I recently tried to use my final cut express program and it would not open.I called Apple and I was told that it ran in my older iMac because I had Snow Leopard installed in it and I upgraded to Lion, now, my new iMac doesn't have Snow Leopard in it and Im out of luck. Not only do I like FCE, I learned to use it and I want to continue doing so, I bought it from the Apple store and later I also purchased the upgrade, can I have both OS's in my mac and choose the start up disk like I did iwth OS9 and OSX?
Currently I have an iMac 10.5.8 with an Intel Core 2 Duo and 2Go Ram. Since January I didn't had much system updates because my software is apparently too old ... And I am kind of paranoid about the Trojans that I might have because I use the old version plus Safari is getting blocked very often. So I decided to by first Snow Leopard and then Lion. The thing is that I live in Norway & I will have to use the Norwegian apple store to by those programs but my OS X is in French. So I was wondering if I will be able to choose my language or the whole system will be automatically in Norwegian? The second question is to know if it is difficult to upgrade? I am a Mac user because I don't have any clues about the computers and Mac is always working. I read some complaints from people who after installing Snow Leopard couldn't use properly their printers or other apps... Is there is something I (completely ignorant person) should be aware of before doing the upgrade? Â
I received the Snow Leopard upgrade disc from Apple. The instructions read to simply upgrade to SL version 10.6.8 after running the installation disc, and then to purchase the Lion upgrade from the Mac App. However, this SL version seems to be 10.5.8, and none of the 10.6.8 or lower updates will work. I found a 10.6.1, but that won't install either. They all say that I need OS 10.6 and I can't find it. I have a 2009 iMac with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor.
Info: iMac (20-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
After having reformated my HD, I want to set-up again the OS on a 2 years old MacBookPro, delivered then with start-up DVDs (Leopard or Snow Leopard). In between this Mac was upgraded to Lion. Can I use the original disks? Or do I have to use the hidden Lion partition?
Ive recently purchased an iPhone 4s and wish to use the iCloud.I found out i had to upgrade my iMac from Snow Leopard to Lion in order to connect via iCloud. But now i have purchased Lion, it wont allow me to install.Its showing a message of "Recovery system cannot be created" and i cant find any solutions. I have checked the system requirements and thats all fine.
I've been reading a lot on the process of downgrading from Lion to Snow Leopard. But it all seems a bit blurry as no actual facts are posted, and I couldn't find out if its only possible for machines that did not come with Lion pre-installed (mine did). I'm really keen on downgrading so I can get back to work. The compatibility with most of the audio plugins I use is not good, so I'd rather just keep working with the previous operating system. I have read a lot of the other threads on this matter, but the main point here is if it is possible to downgrade in a machine that came with Lion preinstalled. I've seen videos on how to do it, but they don't mention if it works on any Mac or only in those that, at some point, already had a version of Snow Leopard installed.
I have a new iMac and I want to transfer my Apple Mail from my older Mac Book Pro running Snow Leopard to it. I've zipped up the Mail folder that was under Library and I found out how to access the hidden Library on my iMac. I see mail has changed a bit in Lion and before I unzip my mail folder into /Library/Mail, I want to make sure I won't screw anything up.Â
I have iMac(intel) with lion installed. I created a new partition and I want to install snow leopard on it. can you please give step by step. I guess I have to go through Target mode by using another mac but just want to make sure if there is another way.
how can I run powerpc apps on lion so I dont have to install SL?
I need to install snow leopard on intel imac that is already running lion. I have created new partition and try to boot off of Install Disk 10.6.4 but it never completely comes up all the way to start install.
I have read on apple news that apple is offering free software upgrade for leopard to snow leopard.. is that true? I followed their link and nothing is available?
after entering the password to log in to my 2011 iMac, the screen turns blue and returns to the log in screen. I can log into alternate accounts okay.
We are using Mac OS X Version 10.3.9 with a 1.25 GHz PowerPC G4 here and cannot upload the latest version of Safari, Skype, Quicktime 7, and are having difficulties with an airline booking website - probably because of the above. Would like to upgrade to Snow Leopard but this OS want us to have an Intel processor (think?) so not exactly sure if this is possibly because of the version of Mac processor we have.
iChat is essential for its Screen Sharing capability. I presume that iMessage offers same. I am "stuck" on Snow Leopard because I have an important (and expensive) 4D application that runs PPC code. I would rather not move from Snow Leopard.
I'm trying to put Snow Leopard on a partition. I have Lion installed on my main disc and when I try to boot from the snow leopard disc I get the 3 beep sounds. I've done this before I just don't remember how. It won't let me boot from the partition.
Am updating my current IMac to Snow Leopard and have received all the parts to do it. Do I replace the current memory or do I simply add the two new memory cards to the computer.
I formatted my 8GB USB stick on my Mac Snow Leopard and initially decided to try a '35-Pass Erase' but, after seeing that it would take approximately ten hours to complete this I cancelled it. I was then presented with: 'The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer'. Now when I insert my USB stick the computer does not recognise it apart from in 'Disk Utility' and I am unable to successfully format or partition the drive. I have also attempted to insert the USB in another USB slot on my computer to see if this would make any difference but I was presented with the same problem.Â
I want to upgrade my iMac to Snow Leopard, can I use the (DVD-Mac OS X 10.6.3) that I got with my purchase of the 15" MacBook Pro that totally died, and upgrade the iMac from that DVD that came with the laptop ?
I'm thinking about splitting the cost of a family pack with a couple friends and want to know what you all think about running Snow Leopard on a 2.16 Intel Core Duo Macbook Pro with 2 GB of ram and 100 GB HD. Will it be run smoothly and correctly? Has anyone done this? Any info will be greatly appreciated!