchased the MBA. Just now at this point, spending another $1000+ or getting rid of my MBP doesn't make much sense... yet.

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