Intel Mac :: How To Recover A File By Mistake Replaced
Apr 10, 2012How can I recover a file I by mistake replaced?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), I prepared the document in Word/Mac
How can I recover a file I by mistake replaced?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), I prepared the document in Word/Mac
I 'd like to work with windows office ,but I can`t be cause of I`ve missed X11 app from my computer;MAC O SX 10.7.3.When I try to install windows office for MAC my computer gives an message you can´t set up windows becausu X11 is not in your How can I to recover it ,because at the beggining ,thre months ago ,when I bought my new Mac I saw it in aplications.?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), by mistake ,I trashed App cleaner
I just got a new external harddrive and I was copying everything to it, I cancelled the process so I could try something else, then I dragged the folder again and clicked replace. But I did it the wrong way. The first time I did it I went like this
Mac HD --> External
and then I stupidly went like this
External --> Mac HD
Therefore replacing the files with nothing. This is 19gb of footage that I need terribly bad.
Today I accidently moved a project I'd been working on from my flash drive to my desktop, I already had a folder of the same name on my desktop and when I merged it, it overwrote the old file and my project is totally gone. Is there any way of undoing this or recovering my work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to recover data from a mistake overwrite files???
I used a macbook pro with Snow leopard 10.6.1. It was an accident, I copy all files in folder from Ext. HDD to a folder in macbook.
But I've made mistake. A name of folder on Ext. HDD was same as a name of folder on my macbook. While I'm busy, It was an accident. I push enter button to overwrite data.
A 7 GB folder has changed to approx. 2 GB folder.
In this case, Does anyone know how to recover my data. It's an important data, I've done it for a year.
I tried to use data rescue 3.0 and file salvage. But a search result of these 2 programs show me some thing such as 'Pic001 to Pic15555' , 'autocad 001.dwg-autocad 30000.dwg' ,001.pdf-11234.pdf'.
My hardisk is 250 GB but a search result is 300++ GB. I can't find a file that I want to use.
In this case, Is there any program that easy to recover my data???
recommend a trusted software program to recover a deleted excel file, or know of a way to recover a file without downloading an additional program?Â
View 2 Replies View RelatedI did a dumb thing I deleted a email into the trash can as I have not empteid the trash yet is their a way of me retreiving it back into my mail box?
I have deleted entire mail application by mistake and did not have the time machine set up.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI replaced a file inside of the contents of an application and I was wondering if there is a way I could lock the file or somethin so it never gets replaced.. is this possible in any way? if not.. what else can I do to make sure the file works after updates?
View 13 Replies View Relatedso I was organizing all my pictures in the Pictures folder and I made a folder called "My Pics" under the Pictures folder. I dragged the iPhoto Library file there which contained all my pictures from like two years in it. Then I opened iPhoto and a new one came up not in "My Pics" but just under the Pictures folder. I dragged it to the my pics folder thinking it was the same but it was a brand new copy and I accidentally replaced the one with all my photos. Please help me all my photos are missing and it's if I never put anything in iPhoto.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm using Microsoft Word 2008 on a MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard.Just today I closed a document without saving it and am hoping there's some way to recover it.I've tried searching for AutoRecovery files, but it's not coming up.I haven't restarted my computer yet in the hopes that there might be some way to recover the file.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Can someone who's 'up' on imacs give me a steer here.At the beginning of the week, with only a 14 days to go on my 3 year Applecare warranty, I noticed a grey streaky 'misting' on the screen when it was turned off. It was really quite bad. Called Applecare, who got their servicing company to collect it, screen replaced with no problems. Got it back today, new screen, looks great. Â
So far so good. Except that the fan is now whirling around and making an incredible noise after about 10 minutes of the machine being turned on. I'd say it's around 5 times as loud (or hyperactive) as it was before I sent it off for a new screen. One of the things I turned to the imac for was it's quietness, so this is worse for me than a misty screen, to be honest. Sounds like a hairdryer.Â
Put it this way: I often listen to music late at night, very low, but now the fan would drown out the sound of the music. Called Applecare, who are going to get it collected again, but from what I've read in these forums this evening (& I'm no expert) it could be a software related problem (temperature controls and all that...) I'm not sure that the guy I was talking to at Applecare today quite understood what I was trying to explain, and said it was definitely a hardware problem. I want to call Applecare back on Monday before the mac's collected again to just make sure it has to be carted off again, with a bit of back up info from anybody who might help here.Â
imac, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
How do I reinstall Mac OS X after the hard drive has been replaced? I had an authorized Apple repair facility replace the hard drive on my IMac when the original drive died. I have the Mac OS X Install DVD which says "To start up from Mac OS X, hold down the C key as the computer starts up." I've tried that and all I get is a folder icon with a question mark on it. I'm guessing that's because I don't have the the OS installed to start from. How do I get the OS X installed?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.6), dead hard drive replaced
Had the video card replaced on my OS X 10.5 and now have no sound. Software is up to date, and sound settings appear normal in System Preferences.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I had a mid-2008 MacBook Pro running 10.6. I used filevault on the main user. Unfortunately the logic board died while I was logged in. I bought a new MacBook Pro and Apple successfully moved the files across, however, when I go to login it says "you are unable to log in to the FileVault user account". Using disk utility I found the disk needed to be repaired and did that and repaired disk permissions to no avail. I have another admin account that doesnt use FileVault on this laptop... is it possible to get in through it?? I was reading about using terminal, however, all advice was OS 10.4 or earlier. I don't know if this poses any significance but in the other admin account the internet won't turn on. Even if I successfully add wifi or plug in my usb tethering enabled iphone 4 it won't connect. Also the user file seems a tad small (only 25GB) so I'm concerned I've lost some data.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI accidentally overwrote a TIFF file, downsizing the original to 900x600. Through back-up all copies on the two back-up drives are equally overwritten. I have not set up time machine, so going back the timeline is not an option. Is it possible to restore the overwritten file without the help of a professional recovery service?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy MacBook's hard drive died last night, but luckily I have a backup from earlier that day on my Time Machine enabled external HD. My friend has a MacBook, and I have a paper due for a class in about a week, so I was wondering if I could hook my HD to her computer and recover just the word document. I would have tried this by now if the guy at the store who's replacing my hard drive had not told me to be extremely careful when trying this or else it won't restore when I get my computer back.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi deleted iphoto from my desktop and also emptied the trash bin, i wanted to know if there is a way i can recover that file back?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
can I recover a file deleted from my trash, in my mac book pro?
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MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
Im planing on buying a 27" iMac with the quad i7. I was wondering if it would be possible to replaced the superdrive with an intel ssd for the operating system. Has anybody done this yet on a previous generation imac and how did it work out.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI had an issue with the 9600m GT Graphics card a few weeks ago where the graphics card wouldn't display anything when plugged into an external monitor. The apple store checked it out and said the logic board was faulty and that it would need to be replaced under warranty. (Late 2008 15" macbook pro).
When I received the laptop back, they not only replaced the logic board, but they also replaced the SSD with a 250gb 5400rpm hard drive. I called in and, after being upgraded to the top level supervisor, he said that all of the hard drives being replaced were sent to be refurbished or recycled and that my hard drive had a fault in it so they replaced it. He says that they restore it to the apple original condition and originally they sold it with a 250gb hard drive in it so that's what they replaced it with. Their policy is that only if they replace aftermarket ram with apple ram will they return the aftermarket parts back to you. This repair was conducted yesterday, the 15th of January by apple Tech ID #612525.
I don't expect to get my data back, but if anyone has any idea on how I can get my hard drive back, I'd be willing to reward $100. A new Intel SSD X25-M G2 would be around 250 so I wouldn't want to do that.
I've been on the phone all day with the apple support so I am very frustrated right now.
I made something in Illustrator, neglected to embed the link using the Links panel, and then deleted the link. Everything shows up fine in Acrobat and the Illustrator file is huge, indicative that the links are actually in the Illustrator file. I can place it into a new Illustrator document and everything shows up just fine, but I can't edit it. How do I extract the links from this Illustrator file and/or relink them to the one that is in the .ai itself?
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Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
A few years ago in high school trip to europe i made an imovie hd project. i am on a new mbp and i have a backup of my old mbp and when i transfer the file macintosh hd->user->movies->europe movie project it doesnt seem to bring the video with it (i cant even locate it!) i opened with imovie and the old imovie hd and the same thing, no video file! any ideas as to where the video files are located? im freakin out here lol
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No problem I thought as I was using time machine however, when I went to re-load from an earlier back up iTunes failed to load completely, the song titles are the but with approx 50% of them I get the error "original file could not be found" also in many case I get the iCloud sign but with a ! in the cloud...
i have just plugged my ipod into my laptop and it wiped all my songs. i have my ipod on manual sync but im not sure what happened. is there anyway i can recover my files or are they gone forever?
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