OS X V10.7 Lion :: Connect Mac Laptop To Display On Imac?
May 26, 2012
I just bout an imac with a 27" display. I would like to use the display for my macbook air - how do I connect the two just to project the AIR on my imac.
I own a MPB and an Apple 30" cinema display with a fill sized DVI connector. For work I have a PC with a female VGA output jack. I tried to use a female 'DVI to male VGA' connector I bought at Frys but the PC just won't drive the ACD.
I really want to replace my PC with an iMac. The only thing holding me back is my wife's HP Laptop that only has VGA out. She connects it to our 24" Dell LCD when she works at home.
Is there any way to get a video signal from a PC Laptop with VGA to an iMac?
I see that Apple sells a displayport to VGA connector but, as I understand it, this only works for converting a displayport signal into VGA not the other way around.
I live in a shared house and connect both my iMac and PC laptop to the internet via Wifi.
This is fine for the internet, but I'm constantly transferring large volumes of files between my laptop and iMac and it's unbearably slow. I can't connect to the router via ethernet because it's in the living room.
Can I connect my laptop and iMac up with an ethernet or USB cable for fast file transfer?
I've found that my 24" display just isn't big enough for the currents applications I'm using. Could I use the following to attach either a bigger monitor or my projector to the iMac?
I was wandering if there's a possible way to connect my PS3 to my 20" mac to use it as a display for playing games. Also, if there is, will it be 720p HD? I looked on Google but couldn't find much useful information.
Basically I want to connect my Win7 PC tower to my 27" iMac. After doing some research, is it true that only the ATI 4890 and ATI 5970 are the only video cards that have worked in the past? The newer 5870 Eyefinity 6 just got released and seems to be a bit cheaper than the 5970, seems to be untested still. Has anyone got this to work with the cheaper ATI cards with displayport? I don't want to spend more than $600 for this new venture.
I have an early 2008 MBP 15" (I think detailed specs are in my signature) and recently (over the last week or so) when I move my laptop display up and down (physically), the screen has this thing where it gets inverted and what not. It is very annoying, and I have been having to constantly fiddle with it everytime I move my laptop around (I use it both as a desktop and as a laptop, so this happens a lot). I recently switched to using it clamshell mode as a means of avoiding this in desktop mode, but occasionally I'll still need to move it around places and what not. I was wondering if anyone has had this problem before, or has any ideas as to what might be a better solution. I would take it in for repair, but I don't really have 300+ dollars to spend on a repair right now. I think it might be related to the data cable connection to the display of the computer, since it is rather intermitment, and requires fiddling for the screen to not be inverted/messed up/displaying black lines, etc. I can post more details about it, pictures or something if that would help any of you geniuses out there as well.
I have a Macbook Air, and i just picked up the new LED ACD from my local apple store. Since im new to mac, is there a way to either close my Air and not have it go to sleep? I want to use the external display as the primary display with my laptop closed, any ideas?
I'm asking myself if it's possible to connect two 27" iMacs with the "Mini-Display-Port to Mini-Display-Port" Cable. I wonna use oneof the iMacs as the primary computer and on the second one just the display to extend my screen.
I know the other way around is easy - lots of how to on how to access your PC's drive from a MBA ... But my PC Laptop's drive is broken I need to use my iMac's DVD Drive ... Is this possible? I also have Win XP installed on Bootcamp if saring only works between Windows...
As the title says, I need a new monitor for my old G5 as the old monitor for it went bust. Apple does not make the old displays that came with the unit anymore and the only available monitor is the new LED ones ? but they all come with mini display ports
I'm thinking of getting a 24" iMac, though I'm used to using 2 screens. I know the iMac can connect a second monitor, though I'd like to know if anybody has used the new 24" Cinema display as the second screen.
I've read some reports that the 24" Cinema display will not power on if the MagSafe power cord is not connected to a device.
Information: MacBook Pro Mac OS X (10.5.6) 2.4Ghz, 4GB, 320GB
I have a MacBook with 10.6.4 and trying to connect PC with Windows 7 wirelessly, computer to computer. I'm trying to go into MacBook from PC laptop to copy files. Is this possible? I tried "Creating Network..." under Airport menu on MacBook, but couldn't get it to work. Is it possible with ethernet cable? I could always burn CDs but trying to learn little bit about network and stuff.
My husband reset our wireless router today and since then I haven't been able to reconnect to the Internet. I am using an iMac, version 10.7.4. I have an identical iMac that has gotten back online just fine. My iPad and iPhone are also successfully connected to the new wireless network that he created, as is his HP laptop. why this one computer won't connect? The bars are lit up, as if I'm connected, but I have no online access. Â
I have use my mac computers many time as the wireless router by sharing through the airport express and it has worked great but I have only done it to share the internet with other macs. I just got my parents a macmini and i told them that it worked as a wireless router also but they are having problems connecting their PC laptop. How do I trouble shoot this. We are using a WEP. The PC sees the wireless name but cannot connect to it.
I just moved into a new place and my next door neighbor has told us that we can use his wireless connection. I have no problem connecting via my macbook but my fiance has an older Dell laptop that will not connect for some reason. It is recognizing the network but it will not connect. My question is, is there a way for me to connect her computer to the internet through my macbook wirelessly or does if have to be connected through an ethernet or usb cable? Her wireless card does work because before we moved it worked fine throught the router that we had in our house but now.
I have a Dell laptop set up to an external hard drive so I can watch movies. I have set it up so I can connect to the laptop to watch the movies. Is there any way I can see the external HDD through my mac? I tried creating a shortcut, but since OSX cant read .ink files, it doesnt work.
How can i connect my laptop to my desktop to access its data- but work on my big dektop screen?
i know ive been told that there is a way to do this i just cant remember-somehting about connectine with a fire wire and holding down certain keys when my desktop starts up?I dont want to change the date on my main computer- just create a secont "desktop" and use my laptop for that( big imovie presentation with all my files and music software on my leptop)
I have a macbook pro and I want to be able to hook it up to my TV and close the laptop lid. Every time I close the lid, the TV goes black no matter what settings I change! I'm not sure if the laptop is going to sleep, or just disconnecting the TV as a display.
I've tried something called Caffeine, but it didn't do a thing.
I received a 27 LED apple/mac monitor --not the 2011/12 version though.I want to use with my work computer--a dell laptop. I can't seem to find the right adaptor to connect the two.I need a dvi port converter that also connects to my vga on my laptop (so need the male end of hte vga since my laptop has the female end).I only found 1 adaptor but it ends with a dvi on a vga. I don't have hdmi on my laptop either--tried that adaptor as well when I couldn't see on the pic when I ordered that it was hdmi not usb). Please help. I have read so many blogs that say it can be done.