Hardware :: Unable To Monitor AirDisk / AEBS Traffic

Jul 20, 2009

I'm planning to connect an external hard disk to an AEBS and open the right ports to allow Internet access. I plan on distributing the HDs IP address and password among some friends for a collaborative project. Is there any way for me to monitor the inbound/outbound traffic of such a situation? Perhaps even log which IP addresses do what, so I have a history of each user's actions? This sounds like something akin to an incredibly stripped down version of the Admin Tool suite available on OS X Server.

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Hardware :: Unable To Connect Over Internet To AirDisk Via AEBS

Aug 6, 2009

I followed the guide over in the MBA Forum to forward the right ports in order to access my USB hard disk over the internet. I can access it on LAN just fine, and it all goes swimmingly until I'm asked to enter the "Private IP Address" of the device. The guide states to enter an IP address in the fashion of "192.168....", but as you might be able to tell in the picture, the first three octets of my address field are greyed out and unchangeable, and only let me enter an address in the form of "10.0....". Following the guide to the end is futile, and device connection doesn't work as advertised. Am I missing something? Is my problem clearly with entering the wrong IP, or what.

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Software :: Unable To Work With Traffic Monitor / Can't Find Program

Apr 29, 2009

I have been having problems with uploads from my computer: is there a program that will help me monitor traffic and also pinpoint where all my traffic is going?

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Hardware :: Won't Work Wih AEBS / Bootcamp And AirDisk Streaming

Mar 8, 2009

1. The Bootcamp installation of Windows XP sees my wlan network but fails to connect. Only the guest network works with xp.

2. On the OS X side: connected to the dualband network via N, when I try to play a movie which is stored on my airdisk, every few minutes it skips a few seconds... very annoying.

My AEBS wireless setting is set to automatic

I tried some different settings with really strange results. With the networkutility I checked the connectionspeed:

Restarted the AEBS with the setting "automatic = a/n - b/g/n" -> 300Mbit/s
Disconnected my MBP and reconnected it -> 130Mbit/s

Restarted the AEBS with the setting "N Only 5GHz - b/g " -> 300Mbit/s
Disconnected my MBP and reconnected it -> 54Mbit/s

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IMac :: Won't Work With Monitor / Weird Traffic

Jun 29, 2009

I have a 20inch imac (bought in summer 2007). I am just getting into using it as my primary computer. I was playing around in order to learn more and I found something through Activity Monitor that does not make sense to me.

In the Network Activity tab, I see "Data received:" and "Data sent:" sections. As I browse the web, these numbers change of course, but it seems that the Data received quickly reaches hundreds of megabytes! Right now, Data received: is 540MB and Data sent: is 280MB (after a reboot earlier in the day). I am not using the iMac as a server or anything and I have never seen a Windows PC sending out so many packets in the course of browsing the web. Is this in line with others' experience? Should I be concerned about a spyware program on my iMac?

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OS X :: Unable To Find Backup Software To Airdisk

Oct 13, 2009

I'm looking for some backup / sync software so that i can backup my macbook pro to my USB hard drive attached to my airport extreme. I've only found chronosync to work so far are there any others?

I already use time machine to a different disk so am just looking for another solution.

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Hardware :: Unable To Set Up Airport Extreme AirDisk On PC (Win 7)

Dec 15, 2009

The Airport Extreme has been a joy to setup and use but have made no progress on setting up a shared disk.

I just picked up an early 2009 Airport Extreme and wanted to set up the disk through the USB port. When in Airport Utility, I can see the drive connected under the "Disks" tab--but this is as far as I can get setting it up. None of my PCs can see this drive at this stage--but the Airport Extreme obviously knows there's a drive connected.

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Applications :: Unable To Put Itunes Library On Airdisk

Jul 23, 2010

I just finished ripping my whole cd library to apple lossless, and I want to get it off my laptop onto my airdisk (a raid 1 500gbx2 drive upstairs, attached to my airport extreme base station.) I want to be able to see my locally stored (lower bit rate aac) stuff on my laptop and be able to connect to my "big" external lossless library when I want to, since I ideally don't want to keep this huge library on my hard drive in my macbook.

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Hardware :: Unable To Shutdown AirDisk / Can't Find Settings

Oct 6, 2009

How do you shutdown AirDisk? Is it safe to just cut the power to the AEBS and disk after the computers disconnected?

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Hardware :: Unable To Use Wireless N AEBS

Jun 16, 2009

I've got a 10/100 AEBS (pre-gigabit) wireless N AEBS.

Here's the setup in detail.

- AEBS v7.4.1 running in bridge mode for an Actiontech (Verizon Fios) wireless G router. IP address is static. The two routers are connected via ethernet cable

- Airport Express v7.3.2 acting as a wireless extender

- Early 09 Mac Mini 2.0 Ghz 4gb ram (usually on Wireless N network). IP address is static.

- late 06 MBP 2.33Ghz (usually Wireless N network)

- XP Pro PC ripping/encoding drone (Wireless G only hooked to Actiontech)

I've tried the AEBS both in 5ghz only mode and 2.4ghz mode w/channels 6/5 and I'm getting horrible throughput to my Mini. A 1.3gb file is reporting over an hour to copy and speedtest is showing my internet connection as less than 2Mb/s up 3Mb/s down whereas it's a 15/5. The kicker - when I switch over to my Wireless G network I'm seeing 20mins for the same 1.3gb file and Speedtest is close to advertised speeds.

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Hardware :: Upgrade AEBS To Dual Band AEBS?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm sure there is a few people on here that have made the swap - is it worth it? Is the difference in speed noticible to warrant an upgrade.

My current setup:
2.4 MBPu
Mac Mini (coming soon)
Dell Inspiron
Canon Printer
Slingbox (hardwired to AEBS)
AE (old school version)
WD 1TB external (connected to AEBS via usb)

All currently connected to a AEBS wireless.

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OS X :: Back Up AEBS HDD To Another AEBS HDD?

Aug 15, 2009

I currently keep my iTunes library on an external drive, connected to my Airport Extreme. I also have another drive attached to the AEBS that I would like to back my iTunes library to.

Can this be done? I've got the full version of Super Duper which will let me back up local drives to any network drive but I can't seem to get it to back to to a network drive to a network drive.

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OS X :: What Is UDP Traffic

Feb 27, 2006

Just found identified that for me to fix an issue with iTunes multiple speakers I need to open two UDP ports (6001 and 6002) on my firewall. What does this mean and could this cause a problem with the security of my network?

Basically, whats the impact on me if I open them?

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OS X :: How To Encrypt Incoming Traffic

Jun 16, 2010

Is there anyway to encrypt incoming traffic so people wouldn't know what I am downloading? I have an airport extreme base station and am wondering if it is possible to do it through that. If not, what would be the best software way to do this? Now, since illegally downloading is bad

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OS X :: Huge Traffic Coming In ?

Jul 13, 2010

I was asking some time ago telling about the traffic that is coming in, dont know where it originate from. But now its coming with 800KB/s, and its KB not kb. I'm connected directly to internet, no firewall, static IP. I can see in little snitch some local computers. Wonder if I'm safe with OSX ? kernel_task process was so high, it attracted my attention

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OS X :: Constant Incoming Traffic From No Known Source?

Sep 7, 2009

System: uMB 2.4/4GB Ram, October 2008, running 10.6. In the past couple days, I've all-of-a-sudden noticed that I'm receiving incoming network traffic; sometimes it's 300-400kbps, sometimes it's almost 1Mbps. It'll occasionally stop for a period of a few seconds to a minute, then pick up again. Disconnecting the computer from the network will stop it (obv), but it picks right up immediately upon reconnecting.

No programs are running that would seem to cause this behavior. Nothing is being downloaded (I mostly do that on a separate machine anyways) and nothing is running when this begins that would lean me towards a problem. Switching from a wired connection to a wireless connection does stop the download completely, which lends me to think that this is most likely an attack on that IP, though I can't find a way to be sure or to even look further on that idea.

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Mac Pro :: Directing Traffic To Second Ethernet Port?

Mar 23, 2012

What is the process used to direct certain IP addresses or a range of IP addresses to the second ethernet connection on a Mac Pro? I have a set of Mac Pros that use the first connection for internet access and corporate server connections using Samba. But the second ethernet connection is used for a lan between the Mac Pros and printers. It currently works but it take a bit for the "connect to servers" dialog to connect to a Mac Pro on the lan because I think it is searching Connection 1 first which has hundreds of Windows servers attached to it. And it takes several minutes to connect if our service has an interruption on Connection 1. All of the Mac Pros and printers are set up to use a manual IP address (192.168...) The Mac Pro workstations use Snow Leopard and we have a Mac Pro Server running Lion Server that we use to conntrol a network RAID.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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Applications :: Tunnelblick Configuration - Send All Traffic Over VPN

Aug 31, 2010

I'm using Tunnelblick to a OVPN server. I noticed Tunnelblick doesn't have an option to "send all traffic over VPN" like say Viscosity does, I would use Viscosity but I'm on a 64 bit kernel and Viscosity has no support for that, I know there are several guides but they don't work. So simply, how do I know if Tunnelblick is sending all traffic over VPN or not?

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OS X :: Vertical Traffic Lights (Like ITunes 10) On Firefox

Sep 17, 2010

Especially since it is open source, it surely shouldn't be too difficult to modify the traffic lights to be vertical in Mozilla Firefox like they are in iTunes 10. I've seen that you can change the iTunes 10 traffic lights to be horizontal. How would I do the opposite in Firefox?

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Applications :: Blocking P2p Traffic On Home Network?

Oct 7, 2010

Here is the situation. my family has someone staying with them our house who is basically addicted to internet pornography. They will be here for a while as they have hit a rough patch in their life and we are trying to help them out.

We already had a block set up with openDNS to effectively block all web sites through our router (apple time capsule) but that doesn't do anything to block p2p file sharing and our guest has figured this out. I discovered this because they are not too computer literate and all of their downloads from limewire and frostwire ended up showing up in their itunes shared library.

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MacBook Pro :: How To View What's Taking Up Network Traffic

Jan 16, 2010

Recently my internet has been slow, and even though I reboot my iStat Pro reports that I'm always downloading and uploading stuff (the speeds are like 100 kilobytes/sec) even though I have no applications running (I only have Finder in my Dock). How can I see what is using up my bandwidth?

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OS X :: Xbox360 Stream Off AirDisk

May 13, 2009

hows it going. Im new here but ive been a Mac Geek for 12 yrs. Anyways ive got a question that started out as a curiosity but now i "need' to know...lol!

Basically ive been using Connect360 to stream music to my XBOX and the occasional movie. I will soon be swapping out my iMac G5's HDD (250GB) for a WD (750GB.) Ive decided to buy an enclosure for the "old" HDD and connect it to an ABEX as an Airdisk. Connect360 is great but having my iMacs fans going and the "jet engines" they call fans on the xbox, can get pretty annoying after a while.

So essentially what i want to do is stream off the Airdisk but have the iMac off. Is there anyway i can make this happen?

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Applications :: LF IP Traffic Throttling From Skilled Network Admin?

Jan 11, 2009

I am looking for some advice from some pro network admins / elite type users.

I have some specific problems I am trying to address and could use a pointer in the right direction in terms of what software to get.

a) I'm looking for any software suite / program, MAC or PC, which can enable me to detect TRAFFIC on MY OWN network, and possibly correlate that traffic with known port numbers to create a graph / picture / etc of WHAT KIND of traffic a specific IP address / interface is transacting.

The purpose of this is to attempt to pinpoint how much torrenting / limewire / etc is going on on my network, and from what computers.

b) Any advice on any wireless router brand / model that enables IP / computer based bandwidth throttling such that I can clamp down on people who leech and drive my ping times through the roof.

This is a home network, college residence with approx 10 different users on the network. I have full control over the cable modem and the router. It is a consumer model (netgear) with limited configuration options, but very good wireless reception.

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Applications :: Block Outgoing Traffic On Specific Ports?

May 26, 2009

I need to block outgoing traffic on specific ports. Is there anything default in OS X to do this? If not, what application could I use? I'd prefer to use the OS, if it has an ability to do this.

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OS X :: Time Machine Won't Backup From Airdisk

Jul 13, 2009

My setup:
Mac mini with 4GB ram (self upgrade) and 120 GB internal HD
Attached 1TB HD for Time Machine
Airport Extreme
Attached 500GB HD (to Airport Extreme) for Airdisk

I've put all of my media onto the Airdisk networked drive (music, photos etc.) so I can access them from my Mini, my fiancee's Macbook when she's connected to my home network, and plan to access remotely using iDisk when I sign up for MobileMe. Now the problem I'm having is that Time Machine doesn't seem to be backing up FROM the Airdisk to the external HD I am using for Time Machine nor does the Time Machine app give me the option of selecting this Airdisk networked HD.

I hope that I am missing something here (which is possible and probable) for the most important files that I have that I would not want to loose are on my Airdisk. I want to keep these files on the Airdisk for i don't want to loose the easy network and remote access to these files for this was the chief selling point for me of the Airport Extreme vs far less expensive routers, but I want to backup these files without spending the time or money for a backup solution outside of Time machine.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Have Two .dat Files That Each Have The VLC 'traffic Cone' Symbol On Their Icons?

Apr 21, 2012

I have two .dat files that each have the VLC 'traffic cone' symbol on their icons. How can I get them to display without it?

iMac (Flat Panel), Mac OS X (10.6.8), iMac G4 15"/800MHz/1GB and PowerBook G4 17"/1.33 MHz/1GB

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PowerPC :: Apple TV / Won't Use FW400 External HD Or Airdisk

Aug 12, 2007

i'd like to get the ATV but want to know what to expect. I hope that a FW 400 HD would be ok for streaming all content (as music is seamless with just the airport express), but it would even more sweet if i could just get an new AE and set up an external media library to stream over Airdisk.

so, is Airdisk and it's USB interface limitations still enough for the ATV? would be watching high quality DVD rips and lossless music files mostly.

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OS X :: Won't Work With Finder Search On AirDisk / No Results

Jan 5, 2008

Say I search for "mp3" on my airdisk via finder. No results show up even though I know for a fact there are mp3's on the air disk.

I select "shared" and "filename" in the search bar when it comes up to search all shared drives with the filename (which has mp3 in it). Is this because spotlight doesn't index this drive?

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OS X :: Won't Work With AirPort Extreme, AirDisk And Backup

May 31, 2010

I am experimenting with two drives connected to my new AirPort Extreme. The first is for Time Machine, has been working well. The second is the experiment. The second drive is a storage drive that is usually attached to my iMac and is included in the Time Machine backups of the iMac. My question is if I decide to keep the storage drive on the AirPort then what would be the best way to keep it backed up? Could I run Carbon Copy Cloner from my laptop or would that just be a big mess? The goal would be to backup the storage drive to the other drive connected on the AirPort Extreme. I can live with the storage drive on my iMac if it is felt that this is a bad idea... just would be nice to be able to access the drive without having to have the iMac on... maybe I need to buy a less power consuming Mac Mini to be used as a server.

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Applications :: Does ITunes 10.1 Break Colour Customization And Revert Traffic Lights

Sep 29, 2010

Love it or hate it, I couldn't stand the all-gray iTunes and the vertical traffic lights. So I dropped a little script in the terminal and installed a modification to bring colour back to my icons. Now that iTunes 10.1 is out, does anyone have any experience with it breaking such modifications? I can't quite remember what it was I changed or I would experiment for myself. Unfortunately I'm tech savvy enough for basic trouble shooting and following explicit directions but not enough to know all the components of iTunes. I think I replaced a resource file of some kind.

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