Intel Mac :: Unable To Drag Or Place Files To My Desktop
May 17, 2012
Since reorganizing my file system. when I click the "desktop folder"a message comes up "There is no application set to open the document 'desktop'. Further I am not able to drag any files onto the actual desktop.
I'm getting my Mac in a week and I would like to know it I can drag files from my Leopard desktop to my Parallels desktop. All input is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I have a brand new MBP. I have a 1tb external drive with 250gb's of music. I have it attached to my mac via USB. I CANNOT GET ITUNES TO CREATE A NEW LIBRARY ON THE EXTERNAL DRIVE. I CANNOT DRAG AND DROP OR ADD FILE/FOLDER.
But get this, I hook it up to my old Dell and I can do whatever I want. I am friggin pissed that I spent all this money on Mac equip and can't get it going. You may have seen my other post where I posed my issue of: 1tb ethernet drive hooked to airport extreme. Above mentioned 1tb hooked up to back of it via usb. I am completely unable to copy, move, or add files using my mac. But guess what. my pc handles it easily and quickly.
I want to re-arrange files on my desktop. When I use 'drag & drop' the file I moved just snaps back to its original location. How do I get 'drag & drop' to work properly?
Ever since I have had my Mac, which I bought only in March, I've been totally baffled by the Stacks facility.
I put documents straight from the desktop onto a folder onto hard disc - it appears to have done this. I then check it a few days later - no document in folder and I then have to panickily check the Stacks to see if a copy is in there.
It usually is, so I then have to start again -drag doc onto desktop and then put it into folder and hope the darned thing stays in the folder this time.
I am trying to administer 3 PMG4's -quicksilver - I can access them via screen share etc...but cannot drag and drop files or folders not even into the public folders . All sharins turned on etc.
this seems like a great way to give aND GET HELP FOR MAC COMPUTERS.. my problem is i cannot drag icons and files on my ibook. and i already did the permissions stuff and restarted and pretrty much eevrything... i just wanted to know if anmyone had this problem and could help me.
i cannot reinstall os x because i do not have the CDS so any help would be awesome!!!...also i need to be able to drag stuff so i can put the files i download into my aps folder so i can open without the drag and drop i am pretty much if anyone can please help me it would be great!
I plugged my empty(4 GB) thumb drive into my mac and it wont let me drag files into it because there is not enough space, even though the thumdrive is empty!
They're still accessible through finder, but now I can't drag-and-drop anything (at all) to the desktop. It was fine a minute ago before I shut down and rebooted my laptop. Restarts and switching users does nothing. I'm using Mac OSX Lion 10.7.4.
I use the black macbook and I have several folders and files on my desktop. However, lately after I shutdown my macbook and start it again, all the folders and files on my desktop move and scatter. I want to keep them in the same order that I originally arranged. How do I keep them in the same place? Is it normal for them to move around after shutdown? I don't want to sort them out by name or date modified or anything like that. I just want to keep them in the same order that I put them.
My desktop icons keep moving after reboot to the right hand side and arranged by name. Now: I have tried resetting the the views options, changing the grid size, changing the icon size, repairing permissions in the disk utility. I have tried all these, with reboots in between and in differing orders.
So over the past few months I have noticed this small bug/glitch in iTunes... and it is very annoying.
I cannot drag songs from playlists into different order. iTunes just doesn't let me drag at all.
I have to quit iTunes, then restart it. It will work for one time, but as soon as I got back to "Library" and then try to go back and edit a playlist, I have to exit iTunes.
On my desktop I have 1 folder that contain completed projects as well as multiple folders to manage current projects I'm working on. Occassionally I also have files on the desktop that I am working on for the day. Whenever I arrange by name (or any other criteria) the files and folders on my desktop move all around. My completed folder is now mixed in with files I'm working on and my current projects folders are all over the placed depending on what I named them. I would like a way to pin certain folders to their place on the desktop (similar to how the hard drive icon is pinned), so when I arrange the desktop files by a certain criteria these "pinned" folders would not move.
I can't save files to my desktop. I have no problem saving the same file anywhere else. WHen I try through excel, for example, it tells me the file is read only. When I try to save it as a different file name, a pop up tells me I do not have permission to save to the desktop. The same issue occurs when I attempt to take a screen shot (default save to desktop)
so recently i began noticing, I can't drag music, movies, etc files form ituens to my desktop if i just want a copy of them on the desktop.. I figured it just itunes bug that will fix it self on restart.. However then I noticed i can't drag downloaded files from safari's download tab on top right... Before i used to open a tab and drag files to the desktop form the tab, now same thing as in itunes.. Wont do it.. I can copy stuff on a finder level but it doesn't work from an app to a desktop/finder level.. Same thing with iphoto as well..
Since I downloaded Lion I cant drag items on the desk top, piccys can be draged from iphoto onto desktop but once their cant be moved, also cant drag downloads into applications folder
Last time when I was login my system, the password will not eccepted. So several time try to enter the correct password, even not eccepted but the messege came you cannot login at this time.So I reinstall my system in archive option after instalation.I restart my system but unfortunately my Hard Disk & Files are not apearing in desktop.
So I know this problem has been posted before, but I haven?t found a solid answer. When I drag music from a folder to iTunes, the green plus shows up but iTunes doesn?t do anything. It doesn?t import or even play the songs (when I double click them). I have write access to Music and Music/iTunes.
Both the silverlight and Adobe reader icon stays on my desktop after I have installed. I can move the "dmg" icon to the application folder, but the other 2 icons will not stay in the applications folder when I try to drag.
Yesterday I found that I can't drag and drop any files on my desktop. I get the white circle with a line through it when I try to drag anything. I can drag off of my desktop to my HD and to the trash but I can't drag anything back. I've read all of the previous threads about it and have tried all of the poetntail fixes including: Creating a new user account and switching back and forth
Sleep / Wake
Relaunching Finder
Checking the Dragging option in Universal Access
Checking all of my settings in preferences
(I don't have Air Display, Airparrot or any of the other listed problematic 3rd party programs)I even reinstalled Lion and the problem still exists?
I have created a ringtone and is held on my desktop, the instructions I have is too left click and hold to drag it back onto your iTunes program but when I do this it is not being displayed on my iTunes program.Is there a solution for the Drag And Drop function.
I have just purchased my first mac! A refurbed iMac! and I now want to move my music files across onto it. I am very pedantic and would like my HD to be as tidy as possible. My question is: Where should I place my Music Files on the HD?
1.) Should I create a music folder within the HD Music Folder and allow iTunes to copy/duplicate the files into the iTunes Folder? (Selecting the options via iTunes Preferences). 2.) Transfer the music files directly into the iTunes Folder?
Or something else? What method do you guys use to store your music files on the HD? I intend to have some sub folders within the main folder to separate Albums and individual artists or tracks I have downloaded in the past etc. Finally, If I use the "Keep iTunes Music folder organized" option, will my tracks be renamed? As I intend to name/keep files names in a format I prefer.
I am unable to remove the following icons from my desktop; Keys, iChat, Console, Activity Monitor. Looking for an explanation as to why this can not be done by dragging and dropping on the desktop.