Hardware :: When Plugged Into System All Can Trigger Expose And Dashboard Middle Button Every Time
Jun 14, 2009
one has a broken scroll wheel,one is perfectly functional,and another is still new in the box.when plugged into my Mac mini the all of them can trigger expose (squeeze) and dashboard (middle button) every time. right click works beautifully.however when i plug them into my MacBook and set it up for spaces (middle button) and expose (squeeze) - neither of the functions work.
all of a sudden the middle mouse button stopped opening dashboard and now works as autoscroll. I have checked in expose and DB is still set to middle mouse button.
I have had my mighty mouse for a couple months and it has worked great on my macbook. Just recently the middle button won't open up the dashboard and the two side buttons go through spaces instead of exposing all windows. In system proferences under mouse and spaces both are set for the middle button to open the dashboard and the side buttons to expose all windows but they don't do that. It could be an easy fix but I don't know what else to try?
I don't use dashboard, but I do use 'Anxiety' to manage my to-do's. It would be cool if I could trigger/pop up Anxiety by hitting the Dashboard key on my keyboard (F4) instead of bringing up the Dashboard.
Is it possible to configure USB Overdrive to access Dashboard and Expose using the middle mouse button and one of the thumb buttons?
The control panel has options for what actions to take when these buttons are pressed, but Dashboard/Expose are not among the choices. Trying to assign a keystroke to the buttons doesn't work either because when I try, the keys activate Dashboard or Expose rather than capturing the key in USB Overdrive's keystroke window.
I've had this strange problem for a while now, and I can't figure out what's going on. Whenever I wake my Macbook Pro (Santa Rosa, 15", June 2007, Snow Leopard) from sleep or restart it, expose immediately runs on all open windows to show all windows, then the dashboard comes up, then it goes away. Sometimes it happens in the other order, sometimes whichever comes second doesn't exit back to the screen as it's supposed to be. What's going on with this? I don't get it. I've reset the PRAM, no change. Repairs permissions, no effect. It happens when plugged in and unplugged, which using the internal keyboard or my external one.
I have F8-F12 (without fn) mapped to spaces/expose/dashboard, and ever since I installed Snow Leopard, at random times my computer will stop registering them as "hey, open up dashboard" and interpret it as "hey, F12 was pressed, let's send this along to Firefox or Terminal or whatever". Sleeping or user switching doesn't help, I need to reboot.
So, will there be any way to evoke expose and dashboard on the new mouse? I don't use dashboard that frequently, but I do use expose all the time. So, is there like some sort of multitouch gesture or any way to evoke such functions?
I'm using a Mighty Mouse, with the extra top mouse button mapped to Dashboard and the side button mapped to Expose. Is it possible to map a single mouse button to do two simultaneous functions--i.e., go to Spaces and Expose all programs?
My wireless mighty mouse has just been dropped by a friend and came apart! Clipped it back together and the scroll and middle button do not work :-( it looks like there is a cable that connects them. Is there a special way to get it working again?
I'm trying to see if Win7 has a feature that all the current open websites show up like thumbnails like in Expose. The Win7 features "Shake, Peek, Snap" don't sound exactly what I am looking for. And any chance they have a general ZOOM feature like in Leopard when you hold CTRL and the mouse wheel also?
So, here's the story. I turned on my imac one day, and i tried to launch safari by clicking the left button ( primary button ) and it launched expose (which is configured or the middle button) so i kept clicking and clicking i tried the right button ( secondary ) and it also launched expose. By this time i am getting fusterated. My side button still works and launches spaces but left, right and middle only do what the middle button is configured too. I have tried taking out the batteries putting new ones in , and disconnecting it from bluetooth.
After downloading the latest Lion update today, the plus button in dashboard will not respond to reveal the widget bar and the Manage Widgets button. Help please.
I have a Macbook, Mac OS X 10.5.8.I got it for long time, and I never use Expose because I dont really need to, but I was bored and I used it only for trying, so there was6 squares, 2 columns and 3 rows, I marked one for photoshop another for lightroom and another for system pref etc.but then I erased on column and a window pop up and said something and I did not read it, click ok and I closed (stupid) system preference window and so now gone, I can't make it appear for canceling Expos謠I tried what I looked up in internet using:Fn+f9 or fn+f10, the window is marked as if its open, If I minimze it, it appears in the dock, I tried moving down into the squares of expose and does not appear, I tried leaving the click button on the dock of system pref and wont appear and I tried to hide everything except system preference but still i can't see the window, i can not even change the time of any other thing from there.
I can be in the middle of using an application, browsing a web-page, or basically any type of function when it will put itself into sleep mode. When this happens, I cannot get it to "wake up". I have to disconnect it from the power source, turn it over and remove the battery, wait a few seconds, then hit the power button, put the battery back in, then restart it. This is the only way I have found that will get it to come back to life. I don't like doing it, but I really don't see what other options I have.
I left Time Machine on to run last night while I was sleeping. I woke up to 12 new "2009-10-31" backup folders. It seems to be backing up a small 105kb file every hour. Obviously there is nothing else to backup because the system is idle, I'm not making any changes to files. I'm not sure I noticed this happen in Leopard. Any idea on what that small file is that it keeps backing up?
After a few months of confusion, I think one of my USB ports is dying. I had been plugging a My Passport HDD into my left USB port and a fan/hub (plus other things into the hub) into the right USB port. I had been having problems using Time Machine even with a HDD attached to my computer, so I figured the HDD was bad. I bought a new one (Seagate 1.5TB at $120) and planned on using another 500GB drive I have for Time Machine.
At the same time, I had been plugging my new iPhone 3GS into either ports on a hub on that right port chain or directly into it. The phone would eject and reconnect a lot when doing that. When I tried it on the left USB port or even connected to that hub coming off the left port, no problems. I plugged up a different HDD to the right side. It also began ejecting and reconnecting from time to time.I think my USB port is going bad, but I'm not sure because I have never had one that worked well and then stopped on a factory-built system. The only other time I had problems was when I bought a big, fancy PC case with about 800 ports and one or two out of 500 on the front wouldn't work. This is a much bigger problem on a MacBook Pro. If this port does sound bad, would it be worth investing in an ExpressCard USB port card? I have a good 4 or 5 devices that I need plugged in, but I think I can manage using the fan/hub device for most of it.
I was backing up my computer today and apparently my hard drive filled up in the middle of the back up so I got a notification telling me that Time Machine had deleted an older back up to make room for it. I need things that are on that back up...is there any way to recover it?
I have lost the dashboard app. Having upgraded my os on my brand new iMac I was having issues with my dashboard, and have -apparently- trashed my dashboard.app file. The dashboard is still working, but I don't seem to be able do find the app anymore.
#1: Is there a keyboard command that will perform a middle click? I have googled and googled and googled and found hardly any info except something about "option + click", which does not work.
#2: Is there a way to make the magic mouse perform a middle click?
Info: powermac pro 3ghz xeon 8core, Mac OS X (10.5.3), 9gb ram, 4tb internal storage, 30" cinema display, 17" hitachi
I'm a former windows user and I'm still learning about OS X. I hate installing programs that leave behind all kinds of files though, especially when they slow your system down like in windows. I'm wondering, when you download, install, and then uninstall widgets, do files get left behind afterwards?
I used to have both on the screen at the same time, but now its as if the screen is too big and I have to move the mouse down to access the dashboard and then up again to access the menu bar.
I just noticed that my when I got my macbook plugged in, it's not charging. The icon is the one you got when it's plugged in (with the little fork-shaped thing in the middle), but instead of it saying 'charging' like when the battery isn't full, or 'charged', when it is, it just says 'Not Charging'. It's like it can see the magsafe connector inside, but the juice isn't coming through to the battery, even though the computer itself is powered by the charger since when I click on the power symbol I get 'Power source: Power adapter'.
Also, the magsafe connector itself isn't lit. It used to be green for a bit, but a much weaker green than normal, and before that it wasn't even lit--I've tried with three different wall outlets, one of which was outside my house where I usually use it (it was in a starbucks). Also, when I disconnected the magsafe to get a reading for the battery, it was only 1:35, even though the magsafe light was green (albeit a weak green). If it matters, I'm running 10.5.3. The macbook is still fairly new, bought mid-december, all updates current as I got it set to checking daily and install the minute I get the notice.