Hardware :: External HDs Show Up As Larger Than Possible?
Mar 30, 2010
I bought my second WD Elements 1.5 TB External HD last night and I cleaned out my old 250 GB LaCie External HD today. I know the 1.5 TB should read at about 1.4 TB and the 250 GB has always read at about 232 GB. Suddenly I have them at 1.5 TB and 249.4 GB respectively.
Sounds like things the way they should be, I know, but anyone who's been paying attention knows something's just not right there. Anyone know what happened? And if it's not a glitch tell me how to reproduce the result on my other HDs.
I'm looking to purchase an external monitor (24" @ 1920x1080) for my MacBook Pro (13.3" @ 1280x800) but want the fonts to be larger on the external monitor (eyes aren't what they used to be). The MBP13 has about 113 pixels/inch whereas the monitor has about 92 pixels/inch so I believe the fonts will indeed be larger. Can anyone with a similar setup confirm this or offer any other useful info.
My daughter is entering college this fall and will need to use Adobe Creativity series including photoshop,illustrator and indesign. Will the Apple MacBook (Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz, 2GB RAM, 250GB HDD, 13" display) be sufficient to run this software without problems? Would the Macbook be adequate if connect to a larger external monitor?
I have a Macbook Pro 2.16 Core Duo, and I'm wanting to install 10.6, but about a year ago, I cracked my screen to the point that I cannot make anything out on it, and haven't replaced it. Instead, I have just been using it in clamshell mode, which has worked out fine so far. My problem is that I cannot get the 10.6 install to show up on my external monitor.
I searched around, and could only find one other similar thread that just ended with the author putting it in clamshell and having it work fine. When I boot to the install and close the screen, I just get a grey box on my external display with a black bar on either side of it. I can't seem to find any other resources, so I'm not entirely sure what to do at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My external drive has been used once. It was formatted, partitioned and files were saved on a mac. It showed up on a friends computer running Linux, and it showed up on my PC at home, but it hasn't been turned on since (about two weeks). This is where the problems begin. A few days ago I purchased a new enclosure for my HD (Nexstar 3.5). I took the HD out of it's old enclosure and put it in the new one (I needed the new enclosure for school purposes). I got to school today and plugged it in to the mac, but the drive didn't show up on the desktop. I tried to connect with Firewire 400, 800 and USB 2.0 but no luck with any of them (a USB key worked fine). Just to make sure it was working, I got home plugged it in to my PC and it showed up instantly.
From looking at other threads regarding this issue they all say I have to access the Utility menu. The only problem is since the mac I need to use is a school computer I can't access the Utility menu. It says I don't have authorization to use that menu, and won't allow me to go any further.
I don't know what to do from here. I can't reformat the drive because there is rather important info on there that hasn't been backed up yet. What can I do?
A few months ago my HP tablet pc just died on me, so that's when I decided to get a Mac.
Although, I needed to transfer the data and since my HP computer wouldn't get to the login screen; I was told to take out the hard drive, put it in an enclosure, and hook it up to my Macbook Pro.
I finally got around to getting an enclosure and hooked everything up. Now when I connected the hard drive to the Mac, it wouldn't show up on my desktop.
I did some searching around the internet, and there was some suggestions about the hard drive not being a "master" and I had to take out a plastic thing called a "jumper." The HP hard drive didn't have a jumper, so now I'm stumped on what to do next.
The hard drive enclosure I purchased was a 2.5" Rocketfish SATA HD Enclosure. aka; model RF-AHD25
I DID install Mac Fuse. Just not the driver needed to write on the hard drive, since I wasn't gonna write on it.
I have an old external hard drive (5yrs) that I used on a G4. I tried to plug it into my 10.5.8 and it will not register. I tried it on 3 different computers. I am tiring to use it for work (school teacher). I have an older Mac at work that it did show up on so I can get the info off.
I'm quite new to using external hard drives so this will sound bad! What I am thinking of doing is having a external running logic pro on it with all the vsts's instead of having it on my internal memory. Also want to have just one external with my iTunes library on? if i did that will the shortcuts still show up in iTunes?
I just took the hard drive out of my old ibook g4 and put it in a case to use an external.
But for some reason it won't show up? I looked in disk utility and its there but i cant mount it or repair it or anything. tried it on my wife's mack book same deal. i need the data on it.
I've used Seagate FreeAgent Pro 500 Gb. It has been divided into 2 partitions. one is used for time machine, another is used for keeping my important data. I think that the Finder should show both partitions on the left, but it shows only Time machine .
I regularly run software update. As I can remember, it has ever shown two partitions. I don't know whether this is related to software updating or not. If it is 'yes', how can I solve it?
My external HD won't show up anymore on my desktop nor does it get listed in disc utilities. I tried to cennect it to another mac but it doesn't show there either nor in that mac's disc utility. I happened to re-start the computer while the hd was connected and now it doesn't show up anymore. I use it for back-up via Time machine. I could re-format and do the back up all over again but then I need to find it first.
My backup harddrive has suddeny disappeared from my desktop. It happened after I shut off which took loger than usual. I have also two other external harddrives, which are new formatted that does not show up.
i have tried going to the disk utilities and remounting my external drives and checked for an option in system prefs, but my external drives (both flash drive and hard drive) just won't show up on my desktop. My computer isn't even a week old!
I'm having trouble seeing an external firewire drive on the desktop.I've tried restarting with it on and then off, and turning it on after the boot is complete.I've reset the PRAM, still without success.The drive has a USB port which I tried, but when I connect via USB it still doesn't show up.If I leave the drive on whille connected via USB the computer does not boot, the screen remains a blank white.Outside of trying another firewire cable, are there any suggestions available that I can try?
i just bought an external hard drive enclosure for a new hard drive but it doesn't show up when i plug it into my macbook. the enclosure lights up with a blue status light when i plug in the USB but it never shows in disk utility and finder. leopard is installed on the external hard drive (im trying to clone my macbook's hd). i'm thinking its the enclosure but are there any steps i can take to ensure i'm doing everything correctly? the external hard drive is working, it was installed in my macbook yesterday but i took it out because time machine restoring fails also, i plugged the external into my time capsule. the blue status light turns on meaning its plugged in but i only see my time capsule in the network
My PowerBook G4 crashed and I need data from it. I already had bought an external drive and had begun loading some fotos and music. Now I'm at a friend's Mac, firewired and all, and the external drive (visible in the disk utility) isn't to be found.
I don't want to erase and reformat, obviously, ... can I drag it onto the desktop from the disk utility?
I have put contents of an external hard drive in the trash but not yet deleted them. How do I remove them from the trash (not delete them) as every time I plug the hard drive into the Macbook pro they show up in the trash again. I do not want them deleted.
My Maxtor 500 external hard drive has suddenly stopped appearing on my desktop. My other external drives appear. I've tried hooking the drive to my MacBook Pro with the same results. The drive however, seems 'active'. The light on the front of the drive does its usual flashing routine when plugged into a new machine. I've never had a crashed drive before. Does it sound like this is what has happened, or does anyone have a clue as to what I should do?
What is the hard disk like inside these? Could I take the hard drive out of the enclosure and put it inside my Mac Pro? I have a friend who's WD Elements drive won't show up when she plugs it in, but I haven't seen it or messed with it first hand yet, so I don't know exactly what's going on. She says the light shows up and then goes away, and nothing else happens. If I fail to make it work through conventional means, how do I connect the drive to my Mac Pro in a way that bypasses the drives own AC Power system, which could be the faulty component?
Is it possible to copy/export/burn a TV show from iTunes to an external media (DVD disk, memory stick, etc) such that it can be played on a different computer? I'm starting to think the answer is 'no', based on other discussions here, but thought I'd ask in case I'd missed something.
So, basically, ever since Lion, my external harddrive has had trouble being found while using the USB slot in the Airport Extreme. Anyway, so the HDD can be seen in the Airport Utility under Disks but I actually cannot access it through Finder. I have ticked the boxes to show External Harddrives in Finder and all that, so I am pretty connfused. All I use it for is watching movies off and TV shwos so I can save space on my MacBook Pro. So yeah, no Time Machine stuff which I usally see about this topic
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have three external harddrives all of which are connected through different ports, all show up in finder, all show up in disk utility, but none of them will show up on my desktop. I looked at a few other posts similar to mine but the answers given to other problems have not worked. There is no way all three of my cords are causing a connection problem and I have repaired and verifyd all the drives and still nothing.
Disks I put in the Superdrive, external hard drives, or anything in the USB or Firewire (thumbdrive, etc) -- nothing shows up on the desktop. All are visible in Disk Utility. USB thumbdrives and external hard drives are visible in the sidebar in Finder, but disks are not (only disk utility).
Because of this I can't burn a disk because the disk is not being recognized. In Disk Utility, the external hard drives appear mounted and can be opened in Finder, but why aren't they appearing on my desktop (they used to)?
I copied some file from one external drive to another and the folders doesn't show an arrow which I could click to show the contents of the folder. When I do get info it doesn't show the size of the folder but the hard drive that I copied from does. How do you make it show the arrow and size?