Intel Mac :: System Hangs When Accessing Folders On Second Drive
Apr 11, 2012
I have a mid 2011 iMac with a primary SSD drive (256GB) and a secondary ATA drive (1TB).I have created several folders and sub folders for photos on the secondary ATA drive for safe keeping before burning to a DVD.However lately when I try to access these folders on the ATA drive the finder window is not showing these sub folders I have created and stored several photos in.And I get the spinning pinwheel of color as the system freezes up.
Every time I try to access my users & groups it crashes my system prefs. I can't get to them at all to change anything. Similarly, trying to adjust parental controls for one of my kids crashes system prefs - it seems they are related... 10.7 Intel iMac.
I have a 13" mid 2009 MBP and due to issues with the superdrive I decided to buy the OWC data doubler kit and install it with a 120GB SSD from them. I also upgraded to 8GB RAM at the time but I do not believe that has anything to do with this. After I did this, my original HD freaked out and wouldn't even show up in target disk mode. Eventually I made a clone of the Snow Leopard install disks onto a USB stick using a friend's laptop and installed OSX fresh onto the SSD. Luckily I had a backup of everything so I have not lost anything. Even with the fresh install, however, I am having a lot of issues with the OS. When I try to boot the machine, it often takes 3, 4 or even 5 times to boot normally. As far as I remember, booting into safe mode works right away but that is obviously not a solution. Usually it starts by hanging at a blue screen once or twice, then I can get to the login screen but it is either kind of grayed out or it just freezes and I can't even move the mouse to type in my password. When I do safe mode it boots up without this issue, but even after that I often see the computer freeze up during use, which happened the first time I wrote this post. This problem also occurs when waking up from sleep. If the laptop goes to sleep by itself or I close it, I have to power cycle it to return to use. The keyboard will light up, but the screen never comes on so there is no way for me to log in. These issues are extremely frustrating and make me feel dumb for doing this in the first place, considering that everything worked ok before(minus the superdrive). Has anyone seen these issues before? Resetting PRAM and booting into single user mode are not helpful, I have tried them many, many times and I see the same issues. I saw somewhere else that I should try to remove the fonts, startup items, and loginwindow.plist files/folders and put them on the desktop, but even after doing that the issues persist.
is there a way to keep the menu bar open always, without altering system codes or erasing system folders? when anything is in full screen, it disappears and I want to see the clock.
Been having a problem with my MBP recently, it's the 2008 model btw. This happens like 3 or 4 times a day it usually starts with me trying to change spaces and nothing happening, and the dock won't pop up when I mouse over the bottom. After doing this for say 30 seconds or so the active app will freeze too. I'll still be able to move my mouse it becomes unresponsive. iStat menus tells me that the hard drive is reading and writing at like 5 or 6 Mbps, and the the dock is taking up 200 or Mbs of memory. all the while nothing is happening. after a minute or two it come back slowly like I'll be able to scroll very jumpily for a bit and then the dock'll pop up and I'll whizz round the spaces I keyed in etc.
This is starting to get really annoying, I've tried resetting PRAM and the SMC thing (or whatever they are, the things you do when you turn the laptop off) and repaired the permissions etc. The only thing I can think of doing is a complete reinstall, but that takes a fair amount of effort so I was wondering if you guys had any ideas what's going on. On a separate note my laptop also does this weird sleep thing when I close the lid, it goes to sleep, then comes on again and there's HD activity and then goes to sleep again and so on and so on. This is pretty irritating because the laptop's roasting hot if you leave it like this for a while and it drains the battery. Meaning I've got to shut it down completely if I want to put it in a bag to go somewhere.
So I turned on my computers guest account today and while logged onto my username I tried to access the Guest's desktop folder. I was able to open the home folder but it said I was denied access to all the folders inside it, though I'm an administrator. It seems if I hit get info and add myself to the access list I can get into a folder, but is there a simpler way?
I'm trying to delete a bunch of unwanted files that take up a lot of space, and I'm finding this file that is 2 gigs, which labeled: private/var/vm/sleepimage, but I can't access the file or delete it. (I'm using a program called GrandPerspective which visually represents how memory is being used).
I am near the end of an extensive editing project in FCS 2 and I am having problems with the system hanging up constantly. I have 8gb of ram (the max for my machine) and my main internal drive is a 250 gb HD. I'm wondering if I can backup & delete files from my main drive to free up space and hopefully improve performance, and if it will cause any problems.
I plan to backup the Soundtrack Pro Loops to an external drive, which will free up about 21gb of space. Is there anything else that's safe to do this with (if this process is safe, that is.)? Can I also backup the "Previous systems" folder & delete it from my main drive?
After updating my Macbook to 10.10.1, My Windows 7 machine can't log in to the shared folders.
I keep getting an error: " Log in failure: unknowing username or bad password "Â
No settings have been changed on my Windows Machine and everything was working fine till updating my Macbook to 10.10.1Â
However my Macbook can still connect to the shared folders on my Windows 7 Machine.... Also I have checked the LmCompatibilityLevel on Windows and all seems okay.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Mid 2012
I've been reading this site for a while now, first time I'm posting. I recently purchased 8 GB of RAM for my 2010 13" MBP. There are two 4 GB DDR3 PC3-10500 1333mhz sticks. When I install them in the laptop my computer does not get past the apple logo boot screen (the spinning disc freezes). However, I can boot into Windows (boot camp) without issues.
Also, when I pair either of the 4 GB sticks with one of my old 2 GB stock sticks the laptop boots up fine in OS X. The system profiler registers it as 6 GB of 1067 mhz RAM (the stock sticks are 1067 mhz)
7200rpm SATA disk (custom config when ordered uMBP) keeps stalling (beach ball) every so often. I used Disk Utility on my uMBP and it was corrupted so I repaired it and my system still hangs every 15-20 minutes. It does this no matter if I'm launching an app or just doing nothing. So I formatted my drive and reinstalled OSX Snow Leopard. It seemed fine but now it's doing it again. Using Disk Utility shows nothing wrong with the drive this time. I'm still under warranty but I don't want the downtime of taking this in.
I moved from MobileMe to iCloud on 2/27/12. My MobileMe preferences displayed a message reading: "Finishing move to iCloud ..." Seven hours later it was still there and I was unable to quit system preferences. I force quit System Preferences and am not sure whether there is going to be a problem. Has anyone who experienced this hanging of MobileMe preferences when moving to iCloud found there to be a problem using iCloud after force quitting?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MBP 13" i7 Early 2011
My safari v 5.1.7 hangs while trying to open iys homepage (ie. Yahoo) after a system update. Currently system version is 10.6.8 I have tried various methods such as emptying cache, reset safari and update DNS Servers in the Network. And none works. Â
After updating the system wants to restart but hangs on the Restarting screen since about 10' - writing on iPad. I couldn't find other topics so I post mine. Will do a hard shutdown and restart. In some minutes.
I just used Senuti to transfer songs, I tried to close it but it looks like it's frozen. I can't turn my computer off or actually open the Senuti window through the dock but I can see it when I minimize Safari. How can I close Senuti seeing as I can't actually click anything on it (the red X in the corner isn't there, just a circle)?
I booted the machine like it said, and heard some beeps - didn't think much of it, but then it just went to the grey screen with Apple logo and the loader, and hangs there.ow what I can do to solve this, is there a key combination that can reset something or an restore EFI file
A few months ago I had a problem with my Macbook Pro, (late 2009 model, 15" 2.53 ghz) that many users with Snow Leopard have, the random 30 second freezes. I simply reset the PRAM and SMC and I never encountered it again. Now, out of the blue, on Sunday (yesterday), I started experiencing these hangs again, but worse. The night before I had been browsing the web and my battery went to reserve and shut down, so I plugged it in and when I awoke and turned it on I started experiencing problems. I figured I would try the same fix, and it almost seemed to make the problem worse. Now if I shut down the computer via "apple -> shut down", then turn it back on and log in etc., from the first few seconds the machine hangs. If I open a folder I get the immediate beach-ball and the machine is un-responsive for anywhere from 1 minute - 5+ minutes.
I have read a lot of fixes for this problem, but most of the people's problems resulted from using Safari or Spotlight. I strictly use Firefox and very rarely even open Safari, and I think I've used Spotlight maybe 3 times total, none in the past few months. So far the things I've tried are:
- Reset PRAM - Reset SMC - Run Disc Utility and verify, repair etc. (from SL install disc)
So I'm wondering right now what can I do? Its finals week right now and im in college so wiping my HD is not an option. I feel like there is just something hanging the computer but I can't find the culprit.
I have a mac pro running leopard (purchased in 2/08) and it was running beautifully for almost 2 months with no hangs, crashes or freezes. Then, for some reason, today when I turned it on, it would not boot. It would get to the apple logo, then just sit there for a few minutes, then reboot itself and the same thing would happen. I pulled out the ethernet cable, unplugged all usb except keyboard/mouse and it would then (sometimes) boot into the system, log me in and present me with the UI.
I then quickly performed a soft reboot and it would get to the desktop. However, I can only use it for anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes before it would completely lockup. The clock freezes, the mouse freezes and it just sits there forever. I have tried booting into Vista (BootCamp) and it also freezes before startup is complete. If I hold down Option and then select the System disk, it will either just hang forever or get to the desktop and then freeze again....................
i added a newer dvd-r drive today and used the original one as a back up when i press the eject button, the top one opens. how do i access the 2nd optical drive?
My 1st gen mac pro's radion 1900 is getting really bad - pixels /lines / system hangs etc.... I was going to update the card a couple of months back to an 8800gt - but you can't get them on the store anymore! have a spare 8800gt kicking around!
FCT Some Motion and color CS3 Logic Pro
I want also to be reasonably confident that the new card will work in Snow Leopard.
Macbook Air, Rev A. Worked like a charm for 1.5 years.Upgraded to a Rev c SSD and gave the Rev A to the wife.She installed NOTHING.Within a few weeks it started running VERY slow. I'm talking 2 minutes of beach ball per click.I use Disk Utility to check the drive. No problems of any kind.
Rebooting would take -- and I'm not exaggerating -- over an hour. First it would sit with a grey screen for 5 minutes. Then with an apple logo for 10 more. Then with the little spinning circle for 30. Then the desktop background would show up and sit for 20 minutes, etc.
Was gonna upgrade to Snow Leopard so what the heck, backed it all up and installed Snow Leopard. To my surprise, it instaled Snow Leopard on top of the old OS -- it kept all the files around so no need to restore from backup.
Speed problem SOLVED!Then a few weeks later the same problems.This time I check the drive AND run the hardware test. No problems.I ERASED the entire drive. I installed Snow Leopard.All is good for a few weeks.Then the problem came back a 3rd time.
I go to reinstall a 3rd time and Snow Leopard doesn't even acknowledge that there's a hard drive in the machine! And when I look in system profiler it says there's no drive of any sort. Yet it will reboot and run... just VERRRRRYYYY slowly.
I'm ready to replace the drive with a Runcore SSD or some such other device but I want to be sure the problem is the drive and not some other aspect of the hardware (motherboard, RAM, etc.)Anyone ever seen this? Anyone have any ideas as to how to investigate, solve, conquer, save myself from madness??
I recently got a MacBook to replace my Toshiba WinXP machine. I use a Mini with 3 external drives as a server, to which the laptop is backed up. The drives are accessed using Sharepoints. With XP I had no problems backing up and accessing the files as needed. With the MacBook I bumped into a variety of permission errors when I tried to access the files from the server. I finally checked "Ignore Ownership" and that seems to have made the files available, but I still get the do not enter icon on the directories. Clicking on the directory allows it to open, but it is annoying. My wife has the same problem, first with her ibook and now with her new MacBook. It causes problems with certain applications, as well.
Anticipating the delivery of a G5 tomorrow and it has a clean drive fitted apart from o/s but all my project images are on a tb drive on a pc, do these need copying over to the G5 or can I fit the drive as a slave into the G5 and will the images show up in the mac browser? Or am I expecting too much?
I have my time capsule setup (green light and all). I can backup to it. I can access it and its folders from my new MBP. I can run the windows (and/or apple) Airport Utility and see and configure the TC within the utility but I cannot access it like a network drive on the XP box. I thought I saw somewhere to enter a workgroup name for PC networks but can't find it now.
I have a 1.5TB Iomega USB Hard Drive and I would like to have my entire computer backed up on it and accessible whenever I need it.
My MacBook Pro's internal Hard Drive is 250GB but I have my iPhoto/iMovie Events/iMovie Projects stored on external drives to free up space/speed.
How can I setup my Iomega wirelessly to store all of my iPhoto/iMovie/etc and make it accessible wherever I am in the world?
I currently have it setup as an Airport Drive, But I think I can only access it when I'm on my local network?
I also backup my computer via SuperDuper.
I'd like to be able to boot up from it if I needed too, Incase my internal hard drive failed. (This may have something to do with 'Startup Disk>Network Startup Disk')
My Macbook crashed recently and it just tells me to turn it off when I start it. I've exhausted all the recommended options in the manual (default settings, etc.) and unfortunately, I'm missing the first one of the Tiger installation/restoration discs . Is there any way I can access the files I need to back up using Carbon Copy Cloner on an external hard driver (which in this case would be an ipod)? It seems to think you can, but nothing on their web site seems especially clear in this. Also - I don't have access to a Mac right now, so presumably I won't be able to unpack the files the CCC DMG on Ubuntu or the ipod - not sure whether that matters or not.
So a friends girlfriend tossed, as in threw, her older ibook g4. You ask why? Well she was mad at it so she punched the screen and it cracked, so she gave it a quick toss because the screen cracked. So I get to be the one to try to salvage the harddrive. I have the ibook torn apart, my macbook, a macmini and an external usb IDE harddrive enclosure at my disposal.
So I tried to target it through my macbook by holding down T and booting up the ibook. Hard drive clicks and spins, but nothing mounts on my macbook. So I bought an external USB for the ibook harddrive. My macbook won't see it when connected. So does this mean a bad drive? Do the older drives have to be connected by firewire?
I have an iMac G5 with a broken graphics card. As a result it won't get past the start up screen when booting. I have a new mac on the way, but I'm wondering what would be the easiest/cheapest way to access my files on the old iMac.
I've read about taking the HD out and using a SATA/USB connector to attach it to the new computer as an external HD. Is that my best option, or is there a way to boot the iMac and just access the HD via the iMac's firewire/usb ports.
I've run the CD diagnostic tests and it says everything is fine, except the graphics card.
I've got Win7 loaded as a vm via Fusion (not bootcamped). And I'm trying to figure out a way to get it "see" a real NTFS hard drive partition? Any ideas?