I received a 27 LED apple/mac monitor --not the 2011/12 version though.I want to use with my work computer--a dell laptop. I can't seem to find the right adaptor to connect the two.I need a dvi port converter that also connects to my vga on my laptop (so need the male end of hte vga since my laptop has the female end).I only found 1 adaptor but it ends with a dvi on a vga. I don't have hdmi on my laptop either--tried that adaptor as well when I couldn't see on the pic when I ordered that it was hdmi not usb). Please help. I have read so many blogs that say it can be done.
I did just a bit of searching and found some cable answers but none that I thought fully answers my question, which is two-fold:
1. I am ordering a new 27" iMac but want to connect my Dell 30" monitor as a second monitor. I assume the iMac does not come with the necessary cable, but I'm not sure which one to buy. The Dell monitor is digital with a 2560x1600 resolution.
2. Would that same cable be able to connect a 2010 model Macbook Pro to the new iMac and/or the Dell?
The one area I feel Apple needs help is the multiple monitor situation. For years I have run laptops with 2-3 external monitors... I find myself having to go back to 2 monitors with either setup unless I buy some 3rd party hardware or shell out for a Mac Pro.
Wirelessly? Ethernet? USB? Which is easiest to set up? And will speed be an issue?
I have the 17" MBP but need more screen real estate. My mom gave me a $300 dell laptop, so I was hoping to be able to make this work and not have t spring for an additional monitor.
I've tried SynergyKM and can't seem to make it work.
Hardware is not my forte, so please keep it simple.
I just moved into a new place and my next door neighbor has told us that we can use his wireless connection. I have no problem connecting via my macbook but my fiance has an older Dell laptop that will not connect for some reason. It is recognizing the network but it will not connect. My question is, is there a way for me to connect her computer to the internet through my macbook wirelessly or does if have to be connected through an ethernet or usb cable? Her wireless card does work because before we moved it worked fine throught the router that we had in our house but now.
Complete Apple newbie actually. Just recently bought a MBP and want to get a large independent monitor while im using it at home. As much as I love the Apple display, I cant afford it at this time. I found a really nice Dell LED monitor that has DVI, VGA, HDMI outputs.
How can I hook it up to my MBP? What connectors must I purchase to make it work?
I have an iMac 27-late 2009 (YD03003M5PE) I'm considering buying a macbook air for business travel, but when I'm home would like to use it through my monitor and keyboard. what's the best way to do that? should i connect it directly as a monitor? / keyboard? (hardware connection) can this be done through the video port? alternatively, should i use a remote screen/monitor access of some sort? (software connection)
I was surprised one day to find an inch of white line running from top to bottom on my screen. Then after a week it expanded to two inches white line, then suddenly it turned all black and I can't see two inches of my screen from the right edge. I was reading some forums and found out that I can use a dell monitor as a secondary monitor, but is it possible to use the dell monitor as the primary monitor in case the black line will spread throughout the entire iMac screen? so the iMac would serve as a stand alone processor like a regular desktop?
I use an HP 17 inch laptop as well. Set up Airport Extreme and everything seems to be working. Is there a way to use my iMac as a monitor for the Dell computer?
I really love this monitor so much I hate to hook the Dell up to my Dell 24 inch monitor and would rather give up that monitor and gain desk space. The only other option is to use a Samsung 40 inch LED TV as my Dell's monitor.
I use the iMac for video, pictures and music. I have Windows 7 running via Parallels but would rather just use the new Dell as a Windows computer and the iMac for personal use.
I have a situation with a new iMac where the external display, which is connected via mini display port --> DVI adapter, is being detected by the computer but not displaying anything. I have restarted the computer, changed through all of the resolutions and done just about everything else I can think of.
I can't make a decision about what monitor I should buy to use with my new iMac 27. I have a limit budget about $400 -$500. I narrow my choice into these models, which are Dell U2410 and HP 2710m or Dell U2311H.
I'm a Software Engineer and I'm using the Dell U2410 at my company and I dont have any problem with it. I can get it only $435
The problem is that I would like to know people using 27 iMac with a smaller monitor like 24 inch. What do you feel? any different? That's why my choice includes Hp2710M even if it's not the IPS monitor but a TN monitor. I cna get it $340
The Dell U2311h is the IPS monitor as well and I can get it only $250. With only one inch less than U2410 but less price almost $200, I could not ignore it.
Should i get ont of the IPS monitor even if the screen is smaller or use the same size with my iMac 27? I cant afford the IPS 27 inch.
I have a 24" Imac 2.66 (which i love!), and want to connect my work 13" Dell Laptop to it, so I can use the larger monitor. I can't just use my Mac as I have corporate applications that I need to use. As there is no video-in, I have tried Remote control, but this is too laggy. I hear Elgato eyeTV hybrid may work but I wanted to see if anyone has had success. I have been in email conversations with Elgato but they haven't actually grasped what I want to do yet! It sounds possible as you can connect PS3/Xbox etc through the Hybrid using the supplied s-video/composite cable. So could i just get a vga (pc video out) to s-video (Hybrid) cable to connect through the Hybrid? would the picture on my iMac fill the screen?
I just bout an imac with a 27" display. I would like to use the display for my macbook air - how do I connect the two just to project the AIR on my imac.
I have an HP Photosmart printer connected, via USB, to a PowerPC Mac. The Mac has Bonjour on it and it acts as a print server to a Mac laptop and a Dell laptop. Until recently, everything was working fine. Now, however, when I try to print from the Dell laptop, I get a pstopdffilter error message. I can still print from the Mac laptop.
I live in a shared house and connect both my iMac and PC laptop to the internet via Wifi.
This is fine for the internet, but I'm constantly transferring large volumes of files between my laptop and iMac and it's unbearably slow. I can't connect to the router via ethernet because it's in the living room.
Can I connect my laptop and iMac up with an ethernet or USB cable for fast file transfer?
I need a laptop that is portable, somewhat powerful, and has good battery life. I find that all in macs. I am down to the MBA and MBP 13I will probably wait untill around WWDC for MBA and next year's refresh for MBP(Hoping for SB+Matte hi res)
I have a Dell Bluetooth keyboard RT7D40 and would like to use it with a MacBook Pro laptop. I tried the Bluetooth connect wizard on the Mac and it could not locate the Keyboard. Is there anything else I could try? Is there an USB adpater for the Mac so that it will locate the keyboard.
I currently run my MacBook in clamshell mode with an external monitor, keyboard, etc. I have researched usb to VGA or DVI conversion kits but all of the sources seem outdated. I don't need HDMI because my sound output goes through my MiniPort Display, out through speakers connected to my primary monitor. I am aware that a usb connection will come with lag, but it isn't that big of a deal.