Hardware :: WD My Book - Connected Via Firewire - Light Doesn't Remain On

Nov 18, 2008

I just purchased a WD My Book 1TB external drive for my intel iMac and I decided to connect it via Firewire. I have another that is connected by USB and when I shut down the Mac the hard drive also shuts down, but with the new one connected via Firewire it doesn't and the light remains on! Is this right? Should the light remain on? Is it a problem for the harddrive to be constantly powered? [URL:..]

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Mac Pro :: Why Doesn't The Fan Rev-up Higher To Remain In The Low 70's Like It Did Before

Feb 29, 2012

I'm the proud owner of a wonderful and powerful Mac Pro 4,1 (2009) which I have "modded" to support a 6-core Intel XEON processor. (Just using the "official" MacPro5,1 firmware). No problems at all with that.I installed the processor using the finest thermal paste, trying to spread it very evenly and not too thick or too thin, and then refitting the sink appropriately by tighting each single screw by just a slight turn and then the one across, and so on.Now I'm unsure if the thermal paste works perfectly or not. My temperatures, under very intense and heavy load with multiple applications (prima95, memtest, etc) it reached the low 70's by winding up the fans. But suddenly, a few minutes later, it the fans slowed down and the temp raised to mid 90s. so I turned it off...Now using an enconding application, like handbrake, I do get values of high 70's to low 80's but the fan remains (too) slow (in my opinion)Is this normal? Am I just too cautious? Why doesn't the fan rev up higher to remain in the low 70's like it did before?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: Drive Recognized When Connected Via USB But Not When Connected Via FireWire?

Jan 28, 2009

I consider myself very good at all things Mac. But this one has me stumped.

I've just arrived home with a WD My Book Home Edition 1TB external drive. Formatted for Windows it mounted correctly via FireWire and USB.

First things first: I formatted it for the Mac... Mac OS Extended (Journaled), two GUID partition tables. So far so good. Each partition is recognized, each mounts like it should.

Time Machine then backed up my Intel iMac... again, everything's normal. No odd or unusual behavior.

Here's where things get strange.

For whatever reason I formatted the drive via USB. But my intention hereafter is to connect via FireWire... I need each USB port for peripherals.

But the drive isn't recognized through FireWire. I'm asked if I want to initialize it. When reconnected through USB the drive mounts again.

What's going on? Why is the drive recognized when connected via USB but not when connected via FireWire?

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OS X :: No Boot Up When FireWire Device Connected

Mar 8, 2009

I recently had to take my mac mini to pieces to upgrade its RAM to 2GB. I initially had problems with booting up - it would get to the white screen with the apple logo and think for about 2 minutes then restart and repeat the process indefinitely. I managed to fix this by removing the clock battery for a while. I also zapped the PRAM after installing. But now, the strange problem is that OS X wont boot up (it will get to the white screen, think, then restart) if my firewire devices are connected. In case this helps, I have two HDDs and a DVD burner connected in daisychain to the firewire port. It definitely boots up fine with any other peripherals/connections. Once OS X has booted successfully, I can then connect my Firewire devices which seem to work fine.

I have tested my new RAM with memtest and rember and everything seems fine. After upgrading my RAM, I would also get two alerts on start up - "Do you want the application "configd" to accept incoming network connections" and "Do you want the application "mdnsresponder" to accept incoming network connections ". I have fixed this problem with the help of this post: [URL]. Aside from the horrible idea that I have damaged some hardware, does anyone have any clues as to how I can mend this? A wise colleague of mine said that if it was a windows machine, he would look at the BIOS settings as he thinks my computer is trying to boot from one of the HDDs, and that I should try to find a list of boot drives and remove the firewire HDDs if they're on it. I know macs don't run BIOS, but is there anything similar I could check?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Get It To Recognize An IMac Connected By A Firewire

Apr 26, 2012

I'm trying to connect my older I-mac to my MacBook Pro using a firewire.  I'm not seeing any icon for the I-mac on my MacBook screen.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Kebord Light Doesn't Work / Kebord Light Doesn't Work

Apr 3, 2012

i have apple mac book pro and its keybord's light turn off and light buttons(f5 and f6) doesn't work.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Pro :: Wireless Keyboard / Mouse Light On But Not Connected

May 6, 2012

The lights are on both the keyboard and the mouse. My internet connection is working. But neither the keyboard or mouse will make contact with the computer.

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IMac :: Using Sony Camcorder - No Image When Connected With Firewire 800

Dec 23, 2010

I'm trying use my sony digital 8 camcorders by using the firewire 800 port on my iMac 24inch.

Result: No image.

I have 2 sony Digital 8 camcorders: TRV 265 and TRV 238

Both work fine when connected using the Firewire 400 port on the Mac, in imovie etc, yahoo messenger and CamTwist etc

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OS X :: Constant Buzz Out Of Speakers When Connected Via Front FireWire

Jul 1, 2007

I have the Mac Pro and I have an external hard drive that I connect via the front FireWire panel on the Mac Pro. When the drive is off and the FireWire cable is connected to the computer, I get a "buzz" in the speakers. When I turn on the drive or disconnect the cable, the buzzing is gone? Any ideas?

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Software :: New Mac Book With No Firewire Port?

May 8, 2009

I was looking into buying a mac book the new alumnin type that apple recently released for high school. And i found out that it doesn't have a firewire port so my question is if i buy the new mac book and someday i know i will need to transfer huge files like an imovie from one mac to the another mac so how would i do this? will Apple release a ethernet to firewire cable that will transfer files? I know you can use migration to transfer settings from another mac to this mac book using a ethernet cable. What will apple do about make a adapter for it or something? And when you start that laptop up holding down the t key will it go into target mode or will it just boot normally? Lastly Mac os x leopard requires a firewire port to install leopard on it. I know they clone the hard drive from a huge machine before it gets into the laptop. But when the new operating system mac os x snow leopard is here i am pretty sure it will require a firewire port to install it so will i be able to upgrade it my self at home?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac Not Connected To Internet - Ethernet Light Green

Mar 10, 2012

We just bought a new iMac this afternoon. Haven't been able to connect to the internet, although the assistant says the connections are working fine. The ethernet light is green. Safari continually shows a message that says, 'your computer isn't connected to the internet."

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Mac Book Pro Won't Start And Caps Light Stays On

May 4, 2012

my macboook pro won't start and the caps light stays on, what can i do?

Mac Pro

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Mac Book Pro Will Not Stay Connected To Wireless

Jul 3, 2012

I can not get my mac book pro to stay connected to wireless. it will work connected to ethernet. I have reset all the network settings and I have rennwed the DHCP. I have created a new user.other then reinstalling Lion on my MBP I have done everything I can think of. I reset my router atleast 2-3 times a week no other computer on my network is having this issue.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Address-book Doesn't Work After Update To 10.7.3 PB Says Address-book Is 5.0.3

Feb 11, 2012

Address-book doesnt work after update from Snow Lepard to Lion 10.7.3 PB says your address-book is 5.0.3. PB says You have adressbook 10.5.3, yes, but now?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac :: High-pitched Frequency With External Speakers / Connected Via Firewire Audio Interface

Apr 14, 2004

I hope I'm not double posting. Have any of the other new iMac owners experienced weird frequencies coming from external speakers that are connected to their iMacs?

For example: I have a set of studio monitors that are hooked up to my iMac using a firewire audio interface. Whenever I'm copying data I get an extremely high-pitched frequency coming from my speakers that sounds like my hard drive spinning. Also, whenever I'm scrolling or moving the magic mouse I get a loud buzzing coming from the speakers (especially when scrolling). None of this stuff happened with my previous 20" iMac C2D. I have experienced this issue with all three of the 27" iMacs that I have gone through thus far (due to the yellow tint issue). Does this sound like something I'm just going to have to live with. All of these high pitched frequencies are driving me batty!

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OS X :: Address Book Will Not Stay Connected To Google?

Aug 26, 2010

I am having a issue with Address Book where I enter my Google login info, it seems to connect just fine, but when I close out of preferences and then the app and relaunch it will no longer be connected. The checkmark box for Google syncing becomes unchecked and everything.It was working fine for a while but I recently opened a new Gmail account and have wanted to sync with that one instead. For some reason now neither of the accounts will stay connected.

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Intel Mac :: Firewire 400 Doesn't Work

Jun 24, 2012

After several attempts my firewire would not mount on the iMac desktop. After reading the forum, so I reset the PRAM and the SMC. 

NOW, after rebooting the iMac after 3 or 5 minutes the external disk connect with a firewire 400 appear on the desktop with a spcial mention from my iMac " Could not repair the external disk !? 

Even though the disc is NEW and formated on the same machine two hours early!

Specification of my Mac 

Mac OS 10.7.4
iMac Mid 2007
2,4 Ghz Intel core 2 Duo

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Western Digital My Book World Edition II Connected To IMAC?

Mar 19, 2010

Just got a WD My Book World Edition II 2TB. I would like to reformat this drive specifically for mac. It's sole purpose is to be used with Time Machine.

I currently have the drive connected to my IMAC via ethernet. Finder shows the external HD listed under Shared as MyBookWorld and another one as MyBookWorld-Backup. Time Machine preferences/select disk shows this drive as "WD_Backup on MyBookWorld-Backup".

Using DiskUtility.app the drive DOES NOT show up!

Should I send this drive back from where I ordered? Anyone have any experience with this drive? Should I even bother to reformat?

I have NOT installed the software that came with the drive? Why should I?

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MacBook :: Light On The Magsafe Doesn't Appear?

Nov 29, 2009

I've just plugged my laptop in here at work, the light on the magsafe doesn't appear. at the top it says its running on power adapter.

Last night however i did notice that the light on the magsafe was a light green color, not the normal green/orange it usually is.

Any idea?, its a AluMB from Oct 2008. Could it be my battery or just the charger?. I do have Apple care.

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Intel Mac :: External Firewire Doesn't Show

Jun 18, 2012

I'm having trouble seeing an external firewire drive on the desktop.I've tried restarting with it on and then off, and turning it on after the boot is complete.I've reset the PRAM, still without success.The drive has a USB port which I tried, but when I connect via USB it still doesn't show up.If I leave the drive on whille connected via USB the computer does not boot, the screen remains a blank white.Outside of trying another firewire cable, are there any suggestions available that I can try?

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Mac Pro :: Bottom Riser Red LED Light On - RAM Use To Work Now It Doesn't?

Mar 10, 2008

I just installed 4x1gb OWC ram onto my top riser, adding onto my previous 2x512(dimm 1&2) + 2x1gb setup (which is now on my bottom riser). My previous setup had no problems and OSX detected the ram just fine but now with my previous setup on the bottom riser, OSX only detects the top riser with the new OWC 4x1gb ram. My former setup now displays a red LED light on the bottom riser.

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MacBook Air :: Keyboard Light Doesn't Work?

Mar 27, 2008

After working fine for a few weeks, the keyboard backlight suddenly doesn't work anymore. When I press F6 (more light) I get the on screen box, but it won't go up beyond 0 and a circle with a line through it is displayed below the indicator/status.

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Windows On Mac :: 1TB MyBook Disk Doesn't Work Via Firewire

May 13, 2010

I have a 1TB MyBook from Western Digital. When I connect it via Firewire 800 to my MBP in Windows 7 (Bootcamp) it is recognised but when I start copying (read or write) it just hangs after a while or becomes very slow. If I connect it via USB it works. Do I need some drivers ? If yes, where can I found them? I found this on WD but I have the previous generation i.e. without the digital screen. If I go to the software download, it says that the drivers won't work with the previous gen.

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Intel Mac :: Firewire 400 Camera Doesn't Work With 800 Port?

Jun 26, 2012

I have a firewire 400 camera that i'm using for a project and one firewire 800 slot on my iMac (Late 2009). When I plug the camera in, nothing responds no matter what I do - tried resetting the PRAM and SMC. Compare this to my older iMac (Late 2007) which has both firewire 800 and 400 ports. I plug it in and it pops up using the underlying Quicktime controller api on either the 800 or 400 port no problem. So I figured after trying to install a firewire camera library (libdc1394) which I need for my project which didn't work, that it must be a hardware issue, so I took it to the Apple store. The genius at the store booted the OS (Lion) from a firewire drive via 400 to 800 cable (no external power to the f/w drive was used) and then using the spare 400 slot on the hard drive, he plugged (daisy chaining) in my camera and it loaded! So this suggested 2 things - my OS is corrupt or my card can't read straight from my device but why a hard drive in between would change this is beyond me. I came home and installed OS X on to an external USB hard drive and loaded up from it - so this is a fresh version of Lion, there should be no software issues. Plug the camera in to the I/O board of the iMac but load the OS from the external USB hard drive - nothing happens, the profiler doesn't detect anything at all. On a side note, I installed XP and Ubuntu Linux and they also can't detect it, which further suggests its the device or I/O board when interfacing directly with this camera. I've tried providing the devices with external power, daisy chaining 2 cameras, using a usb hub....nothing works. Just for good measure, I tried to boot Lion off the external USB on my older iMac and again, it worked no problem, which to me really narrows it down to the hardware. 

I feel like perhaps the port is a bit dodgy and when the genius daisy chained it, it worked better, but no idea why. Someone said I should get a firewire 400 to usb adaptor

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard Doesn't Respond - Back Light Still On?

Jan 2, 2011

So a friend spilled some liquids on his new macbook pro 13 5,5.Unibody The keyboard no longer worked, the hd was fried, so he gave it to me and switched to PC's . I replaced the HD, and connected an external keyboard.

Luckily nothing else was effected and it powered up. What I find strange is that the back light still works although NONE of the keys do. The power button and the trackpad still work as well.

I have accepted that I have to purchase a costly top case, but could i not just replace the keys?

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Windows On Mac :: Back Light Doesn't Fully Turn Off In XP?

May 3, 2008

This is something that has happened since my initial installation of XP on my bootcamp partition. Whenever the light sensor detects low light, the backlight turns on at full blast. This is normal. However, when I go to turn the backlight off completely (as to save battery or if I'm watching a movie in windows and I don't want to see the keyboard lit up) it turns it down, but not completely off. Even though the backlight indicator claims that it is down the whole way, it never completely turns off. In OSX when I do this, it turns it completely off whenever I set it to the same setting.

has anyone had something similar in their MBP or any ideas of what is wrong? Is it just something with the drivers?

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MacBook Air :: Won't Start Up - White LED Light Also Doesn't Flash

May 19, 2009

My friend's MacBook Air crashed. It blacked out, and turned off. Now, when he presses the power button, he gets a beep, and that's it. the white LED light also doesn't flash. It's a short, soft beep.

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MacBook :: Won't Turn On No White IR Light And The Fan Doesn't Respond?

Mar 6, 2010

So this morning I woke up and went to press the power button of my Macbook, but nothing happened. I noticed that there is no white IR light and the fan doesn't respond. I checked the battery, it was at full. The power cable was also green when i plugged it into the Macbook. However, it still wouldn't turn on.

Just a general comment, I use the Macbook as a printer server and to browse the internet, so nothing intensive is forced onto the Macbook.So then I tried resetting the SMU, didn't work. I tried turning it on with only battery , and then with only power source, both didn't work either.I have never spilled anything on this macbook, never dropped it, smashed it, or abused it in any way. However, it is 2 years old and I never bought Applecare (Usually, if something is defective, it will show within the first 30 days). I assume it's a logic board failure, and it's going to cost around 700 to fix (which i'd rather just get a new macbook).

I was wondering if anybody know of a reason why the logic board broke, or if there is any remedies that i haven't tried yet?Also, I'm thinking of pawning it off on ebay and then save up and wait for the Macbook Pro refresh. Does anyone have an estimate on how much I can get for a broken Macbook (screen is fine, 4gb of ram (i might replace it w/ 2gb instead) 250 gb HD (might replace with 80gb HD instead), 2.0 ghz c2d (prbly useless cuz the logic board is fried)

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Intel Mac :: It Doesn't Turn On, Just Power Light Blinks

Jun 21, 2012

My imac does not turn on, not even make the noise when booting up. The only sign of life is the blinking light that tells you is on.

iMac, iOS 5.1

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MacBook Pro :: Doesn't Want To Boot When CD Rom Is Connected

Jun 4, 2014

I have an issue with my MacBook Pro (2009) model.

When I'm connecting CD-ROM (internal one) computer doesn't want to boot nither from DC ROM nor from HDD.

As soon as I am dissconecting CD ROM system is booting up without any problem.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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