OS X V10.7 Lion :: Upgrade To It Before Changing Short User-name?
Jun 5, 2012
i am trying to get a number of things straightened out now that i have moved to mac and am wondering if there is any utility to upgrading to lion before changing my short user name [URL] or buying a new laptop. i think the new laptop will happen within the next two month and moving to lion is needed to keep my mobileme account (and some sync functionality). ideally i would like to PORT settings to the new laptop but if it is advisable or only possible to get privacy by re-installing i am willing to do this.Â
I notice that the advanced options in the Accounts prefpane include the ability to change an account's short name. Has anyone been brave enough to try this? How did it go?
My iMac has suddenly started changing the photos shown at the User Login window. eg: the photo set of user no.2 is replaced by user no.1. Can anyone advise how to delete all the photos stored under 'recent photos used' and start again?
I have two desktops, two laptops, iPhone and iPad. All are under my user name except one, which has my wife's name as User during login. We would like to share/sync everything possible across all computers. Does it matter that one has a different user name?
Info: Multiple Macs, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iCloud activated on all computers
I changed the short name of my home directory oblivious to the consequences. I have searched the internet high and low and have found a few threads already posted (including an Apple support article) that relate directly to this issue. However, although the root of the problem is the same in that I changed the short name, the outcome is slightly different and I can't restore all my preferences in the manner detailed in these articles. I have a Mac OS X 10.4.11. Here is exactly what I did and what is going on:
1. I went into Get Info. in the home directory icon in Finder. Say the original name was john, I changed it to Fred.
2. Since then, when I open any applications such as Skype, iTunes, iCalendar etc. all of the settings have been reverted to default making it appear as if I've only bought the Mac. However all my documents and music files are still there and can be accessed normally in the newly named directory. My desktop and widgets are also fine.
3. Now when I go to Macintosh HD and click into users there are 3 things: - The newly named home directory Fred with the house icon. - A folder with the old home directory's name, that being john. Inside there are Documents, Library, Music and Pictures folders but only the Library folder seems to contain anything important, which I hope are all my preferences. The other three are effectively empty. Like I said I can access my music files etc. normally. - Lastly the shared folder.
I haven't turned off or restarted my laptop because reading on threads it appears as if I can cause damage or end up not being able to access my mac. The two solutions I've found online are these: [URL]. The problem with this one for me is that I can't rename the new directory with the old name - it just won't let me. [URL]. The problem with this solution and another I found is that I think they are assuming the old directory - john - is in fact still a directory but in my case it is a folder.
I have been getting these messages below in the list of feedback that Disk Utility generates during a "Repair Disk Permissions" run for at least 3 years now (through several OS updates). I am currently running 10.6.8 for the past several months.Is there an easy/SAFE way to repait this USER issue? I don't know if it is causing me any problems, but obviously it is not what it should be. [code]
Info: Mac Pro Dual 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon (8-core), Mac OS X (10.5.8), 16 Gig Ram, ATI HD 2600 (slot1), GT-120(slot2), Airport Extreme
Has anyone noticed a strange 10 user file sharing limit after upgrading to 10.7.4 server? Using DeployStudio to mass deploy 10.7.4 Lion images in a school. Since upgrading to 10.7.4 server, I am now limited to 10 logins on the repository. Thought this might be a DeployStudio issue, but it seems more like the server is imposing the restriction. If I do a manual login to the shared folder where the image files are kept on the server, I can only do it from 10 computers and computer 11 will refuse to login.
However, whenever I open up Mail, it asks for login details, and suggests my name already. Is there anyway to remove that without doing another install of the OS (SL).
Essentially what I'm asking is when you input the information when you setup your new Mac (Apple ID, Name, Address and so on), is it possible to change without re-installing Mac OS X 10.6?
I just got a new mac and when I was setting it up, I miss typed my username (well to be honest, this is not my mac, its a friends and I am setting it up! So I missed type their username). I changed the username of the account from the control panel. I now want to change the user directory name. Can I just change it like any other directory? And finally, when u want to install something the security warning that comes up and asks for your password, also has the name miss typed. So how do I also change that?
im trying to change my main user picture when i log into my imac. i know the procedure but everytime i go to restart my pc or boot it up its the same old display pic of mine. im using mac lion.
My iMac (10.5.7) is currently set up with me as the Admin user. I know that this is not recommended but it's been like this for a while and I'm considering setting up an Admin user and dropping my account down to a standard account. Is this likely to cause me any problems with the applications that have been installed over the months or is there anything I need to watch out for when doing this?
I just installed a new harddrive and I made 2 partitions. One for my system, preferences and installed programs and one for my files.
The problem comes when i put things on my desktop or download stuff. These folders are on my system partition and when i download or save to the desktop temporarely, i have to copy the files later to my other partition and delete the original.
It would save me a lot of time if downloaded files and files saved to the desktop are written on my documents partition.
hence the question: is there any way to change your desktop and downloads folder location to another location/drive?
I have a problem with window positions not being where they should be when changing from one logged in user to another logged in user. I have two user accounts and the problem occurs only for one user. I will describe the problem using the below combination of text and images.
I have tried all sorts of things including, repair permissions, boot into the restore mode to do an ACL repair, but I have also tried to delete and recreate the account that has the resolution problem without any success.Â
Step 1: I'm logged in as user number one, all good.
 Step 2: Now it is time to change to user number two.Â
Step 3: The user change is done with no problems at all. When I, from user number two, changes back to user number one again this happens.
The normal spin: Wierd half screen grey and all windows are gathered ontop of each other instead of being left were they was previous to the user change. The screen does not get half grey when I do the user change in the other direction.
The whole screen is back but all windows are still gathered ontop of each other instead of being left were they was previous to the user change.
I'm working though emails on a web based interface. I was wondering, is there a way i can create some sort of temporery short key which will click the 'Next' Key instead of me having to use the mouse everey time to speed things up? the same way that CMD + E opens up Edit.
I'm running the latest version of Leopard, and I would like to change the default login shell for the "root" user, but the command which works under Unix and Linux doesn't seem to work here. As root, I have done a vipw to change the shell to /bin/zsh (my preference) on the root line. This change persists in /etc/passwd, and it also gets properly propagated to /etc/master.passwd.
However, every time do an su or a sudo -s, I still get sent into the old /bin/sh shell. I have completely restarted the system, and this still occurs (the /bin/zsh entry is still there for root in /etc/passwd and /etc/master.passwd after reboot). /bin/zsh properly appears in /etc/shells, so I know that this is not the problem.
I accidently did something that made Safari go full screen and the top navigation with the Apple icon, File, Edit etc, menu disappeared. I pressed esc to go back to normal viewing mode. Â
Is it recommended to keep calling my Startup Disk "Macintosh HD" or is it ok to change it's name to only "Macintosh" ? Will the name change might do effect if I upgrade to snow leopard? The reason I want to remove "HD" is because I know it's an HardDrive and in bootcamp, i like to see Macintosh & Windows not Macintosh HD & Windows.
I have got some email, folder and question mark icons on my Finder Task bar. I can't clear them using preference or right clicking. I can't drag them off ether.
I'm running Lion on my 27 inch iMac, after rebooting everything runs good for a short while. Then for some reason when I try to open an application like iPhoto, or iTunes, or and external hard drive the system freezes up.I can still open up a browser such as Safari, or Firefox, but no applications not even the Finder. Yesterday, I ran a new Lion when rebooting my system but that didn't help. From the utilities I repaired the Mac drive.
It really ***** me that Office 2004 places the Microsoft User Data folder in your Users/Accountname/Documents folder, and if you move it it just makes a new one Is there any reliable way to move the location to somewhere else and keep it that way? The Documents folder should be the realm of the user and the user alone, damn applications should keep their noses out!
I'd just like to change the Snow Leopard mp3 icon (ugly and dark) back to the nicer, lighter, friendlier icon that was used before my upgrade. It must still be on the system because often when I load a new window with mp3's, the old icon is visible for a second and then changes to the ugly Snow Leopard icon. By the way: if you select an mp3 file in Snow Leopard and select the Info for it, you'll see the previous icon up at the top left of the Info window that opens.
I purchased App for MacBook. It is alternative to lock screen.Â
I set password etc followed instructions (no need of lecture me) and it has locked me out of my MacBook and the password I set up does not work...Â
Im just wondering if there is a way to delete this App without having to log in as the only other account on my MacBook is Guest. I can't use my Mac at all with this app as it will not allow me to enter my account