Hardware :: Time Capsule Wifi Now Super Slow

Sep 18, 2009

I've noticed that in the past few months, Time Capsule has really slowed my wireless connection down a lot. And I mean a lot. Like down to 1.0 Mbs sometimes, slow enough that I can't even watch videos via Hulu because they can't stream fast enough.

Just for background, I'm running FIOS with the Actiontech wireless modem/router hooked to my TC via bridge mode. I have the wireless on the Actiontech off so as not to interfere with the TC, so there's no possible wifi interference. It was great when I first had this setup (20 Mbs up and down), back in Jan. It has been super up until a couple of months ago. At that time I did update to the latest firmware on the TC. But once I noticed the slow down, I reverted back and it's still slow. When I hook the computer directly to the modem, I get the 20 up/down as before. So clearly there is something wrong with the TC. I've already changed channels, but don't know where to go from here.

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Hardware :: Slow Ethernet And Very Fast Wifi? / Using Time Capsule

Dec 1, 2009

I'm facing a very misterious issue with my internet connection, using a Time Capsule; If I use a network cable to connect to the Time Capsule, the connection to the internet is very slow (Maxes at 2mbit, never more). If use a wifi connection to connect to the same Time Capsule, internet is flawlessly fast, reaching well over 80Mbit.

I checked and the ip is always the same, the downloads are the same, at the same time. Even trying with 2 computers (a Macbook and an iMac) (one over wifi, one on ethernet cable) the one using wifi can download stuff way faster. If I switch connections the one using wifi is always faster.

I use DHCP for both ethernet and wifi on the same local network, all the machines can see each other, it's just the internet connection that becomes so slow when using ethernet. The local network as as fast as a gigabit connection allows. The Time Capsule has the latest firmware installed, and has no problems at all besides this internet issue.

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Hardware :: Connect To Time Capsule While Connecting To Wifi Network At Same Time?

Sep 22, 2009

I recently purchased a Time Capsule to use as a wireless hard drive. I connect to the internet both through wifi and ethernet to a educational network that does not allow extra routers, etc, to be added to the network, therefore I can not use the time capsule for this wifi.

I therefore want to connect to my early 2009 MBP17unibody to both the academic internet network for http/pop3/ftp/etc while simultaneously connecting to external hard drive to store data/itunes-library/etc.

I expect this has been asked before but I can't find any threads where it has. If anyone knows it would be highly helpful. I'd prefer to connect to both wirelessly but I could potentially put up with connecting to either or both with ethernet.

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Hardware :: Not Use The Wifi On Their Time Capsule?

Aug 2, 2009

I'm thinking of getting Time Capsule for backing up my new MBP, but I already have great 100% wifi coverage in my house. I use a Linksys WRT54G running DD-WRT and have an additional Linksys WAP54G downstairs in my house. I perfect coverage and don't need another access point. I do want a good backup solution and like the idea of Time Capsule. So, can you configure it such that it's only used for backing up the MBP? Or does the MBP have to be connected to the SSID for the Time Capsule for backups to occur?

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Hardware :: Can't Get Configuration / Using Time Capsule (wifi)

Dec 26, 2008

My friend Jenny lives in an apt complex with public wifi access. They have NO access to the router or any ethernet jack, and must provide the front desk with their MAC Address to let their laptops connect to the network. How can we get her MacBook Pro and Time Capsule talking via wifi in this configuration? I'm not sure the TC will be able to join this network. Right now she is at home, and I am testing this config by simply shutting off her wifi connection at her house to see if the TC and MBP can talk with eachother alone...that hasn't worked at all.

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OS X :: Time Capsule Has Really Weak Wifi Signal

Apr 15, 2009

We have high speed cable w/ which plugs straight into a router, the time capsule is plugged into the router, and our printer is connected to the time capsule, unfortunately, the actual Motorola (an old) router that the time capsule is plugged into, is much faster, even 2-3x (perhaps more) faster than the time machine on Wi-Fi, my iPod Touch barely loads anything on it (even right next to it), and my dads iPhone only works on the time capsule network.

(This is 2008 Model time capsule, not the newer 2009 one)

The MB Pro is normally within 3-7 meters of the time capsule,
I'm not sure why it's so slow, especially when the laptop (MB Pro) is down in the bedroom (maybe 20-25 meters away, in a very open house), it loads incredibly slow! I'm wondering if this is normal behavior? or are there settings to configure or what? I was also thinking of getting the newer model, and get an apple TV, but I'm worried that it might be incredibly slow, based on this previous model we have.

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Hardware :: Won't Get Time Capsule (wifi) To Work

Feb 24, 2010

I am having major issues trying to get my TC to work with an existing wireless network. I am using a Macbook and an iMac, having just upgraded both macs to snow leopard. I connected the TC to a BTVOYAGER wireless router using an ethernet cable, turned on airport and it worked fine for a few hours. Then, suddenly lost internet connection. Other PC's connected just to the BTVOYAGER also lost connection to the internet, although were still connected to the router.

After much troubleshooting, after removing the tc from the equation managed to re-establish internet connection on the windows PCs. However, when connecting the macbook to the btvoyager (not using time capsule at all) the internet connection was lost on all computers. disconnecting the mac and resetting the router brought back the connection.

I am ignoring the time capsule completely at the moment until I can get btvoyager to work again with my macs. I am able to connect to public wifi, so know that the airport on the mavbook is working ok. I have also turned off IPv6 configuration as I am not sure the BTvoyager is compatible with v6.

all other settings on aiport seem to be ok and it will connect to the btvoyager network, just not to the internet. and nothing else will either!

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Hardware :: Time Capsule With Wifi Printer?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a Wifi printer and I thinking in buy a TimeCapsule. Can I config the TimeCapsuel to connect the print with Wifi or only USB ??

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OS X :: Will A USB Wifi Adaptor Work With Time Capsule?

Jun 3, 2010

Airport seems to have stopped working on my iBook G4 (it only detects networks intermittently). If I buy a USB WiFi adaptor, will the iBook still backup wirelessly to my Time Capsule and share (screen and file) with the other Mac in the house?

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Hardware :: Won't Work With Time Capsule And Wifi Signal

Oct 31, 2010

I have a time capsule hooked up to my mac mini. I don't use it for anything but the hard drive anymore so it is just plugged into the LAN connection. My Mac Mini is getting horrible wifi signal but my MacBook Pro is getting great signal in the same room. I was wondering if the Time Capsule can be used to receive the wifi and run it to my Mac Mini threw the LAN connection? Or can the Time Capsule be used as a repeater and boost the wifi signal?

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IMac :: Upgrading WiFi To Work With Time Capsule

Mar 4, 2009

I have an iMac Core Duo 2006 (the first intel mac). I want to upgrade the WiFi so that it will work with my time capsule (1st gen) 5ghz WiFi network.

I was looking and there appears to be 2 options
1. Airport Extreme Card Model MA688Z/B
2. Airport Extreme Card Model BCM94321MC

Which of these will work and which is best? At the same time I will also be upgrading the HDD to 640GB Samsung Spingpoint F1.

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Hardware :: Won't Work To Connect / Using Time Capsule (Wifi)

Nov 17, 2009

When I live at my brother's house, I connect to my brother's network which gives me wireless internet. Is it possible for my TC to, instead of being plugged in directly to his router with an ethernet cord, pick up his network's wireless internet and output it on it's own network?

In case that question makes no sense, what I want to do is connect to my TC's network (so I have access to the hard drive) but still get my brother's internet connection.

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OS X :: Share Internet To Time Capsule And Extend Wifi

May 28, 2010

after reading a lot manuals and threads I'm now completely lost and can't get it run.

This is what I'd like to do:
1. I have Linksys router set up as wifi hotspot
2. My iMac accesses internet via wifi via linksys
3. I'd like to hook time capsule via ethernet cable to my imac
4. i want time capsule to use my iMac's internet but extend at the same time the wifi internet access

a. Can I backup from iMac to time capsule via ethernet?
b. Which settings I have to do on my iMac and which on time capsule to get my scenario run ?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Is Slow

Jul 16, 2008

I just got myself a Time capsule and it taking ages to do it first back up i only got to back up 25 gig and it only done 4 gig and been doing it for about 40 mins or so.

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Hardware :: Using Airport Express To Extend Wifi From Time Capsule?

Sep 13, 2010

Sorry if this question has been asked many times before - I tried running numerous searches, but it's been difficult to find a straightforward answer to my predicament.

I have a time capsule and an airport express. I would like to extend the range of my wifi network as my modem (attached to the time capsule) is on the third floor of my home and I'd like to improve the strength of my internet connection to the lower floors. I've tried to set-up airport express (located on the 2nd floor, but initially set-up near my time capsule) and the time capsule with the extend range options, but my airport express doesn't seem to improve the range of the wifi. I tested my internet speed by running the test away from airport express, near airport express and with my laptop connected to airport express via ethernet. In fact, connecting the laptop to airport express seems to produce the slowest download speed and being near airport express does not seem to provide faster download speeds.

Can someone point me to straightforward instructions where I can setup airport express to extend the range of my wifi network that uses time capsule? Also, how will I know that airport express is extending my range? When I view my wireless networks, should I see my airport express as one of the wireless networks that I can connect to?

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Hardware :: Way To Switch Off Airport Extreme Or Time Capsule Wifi?

Nov 26, 2010

Is there a way, in the settings, to turn off the Time Capsule's Airport wifi? I've been looking at the "Apple Airport Networks" and the "Designing Airport Networks" manuals and haven't found an On/Off setting similar to the MBP's Airport On/Off. I live in a high-rise, with a lot of wifi networks, and would like to configure the Time Capsule via wired LAN with wifi off, until it is secured with WPA2 encryption, and MAC address filtering. Also, I will probably be using the gigabit LAN connection most of the time, when at my desk.

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Hardware :: Using Time Capsule As Server - Access Files From Wifi?

Apr 8, 2008

It is possible for me to use my Time Capsule as a server. I want to be able to access my files from anywhere that I have Wi-Fi.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule And Vista Can Connect To The WIFI Network

Feb 27, 2010

Just replaced a 500 gb time capsule with a new dual band 1 tb time capsule (first one died). My iMac, ipods, ps3 and wii all can connect to the network and work great. My wife's HP laptop, which worked fine 3 days ago, isn't connecting well. It picks up the "excellent" signal to connect to the local network made by the time capsule, but can not connect to the bigger internet. In other words, no browsing, email...etc. the signal is "excellent, and all other devices in the house can "see" and use the internet

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Hardware :: Switch Time Capsule - Settings - Use Wifi Connection Using Smartphone?

Dec 9, 2009

I have a Time Capsule wirelessly connected to my iMac. Since I've encountered some problems with backups because of intermittent wifi connection failures, I want to switch to a wired connection with an ethernet cable. I know I could fiddle with the wifi channels etc. but since the TC is just sitting next to my iMac anyway, I could profit from the higher bandwidth of a wired connection as well.

Two questions:
1. What exactly do I have to do to make the switch? Are there any new settings I have to apply? Create a new network?
2. Will I still be able to use the wifi connection to get on the internet using my smartphone?

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Hardware :: Maximizing Speed And Reliability Using A Time Capsule & Another Wifi Router?

Mar 1, 2010

I currently have a Belkin wireless-N router (the cheapest one I could find, regrettably) so that I can have wifi in my dorm room, but this router isn't cutting it anymore. I've given the password to a couple of my friends, but their favorite things to do while on my network are Skype, Hulu, and ESPN streaming--leaving me with an unreliable, slow wireless connection.To help with this problem, I want to buy a Time Capsule--I'm really looking forward to using its wireless backup and printer sharing features. My first question is, though, will a Time Capsule be able to handle multiple bandwidth-hogging wireless connections faster and more reliably than my cheapo Belkin router, or will it also choke? (I know for a fact that the problem isn't my university's network, because I get blazing fast download and upload speeds via Ethernet.)

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Hardware :: Time Capsule 1TB Connecting To Existing WiFi Network - Best Configuration?

May 14, 2010

I have a mixed Mac/PC environment - Macbook Pro (snow leopard); iMac 21 (leopard); 2 x Dell laptops (XP) - and an existing wifi network from a Belkin 8233-4 N modem/router. Also connected to the wifi network is a WHS for backing up the laptops; an HP printer; 2 iphones; an xbox 360; and a Wii.

I've just bought a 1TB Time Capsule to use to back up the Macs as my previous external time machine hard drive just died (which was connected via USB to the iMac).

At the moment, I've got the TC set up to join my existing wifi network (it's connected via an Ethernet cable from the Belkin wireless router), however I'm getting issues with the wifi network not working properly and being unable to connect to the internet. Every time you wake the Mac, you have to manually reconnect to the wifi (and sometimes even re-enter the password), and things work OK until the Mac goes back to sleep. When I go into the Airport utility, the settings say that the TC is set to create a new network, so I reset it back to join an existing network via ethernet, but then if I go back to these settings a little later (after having problems with the wifi connectivity), they have reverted back to create a new network !

What am I doing wrong ?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule File Transfer Too Slow

Aug 5, 2009

purchased a Time Capsule today for use with my MBP. it is super super slow.. I can't believe it. How come there were so many good reviews on the Apple site? I hooked it up via ethernet cable, NOT via wireless and it's as slow as this. right now it's showing 3.4mb and 17 000 hours.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule To Existing Wifi Network - Cannot Connect A Computer To The LAN Port?

Dec 14, 2008

I've just joined a Time Capsule to my existing wifi network and it's working fine. However, if I try to connect a computer to the LAN port, I can't ping the TC. Is this by design?

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Hardware :: Very Slow Time Capsule Backup (Ethernet Connection)

Jul 23, 2009

I know there have been many posts on this in the past but I think I am getting even slower speeds than most who have complained. My TC is backing up at a rate of about 1 Gig per 45 min to an hour. I have plugged in an ethernet cable and set ethernet above wireless in my network hierarchy but it appears that this is not working. This is my initial backup so I don't want to risk it by turning off my airport if it is transferring using wireless. Shouldn't the ethernet connection go much faster even though my Time Capsule is not plugged into our modem?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Disk Access Suddenly Slow?

Mar 10, 2010

Anyone notice anything happening to their disk speed/transfer/access rates lately using a Time Capsule for a NAS?I currently use it to do two TM backups, and hold an iTunes store - been working amazingly well for over a year, and then a couple of weeks ago notice massive lags.The two Macs are using wireless, but internet speeds are as fast as ever... it just bogs down when you try to use a disk.So, couple other questions: Was there an airport firmware update lately that I installed incognito - and it's botched? Is there a way to install old firmware etc? Lastly, is there any way to run disk utility (or something like it) on a network drive like the Time Capsule? Maybe it's just clogged up or something?

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Hardware :: Data Transfer Slow Speed Rate To Time Capsule

Apr 25, 2009

I did some experimenting this evening to assess data transfer rates to various storage items in my home network which uses a new Time Capsule as the router/hub.

Connected to the Time Capsule are the following:
- Mac Pro (GigE)
- Vista Machine (GigE)
- MBA (Wifi)
- Raptor Drive (USB 2)
- Time Capsule Drive (Internal)

Transferring a 650MB file between devices yielded the following results:
MP > Vista (GigE) = 288 Mbps
MP > MBA (5GHz) = 52 Mbps
MP > MBA (2.4GHz) = 43 Mbps
MP > Raptor (TC USB) = 38 Mbps
MP > TC Drive (Internal) = 38 Mbps
MBA (5GHz) > TC Drive (Internal) = 22 Mbps

It seems that transferring files to a USB drive or the internal drive on the Time Capsule is painfully slow. It took 2:20 to transfer the 650MB file to the Time Capsule over GigE vs. 0:20 seconds to another machine. What's worse, is that the data transfer speeds to the TC are a function of link speed, the slower your connection, the slower your transfer rates. It's not simply limited by some bottle-neck in the TC. It took 3:45 to transfer the same file to the TC from the MacBook Air over the 5GHz WiFi connection. When I complained about this the other day at the Apple store, the "Genius" said that it's due to QOS built into the router to ensure it doesn't kill my web browsing.

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MacBook Pro :: Can Use Time Capsule To Watch HD Videos Because Internet Speed Is Too Slow

Feb 1, 2010

Im using time capsule and MBP trying to watch hd videos on youtube . Its running to slow and wont keep up with the videos. What can I do to make it faster. Or is it my macbook?

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MacBook Pro :: External Hard Drive Or Time Capsule - Wireless Connection Pretty Slow?

Mar 4, 2008

I will be getting a MBP but I will need more storage, hence the external hard drive. I wanted to buy time capsule but I read that it is not possible to partition it. So, would I be better off with an external hard drive(FireWire 800) that I can actually partition or get time capsule which offers the wireless connection. As for the speed I guess the wireless connection with time capsule must be pretty slow?

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Hardware :: Switch Time Capsule To Wired Connection / Using Wifi Connection On Smartphone?

Feb 10, 2009

I have a Time Capsule wirelessly connected to my iMac. Since I've encountered some problems with backups because of intermittent wifi connection failures, I want to switch to a wired connection with an ethernet cable. I know I could fiddle with the wifi channels etc. but since the TC is just sitting next to my iMac anyway, I could profit from the higher bandwidth of a wired connection as well.Two questions:

1. What exactly do I have to do to make the switch? Are there any new settings I have to apply? Create a new network?

2. Will I still be able to use the wifi connection to get on the internet using my smartphone?

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MacBook Air :: Moving Time Capsule Data - How To Restore Image From Time Capsule

Nov 29, 2010

I'm getting a new 13" MBA, upgrading from a 2006 macbook. I have it all backed up to time capsule. Can I just connect the MBA to my time capsule and restore the macbook image?

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