Intel Mac :: Cannot Log In As Key Strokes Are Showing As Multiple Dots
Mar 30, 2012
We cannot log into our 2010 iMac OS X. The wireless keyboard is registering each key stroke as 1-5 dots (cannot see letters as it is the password login section to access the desktop). The delete key does nothing. The left / back arrow key addes more dots as does the front arrow key. The only way to get out is to cancel out so we are stuck.
I'm looking for a free or inexpensive, quality software program that can record and log the key strokes, web, and email usage of my family for MAC OSX. That functions invisibly. Must include remote monitoring.
I've been a PC user all my life until last week when I got an IMac and I am still learning how to use it. How do you highlight files you want to select just like how you do in windows when you hit shift key and the arrow key? It does but it highlights it one by one and I have to keep on hitting the arrow key.
Recently I got a 3Gs and loaded it up with my old 3G backup. All the music was gone. No biggie, I just re-added it all. Then I upgraded to 3.1 and i noticed that in my iPod on the iPhone some of my albums were showing up as multiple entries. The difference is, it seems it would make a new album entry for every artist on the album. It's annoying because I used to just have one album but now its like 15 entries and i have to scroll through them all when they should all fall under that same album. WTF 3.1
I have iMac 27 and screen problem on start up i have blue vertical lines, when it start i have a lot of blue dots and nothing else. when I connect outside monitor its showing the same.
Just installed lion and still the same problem when it starts blue dots, when startup in safe mode loads of blue lines and dots on the screen.
I see red dots all over my screen! What it is happening!? What I can observe is that it happens where there are dark colors. I see them at pictures in Facebook, I see it in iTunes.
I bought a Macbook pro 13 inch today. I noticed that there are small black dots (maybe small puncture holes) on the top of the lid - about the size of a dead pixel.
It used to stay like that until either I'd move my mouse over the area, scroll the page up or down, or refresh. It only seemed to happen in browsers, not in Finder or anything. It's the worst when watching videos on YouTube or any kind of flash video. But works fine on Netflix. I say "used to" because the above screenshots are from July 2013. I sent my laptop away to Apple but they were "unable to reproduce the problem." I figure they just left the laptop open and waited. You have to use it like it's YOUR laptop and then it will happen. Anyways, now it's happening more often. Except it's just a flicker. Over and over again. I could record video of it, if necessary.
So, I'm running 10.9.3. I'm not sure what other information is needed. But my computer is up to date. I don't have warranty. I just want to know what is causing my computer to do this.
i have got my macbook pro with a Acer G245H HD LCD screen connected via DVI cable. Just this morning i woke up plugged my macbook in turn it all on and on my moniter there all lots of green dots flickering everywhere.
I have this issue since a year and never had seen it around on mac forums. So when I play a movie or even grabbing a window around the screen these tiny green-blue dots appear and disappear randomly, sometimes they line up vertically.
The smaller is the movie size playing in quicktime (even in youtube) the bigger are the dots. The good thing is I see them while working with pictures in photoshop, but they don't affect the picture quality when I save them in jpg or other formats.
My homeroom teacher's 14 inch G3 iBook's display has started displaying everything grainy. There are little dots everywhere on the display, and it is annoying. The head IT person at school is stumped. I am not sure of the exact version of OS X, if it might be a software issue. Could it be a sign of logic board failure?
Before yesterday, when I opened a program, such as Safari on my mac the white dot would appear below it. When I turned on my computer this morning the white dot did not appear under any program i opened. I have safari and itunes open now and neither have the white dot below them. Finder does have the white dot below it, but none of the others do. Its not like it needs to be fixed, but I just find it anoying because im used to the dot being there
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13 inch, late 2011, 4gb ram
I have a Macbook Pro 2.2 Santa Rosa Rev. D model. Recently I have discovered gray dots appearing along the top of my screen.
A few at first, but masses growing are growing rapidly. In the past 3 weeks the problem has started to spread to both my right and left edges as well. Under different viewing angles the dots sort of dissapear. The dots are not uniform in size or pattern.
I have a slight feeling that this has to do with my NVIDIA 8600GT graphic card.
I read tonight that that specific card was reported faulty and thousands have had problems and have had to get their logic boards replaced.
I also read that Apple extended their warranty for this specific reason.
Anyways, the dots are increasing and it's worrying me as I am not sure if this will be covered or not.
I just upgraded my Mac to 10.9.3 and i have these weird tiny little dots appearing in my drop down menus and when I open an image in Previews. Actually, some images just look crazy in Previews with giant squares all over them. I have this same operating system on an older computer at work w/out this problem.
I have a 2009 2.53ghz 8gb 500gb 7200 macbook pro, running latest version of snow lep 10.6.4. It's been running fine since I got it last august, now today I started it and I get the blue screen that seems to refresh itself with a slight flicker every 10 seconds with a new blue screen with the spiraling activity dots. I tried booting from a disc, and it nothing changed. I tried booting in safe mode and it the bar would fill up, then it goes right back to bluescreen. I don't have a screwdriver on me, so I can't take the battery out.
Is it me or did you never see a "dot" in the mini month view within Ical when you had an event on a day? I have it on the iphone on month view but I could have sword that I had this on my Mac?
I just bought my macbook pro 13 inch about a 40 days ago and I have just noticed two small black dots on the on the bottom of the screen near the left side of my dock. I have done some research and they seem to be "dead pixels" They're really small but for the price I payed i didnt expect any problems. What are some suggestions to get rid of them or if i should contact tech support? Here are two pictures of the dots: They kinda change colour when i move my head around.. Not sure if theyre dead pixels or not.
Simple navigation question as I am new to Mac and suffering from PC withdrawal anxiety. When I expand my browser window fully to expanded, click on the arrows in up right, the three resizing dots on the left side disappear. Any way to keep them in place?
I have two hp laptops and a external hard drive that I would like to migrate to my new imac. Both laptops have itunes music on them that I would like to combine and there are a number of other files on each that I need. Is it possible to migrate multiple pcs and the external hard drive? If I combine more than one itunes library will they combine or will there be multiple music folders? What about duplicate music how do I remove or keep from having duplicates in my music folder?
I have had multiple kernel panics in the past 24 hours. After a hard shut down and restart the computer works again for a few hours until the next panic.
Info: 24" iMac 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I have only been using Macs for a year and loving them, although still learning. We have an iMac OS 10.7.3 and somehow last night I managed to rename multiple images in a folder which I've never been able to do before on a mac (except when using Bridge).