OS X Mavericks :: Can Recover A File From Time Machine Backup Produced With Snow Leopard
Jun 22, 2014
I would to upgrade my OSX form 10.6.8 to Mavericks and I have already downloaded installing files. I have already checked the compatibility of most important apps I'm using and there are not problems about these. I have some questions:upgrade or new installation? with the new os can I recover a file from Time Machine backup produced with Snow Leopard?Â
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May 9, 2012
I'd like to keep one backup of a particularly large file in Time Machine, but all the incremental backups are taking up a ton of room. I've read how you can delete all backups of one file, and all files in one backup. But can you delete one file in one backup?
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Jun 14, 2012
i have a case where i have a large file (a sparse disk image) which at some point in the past seems to have become corrupt in the sense that there were problems reading it.eventually, i realized that attempts to clone the drive containing the bad file were failing (super duper reporting an error).an attempt to finder-copy the disk image also failed.i went to find backup copies of the file in question in my time machine backups and realized that the file did not exist in my backups.digging through system logs, i discovered that when time machine encountered an error when reading the file, it was failing silenty - that is, no error was reported via time machine - backups were seemingly completing successfully.so as a result, i went quite a long time with no backup of the failing file, nor any obvious warning that it was failing, even though time machine was encountering an error every time it tried to backup the file.
this seems like a major problem, perhaps even a design flaw in time machine.in fact, it is really the extreme opposite of the behavior i would consider "reasonable" for a reliable backup program.i somehow misinterpreting the data? any guess as to why time machine would not report when it tried to read a file during a backup, but failed?
Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Sep 11, 2014
My login.keychain password is not recognized anymore, i am very sure about the actual pwd string and I tried to restart apps and machine already, I believe the file got corrupted somehow, hence various applications such as FTP clients cannot autoconnect to external resources
I am bound to recover from a Timemachine backup, but all discussions are just dealing with recovering items in the keychain file once it is restored, what about the keychain master password? is it contained in the login.keychain file so that restoring that file to the HD will allow me to regain access to the saved items?
macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
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Sep 2, 2014
I bought a larger Time Machine hard drive and now I need to copy the old Backups.backupdb file onto the new drive. Â
Whenever I try to do so it gives the message "The backup can’t be copied because the backup volume doesn’t have ownership enabled.".Â
How, exactly, do I "enable ownership"?
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Mar 23, 2012
I'm running Time Machine on a Western Digital network storage device from my iMac. It works fine. I can go back any amount of time and recover files as they were backed up then. But I also want to be able to depend on Time Machine backups to allow me to recover files if my iMac goes down. So just as a test, I tried to use the Browse Other Time Machine Disks feature from my MacBook Air. I can't make it work. It shows me a Choose Time Machine Disk to Browse window, but there are no disks in the choose pane.Â
People have been telling me that I have to "mount" the volume, but I see no way to do so. Clicking Go - Connect to Server - Browse, shows me that the backup disk is there; it's called <mydiscname>-backup. But when I try to connect to it I get an immediate connection failure.Â
 I'm beginning to suspect that there is no way to restore from another computer when the Time Machine backups are on a network storage device? If this is true, people need to know it and stop using network storage for Time Machine, as it won't be safe if their principal Mac goes down.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.2)
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Mar 20, 2012
I just purchased a Seagate 3 TB USB 2.0/3.0 external drive to use as my time machine backup drive. I have a MacBook Pro that was purchased about 3-4 years ago. The MacBook Pro has a 120 GB hard drive and is currently running MAC OSx 10.6.8. I also have another WD 1 TB FireWire external drive that I use to store all of my media files. Â
After I followed the instructions for installing the new Seagate drive for use with the MAC OSx, I initiated a time machine backup. It very quickly determined that it needed to back up almost 900,000 files totaling just about 400 GB. It started the backup process at a rate of about 1 GB per minute. In a little less than an hour it reach 53 GB and remained there for an additional two hours before I decided to stop the backup. Â
Once I got the backup stopped, I deleted the backup and decided to look at my energy saving settings. I noticed that the "Put drives to sleep whenever possible" check box was checked, so I unchecked that option and restarted the MAC. I then initiated the time machine backup again. Like the first time it quickly determined that it needed to backup the same amount of data as before and started the backup process at a rate of about 1 GB per minute. Before going to bed at around 11 PM last night it was at about 60 GB so I thought I was out of the woods (having gotten further than the 53 GB earlier). When I woke up this morning at 5:30 AM it was sitting at 69 GB.Â
I am really frustrated at this point and don't know why the time machine back up would be failing on a brand new hard drive. PS - I was previously using a Seagate 1.5 TB USB drive as my time machine backup and never had any issues with it. I decided to use the 1.5 TB drive for a different purpose, which is why I have the new 3 TB drive to use as a backup. And I still have the full backup on the 1.5 TB drive just in case anything were to go awry.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 1, 2012
I have never set up Time Machine on my Macbook Pro.I have several Mailbox's or Folders inside my email system or Mac Mail.I wanted to clear some of the less used folders out and so I exported them to another folder on my desktop.Then I deleted the folders or Mailbox's from inside the Email system or Mac Mail.When I went to the folder on the desktop to see the exported emails, there was nothing you could read, it was all jibberish or crazy characters. What did I do wrong and how can I retrieve those important saved emails?
Macbook Pro i7 2GHz 4GB 15", Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Apr 19, 2009
possible to back up all your data with Time Machine on Leopard and then install Snow Leopard and use Time Machine to restore all of your pictures/movies/music and the like?
I'm going to assume it's a no go since Time Machine is capable of a full system backup -- it may just turn your system back into Leopard?
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Feb 18, 2010
I have a Apple Time Capsule which is used as a Time Machine Backup Facility and also a Wireless Hub for File Sharing and Internet Connection. I've been using Leopard for a couple of years without any significant problems. The other day, I installed Snow Leopard and suddenly, I'm facing a number of different problems and errors regarding backups to the Time Machine with the Time Capsule.
First, I was facing problems with a Case Sensitive error and now that I have ejected the Time Capsule, the Disk Utility has come up with a different name altogether and now I have the added problem of disk space on the time capsule. I know I could re-format and start over but that would defeat the whole point of my backups. The Time Machine/Capsule should re-write over the old backups when making space for new ones but its just giving me an error about not enough disk space.
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Jun 4, 2012
I had to have the old hard drive replaced on my macbook pro running Snow Leopard 10.6.8 operating system. It was replaced at the apple store. I brought it home and yesterday restored it from the last time machine backup of my old hard drive which was Friday. That appears to be the only backup on the external hard drive I've been using with Time machine.
Today, it gets an error message. "Time Machine could not complete the backup. This backup is too large for the backup disk"...etc.
It is almost like it is trying to completely back up the new hard drive even though it was just restored from it. Is it because it thinks it is a different drive or something because it is a new hard drive? I don't want to delete the one good backup that I have but, I want to be able to use time machine to back anything up.
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Oct 12, 2009
So finally I hooked up an external HD to my iMac 24 to use with Time Machine. My internal drive is partitioned into several sections and the system partition of about 80GB is supposed to be backed up to this eternal drive which is a 500GB, freshly formatted. Setup is easy enough. After Time Machine starts backing up it goes to about 100MB then it stalls. Essentially it keeps running, the turning clock symbol in the menubar is spinning but no data is moved.
At this point I can stop back up and then do click 'Back Up Now' in the menu at which time it will copy a few kb's and then halt displaying '2KB of 60.96GB'. I realize that there must be something on my HD it doesn't like to copy but unlike in my other backup app I don't know how to find that. The Console doesn't tell me much. I have done repeated Repair Permissions but it doesn't help.
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Dec 30, 2010
I just got a new 1tb sata 2.5in and I want to install it, but I do not have my snow leopard disk. If I use a leapord disk will it reinstall snow leapord from my time machine backup or do I need to find my snowleapord disk?
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Feb 5, 2012
If I use Time Machine to back up automatically to an external hard drive, but want to keep large files only on the external hard drive, will I lose the files once deleted off the computer (i.e. will Time Machine synchronize, or just save new files?)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 28, 2012
I am running 10.6.8 on my MacPro (early 2008). I have 4 internal hard drives. The main boot drive has 10.6.8 and the secondary drive with a system has Lion. I cannot completely upgrade to Lion on my main drive until all my software is compatible. My main boot drive started acting like it's in slow motion 2 days ago. No matter what I do (DiskWarrior, Disk Utility, zap PRAM, fix permissions) nothing seems to work. Every mouse click or movement gives me the dreaded spinning wheel and it hangs for about 5 min and then does what it's supposed to do.
I have logged into a new account w/ no special 3rd party apps or utilities and it still does the same thing. Hard drive diagnostics say my hard drive is ok. I have tried reinstalling the 10.6.8 combo update but that hangs after a few minutes of starting. I thought about restoring a Time Machine backup from 1 day before this happened, but before I attempt a full disk backup, need to ask what to do so as not lose everything. I assume I must boot up from another disk or hard drive, correct? Can I simply select all the system folders and apps folder or do you think I should do a complete restore?
Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 28, 2012
Can I do a backup using Time Machine on a server, or it needs an external drive only?
Info:Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 2, 2012
I do not like OS X Lion on my Macbook Pro as I'm about to downgrade back to Snow Leopard. I do have a Time Machine backup with OS X 10.7. Will Snow Leopard read the newer Time Machine Backup? I just need my documents and pictures.. or would I need to back all that up as well?Â
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 18, 2012
I have moved a network time machine backup disk to a new computer. Now when the time machine starts a backup it produces an error message: "Time machine could not complete the backup. An error occured while creating the backup folder."
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 27, 2012
OK, this questions isn't what you're thinking. I know that Time Machine will not work with and AirDisk as the backup drive. What I'm wanting to do is the opposite. I have an AirDisk connected to my AEBS that has my iPhoto and iTunes libraries on it so that they can be accessed from multiple computers. I've already got an offsite backup setup, but I want to back up the AirDisk to Time Machine also. That way if the drive goes bad it would be much quicker to restore than from an offsite source.
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Aug 29, 2009
Update: "Magically," the backup is working over AirPort Disk. I'll chalk it up to a Snow Leopard ghost. I have been backing up to a WD My Book 1TB drive connected to my Airport Extreme router without any problems. Yesterday I upgraded to 10.6 (installed over 10.5.8, not a clean install) and have been having problems with Time Machine since. After the OS finished installing, I attempted to perform a wireless backup. Everything mounted properly, and it began a 10GB backup. When it got to around 5.8GB, Time Machine came up with a network error message (not sure which one exactly) and stopped the backup.
At this point I just connected the drive directly to my computer to perform the backup, and it did so without any hiccups. But now I can't even connect to the AirPort disk, let alone try to backup to it. Time Machine says it's not configured, and when I try to browse for my Time Machine Backup Disk it won't let me select it, even though the drive shows up in AirPort Utility. I've enclosed a screenshot of what I'm seeing. Does anyone have any tips to help me get this mounted and working again? This is not turning out to be as painfree an update as advertised.
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Aug 11, 2010
My Macbook has not been running very stable and I decided to restore from a backup via Time Machine. My problem is my install disks are Leopard (10.5) and my backups are from Snow Leopard (10.6). I installed Snow Leopard from an Upgrade disk which I don't still have.
I have no luck restoring the Snow Leopard backups. My question is, how would I recover these backups without the Snow Leopard install disk? Is it possible or do I need to do a fresh install, upgrade then enter time machine via the OS itself?
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Feb 25, 2012
Recently my Time Machine backup have started stalling part way. I've tried deleting the .inProgress file several time but the same results happens. The backup get stuck part ways. I have search the forums but found not much information.
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Mar 17, 2012
Just receovered from a disk crash. TM brings everything back on my new HD. The problem is that when I try to backup again, I get an error message saying to check TM's preferences. One problem may be that it seems that TM wants to back up the full HD rather than doing an incremental one.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.53 GHz, i5, 8GB, 500 GB
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Mar 30, 2012
I bought a new drive and need to get my Time Machine files off the old failed drive. I'm sure there are plenty of discussions about this but I can't find any. (I so dislike the new design for the support communities.)The old drive sometimes lets me access TM so I want to take advantage of one of those times to get everything across. I know it is a very slow process if it can be done
Info:Mac Mini 1.83ghz, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Great for a while.
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Apr 13, 2012
I need to do a complete restore of my MacBook from a previous time. Now, I back up my wife's MacBook and mine to the same external hard drive using Time Machine on a regular basis and if I open TM on my MacBook I can see all my backups in the 'time travel' view. As well, if I do a Finder search in my external hard drive, all the backup files are there, both my wife's and mine in two separate folders.
The problem comes when I try to restore, using my Install DVD. At the point that it asks me where the backup is stored, I click on my external hard drive and it shows my wife's and my backups as options. All my wife's backups appear when I select hers. But only my original backup appears when I select mine. It doesn't recognise all my subsequent backups. I've tried deleting my wife's backup folder but still only see my original backup.
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Apr 20, 2012
I interrupted my initial Time Machine backup. How do I reinstate the initial backup?
Time Machine
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Apr 25, 2012
Lately it seems that Time Machine has been underestimating the size of each backup. What it originally says to be a 10 MB backup turns out to be several GB. As it's backing up, Time Machine will say "X out of 10MB backed up" or something along those lines, but when X reaches 10MB, X continues to grow and so does the original estimate of 10MB. It might then say "13MB of 13MB backed up" and it will continue on this way until it has backed up so much underestimated data that Time Machine tells me it can't finish the backup because it doesn't have enough space on the backup drive. (Time Machine should've deleted some backups beforehand to make space for the new backup, but it didn't know to because it had underestimated the amount of space necessary for the backup.)Â Â
I have already wiped the backup drive and deleted all the Time Machine preference files, only to still face the same problem. I'm backing up my internal 1TB drive (only 300 GB used) and my 500GB external drive (400GB used) to another 1TB external drive, so having enough space on the backup drive shouldn't be the problem, right? BTW, I'm running Snow Leopard.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 25, 2012
I want to backup my system on a local internal drive and a network drive, is this possible with time machine? I want it local but also available on the nextwork incase something happens to my computer (thieft, natural disaster, user stupidity) so I can always have my files.Â
Is it possible to have time machine select two disks instead of only having one? If not is there another program that can do this? I don't want to manually copy the file to the server as I would just forget. Automation is the only way it will ever happen.Â
2x2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, Mac OS X (10.5.5), 6GB of Ram ATI 2600
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May 13, 2012
I have a Time Machine Backup that I created in Lion 10.7 and I need to know if this will allow me to install it from 10.6.My HD is on its way out and I need a replacement. I will first install 10.6 onto the new drive (as this is the disk that came with my Mac) and from there, I want to install my Time Machine backup.
Mac Mini (Early 2009)/MacBook (Late 2008)Mac Mini (2010), Mac OS X (10.6.7), LED Cinema Display
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May 17, 2012
I have just upgraded my system mac book pro from 10.6.8 to 10.7.....but it become slow and graphic problem also....can any one suggest how do i downgrade my system back to 10.6.8...I do have Time Machine backup for 10.6.8 working time a day ago..
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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