IMac (Intel) :: Backing Up All But System Files To Time Capsule

Dec 3, 2014

I have a 2013 iMac on OS 10.9.5 with no problems.  I will be receiving a new iMac w Retina Display on Yosemite, which I'll be backing up with a new, unused TC.

I want to copy and transfer files from older iMac to the new one using the TC, but right now I don't want upgrade to Yosemite on the older iMac. 

Can I manually select files from the older iMac to copy to the TC, and what files must I leave out so that there aren't any problems that transferring files from an older OS to a newer one won't arise?

iMac with Retina 5K display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 3TB TC

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OS X :: Backing Up Many Files To Time Capsule

Sep 27, 2009

Here's my scenario, every day I change around a couple gigs of space on my MacBook Pro, which is tethered to my ACD in my room normally. Whenever I want to change it, I have to bring it downstairs, plug it in via ethernet and back it up if I want it to take less than six hours. What's the best solution to make it take less time, via a wired connection I guess? My room is directly above the router (on a different floor, though). I doubt drilling through the ceiling is too easy, though. We do have this like 100-foot ethernet cord, though.

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Hardware :: Backing Up Time Capsule To Another

Jul 30, 2009

My plan is this: to buy a new, 2TB Time Capsule, for use with my iMac and use my old TC to extend my wireless network and also be the back-up device for a MacBook Air that I plan to get in the future. My question is this: can I get my existing back up data off one TC onto another? I can't find anything on Apple's site that addresses this question.

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OS X :: Time Capsule Not Backing Up Folder

Nov 25, 2009

I have a folder of important graduate school documents (essays). TC has been backing up stuff no problem, including those essays for some time. Somewhere along the line a file became corrupt and I could no longer transfer files to/from my usb drive, so I went through each essay, copy/pasted everything in each document into new word documents, saved and named each new file and saved them to the desktop. Basically I copied all my documents without actually copying them, but rather by copy/pasting and creating new documents. Fixing the corrupt file was verified by my ability to copy the new folder of identical grad school materials to and from my usb stick again, so I went to backup knowing all my stuff was intact again. All of the backing up I've done shows as being successful, no errors, etc. However, when I go into time machine to verify the backup of that grad school folder, that new folder of essays is nowhere to be found, i.e. its not backing up.

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OS X :: Backing Up External HD On MBP To Time Capsule

Jan 28, 2010

I have a MacBookPro and a 1TB external that contains my iTunes library. The drive is not always attached as the MBP is used by all the family and moves around the house. I have a Time Capsule that I would like to use to back up the iTunes library on the external. How messy is it going to be setting up Time Machine to back up the external to the TC? Will the external not being connected when it tries to back up cause problems or will it just not back up at that time?

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Intel Mac :: Connect My Time Capsule Into My Cable System?

Apr 29, 2012

How do I connect my Time Capsule into an existing cable system?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Not Backing Up Correctly?

Mar 19, 2009

My Dad got a new MBP and he probably has over 12 GB of just straight excel docs etc. He has 164 GB available on his HD, when he backs up to Time Capsule it says he has 10 GB to backup, OK so we let it sit over night and let it do its thing, everything he goes back to back up he has 10 GB to backup even when the last backup said it worked correctly. I know he hasn't got that many files since his last back up.

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Hardware :: Backing Up External HD Through Time Capsule

Oct 20, 2009

With the new update of the time capsule I'm thinking of buying one but I've got a question that as now still hasn't been answered. I'm currently using a 500 GB external drive for my backups and use a 1 TB for data storage, now the 1 TB is almost full and I could use the HD in the time capsule. My problem now is that the 1 TB or 2 TB in the time capsule is pure waste for backup only as I am the only mac user here and the 500 GB drive isn't even halfway full at the moment.

My question now is, is it possible to plug the 500 GB and 1 TB drive in the time capsule (with powered usb hub) and use the 500 GB disk as a automatically backup and use the 1 TB and the time capsule for data storage? With automatically I mean as the time capsule that it backups as soon as I'm in the network. I've been trying to contact the technical support line of my local apple-store but keep getting answering machine.

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Hardware :: Backing Up Time Capsule Profiles

Jul 14, 2010

Does anybody know how you can backup your Time Capsule settings profiles? The reason I ask is because I am about to upgrade the HDD in mine and I do not want to lose the settings due to the complex setup of our network and the hours it took to set it up. Of course, I'm assuming here that the settings would be lost when changing the HDD and they are not stored in some other way? I have Googled but did not manage to find much useful info.

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MacBook Air :: Backing Up Photos On Time Capsule?

Apr 14, 2012

My start up disc is full and I thus need to transfer photos across to my time machine.

Time machine is great when looking for old documents but i can't access my photos as they are all on iphoto.

iPhoto '11, iOS 5.0.1

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Backing Up One Mac To Multiple Time Capsule

Apr 14, 2012

I'm using a Macbook Pro running OSX Lion. I use the Macbook to work from both home and office.Because I live very far from office, I usually stay in the city with my gf which means I might not go home for 7-10 days at a time.I do have a time capsule at home, everything works fine whenever I go there, backup is done seemlessly, catching up to whatever state the macbook is.Because I can be without backing up for days and sometime weeks, I'm considering getting another Time Capsule that I would setup at work.

Is it possible to backup a single Mac to multiple independant Time Capsule (or NAS ). My understanding is that Time Machine probably create indexes of what changed vs. what didn't so I am not convince it would correctly update two Time Capsule which might be at very different levels.If not possible I guess I'll have to look into another parallel backup scheme like Acronis or else (didn't really look into that yet)

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Pro :: Backing Up The Additional HDs / Copy Existing TM Folder To New Time Capsule

Jun 15, 2008

I�m currently backing up my MacPro to a 250gb external drive via USB. I�m about to purchase an Apple Time Capsule 1TB to allow for backing up the additional HDs that I�ve installed in my MacPro. Can I just copy the existing TM folder from my external HD to the new Time Capsule and continue to do updated backups or do I have to start a new backup from the day I install the TC ?

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Intel Mac :: Move Files From Startup Disk To Time Capsule?

Jun 16, 2012

I need to make space on my startup disk. I bought a Time Capsule. How do I move files from startup disk to my time capsule?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Backing Up MBP To Time Capsule - Disk Utility Stop Verifying HD

Mar 9, 2012

I've been having trouble backing up my MacBook Pro to my Time Capsule (hasn't backed up in months) so I ran Disk Utility and it gave the following error: Disk Utility stopped verifying "Hard Disk". This disk needs to be repaired. Start up your computer with another disk (such as your Mac OS X installation disc), and then use Disk Utility to repair this disk. So, if I do that, will I end up losing whatever is on my hard disk? And how do I start up the computer using the OS X disk? Just put it in and restart?

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IMac (Intel) :: Why Is Machine Not Finding Time Capsule

Sep 2, 2014

I have a desktop mac from mid 2011 and also a 2010 mac mini.  I just got a new time capsule and time machine cannot find the new time capsule.  I know the new time capsule is working because I have a third machine from late 2012 that found the new time capsule easily.  Could it be an operating system issue?  I am running 10.9 on the machine that is working, 10.8 on the mid 2011 machine, and 10.7 on the mac mini. 

Imac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

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IMac (Intel) :: Will Not Connect To Time Capsule Used As Base Station In Roaming Network

Sep 9, 2014

I have a network that is made of up a Time capsule as a base station and 3 airport express's used to extend my wifi coverage. It is setup as a roaming network with each express hardwired to the base time capsule. I have a iMac that will not connect to the base station, it will only connect to one of the remote express's. The iMac is next to the base satation. Other mac notebooks, iPhone or iPads all connect to the base station when they are near it. Only my iMac will not connect to it.

time capsule

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OS X :: Backing Up System Drive - Time Machine Or Bootable Backup

Mar 11, 2010

I am going to backup the main system drive though. I'm thinking shall I use Time Machine to back it up or use a 3rd party application to back it up and make it boot-able at the same time?

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OS X :: Time Machine Is Not Backing Up Certain Files?

Nov 16, 2008

i've been working on an important word document, word quit unexpectedly, document gone. luckily there was a copy of it in the microsoft user data.

but, my first reaction was, oh that's ok time machine would have backed it up. i go into time machine and it's not there. so i save the microsoft user data recovered file to a new file name in a documents folder. quit word. restart. do a time machine backup. it completes. but when i open up time machine, this document (and another one from 5 days ago) are not in ANY of the backups. and if i keep backing up, time machine will backup, but these files are not in any of the dates/times in time machine.

doesn't this defeat the purpose of time machine?

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OS X :: Time Machine Not Backing Up Few Of Files

Jun 5, 2009

OS X 10.5.6. Time Machine won't back up a few of my files.

They're located at /Files/Truecrypt/

They are 50MB encrypted files created by Truecrypt. Time Machine is not set to exclude them.

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OS X :: Time Machine Not Backing Up Recent Files

Sep 18, 2009

I received my new 24" iMac a few days ago, and have spent the last few days setting it up and getting acquainted with the new features.

I purchased a MyBook Studio 1TB drive to use with Time Machine, as it sounded like a good way to keep everything backed up.

Everything seemed to be working well, until I started flicking through some of my folders in TM. I noticed that the files I had added an hour or so earlier hadn't backed up. I had just recently set an exclusion on a single folder, so decided to try removing it. TM then backed a few GB of files up.

I decided to add some test files to a folder, and run TM again. Again, it didn't back the new files up.

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Intel Mac :: Time Machine System Restore - Space Taken Up But No Files Seen

May 31, 2012

I've had a new hard drive installed on my iMac, (and the place that did it for me also installed 10.6 OS). Now, when I plugged in an external hard drive I had been using with time machine (and OS 10.5), and clicked 'restore' in the time machine interface, it transferred 200+gigs of data onto the new hard drive. However, I can't see any files anywhere - only see that that much space is now taken on the new hard drive. I've since read elsewhere that I should have used 'migration assistant' to do the job, but before I do this, I what to get rid of the 200+gig of data taking up room. How do I do this without a fresh install of the OS? (I don't have disks for 10.6). Or will the time machine restore (with migration assistant) not work between 10.5 & 10.6?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Technologies :: Time Machine Stops Backing Up To External Disk - System Freezes

Feb 27, 2012

I have used Time Machine to backup my data on an external hard drive with ample space for the past year. However, for the past month or so when plug in my hard drive and try to back up my files using Time Machine, it completely freezes my computer, to the point where I need to hold down the power button for 10+ seconds and completely restart. At first I thought this might be due to not enough RAM, but discovered it does this even if all other programs are closed.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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Applications :: Time Machine Compressing / Not Backing Up Files

Mar 30, 2009

I'm using Time Machine (for the first time) to back up my system (Mac Pro w/750Gb internal drive and a firewire 750Gb external backup). However, when looking at the contents of my external backup drive after Time Machine has finished, I notice there is sizeable difference between the amount of data on my internal and external drives. To confuse matters more, I repeated the backup 3 separate times on the same internal volume (357Gb worth of data) and each time Time Machine yielded a different size backup; ranging from 343Gb to 350Gb. Each time I have "erased" the external drive using Disk Utility prior to running Time Machine.

After digging around I found at least some of the difference lies within the Movies_IDVD Projects folder. I have only a few projects but it appears that Time Machine randomly chose a few of the larger ones to compress? Either that or it did not back them up all the way. These files were roughly 2-4Gb in size on my internal and only 200kb on the backup drive. Are there other files that Time Machine is either compressing or not backing up? Should I use Time Machine at all or should I copy the files I want backed up by dragging them to the external? I would like to be able to restore my system to its current state one day if/when my internal drive craps out (including all of my apps, etc.).

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Time Machine Has Simply Stopped Backing Up Any New Files?

Apr 28, 2012

I have a Macbook with OS X 10.6.8 and a 500GB external hard drive, which still has 208.5GB available. For some reason, Time Machine has simply stopped backing up any new files (documents, music, movies--anything). No items are set to be excluded from backups in Time Machine options except for the external hard drive itself. Also, no error messages appear, Time Machine seems to run just fine, but when I enter Time Machine, or look through the files on the hard drive, new files just aren't there. I am not very tech savvy, so I was not able to understand some of the answers people gave to similar questions on here. I did go to Pondini's website and followed as many troubleshooting instructions as I could understand (for example I did manage to do a full reset of Time Machine) but nothing changed. Do I just need to erase the entire backup drive and sart all over? If so, what will prevent this from happening again later on?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: Time Machine Is Not Backing Up

Jun 12, 2012

I am non-technical! Following many months of successful automatic back-ups to an external hard disc I find that Time Machine had failed to back-up data since October 2011 for no apparent reason that I am aware. The last file name on the backup hard disc had a file name of the date and time with a suffix '.inprogress' (though the little symbol in the top right corner of the screen did not indicate activity). I dragged and dropped this file in Trash and went through the 'Repair' process for the back-up disc though this process did not indicate that there was a fault with the backup disc. Then restarted the iMac and clicked on Start Backup Now. The process started as normal but after a few moments I got the message 'The Backup was not performed because an error occurred while copying files to the backup disc'. Again a '.inprogress' file was created on the backup hard drive. The backup hard disc is under 10% used.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac (Intel) :: Reformat Old And Restore Files On New System

Aug 27, 2014

I have an early 2008 iMac which I am about to sell and replace with a newer version. I regularly use Time Machine to do back ups. What's the best way to reformat my old machine before I sell and also restore all my files onto the new iMac?

IMac, Macbook Pro

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Intel Mac :: Error Backing Up From Time Machine?

Apr 23, 2012

I use a LACIE external hard drive to back up via Time Machine. I am having problems backing up, the backup starts and goes through 'prepare items' and then starts to back up, then stops about a quarter of the way through to 'clean up' and then 'fails'   I used the Time Machine Buddy and the error message is : Error (-36) NO Copying/Applications/Utilities/Java 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Mini :: Using Time Capsule Restore On System?

Oct 29, 2009

i did a last minute backup before i sold my late 07 Mini last weak and I was a little apprehensive abouthow well the restore would work on the new 2.53 mini.

Well I can now say I am very impressed, i turned on the new Mini and it asked if i wanted to restore and gave me a few options. i chose the TC and it was off and running, it took about 2hrs. when it finished it was like i was still using the old Mini, a perfect image clone. all my email, pictures, docs, etc. were there just like i left them.

so for those who have never done a restore you have nothing to worry about (as long as your TC doesn't crap out first LOL)

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MacBook Pro :: Backup New System Via Time Capsule?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a June09 MBP with the 160GB hard drive. I want to get a Mac Mini and a 500GB HDD for the MBP. What I want to do is swap the 160GB HDD currently in the MBP into the Mini and then install the 500GB HDD into the MBP and do a backup via TimeMachine with Time Capsule. Would doing that cause any problems when the Mini/MBP backup to the TC?

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Intel Mac :: Tell If Time Machine Is Backing Up User Folder?

Mar 3, 2012

I use time machine, but I'm worried that my user library folder (containing my Mail folders) isn't being backed up. I can't see it when I browse the time machine folders, but then again, I can't see my user library on my dard drive without using the special access in the Go menu anyway. Note, when setting up my time machine preferences, I can see that my library folder is supposed to be included in the backup (i.e. I have not excluded it). But short of restoring my machine and seeing if my mail contents have changed, how can I be sure this is the case? 

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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