OS X :: Changing Admin User Account Setup To Standard?
May 20, 2009
My iMac (10.5.7) is currently set up with me as the Admin user. I know that this is not recommended but it's been like this for a while and I'm considering setting up an Admin user and dropping my account down to a standard account. Is this likely to cause me any problems with the applications that have been installed over the months or is there anything I need to watch out for when doing this?
When I purchased my iMac a few years ago, I created one user account and just started using my computer. I am trying to implement a few Safe Computing practices by creating a new Admin user account and changing my original user account to a Standard user. Â
For some reason, I cannot change either of the accounts to a standard user after I type in the password. I've logged in as both and tried to change the other user profile to a standard user, but the checkbox is greyed out on both of the Admin User accounts.  Â
I can create a new standard user, but I have everyting set the way I like it on my current Admin user account. It would be much easier to have a new Admin User account and "Downgrade" my original Admin account to a standard user account. Â
why the option to change from an Admin user to a standard user would be "Greyed Out"? The support articles walk me through, what should be a few simple steps, but I can not change the settings because the checkbox is greyed out. Â
I am getting my first mac for christmas (a 24" imac) and am planning to setup 3 accounts: 1 for me (admin) Another one for me (standard) 1 for my brother (standard)
I plan to use the standard one for me as my main account but when installing apps and the like plan to switch to the admin one. What I was wondering is, as far as a I can tell from apple is that if I put music on my standard account my brother would not be able to see the music files, the same for pictures and movies. I would like to be able to share the music files and some pictures across both of our accounts. Would putting the music in itunes from the admin account make this possible and what about pictures? I would also like to keep some pictures private, as would he.
I'm the only one who uses my mac, I have an Admin account which is my main account. Should I use a Standard account instead as my main account and only use the Admin account when doing major stuff.
Someone told me its best to use a standard account instead of a admin account for every day usage as its better for security reasons on my new MBP. They say u can always install apps on a standard account. Whats everyone view on this?
After updating from 10.5.1 to 10.5.5, my account changed from Admin access to Standard. The problem is, I never had Root enabled and I also do not have Netinfo manager on my computer. The login screen only shows my account... no Guest or anything else. I keep going in circles as everything comes down to having to type in an admin name and password, but there are no admin accounts on the computer. I've been working on this for hours now and I'm about to just set up a new HD and transfer my files, but I'd like to figure this out before surrendering to that.
I installed Mac OS X Server from Mac App Store. Then I deleted it, but Mac OS X Server changed my administrator account to standard account and I cannot administrate my Mac mini :-(. I cannot use my password and there is not any other administrator account. Do you know to change back my standard account to administator account?
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mac OS X Server
I am upgrading my MBP and want to use Migration Assistant. The question I have is. I have been negligent and using my current MBP logged on as Admin. I want to create a user profile separate from Admin on my new MBP. Will I be able to migrate all my apps and settings from my old MBP Admin account to the new MBP user profile without issue?
Like many users, I have set up my only user account as Admin, which I share with my wife. I would now like to duplicate that user account (so as to keep all the settings, etc.) and convert the new account to Standard, and rename the Admin account to a new name.
I've recently started work with a new company and the previous employee has left, but has setup the adminstrative account on the work computer. When asked for a password, I don't know what he used. My boss and I have gone through some various passwords he used but none work. What are my options?
I have an imac running Leopard which is my son's machine.
All his music and Office are sitting on the admin account, not him and I want to transfer it all to his account, but cannot find any clues in the help menu.
Also when logged on as him, I can't access the internet, even though I can when logged in as administrator - any clues?
I have tried installing Office when logged on as him but it won't recognise the admin log in details required during the install. My log in details are first name and last name but once I have entered my first name it won't allow me to enter any more characters. I've tried entering "admin" and "administrator" at this point but no dice.
I tried to install Type to Learn (a learning to type program) under my daughter's account. This is what it said: "The software to be installed requires Administrator or higher level access privileges." I went to my account and successfully installed it. I went back to my daughter's and got the same message. I tried a google search and came up with things 6 years old...mostly dealing with printers.
I bought this Macbook Pro (10.6.3) second hand and the user account was the name of the guy I bought it from. I'm tired of always seeing his name pop up when I have to access my Home folder and since the only way to change that is to create another admin profile thats what I'm going to do. Once mine is up and running I will delete the old account but first I have a question. Is there a way I can transfer over things like my Admin accounts and History, My Applemail email addresses and history and my Firefox settings, plugins etc., without having to duplicate them?
I've noticed in different threads around here that some folks talk about having an admin acct while setting up a user account for person use. What's the advantage to doing that vs just using the admin account for everything? Since wife and I now use separate computers, I'm trying to do everything possible to keep this thing running as smoothly and efficiently as possible for as long as possible!
iMac 2.16 GHZ IntelCore 2 Duo with 2GB RAM running OS 10.5.8. After switching from one user account to the Admin User Account the kernel panic message 'You need to restart you computer' appeared. After holding down the power button and restarting, I tried to login to the same account but got the same error message. Tried again and still same message. I then restarted using the install disk and used Disk Utility to repair the disk. Â
Disk Utility reported missing thread record, incorrect number of threads,invalid volume file count (It should be 823873 instead of 823874) incorrect number of extended attributres and missing directory record and then it continuted to repair the disk and then showed invalid volume file count error again but this time it displayed (It should be 823874 instead of 823873) For some reason the numbers were swapped round from the earlier message. It continued to repair and reported that the Volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK.Â
I restarted the mac and logged into Admin User Account and got the 'You need to restart your computer' message again. After restarting I logged into the other 3 user accounts and they all work perfectly but each time I log onto the Admin User Account the 'restart computer' message appears. Is there any way to repair the Admin User Account without having to re-format the hard drive and re-install everything from scratch?
Trying to delete a surplus user admin account. Chose delete securely. It has been running for 24 hours and hence can't close system preferences. Should I leave it or try and force quit the process ..This is a new IMac running osx Mavericks
Unfortunately, I got hit with Flashback on my imac. I've removed it with ClamAV and now I'm trying to clean things up and learn from my own mistakes. I've disabled Java and I am in the process of changing all my passwords everywhere I can. One mistake I had made was to use myself as administrator as my only account. I would like to change that, but one reason I hadn't done so earlier is that everything I've done and set up for the last 10 years is in my administrator account.
Is there a simple way to transfer everything over to the user account, rather than starting with a blank slate and trying to set things up from memory? And if so, should I then erase or delete things from my admin account? Which things and how do I do that quickly? I know I shouldn't have been using my admin account as user, but it didn't seem like a big deal back in 2002. Now I've been burned, and I want to get this fixed.
I'm working on a Mac-mini running OS X Tiger. I've got one admin account setup and 5 or so standard accounts. I'm configuring a connection to a shared folder on a network server on the standard accounts and I wanted to connect to that share using an account id that is DIFFERENT than the standard account id. I enter that id and the correct password and I check "save password in keychain" (or whatever that check box says) and I get prompted to enter the "keychain password" to unlock the keychain. The problem is, I never setup a keychain password for the standard user account. I'v tried the password for the administrator account (even though I can't specify the admin id anywhere) and I've tried the password for the standard user account, neither of which work.
However, I can still get successfully connected to the shared folder. I just don't want the user to have to enter the password each time they login.
Additionally, after going through this, Safari is now asking for a keychain password for the "login" keychain when it first starts up and loads the default Apple.com home page.
I recently purchased a powerbook G4 running version 10.5.8. I am able to login to everything and set my username as the administrator, but I can not set a password for it, if i try to input a password or change the password I get an error message saying I have input an incorrect password. When I purchased the computer everything was blank except for the user name was set as mac user, as I said I was able to change the username but not the password.
Somehow all the accounts on my computer automatically changed to standard. The mac website said that this can happen after an upgrade and to fix it run the "reset password" utility from the install disc. I am using a school computer so I don't know where a mac os disk is. I am using OSX 10.5.8. I also don't know the root password.
I tried this to fix it : [URL] but the account I created was also set to standard. Is there any way to fix this without the install disc?
I also tried this but it hung after starting SystemStarter: [URL]
A freshly created account under 10.7.4. is a Admin account by default. The checkbox "Allow user to administer this computer" is grayed out. I end up with an Admin account and there is no way to convert this account into a Standard account. Facts: 10.7.4 - clean install on a current iMac i5 Freshly created account uses name of a deleted older account (my name)Repaired permissions several times (disk utility and "resetpassword utility" via terminal and safe boot)The older account had been relocated to a external disc for security reasons. There the access rights got corrupted so that I wanted to freshly create a new account and copy all files from a backup. how to create a new account for me?Â
Is it possible to give rights to standard os x users so they can install software updates themselves? So I don't have to authenticate with my admin user/pass.
i Have a a few users that I need to keep as standard users but they travel a lot and they need to constantly change their time zone. i can only seem to do this when a admin username and password is entered. And as such if i leave the computer open mountains of junk gets installes. Is there any workaround for allowing access only to the date/time or even just the timezone pref pane?
I have setup a Mac Mini in my office for several people to use, with me as Admin and others as Standard account. The problem is, when someone wants to install an app, they always get a prompt to input the Admin's username and password. From my research, I was under the impression that Standard users could install apps, but only for their own account, which is what we want. But for some reason, it's not working that way. I did a Google search and following one recommendation, used Disk Utiltiy to repair permissions on the hard drive of both the Admin and Standard User account in question, but with no positive result. I'm a bit reluctant to just give Admin privileges to one person; then others will may ask for the same privileges.
I created a new admin account, and now I need to get all folders like Music, Documents, Video etc from old admin account. So, if I loged in as a new admin I see all folders with red sign in the coner and don't have permistion to see them or move. What are my options?Â
I do have Time Machine backup from old admin account, but it also doesn't let me open folders from the new admin.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2.93GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
I am sole user of the Mac usually and use an admin account. Though I've read in a few places that you should set up a standard account and use that for day to day activities. What does everybody else do?
I have been getting these messages below in the list of feedback that Disk Utility generates during a "Repair Disk Permissions" run for at least 3 years now (through several OS updates). I am currently running 10.6.8 for the past several months.Is there an easy/SAFE way to repait this USER issue? I don't know if it is causing me any problems, but obviously it is not what it should be. [code]
Info: Mac Pro Dual 2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon (8-core), Mac OS X (10.5.8), 16 Gig Ram, ATI HD 2600 (slot1), GT-120(slot2), Airport Extreme