Hardware :: Jumpy Mouse - How To Diagnose
Sep 26, 2010
I built a Hackintosh a while ago, and it's had this problem since I built it. The curser seems to randomly accelerate/jump while moving the mouse as steady as possible across the screen.
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Dec 14, 2009
My i7 iMac arrived today with no screen issues and no major problems at all (after scouring the forums the past few weeks, I was a nervous wreck waiting for it). I ordered on Black Friday and believe I have one of the most recent batches with, I cross-my-fingers hope, none of the screen problems that have been reported. However, I am about to gouge my eyes out because of a blasted erratic mouse issue in OSX. I am using a Razer Naga (though it is still a problem with every other mouse I hook up) and regardless of the settings, the cursor is jumpy and impossible to control at times.
I am Bootcamp running Win7 64 and have zero mouse issues on that side of the computer. Its only when I boot into OSX that I have the mouse problems. I have tried the Naga drivers and two USB/Mouse shareware apps, all to no avail. Otherwise, the iMac runs like a dream. In WoW with Ultimate Settings I get 50 fps in Dalaran and 120+ out flying in the world. LotRO runs great as well -- with the recommended settings I am at around 60 fps at all times, even standing at the Prancing Pony in Bree.
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Jun 27, 2012
Jumpy mouse and shut-downs on G4 mirror door when putting to sleep or just random shut down, is now occurring after install of new 2nd internal WD IDE 320 GB hard drive, running OS 10.4.11, orig HD is WD 80 GB, RAM = 2 gig.Â
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Apple Power Macintosh G4 1 GHz
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Mar 26, 2012
I have a 2009 2.26 Mac Pro with 4x4Gb Apple/Hynix RAM and 4x1Gb Apple/Hynix and Samsung RAM. I have been having occasional kernel panics (once/twice a week). I tested the 4x4Gb with memtest in single user mode and got a kernel panic with all 4 sticks in. However, when testing the modules individually or in pairs, they all pass memtest (at least 3x each). But testing all 4 causes a panic every time. Is there something wrong with the motherboard or RAM board, or could it still be the RAM? Should I be trying the RAM in 3s instead of 4s?Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 31, 2008
Okay, I am running OS 10.5, and one of my kids did something to the desktop that makes it look "jumpy". When moving the mouse, the screen moves also, since not everything fits on the screen any longer. To see the dock, you move the mouse down, but then the menu bar at the top disappears. It's almost like they did something to make the screen larger than the display, so not everything on the desktop can fit the display (iMac). Luckily, it is not my user account, but still, it is driving me nuts!!
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Jun 26, 2012
My MacBook's cursor is very jumpy and sensitive. How can I correct this problem?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 28, 2014
FCPX exports are all jumpy....not apparent on timeline!Â
G5, Mac OS X (10.4.8)
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Apr 4, 2012
My son has a 2010 iMac and it crashes about once a week. I've serviced it with Disk Warrior twice. The first time it found a problem with the Volume map, but the second time nothing. How to read the Console crash report? As this is a total crash, I can't find any reports under the various application tabs that fit the dates in question.
Mac Pro Intel 2.66, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Apr 10, 2012
There is the hardware test, but it does not seem to include the Optical drive, I did the extended test and it says that everything is working fine, obviously it is not, everytime I insert a CD/DVD it plays it right, but it does not come out on its own and i have a hard time to get it out somehow, this happen exactly 1 week after the guarantee run out! I have a MacbookPro 15 inch 2.4GHZ, 2GB Ram 250 Hard Drive?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6)
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May 9, 2010
I am running my MacMini 1.83GHz, OSX10.6.3 through my 37" Sharp LCD TV as my media centre.
When I activate the iTunes visualiser in full screen, the image jumps and jagged lines appear randomly across the screen.
This does not happen if the visualiser Is running where you can see iTunes control bar above and below the visualiser graphics. It also does not seem to happen with any of the other iTunes built in visualisers.
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Nov 18, 2009
I need your expertise in figuring out whether my 12" PB G4 is worth salvaging. I tripped over the cord a few nights ago and it came crashing to the ground, landing open in a V. I was sure the screen's hinge would be damaged, but it wasn't, and the screen appears to be a little blurry in the middle, but avoided catastrophic damage. Here's what happens, though. When I turn it on, it loads, though it takes 20 mins to get up and running. Then it loads my background picture, but nothing on my desktop. And the toolbar at the bottom shows up, but if you click an icon, the computer does the spinning wheel for about 5 mins and then the spinning wheel disappears and you're still just looking at the background picture.I'm really upset at the prospect of having lost all of my files. At the same time, this computer is 4+ years old, so it seems silly to spend $500 on getting it fixed. Does anyone recognize what might be wrong here -- is it something I might be able to repair on my own? Or that could be done cheaply at a repair shop? Or is this poor laptop finally d-e-a-d ?
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Jan 4, 2010
Have a white iMac (2Ghz Core Duo, 20" screen). It has started misbehaving slightly: it usually takes two or more tries to start from off, and has to have a hard restart if I've let it go to sleep on its own.If I have made it sleep myself, by pressing the power button, it always comes back, but it refuses to do so if I let it sleep on its own.My local reseller suggests that it may be a logic board fault: I'll have to pay ?70 to diagnose this and, if that's the case, the repair is uneconomic, meaning I've also wasted
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Apr 10, 2012
My HD is at 410GB used out of 500. I only have about 230GB in Music and 65GB in Movies. Can I really have 100GB's of applications? The only big app I have is LibreOffice. How to diagnose the missing space?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 1, 2014
diagnose this kernel panic. I recently installed a SSD and 16gb of RAM both from Crucial, and was wondering whether that is potentially the problem. This is on an early 2011 Macbook Pro.Â
Anonymous UUID:Â Â Â Â Â Â F50EBC9D-D65E-62EA-9F52-E10973A07940Â Â
Mon Dec 1 14:38:44 2014 Â
*** Panic Report ***
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 27, 2009
I've been playing a bit of Poker using the PKR application (It's a cider port from what I've seen). I'm finding that on my iMac (and not my MacBook Pro), after playing for a while the graphics go a little bit screwy then it freezes the entire system. To try and diagnose the problem I want to see if it's the app or the GPU which is causing the problem. Does anyone know how I can stress test the GPU?
What's odd is that even though the app seems to be very CPU and GPU heavy, I don't really notice any fan noise from the iMac. I'm just concerned that it may be overheating.
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Apr 23, 2007
I initially made a slide show of 250 old family photos in iPhoto. It looks great and the cross dissolve function is very smooth.
However, I now need to take portions of music rather than entire songs and blend the songs into each other. This requires that do the slide show in iMovie so can use the timeline to edit the music to fit with certain portions of the slideshow.
The problem that I am running into is that the cross dissolve function in iMovie is jumpy and not smooth like it is in iPhoto. Also, some photos have "stuttering" and flashing between the transitions. I have tried adjusting the cross dissolve time and length of photo and can't seem to get it to look right. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? For example, if I want each photo to be on the screen for 3 seconds, how long should I make the transition? If I remove the transitions, this problem is gone. But then the photos just go from 1 to the other after 3 seconds and the effect is a bit jarring. I'm stumped. In addition, the image quality does not seem as good as in iPhoto - but if I use iPhoto I cannot make a title page or time the music.
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Oct 31, 2009
If $$$$ is not an issue, here is an alternative for those people complaining about Apple's old Mighty Mouse & new Magic Mouse:ID titanium laser mouseThis mouse would double the value of your standard 21.5" iMac!
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Dec 3, 2009
I just bought the latest macbook pro. It is actually my first mac so I'm not really sure if this is supposed to happen. But I tried plugging in my "ordinary pc" (meant to say that is not a Mac mouse) mouse which is an A4Tech brand. It's working when I move the mouse in huge spaces. It goes smoothly that way. But when I try to move it in small little spaces, it's kind of like not going smoothly. Especially when I'm working on small details like Photoshop, it's kind of difficult to maneuver the mouse arrow. I tried other "pc" mouse as well but it's just the same.. Does this really happen if I'm not using Mac's mouse? How do I fix this?
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Oct 5, 2010
If I want to format my Mac Pro (6 core 3.33 GHz) and I have an Apple wired keyboard and a bluetooth Magic Mouse will the Setup Assistant be "smart" enough to pair the mouse with the computer or will I be stuck with no mouse during the setup process? Do I have to run the entire process with a wired mouse?
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May 7, 2012
my mouse has stopped working. How do I turn on mouse keys through my keyboard?
iPad, iOS 5.0.1
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May 1, 2009
I know that the general consensus here is that the Mighty Mouse is a piece of shit. That notwithstanding, I'd appreciate posters refraining from engaging in further elaborations on that concept when replying to this topic (i.e., no comments like "Buy a new mouse," please).
At any rate, I purchased a wireless Mighty Mouse about a month ago and was very happy with it until the batteries apparently died. One day the pointer simply stopped responding and the green light on the bottom of the mouse was flashing. I replaced the batteries and the mouse resumed normal operation. Then, a few days later it happened again. I have yet to re-replace the batteries and have reverted to using my now eight-year-old Logitech dual-optical mouse (possibly the finest peripheral I have ever owned). Has anyone else encountered this issue?
Is this mouse having internal hardware or software issues or is it normal for it to devour batteries at this rate? System Preferences says that Bluetooth is maintaining the connection properly, so I am ruling that out as an issue. I would just say to hell with it, and use my Logitech mouse full-time, but my wife hates it and I payed seventy goddamn dollars for the Apple product.
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Jun 6, 2008
When I wake from sleep, my mouse cursor is a beachball that is NOT spinning. I can use my mouse like normal, move it, and click on things, but its still a beachball. I beleive it stays like this until the mouse is actually supposed to be a beachball (when I open a few programs at the same time and the computer starts "thinking"), then it starts spinning and after that it goes back to the normal black arror cursor.
Might be a problem from the 10.5.3 update? anyone else experience this?
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Apr 20, 2009
I just upgraded from a MBA rev A to a rev B. I experienced this with both machines, so it's not just a rev A issue...
I use a Bluetooth Mighty Mouse and everything is fine... until my hourly wireless Time Machine backup starts. Then the mouse cursor becomes very choppy and sluggish. As soon as the hourly backup completes, the mouse's responsiveness returns to normal. Throughout all this, the trackpad is just as responsive as always -- no change there. I don't have another bluetooth mouse to see if its just the Mighty Mouse.
When this happens, the Activity Monitor is not spiked. The fans aren't running loud (so I don't expect its an overheating issue). This doesn't happen during a large wireless download -- just Time Machine. It's not a big deal, but rather an annoyance.
Any ideas why? Or even more to the point, any ideas on how to fix it?
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Jun 11, 2009
I'm using a Logitech MX 518 mouse. It was working fine with the exception of the two side buttons; they weren't set up the way I liked and the mouse control panel did not let me change them. I installed some Logitech drivers (lcc213) that were supposed to support the mouse; upon reinstalling the mouse was not recognized by the Logitech software. The scroll wheel became very sluggish (maybe scrolling one line, and seemingly no acceleration). I removed the Logitech software and restarted, but now my mouse is stuck that way - moving the scroll speed in the Mouse preferences all the way to the left or all the way to the right makes no difference.
Is there any way to reset the mouse drivers or whatever might be messed up, short of a reinstall?
I even tried to use USB Overdrive and that likewise has no effect on the scroll speed.
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Oct 20, 2009
One of my absolute biggest pet peeves with the Mighty Mouse (aside from the input lag), was that you had to LIFT your middle finger off the right side of the mouse for the left click to register. You simply cannot rest your right-clicking finger on the mouse and left click with your pointer finger.
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Jan 21, 2010
If I pair a bluetooth mouse to my Macbook Pro, will it wake itself up inside it's bag (potentially over heating it and killing my batter) if it receives input from the mouse?
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Jun 27, 2014
Every once in a while the mouse pad will stop working. A wireless mouse will work in its place. The keyboard will also act extremely slow during this time. It seems like the buffer is full and it moves on to the next letter i type without using the previously typed letter.Â
Macbook pro intel i5 2.4 Ghz
8gb 1600 Mhz DDR3
Version 10.9.3
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Mar 21, 2007
I'm looking to maybe replace my mouse, and I quite like the look of the Logitech G3 mouse, mainly because it looks like the same design as my trusty Wheel Mouse, but with a couple of side buttons added. The problem is that according to the Logitech site, the software is PC only, but I assume that the standard left/right/middle buttons and scroll work as normal. I've read in another post here about the MX518 that although the extra buttons on that mouse can't be programmed in the control panel (except for expose?), they work fine in other applications (World of Warcraft was mentioned, and it's that I'm specifically interested in).
So, anyone actually used one of these mice? Or should I just get the MX518?
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Jul 13, 2009
I have a Microsoft Intelli Mouse( Link ) and it has 4 buttons. How do I change what the side buttons do? Under System Pred > Keyboard and mouse, the only options are to which side is Primary, and Zoom scrolling. All I want to do is set it so the left and right side buttons go forward and back in explorer, instead of scrolling
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Aug 9, 2009
Ok, I bought 2 ACD's and now when I use the mouse I always have to lift it up to cover the whole screens. how can I fix this, would I need a bigger mouse pad or what.
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