Intel Mac :: Changing The User Home Name
Mar 15, 2012How do I change the home name on my mac? And will it mess anything up?
iMac 24' (black), Mac OS X (10.6.6), 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo/ 3 GM 667 Mhz
How do I change the home name on my mac? And will it mess anything up?
iMac 24' (black), Mac OS X (10.6.6), 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo/ 3 GM 667 Mhz
im trying to change my main user picture when i log into my imac. i know the procedure but everytime i go to restart my pc or boot it up its the same old display pic of mine. im using mac lion.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have tried very hard to find the answer to my transferring question, but nowhere do I find my answer nor does Apple offer free help or even help by email.
So here is my issue. I want to transfer all my personal data from my HOME user account on my MacBook to a NEW user account on the SAME MacBook. The reason is that my Microsoft Office has a certain issue that is only solvable by starting up in a new user. So now I want to transfer all the personality, data, files, and all that from my home user to the new user on the same computer. After that, I want to delete the old Home user and make the new user the default home user account.
I have been getting these messages below in the list of feedback that Disk Utility generates during a "Repair Disk Permissions" run for at least 3 years now (through several OS updates). I am currently running 10.6.8 for the past several months.Is there an easy/SAFE way to repait this USER issue? I don't know if it is causing me any problems, but obviously it is not what it should be. [code]
Mac Pro Dual 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon (8-core), Mac OS X (10.5.8), 16 Gig Ram, ATI HD 2600 (slot1), GT-120(slot2), Airport Extreme
for some reason steve jobs used my email address as the name for my home folder. unfortunately, this is not ideal. i looked it up and there is a way to change it: [URL] but it doesn't seem updated for 10.6. Also one of the steps is to just rename your home folder which it will not allow me to do.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just have bought a second hand macbook (white one with leopard)
I want to change the home from his current name of JJlaw02 to my name, as is on my current iMac. However I cannot do this, he has not provided me with his password, but has instead deleted his account, having just one user, called User. I am since confused as to why I even need a password, if I currently do not need one to start it up.
I am trying to change the name of the home folder. It has a House Symbol and my former name. How can I change it?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)
I want to change my home directory. I went by the book and was not able to alter it. Here is what apple says.
I have no idea how I ended up with the name I did in my Home Folder. It is driving me batty. How can I change it?
View 8 Replies View RelatedThe dealer set up my new iMac and user my full name on and I don't want that. Is there a way to change it without reinstalling everything?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHowever, whenever I open up Mail, it asks for login details, and suggests my name already. Is there anyway to remove that without doing another install of the OS (SL).
Essentially what I'm asking is when you input the information when you setup your new Mac (Apple ID, Name, Address and so on), is it possible to change without re-installing Mac OS X 10.6?
I just got a new mac and when I was setting it up, I miss typed my username (well to be honest, this is not my mac, its a friends and I am setting it up! So I missed type their username). I changed the username of the account from the control panel. I now want to change the user directory name. Can I just change it like any other directory? And finally, when u want to install something the security warning that comes up and asks for your password, also has the name miss typed. So how do I also change that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've got my current name as "JoeDuffy" (As seen here: [URL]). My username/login ETC is "JosephDuffy"/"Joseph Duffy". I'd like to change my home area name to "JosephDuffy", is this at all possible? It's just when using my Contact Card, it never finds me, and creates a new card, a tad annoying, it's also just inconsistency, and I have a bit of a Mac OCD about it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy iMac has suddenly started changing the photos shown at the User Login window. eg: the photo set of user no.2 is replaced by user no.1. Can anyone advise how to delete all the photos stored under 'recent photos used' and start again?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi am trying to get a number of things straightened out now that i have moved to mac and am wondering if there is any utility to upgrading to lion before changing my short user name [URL] or buying a new laptop. i think the new laptop will happen within the next two month and moving to lion is needed to keep my mobileme account (and some sync functionality). ideally i would like to PORT settings to the new laptop but if it is advisable or only possible to get privacy by re-installing i am willing to do this.Â
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am going to install a SSD in my MacPro, probably will re-install SL from scratch. I will move my user folder to another drive, since the SSD is too small. Is moving the user folder 100% safe? Should I look out for any issues after/before I move it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSee the pic so you know what I mean.
I wanna change the folder named "josh" to a different name.
I bought a used Macbook Air (Lion) and would like to change the filename of the "Home" user.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
On my Mac Mini, I have set up a new user because of problems with the OS. So far, it is working fine. I also have a G5 running OS 10.4.11. There is an account on both machines with the same name. However, the new account on the Mini is a different name. The G5 does not offer the "login as" (at least that I can see, so my access to the new account on the Mini is limited to a dropbox. To simplify: A is the account on both the Mini and the G5, B is the account only on the Mini. I tried extending the permissions on B's home directory, but that did not work. Using get info, I unlocked the file then tried to add A to the list of users. For some reason, nothing happened.Â
How can I give user A permission to access user B's home directory on the Mini?
Mac Mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
My iMac (10.5.7) is currently set up with me as the Admin user. I know that this is not recommended but it's been like this for a while and I'm considering setting up an Admin user and dropping my account down to a standard account. Is this likely to cause me any problems with the applications that have been installed over the months or is there anything I need to watch out for when doing this?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI just installed a new harddrive and I made 2 partitions. One for my system, preferences and installed programs and one for my files.
The problem comes when i put things on my desktop or download stuff. These folders are on my system partition and when i download or save to the desktop temporarely, i have to copy the files later to my other partition and delete the original.
It would save me a lot of time if downloaded files and files saved to the desktop are written on my documents partition.
hence the question: is there any way to change your desktop and downloads folder location to another location/drive?
I have two desktops, two laptops, iPhone and iPad. All are under my user name except one, which has my wife's name as User during login. We would like to share/sync everything possible across all computers. Does it matter that one has a different user name?
Multiple Macs, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iCloud activated on all computers
I'm using OS X 10.9.4 on an iMac (late 2010).Â
I have a problem with window positions not being where they should be when changing from one logged in user to another logged in user. I have two user accounts and the problem occurs only for one user. I will describe the problem using the below combination of text and images.
I have tried all sorts of things including, repair permissions, boot into the restore mode to do an ACL repair, but I have also tried to delete and recreate the account that has the resolution problem without any success.Â
Step 1: I'm logged in as user number one, all good.
 Step 2: Now it is time to change to user number two.Â
Step 3: The user change is done with no problems at all. When I, from user number two, changes back to user number one again this happens.
The normal spin: Wierd half screen grey and all windows are gathered ontop of each other instead of being left were they was previous to the user change. The screen does not get half grey when I do the user change in the other direction.
The whole screen is back but all windows are still gathered ontop of each other instead of being left were they was previous to the user change.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have just upgraded OSX 10.7 to 10.9.3
it appears deficient visual effect when changing user
the desktop and dock appears at a bad scale (too small) with icons aside on a grey zone
(the system does not wait having finished to prepare the screen before to show it)
does exist a way to regulate that?
Sometime in the past couple of days I lost write permission to my own home directory (/Users/yalla) - The attributes for my homedirectory are correct, but there are extended attributes as well, and I believe this is where the problem lies.
For Documents, Downloads etc, I am allowed to create/modify/delete files and directories, but under my pure homedirectory ~yalla I am all of a sudden unable to write, meaning I cannot create for instance a new .bashrc (not that I need to since I already have one), or create new catalogues.
I have tried both from Terminal and from Finder, and I am not allowed to create new directories under ny homedir. By going to Finder and going under "Get Info" for my homedir, I have gone to Sharing & Permissions and changed from Read Only to Read & Write which seems to fix it. I have however not been there before and made any changes, and I am therefore worried that by changing this to R&W I am fixing a symptom and not the core problem.
Is it possible to store the user home directory on a Mac OSX Server? Such as how windows user can have roaming profiles stored on a Windows Server. I am planning to setup about 3 Macs and each user can use any machines and have there profile / home directory roam with him/her.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to sync my MacBook Pro w/ my iMac (both running Lion).I want to be able to come home from a business trip and have all of the new / edited info on my MacBook (new photos (organized & edited), changes to various folders in "documents", random files/folders added to desktop, changes made in iTunes, etc) show up on my iMac, which I work off of while at home. And of course the reverse - sync the changes on my iMac to my MacBook before I travel again.Wouldn't it be possible to copy a User's Home Folder on Machine 1 to an external drive, and then use that to replace / update the Home Folder on Machine 2? Or possibly do a complete Disc Clone (i.e. Super Duper) of Machine 1, and then use that to "restore" Machine 2? What are the pros and cons?And any better solutions? I realize that my proposals may be over simplified, but also that my goal must be a common one.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 2.8 GHz i5, 8GB ram
I've a user who has been given a company shared MacBook Air. The account name was previously our company name, but I've sucessfully followed the guide [URL] to change this. Thus, the username is now now his firstname & lastname. The home folder is firstnamelastname. However, the old username (our company name) is still showing up as the username for some email recipients and airdrop.I'm guessing the email name might be saved localy on a few of the users contacts since he's been sending a few emails before the user name was updated. Can this be confirmed in any way?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm running the latest version of Leopard, and I would like to change the default login shell for the "root" user, but the command which works under Unix and Linux doesn't seem to work here. As root, I have done a vipw to change the shell to /bin/zsh (my preference) on the root line. This change persists in /etc/passwd, and it also gets properly propagated to /etc/master.passwd.
However, every time do an su or a sudo -s, I still get sent into the old /bin/sh shell. I have completely restarted the system, and this still occurs (the /bin/zsh entry is still there for root in /etc/passwd and /etc/master.passwd after reboot). /bin/zsh properly appears in /etc/shells, so I know that this is not the problem.
I am trying to write /Users/xxx to a Lexar 8g flash drive. Its size is under 1g. I can easily put subfolders onto the drive, but if I try to feed it the entire home folder it tosses it out again. I don't know how to use Finder to reach the /Users folder, where xxx is just a subfolder, but I can do this from the terminal command line; however, then I got stuck on how to proceed: I tried to mount /dev/disk1 [which diskutil shows as its name]; each variation I'v tried runs into some problem: disk busy, not found, etc. I was using sudo commands, so I don't think it's a permissions problem.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)