IMac Intel :: Unable To Turn On System / Changed Access Settings Of Some Files
Apr 3, 2009
My girlfriend changed the user's name and the problems started (iMac wouldn't remeber system settings and denied access to some files and catalogs). When I wanted to fix the problem I probably made a mistake and changed the access settings of some files (finally even hard disk's settings). After this action my iMac doesn't start (the screen is white with the apple logo and nothing happens). Is there anybody who knows what to do now?
My parents recently bought an iMac. Yesterday my mom was playing a game when the computer froze. Neither force quit or holding the power button was doing anything so in her frustration she unplugged the system. Today, after plugging in the system again, it won't turn on.
I press the power button on the side of the wireless keyboard and the green light on the keyboard turns on for about 3 sec and then starts flashing. No fans start up and the screen does nothing.
Information: iMac and Macbook Pro Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I just bought my Intel-based iMac last night and it took forever to turn on out of the box. I guess I made a mistake by doing a "soft" power down last night, because this morning it will NOT turn on. I've tried using the power button and waiting. I've tried unplugging and plugging it back in, and then using the power button, and waiting. Nothing works. I've been a PC user for 20 years and just bought this, my first Mac, last night. I think I've made a huge mistake! How the heck do you turn these things on????
My neighbor has an IMac with OS 10.4.11 installed. When I open System Preferences and select the Network icon, the Network window comes up but it is overlayed with a message that states: "Your network settings have been changed by another application." When I click OK, this same overlaid window comes back.
The only way I can get out of System Preferences at this point is to do a Force Quit. In other words, because this overlaid window appears, I am unable to access the Network window to look at TCP/IP settings, make changes, etc.
Next I went into System/Library/Preference Panes/Network.prefPane(more info) to look at the application that appeared in the "Open with" field. It stated "System Preference." I replaced this with a new "System Preferences from the Applications Folder, but the same thing happened - even after I rebooted the computer.
Please let me know how to solve this problem so I can access the Network System Preferences properly.
I have a 20" intel-based dual core Mac which i have had for about since early 2006, i haven't had any big issues with it until a few days ago when it suddenly shut itself down and refused to power back up. I ran through the checklist that Apple Support provides, including resetting the SMC by unplugging everything and waiting 15 seconds or so but none of it worked. Eventually I just left the power cord unplugged overnight and in the morning I plugged it back in.
After having the power cord plugged in for a few hours and the machine turned off, i tried pressing the power button again and to my amazement it powered back on! Immediately i ran the TechTool Deluxe software that came with my extended protection plan (now expired) and everything was fine. Later that night however, I had left my computer on for a few hours before returning to it and realizing it had shut itself off again. Now I am back to where I started, going through the checklist provided by Apple and am really starting to get concerned. Does anyone know of anything else I can do, short of taking it in to an Apple store? Or is something needed to be replaced?
Information: IMAC-Intel (Early 2006) Mac OS X (10.4.11)
my iMac won't turn on. The day before yesterday happened the same thing, but after a few tries with the power button, it eventually turned on - and all ok yesterday. Both the day before yesterday and today, the general power was turned off for some minutes, but the iMac wasn't running. So now, I've tried to reset the SMC, removing everything attached, but nothing.
At least I can clearly hear the tic tic tic button, probably of the timer, because I set up a schedule to let it turn on at a certain hour. What can I do? It's a white iMac, never had a problem.
I bought my first IMac last month. I changed my access password yesterday and now I can use my computer. It does not like the password I am typing. It asks me to get a Recovery Key. I have contacted Apple support and they told me to do a Recovery using the Command key and R at the beginning of the session. I have done that and it brings me back to the unlock my system with a password. How do I get a recovery key to unlock my system?
Any ideas ? when i switch my ibook on it says that the date is set to 2001 or earlier and so i need to change the settings. I can't physically access the settings
Has anyone figure out how to stop that annoying loop in system preferences that says settings have been changed??I can get out of it by a two handed click on the OK button and locations but then it just comes back. I don't want to delete all the info on there and have to retype in.I'm only finding old posts back in 2008 on this! Am I that far behind??I was hoping a permanent easy fix has been found by now. I haven't had the need to get into System pref.
I am connected to the internet via a belkin N+ router..... this is in turn connected to an adsl modem...I am having no problems with the signal to the router but at least four times a day my internet disappears....
When I run Network Diagnostics hey presto, your internet is working fine....The only things I have changed recently was that as I am running osx 10.4.11 I was having that issue where you couldn't access Network in sys pref, it kept saying "your settings have been changed by another application", I found a solution on here whereby you delete the plist prefs and rebuild them... That worked a charm but now I'm wondering is this connected in some way....
I got software from the makers of the belkin N+ wireless usb dongle chip that came with my router (belkin don't provide osx support but said that I could get a utility from the chip makers) I installed this but it never worked so uninstalled it, and ran disk utility and safe boot and pram and fsck (everything I could think of)
I only have one location in network, and airport is the only active network port
Before, when I dragged something to the trash it was kept there until I chose to 'Empty Trash' but now it doesn't store it but immediately asks if I am sure I want to delete it or not.
I recently changed my Apple ID. When I try to make changes to my iCloud account on my Mac., I cannot access the account via System Preferences. I've changed the password once already. My iPhone's iCloud account is fine. At this point my iCloud account no longer is working with my Mac.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I use safari on my imac. I was able to access a shared link (to access a briefcase) via a university website. It requires me to enter ID and password to access the briefcase. It also requires me to enter my ID and password whenever I click a new file in the briefcase. The shared link was okay until I let Safari remember my password. Now when I click the shared link, it says "Error 404! No such item". I am not able to access that shared link. Â
I tried to log on my imac with another user/account, and found out that the shared link is still working. I also tried to use my macbook and the link is working as well. So i guess that it must be something wrong when I let Safari remember my password the first time when I accessed that link. I have done Safari Reset and cleared all history, cookies, passwords, etc... but I am still not able to access that link under my own account. Â
After pressing the iPhoto icon, the software seems to be turning on but later an error message appears and I am unable to access iPhoto. I tried moving the .plist for iPhoto to Trash but this did not work.
When I try to select this option in system preferences, my system just hangs indefinitely. I was considering getting the four finger gestures up and running, but I had only thought about it and did not actually start doing anything to the computer. Maybe they are reading my mind and punishing me? It has been like this for a couple of days through multiple reboots.
i've looked far and wide for a way to turn the monitor off on my new imac 24", nvidia 8800, running xp and still havent found anything. does anyone know of a way to turn it off? i've tried to set the "turn monitor off" setting to 1 min under power management and it gets ignored. also, i've even written an app to try and turn the screen off based on this: [URL:...] and it is also completely ignored.
I have an early 2008 iMac which I am about to sell and replace with a newer version. I regularly use Time Machine to do back ups. What's the best way to reformat my old machine before I sell and also restore all my files onto the new iMac?
I am running an iMac G5 (just pre Intel) using OS 10.4.11. My internet is via an external modem, ethernet connected. Everything is working fine (as far as I know!) However, for no particular reason I opened "System Preferences" and on clicking on "Network" was confronted with this:- [URL]. On clicking the OK button nothing happens and the only way to get out of System Preferences is to Force Quit it. As I can't get into "networks" in System Preference, I have no idea how the settings have changed. I can't remember when I last installed any new software - it's also ages since I looked at that section of System Preferences.
when I open my Network in System Preferences, "Network settings have been changed by another application" pops up and every time I click Ok, it pops up again, not letting me be able to access any other option in the Network window. The wireless icon has disappeared from my top bar and the only way I have managed to get online is via my ethernet cable. I have had nothing but problems since I started using my O2 Wireless Broadband dongle and I've noticed that behind the "Network settings have been changed by another application" notification, I can seen the Dongle has appeared as a new network connection option... but was never there before today (have been using the dongle for two months now)
I have a 2013 iMac on OS 10.9.5 with no problems. I will be receiving a new iMac w Retina Display on Yosemite, which I'll be backing up with a new, unused TC.
I want to copy and transfer files from older iMac to the new one using the TC, but right now I don't want upgrade to Yosemite on the older iMac.Â
Can I manually select files from the older iMac to copy to the TC, and what files must I leave out so that there aren't any problems that transferring files from an older OS to a newer one won't arise?
Info: iMac with Retina 5K display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 3TB TC
I cannot believe I am actually in this position, but I accidentally reformatted my lacie 1TB external HD. The files were not overwritten as it was the most basic and quick format option, but they are not accessible.
Can anyone recommend a good data recovery app that works for OS X?
Anyone know what the best course of action would be?
I want a list of all my non system files to put into a text document. I use the command "ls * -r" in terminal to get the list. However it does not seem complete. I need assurance all volumes are there before I transfer to a text document.
The computer is a dual G4 1Ghz with 2Gb of Ram and two hard drives. Used to run a custom built microscope in a scientific lab. Resurrecting it is imperative, as the cards and other equipment are now out of date and replacing the computer and cards would be enormously expensive (and worse, would mean switching to PC).
There are several issues: -No response to selecting "About this mac" from the apple logo in the upper left. -No response to selecting restart or shutdown -The computer freezes up (pinwheel) whenever I attempt to access System Preferences (window will appear however once mouse is over it, pinwheel appears). -does not recognize the USB key needed to run a piece of software.
-together these issues prevent us from installing the software needed to control the scope.
I've tried reinstalling (clean not archive) the OS on the original HD and a new HD. The problem doesn't go away.Have also cleared out the systempreferences.plist and the cache for both safari and preference panes.
Recently completed the Maverick operating system update. Still getting used to new additions, however I did notice I'm unable to access the Safari preferences section. Â
I know normally, you would follow the drop down menu and click into the safari preferences. Unfortunately now the words in the drop down menu are a lighter grey and unable to click into he section.
I don't know what the deal is. I'm trying to install 2 sticks of 2GB into my 7,1 iMac, and the screw just won't turn. I'm using a standard Phillips head, and nothin' doin'. The screw is now starting to strip, so I guess I'm going to have to take this into the friggin' Apple Store just to have them open the thing.
I am a complete n00b when it comes to OSX just to warn you lol. Im just wondering, if one did a dual boot of windows alongside OSX, is it possible to access those files on the windows partition from OSX and likewise, is it possible to access those files on the OSX partition from wndows? Also, will Time Capsule only back up files from OSX or from across the whole mac? Sorry if this is a stupid question, as I am looking into buying a macbook and was wondering if this is possible.