Intel Mac :: Preview Error Message <doc> "can Not Be Saved Because It Does Not Exist"
May 10, 2012
I have had a long standing problem with Preview. I know it is odd but around closing time every day, two of my computers both running 10.6.8 get error message when trying to save a new document. The document will be open on my screen and when I go to save it I get the error message that the file can not be saved because it does not exist. Some background that may be relevent:
The documents that I create all day long (for at least 6 years) are output from a 4D database. I generate a report from the db and it opens in Preview as a PDF file. All day long I have no issues with creating and saving these docs. Then around 4-4:30 when many people are getting ready to leave two of our computers (one iMac 3.06GHz Intel Core i3 and an older macMini) have this problem. All you have to do to fix it is quit Preview and regen the doc. Unfortunately we often lose a lot of work because of it. I've tried anticipating when it will happen and restart Preview before creating the new doc but that only works occasionally.
I suspect that it has something to do with people logging out (I am usually the last to leave) and perhaps some shared application is effected. Everyone does have their own copy of Preview and we all use separate 4D clients. I have searched the internet many times. I have found some similar problems that people have had with this error but not related to my own. Unfortunately both Preview and "the file can not be saved because it does not exist" are very general terms that bring up all kinds of unrelated things.
I was going to try to delete the Preview Prefs file and start again but I can not find a plist for preview or any other file that is clearly the prefs. Searched the internet for that too but did not find it.
Whenever I try to open a file associated with Preview by double-clicking the file I get the following error message...
If I open Preview first and then open the same file from within Preview it works fine. I've tried going into Info for various filetypes and changing the "Open with:" value to change it to something else then change it back to Preview but that doesn't change the behavior. As you can see in the error message it says "Acorn created this file on August 27, 2014"... what that means. I tried deleting the Acorn app but get the same error message..
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I have a macbook and trying to connect to the server at work which is a windows machine. I can connect to the wireless fine. They had said if I'm able to use wireless then I should be able to connect to the server. When I click on it, it always says There was a problem connecting to the server. The server may not exist or it is unavailable at this time. Check the server name or IP address, check your network connection, and then try again.
after installing the latest itunes update march 8th 2012 an error started to show that said error saving itunes library cannot be saved error (-54) or something like using OSX Lion
I get following message on launch of iMovie. I have re-installed iMovie but problem persists: "The QuickTime components necessary to view, edit, import, and export several kinds of movies are not installed. These components are included with the iMovie installer; please re-install."
I have an iMac running Snow Leopard. I did a clean install.
Afterwards, I tried to install the Applications Install DVD, it opend the DVD, after I select the icon, Ireceive an error message that the install failed.
On restarting my iMac I get this message "Your Mac OS X startup disk has no more space available for application memory. To avoid problems with your computer, quit any applications you are not using, Closing windows and removing files from your startup disk will also help."
I have a 1 tb drive with over 400 gigs of space and 4 gigs of ram I have no apps running the computer seems stuck This started after my mac crashed while trying to print a 17 page document
I was trying to back up my MacBook to a WD 1TB external drive. It has already been used on my wife's iMac running OSX Tiger. It has had no problems. When I plugged it into my MacBook, it started freaking out immediately, and slowly creating folder after folder on my desktop. Eventually I had 46 folders that were all named the name of the hard drive. I tried to repair disk, and erase disk and partition the disk - but none of them would work. With partitioning, I get the error message: Partition failed with error: POSIX report directory does not exist.
i just receive my imac from apple store after they fix my HDD , my imac is using version 10.6.8 and have 2.66 GHz intel core i5 prossesor also have memory 12 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 , i had problem before with my imac and i sent it to apple store to fix it , after they fix it ( they said) i wont have any problem anymore with my imac , and when i try it at home, i used migration assistant to get back my old data to my fixed imac, and now everytime i try to update my imac from software update on apple icon, they can downloading the updates but when i click instal and restart my imac can not installing the updates, keep getting error instaling update on my imac.
Preview 5.5.1 running on a new MacBook Air. I created a couple of signatures and was using them fine for a couple of weeks. Suddenly the saved sigs are no longer available, and new ones are not being saved. I click 'accept' in the create new signature popup, then the popup dissappears and the sig is not saved.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Preview 5.5.1
Preview 5.5.1 running on a new MacBook Air. I created a couple of signatures and was using them fine for a couple of weeks. Suddenly the saved sigs are no longer available, and new ones are not being saved. I click 'accept' in the create new signature popup, then the popup disappears and the sig is not saved.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Preview 5.5.1
After pressing the iPhoto icon, the software seems to be turning on but later an error message appears and I am unable to access iPhoto. I tried moving the .plist for iPhoto to Trash but this did not work.
Error message when I try to print: unsupported document-format"application/vnd.cups-command". I recently had my hard drive replaced in my early 2010 21" iMac.
I got an error message while burning a CD in iTunes - "the attempt to burn a disc failed. The burn failed because of a medium write error."What does this mean and how do I fix it?
Error message "The backup disk image could not be created." I have tried everything I have found online in the community from TM full reset to changing my computers name. Anything else I can try? I am using a Seagate external HD with a connection through my router. I spent an hour on the phone with seagate and everything is ok on the HD end. TM sees it and it is mounted but cannot go any further
iMAC with OSX10.9.4 ; 8GB ram ; two partitions external disk formatted MAC jurnaled ; connected via Fire Wire or USB2 .
During Backup the sistem get stack and display into the "details window" Time machine was unable to complete the backup because unable to complete the backup folder.
This problem happens with USB and Fire Wire. The file backups.backupdb is excluded from virus scanning.
Also happens time to time that (without doing things) both the partitions of the external disk disappaire from the desk-top and a message "the disk must be ejected properly" is displayed.
This two problems are independent une to the other. I have change the backup disk but both the problems persist.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 8GB ram ; external backup HD
I just downloaded Magnifique 2.1 for my Mac (Macbook, 13-inch, 2 gigs of RAM, Mac OS X 10.5). As soon as I open the application, I get an error message saying this:
Applescript Error System Events got an error: Some data was the wrong type. (-1703)
The downloadable theme gallery won't show as well. This same message appears if I try to search for any themes and appears every time I type a letter or two into the search bar in the application. Is there any way to fix this? I have tried re-installation but it doesn't work.
I use my iMac for keeping tabs on a list of recuring events throughout the years as well as over the years. The events generally follow in particular months each year and have new attendees as well as returning participants from previously held events who continue to attend the events.
I have kept records in Word for Mac, on Pages & Numbers, but nothing works best like Address Book. I have several hundred participants that I would like to reorganize into a central location and find that Address Book might be best suited for the task. The problem is that I would like to keep separate these names and dates from my personal/business Address Book if at all possible.
"Can two Address Books exist on the iMac, each with its own intended purpose? Namely, Address Book 1 (Personal) and Address Book 2 (Events)?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 11/2006 24" desktop
I can't get around this error: None of the selected updates could be saved. Software Update can't connect to the update server. Make sure you're connected to the Internet, and then try again. Connection reset by peer.