Hardware :: Lcd Monitor As Secondary Screen / Using A KVM Switch?
Apr 17, 2010
im not 100% sure this is the right area to post this in but i have a 15 or so inch hp lcd monitor i wanted to use as a second screen for my imac via vga, so i was wondering if that kvm switch would alow me to have this setup
imac - (vga adapter) - Kvm switch - moniter and surround sound / xbox 360 - (vga adapter)
and the second part is... it says it is powered by bus does that mean it would be powered by the moniters or what?is that a bad idea? will it strain my imac or what.
we are trying to hook up our TV as a secondary monitor (for hulu, netflix, etc) but it defaults as the primary monitor. We would like to keep the imac as the primary monitor, and have the TV as a secondary, but cannot figure out how to do it! The only way we can get the imac back to primary status is if we use mirror mode. Once we take it off mirror mode, the TV becomes the primary monitor again, and there appears to be no way of switching it in OSX display preferences.
I've done similar hookups with my laptop, and the TV defaults as the secondary monitor. Why isn't this happening with our iMac? Any ideas?
I have a late 2008 white MacBook, and will soon be expanding desktop space with a secondary monitor. However due to a small and cramped desk, the only place the monitor will sit is above the macbook on a shelf. When I've seen examples of external monitors for MacBook's, they have always been to the right or left of the notebook itself. Is it possible to configure so that the monitor will be recognised as above the MacBook?
I know the iPad just got an App where it allows you to use it as a wireless secondary monitor. So I'm wondering, such technology should be available for the macbook too right? I know it's a bit sluggish, but here at work I only have 1 monitor and I do a lot of coding/multitasking work and if I could use my laptop as a secondary monitor (wirelessly/wired), that would be great. My work PC has Windows on it though, so that's something to note.
24" iMac running 10.6.3 and having some issues all of the sudden with my secondary monitor. It detects the display and the monitor comes out of standby, but only shows a black screen. Tried it with another monitor to see if that was the issue but it's not. Seems as if the iMac is sending bad video signal out... Couldn't find anything similar on a quick google search so I thought I'd try here to see if anyone had any similar problems.
On my 2008 24inch iMac the screen has a problem ( dead pixels ) and I will get it replaced in the future , in the mean time I have a very nice large external monitor connected to the iMac which I use ok, what I am looking for is a way at first when booting up , to be able to see both the iMac's screen and the external monitors screen , then some how shut off / make blank the iMacs screen only leaving the external monitor on ?
On my 2008 24inch iMac the screen has a problem ( dead pixels ) and I will get it replaced in the future , in the mean time I have a very nice large external monitor connected to the iMac which I use ok, what I am looking for is a way at first when booting up , to be able to see both the iMac's screen and the external monitors screen, then some how shut off / make blank the iMacs screen only leaving the external monitor on ?
i don't know what I did, but for some reason, new windows on firefox opens on my laptop monitor (instead of my 20 inch LCD, I am running dual screens).
1. I am running dual screens, but my EXTERNAL monitor is the primary one (top menu bar is on the external monitor)
2. All applications open by default on my main monitor, except for FIREFOX.
3. I have tried dragging the firefox window back to main monitor, both in spaces view as well as normal view, to no avail.
Is there a way to exchanging/switch primary/secondary display in OSX via shortcut instead of manually dragging the menu bar between the "displays layout" in the displays pref under "Arrangement tab" ? I'm very surprised that apple didn't address this simple issue yet.
I have a 30" Dell 3007WFP-HC monitor which I would like to connect to my laptops... I bought a HDMI to DVI cable to connect them.
When using my first laptop: Acer Aspire 6920G with 32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, it works just fine. But when trying my second one: Alienware with 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium (processor Intel Core 2 Duo CPU @ 2.93 GHz), it doesn't work at all...
I am still waiting on delivery of my 13'' MBP, comming from China , and I am thinking about secondary monitors and I do have a 17'' LCD monitor that I could use but i also have a 42'' Plasma TV that would be awsome, I think. Has/does anyone use there HDTV's as their secondary monitor?
what's happening here? Under Snow Leopard (this didn't happen before) when I change the profile of my MBP-screen the colors of my secondary monitor (BenQ G2400W) change randomly. This happens when using the topmost profile on the secondary screen. This means to me that I cannot use that profile because it's somehow multiplied with/overridden by the primary monitors profile. This topmost profile (named after the BenQ G2400W) happens to be the best (was in Leopard) so it's quite messed up.
So, I'm not really expecting this to actually work, but is anyone aware of any way I can use my 20" Mid-2007 iMac as a secondary monitor for my Mid-2009 MacBook Pro without any wires and for free?
I add for free because I heard something about a program called ScreenRecycler or something like that, which costs money and thus I am not interested.
I recently purchased a Radeon 4870 for my Macpro & couldn't figure out a way to make the DVI port my main monitor port. It always mounts my desktop on the mini display port. Is there a way to reverse this?
I have an 15" i5 MBP and I run XP on it for some games. I like to run most things on an second monitor but when I play games full screen it defaults to the display on the MBP. How do I mirror my displays or make my second monitor my main display?
I would like any application using full screen mode to do that on my secondary screen (a connected projector).
For example when I do a slideshow with Preview it does it on my laptop screen instead of on the projector. Same with iTunes.
I would like the visualizations to appear on the second screen. When watching a youtube-video, it'd be great to have the fullscreen appearing on the second screen while being able to keep on browsing on the first.
I would like to make a video with QuickTime X screen capture function. I use my MacBook 13,3" with an external monitor. The desktop is extended on the external monitor. If I try to capture the screen with QuickTime X, it records only the main screen (the LCD of my MacBook). Is it possible to capture the external monitor?
Information: MacBook 13.3" Black Mac OS X (10.6.3) 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, 250 GB HD
It is pretty good as a secondary display But is it possible to watch hulu using safari on the secondary isplay full screen. (hulu)And use my MacBook Pro to do other things at the same time?This is giving me trouble.Also anybody have any luck using pip with a samsung lcd tv?
I have a Mid-2007 Mac Mini and I've noticed every couple days, when I log out of the secondary account, it takes a relatively long time to return to the login screen. The blue screen sits there for maybe 30 - 40 seconds, but then when it returns to the main screen the whole machine freezes. The only thing I can move is the mouse, I can't click any of the buttons such as restart, sleep or get back into my account. I always have to do a hard shutdown.
Just wondering if there is a way to have videos in iTunes play full screen on a secondary display. I know you can do it in Quicktime, VLC and eyeTV with terminal... but all my content is in iTunes..Can anyone help?I take it from this overwhelming responce that it is not possible to do??
I'm sure this should be simple but I can't figure it out.
I have my iMac connected to my TV and am using Plex to watch stuff on the TV.
What I'd like to do is turn my imac screen off without turning off the second monitor output (i.e. tv) as the imac screen is a bit bright/distracting (even on lowest brightness) when watching in the dark.
I want to use my i7 as MediaPlayer. So I've connected to iMac video out a Plasma TV. There a way tp switch off only the iMac monitor when I'm wathing some video on my TV?
My old work PC had an application running which added a small < button to the menu bar next to the restore, min and max buttons which, when clicked would move that window to the adjacent screen.
Is there an app like this for OS X? I'm really looking for something I can evoke with a keyboard shortcut like spaces that simply moves the selected window to the same position on the adjacent screen so i don't have to constantly leave the keyboard to move windows around.
I have two laptops. One mac and one pc. I also have one external screen. Is there anyway I could switch my screen from one computer to the other without unplugging the VGA cable every time?
Is there some sort of splitter I can plug into both laptops and just press a button for the screen to go from one computer to the other?
I just bought a Mac Mini and all technical help is closed right now. I am very frustrated as the one I bought yesterday had no display output. The system starts and gets to a screen that has what looks to be a switch that needs to be changed. I have looked at the entire box and can not see a switch that needs to be changed. I have taken a picture and have put it on here. I have googled it and can not find anything. My mouse and keyboard are both new wireless so I have nothing I can even use there. I am enclosing a picture of the screen. I also only have power and monitor plugged in.
My 3-weeks old Macbook Air is taking almost 10 minutes to get from switch on to the log on screen, it seems to be stuck at the white screen with the Apple logo & the spinning grey wheel. Anybody faced similar problems before? What caused this? I was working with about 7 or 8 different Excel files open at one go and a couple were corrupted (but repaired). I have never experienced anything like this with my i5 iMac and wasn't expecting this on the Macbook Air. Any light at the end of the tunnel?
I just started watching some tv shows I downloaded and I am using VLC... When I go to full screen it pixelates/isn't smooth. I just tested it on my Alu uMB connected to a 21.5" monitor and it doesn't do that...
Well after the initial update, i had some problems starting the system up and getting it to load properly, it took a couple tries, but since that was resolved, it hasn't done that again.
As of late though I've experienced 4 or 5 total system lock ups. Just today (5minutes ago) I was on safari and when i used expose to switch to msn it woudl not let me select anything and just stayed on the expose screen. I had to hold down my power button to resart, as even when i tried to do it from the button, it would not let me select anything. Also, after finally restarting the system, it now says that I have no bluetooth module connected to my computer. I never had any of these problems before the update. The system is also running noticeably hotter than before. I have not installed any programs or anything lately and Im pretty sure that my other software is not the problem, Im positive that its OSX that is doing this.