Mac QuickTime :: Make Movie - Capture Secondary Screen?
Apr 10, 2009
I would like to make a video with QuickTime X screen capture function. I use my MacBook 13,3" with an external monitor. The desktop is extended on the external monitor. If I try to capture the screen with QuickTime X, it records only the main screen (the LCD of my MacBook). Is it possible to capture the external monitor?
MacBook 13.3" Black
Mac OS X (10.6.3)
2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, 250 GB HD
Does the new Quicktime capture on screen video with sound? If not is there a way to do it? Other good reliable programs out there that do what I am looking for?
Well today I was using the screen capture (in Quicktime X) on the 9600M GT and the result every time was that the colour was all screwed (see in attachment) I tried it on the 9400M and the screen capture was fine. I'm wondering if this is specifically a hardware issue or something that software may be able to fix. Currently, I have not ran into any other problems with the 9600M GT. Is this happening to anyone else, or can anyone else test it out to see if it happens to them?
I'm looking to build a kind of video wall. I have 4 LCD monitors which I've hooked up to a Mac pro to get a resolution of 3840x2104 on screen. Then I made an After Effects movie of a white box bouncing around the screen rendered at 3840x2104. What I'd like to be able to do is play the movie full screen and have it actually fill all four screens, but when I do Cmd+F and make it "full-screen", Quicktime is insistent on just filling one of my screens. I can expand the window (in non-full screen mode) to fill all four monitors, but then I have borders everwhere which I don't want (IE, the OS X menu bar and the "play" buttons at the bottom, etc). Quicktime has full screen settings which allow you to choose which monitor you'd like to fill, but (from what I can tell) there's no way to have it use more than one monitor. Does anyone know of a way I can play the movie across all four screens? I thought maybe another media player would offer this functionality, but I tried using VLC and it didn't seem to. Are there any other third party packages supporting H.264 that might offer this? Is there some plugin or method for Quicktime to beat it into submission?
i was trying to get a screen capture of an issue with itunes when previewing tv shows/movies..etc but it appears you can no longer take screen caps of iTunes movies/tv shows (well ones you didnt import yourself).... or is there a work around?
Okay, so I am here at work, and have spent the last 4-5 hours trying to resolve this issue, and cannot find any working solutions for it on the internet. We have .3gp recordings. All of a sudden, we started getting this error on some of our computers. Example: I want to play test.3gp; I try to open test.3gp in QuickTime, and I get an error that reads...
"Error -2002: A bad public movie atom was found in the movie:test.3gp" But when I go to play test2.3gp, it plays fine. This issue varies from computer to computer. I get this error on all three of my machines. 2 Windows 7 64bit, and 1 Windows 7 32bit. My colleague and boss can play test.3gp fine through QuickTime on their computers. One is Windows 7 64bit the other is 32bit.
Anyone know some causes of this and hopefully a way to solve it? I tried cleaning up registry errors, running as administrator, updating, reinstalling... Nothing is working.
I have over 20 miniDV tapes that I want to edit together someday. Can I use the new capture feature in Quicktime X so that I have them on my hard drive all ready to go someday? If QTX won't do it, what about Image Capture?
Information: Mac Pro 2.66 Ghz 8-core Mac OS X (10.6.3)
In Quicktime Pro 7 I can capture either 640x480 or uncompressed. The uncompressed gives me to large files, while the 640x480 is to bad. My camera is HD 1080 and my capture need to be the same. But it have to record compressed like .mp4 or H264 or something.
The best way should be if I could capture for the vimeo-format without exporting after capturing. Is there I plug-in or something for Quicktime that allows me to choose the capture settings more than the default settings?
we are trying to hook up our TV as a secondary monitor (for hulu, netflix, etc) but it defaults as the primary monitor. We would like to keep the imac as the primary monitor, and have the TV as a secondary, but cannot figure out how to do it! The only way we can get the imac back to primary status is if we use mirror mode. Once we take it off mirror mode, the TV becomes the primary monitor again, and there appears to be no way of switching it in OSX display preferences.
I've done similar hookups with my laptop, and the TV defaults as the secondary monitor. Why isn't this happening with our iMac? Any ideas?
This baffles me in terms of GB's. I imported a legal DVD to burn off Mactheripper in GB that was 2.7. turning it into a VT file. I then used cinimitize 2.0 making them 3 files, 2 .mov files and 1 audio files. Turns out each segment at 40KB's, 30 segments in all. Then I import the .Mov files to Final Cut Express and when I convert the whole 2hr and 40 min movie out to a "quicktime file". After that I open up the new Final Cut Quicktime .Mov turns out to be 38GB's. I am turning it into hopefully a 30 min film, but I do not understand the math at all, and I simply dont get how a 2.4GB DVD turns into a 38GB Quicktime movie.
I have a film exported from final cut to Quick time pro (mov) and then I would like to transfer this format to Quick Time (normal) in a PC. There it reminds me to look for a plug in. What plug in or do I need Quick time pro for PC. The fact is: I do not get a picture in Quick time in PC. Only sound!
I have a movie that I need to burn on to a dvd. When I tried to do it and tried to play it in a dvd player, the player says "no data." But when I put it in my mac I can see the movie. Even in a PC I can see the movie. What do I need to do in order to create a dvd that can be played on a dvd player?
First time using Quicktime. When I go to file to look for New Movie Recording, it's greyed out saying I need Quicktime Pro. And even if I try to buy Quicktime pro (which I don't want) it tells me I can't load it because Quicktime is built into OSx.
My girlfriend shot a short movie with my digital camera and she had it turned sideways, so you've got to turn your head to view it right. I need to rotate it 90 degrees counterclockwise. I've got quicktime pro 6.whatever (the newest). It's an mpeg if that matters.
I have movies that I would like to watch but quicktime will not play them all Iam getting black screen I dl Xvid still not working.All my movies seem to play well on windows but nothing on mac.
I recorded a video using PhotoBooth which now will not open in any of my players, QuickTime, VLC, HandBrake.
Finder tells me that it's a QuickTime Movie file, but QuickTime Player says "QuickTime Player can't open "Movie on 4-12-12 at 8.20 PM" because the movie's file format isn't recognized."
Why won't it open, and how can I get it to open? Additionally, I recorded a different video this morning and it plays just fine.
My friend is having this little problem with Quicktime. Every time he plays a movie (not in fullscreen) and make the window bigger, it starts to shrink until its the smallest it can go. This doesn't happen in fullscreen, does anyone know what the problem is?
I recently upgraded to Snow Leopard and I have the latest Quicktime Player as well. QP used to have the controls below the video, but now they're over top of it.
I can move them around, but I can't seem to move them off of the video. This is highly irritating because it means I'm missing part of the video any time I use any of the controls, or if I just bump the mouse.
Am I the only one who's bother by this? Is there any way to change it or to revert to an older version while still using Snow Leopard.
Just bought a new Canon Digital Camera, and took some Photos, and High Def videos (720p) with it. Came home, plugged the camera in, and my G4 found all the photos and movies, and I downloaded them to the proper folders. Problem: When Quicktime plays the movies, the sound is fine, but the video is completely slow, stuttering and hardly moves. Its unwatchable. My G4 is 1.4 gb Processor, and 2 Gb of Sdram. Fast, SATA Hard drives. It has the original AGP Video card that came with the Mac. Is my problem the Video card, or the G4 system itself.
QuickTime has started playing only 3 or 4 seconds of some avi movies. The timer bar goes all the way to the end, but only lasts a few seconds. The files play fine in VLC or on my WDTV, but not in Q.T. It seems very selective, sometimes it does it, then it will play just fine the next day. I have Perian installed. I have Tiger (10.4.11)
I am using ITunes 11.3.1 on a MacBookPro (OSX 10.9.4) and am getting the following message when I click on a Trailer: This movie requires QuickTime, which is not supported by this version of iTunes. I have QuickTime 10.3.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
im not 100% sure this is the right area to post this in but i have a 15 or so inch hp lcd monitor i wanted to use as a second screen for my imac via vga, so i was wondering if that kvm switch would alow me to have this setup
imac - (vga adapter) - Kvm switch - moniter and surround sound / xbox 360 - (vga adapter)
and the second part is... it says it is powered by bus does that mean it would be powered by the moniters or what?is that a bad idea? will it strain my imac or what.