Hardware :: Direct Ethernet To NAS - Using Wireless At The Same Time
Dec 10, 2010
I just picked up a Synology DS211 NAS and have been using my roomates' wireless router to connect to my 15" MBP unibody (OSX 10.6.5) and it's been working just fine but I need a faster connection to the NAS for the work that I do. I succesfully got the NAS to connect directly to the MBP through ethernet but I lost my wireless connection to the router.
Does it make a difference in speed if I have the time capsule connected directly to the internet, opposed to it connecting wirelessly? I'm still backing up and using the Time Capsule wirelessly from my computer, but I have the internet plugged directly into it- making a wireless network for my laptop to pick up. Does it make a difference? I would kindof imagine that it would only make much difference if I plugged my laptop itself to the Time Capsule directly, since wireless internet speed doesn't seem to different on it's own anyway.
I currently have a Sky provided D-Link modem router that provides my wireless internet (in my lounge, as this is where the phone line is), and the Time Capsule sits nicely out of the way in my kitchen, wirelessly backing up via Time Machine. My wife would like to sit in the kitchen and work on her laptop, but her company's IT policy means that she can only connect via Ethernet. Currently she has to connect to the D-Link in the lounge and sit on the floor. Is there a way of connecting her laptop to the ethernet ports on the back of the TC and then wirelessly connect to the internet?
I've got a Time Capsule attached to an Ethernet network, which gets it's internet access from DSL. I can't seem to get the configuration I want. I'd like it to be part of the ethernet network, available to Macs on the network and I'd like it to act as a wireless access point for Macbooks and Macbook Pros. But when I go through the Airport Utility install, once I tell it it is to connect to the network, which already has internet set up through DSL, then it won't allow me to set up wireless. It's as if it wants to work one way or the other. And the instructions are confusing about which port in the back of the unit to insert the network cable. I did manage to get it set up and connected to the network, and to deliver wireless, but I ended up creating a "bridge" and doing things I did not quite understand.
I ended up creating a wireless network and I guess "bridging" that network with the ethernet. Maybe that's the right thing to do, I don't know. Maybe I'm just not understanding the terminology right. is "creating a wireless network" the same thing as merely creating a wireless access point for a wireless device to connect too? I guess I was thinking that they were two different things, maybe not. So, it's probably a simple thing, and I hope someone can just tell me in what way I am supposed to set up the Time Capsule. I know I got it working, but I can't even remember how after a zillion tries I even got it working right.
I tried searching on macrumors and google and found mixed info on how to do this. My gf recently got a new white macbook and is needing to get her files from her pc transferred over to the macbook. There will probably be over 50 gigs of info. Could someone link me to a guide in doing this step by step in precise detail?
I have a gigabit AEBS, that only gets 12 MB/sec MAX when I transfer files between my 2 macs via ethernet cable. I get 45 MB/sec MAX when I connect the 2 macs directly to each other via ethernet cable. What the hell is going on here? is this typical of the AEBS? I would expect these numbers from the 100Mbps AEBS, but not the gigabit version.
I have an ethernet cable. i have an alu macbook. i have an iMac. i need to transfer files between the two. tried connecting the ethernet cables. on the macbook it says "ethernet cable not plugged in"
on the iMac it says "ethernet cable not plugged in".
i know the ethernet cable works because i brought my macbook up to my router and used the ethernet cable to connect to the internet. it is Cat5 or whatever. i've tried everything static IP addresses. restarting. replugging. over and over and over. no luck. the macs just pretend there is no ethernet cable plugged in. tried DHCP. tried manually. but it works when i connect my macbook to my modem.
i've tried everything. i've googled, i've mroogled. nothing works. i spend two hours trying to work this out myself before coming here. every single webpage online just says "oh just turn on file sharing LOL then it works" not for me it doesn't. i've tried that. i've tried it over and over and over again. it doesn't work for me. still won't recognize.
i'd use wireless connection to transfer but that'd take like 20+ hours to send 60GB+ of data. too long (iMac is not at my house) are ethernet cables just fail? this is a BRAND NEW 20 inch imac and a aluminum macbook from 2008.
I created an access point from a router. My question is if I can get a faster connection to devices near to the access point with the direct connection or will a direct connection not work with an access point?
I have recently had to stop using my wireless router and connect directly from my modem to the WAN port on my computer. However, I can only achieve an internet connection when I direct connect into my PowerBook G4. When I try to connect into my iMac, I get nothing.
Direct TV On Demand requires an access point for streaming video. The simplest fix is an ethernet cable between my DSL modem and the DVR. This is not practical, as the DSL modem has only one ethernet port, and it is going into my Airport Express. (and it is several rooms away) Direct TV recommends a Cisco WET610n ethernet bridge. My problem is that the Cisco techs say there appears to be compatibility problems between the two. The Apple tech said flat out that the WET610n cannot connect downstream from the Airport Express. He said he did not know if the WET610n could connect to the Airport Extreme, which does have extra ethernet ports. I can return the WET610n. I MAY be able to return the Airport Express and upgrade to the Airport Extreme. Does any know for sure wether or not the WET610n will operate wirelessly with the Airport Extreme, which boasts true 5 ghz 802.11n capability? Does anyone have a known solution? Direct TV has given me some Geek telephone numbers, but I haven't contacted them yet.
OK, I asked this question previously, but not quite succinct enough, I think. I have a Pioneer home theater receiver that is network capable, but not wireless capable. I want to get this thing on my home network without having to purchase another device as my Mini resides no more than 36" away from it.So far, I have been able to get the receiver to connect to the internet through Internet Sharing on the Mini, but it remains blind to, and invisible to my wireless network. I simply want to connect the receiver to my Mini via ethernet cable and have it see and be seen on my wireless network. url...
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.7 GHz i7, 256 GB SSD, 8GB RAM
I was using a Western Digital 1T hard drive connected to my Time Capsule USB port. It was set up as Allow file sharing with Time Capsule password. I would like to stop using it here and directly connect it to my Macbook Pro (by firewire). When I try to do this, I can see the drive but get a message that I do not have user permissions to access it. I can't seem to figure out a way around this. Is there something that I can change so that I can directly access the disk? Do I need to reformat the WD drive in Disk Utility to be able to use it directly again?
I'm brand new to Mac. I just got a MacBook Pro, and I've been having some troubles connecting to the internet at home. I have a LinkSys WRT54GS router with Firmware Version: v1.50.9. I'm unable to access the internet through both ethernet and wireless. Concerning wireless, I have tried connecting using WEP, and have tried entering passcodes both with and without an "$" and "0x" preceding the 10 digit WEP passcode. I have also tried switching the encryption over to WPA2, and still nothing. I have even disabled the security to see if it's able to connect -- it's not. I had some error regarding not being able to find it's IP or something along those lines.
I have a macbook pro (Nov 2011) and just purchased a Time Capsule (4th Generation) and rigged this up successfully. I have nearly 450GB to backup and I've noticed whilst in backup mode, my browser is hanging occassionally. I'm looking at the network in/out speeds and if I'm reading correctly, I'm only getting 703 kb/sec when I'm wired, and slightly more (900 kb/sec wireless). Backing up is estimated at 10 days wired, and 8 wireless. This seems mighty slow.
A few questions.
a) Shouldnt wired be significantly faster. Do I need any special cables I should be aware of?
b) what speeds should I be seeing for both wired and wireless.
Info: Time Capsule 802.11n (4th Gen), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
how do i tell safari to use my wireless connection instead of ethernet?
at work my mac pro is connected to our company network via ethernet. but i also have a verizon dsl connection via airport. i only want safari to use my airport connection, and everything else to be using the company network via ethernet. for the life of my i can't figure this out. i have searched the interwebs high and low.
I am trying to get onto our home wireless network using a G4 a friend has just given me. It doesn't have an airport facility so my friend has also given me a 802.11g wireless ethernet adapter. I have followed the instructions exactly (accessing the adapters internal configuration and setting it to the wireless networks SSID and channel, then going back into the network settings and re-setting it to "obtain IP address using DHCP') When i restart the computer the network status reads as "built in ethernet is active and has a self-assigned ip address. you may not be able to connect to the internet" (the marker next to it is yellow) needless to say I cannot connect to the internet.
The wireless on my mbp is really slow most of the times -- about 3Mbps. I get 13 Mbps via ethernet. (speedtest.net) A windows machine connected to the same network gets 13 Mbps on wireless as well as ethernet. Even my iphone gets 12 Mbps. I guess this rules out problems with the router (DLink DI-524 with WEP). Tried OpenDNS servers, no change. Also tried disabling file/internet sharing, Ipv6.
I'm trying to share my wireless internet connection from my mac to my PC, the mac is connected to a switch with a tp cable and my windows pc as well.The switch doesn't have dhcp so I had to manually type in the ip address
I know it sounds stupid trust me, but Im looking for a way to Bridge the iMac's built in Ethernet card to the built in wireless adapter.
I have a specific application that will not run over WIFI even though the speed is fine. It's a Support issue they wont provide currently. I looked into purchasing a Hardware Connector but at $99 for one I though they had to be a better way.
Than reading around I heard it was possible on PC at least to Bridge an ethernet adapter to a wireless adapter kinda like VMWARE does.
I want the app to look at my ethernet port and say OK its live..
I have two G5s, one next to my ethernet/DSL line which plugs in directly for internet, and a second out in the living room where there is no DSL line. However, the house has wireless via an Extreme and two Xpress socket-plug-ins. My mac guy told me that I should be able to hook the G5 in the living room directly into the Xpress next to it via an ethernet cable (the living room G5 does not have a wireless card in it) and the wireless internet should link up via the Xpress to ethernet cable to living room G5. ? He said to make sure I had the ethernet configure box set to "using DHCP" which it is and it should automatically find the right IP address. When I try it, I get nothing though, just a message that there doesn't seem to be a network connection.
I have tried internet speed tests on two laptops, one being a macbook and the other being a HP laptop running Windows Vista. I am meant to be getting 10mb download speeds and get it on the Windows Laptop using both ethernet and wireless connections, however when I use the macbook I get 10mb download speeds with Ethernet but not with wireless. I have tried changing the DNS servers to OPEN DNS on both my router and macbook but this did not help. How to fix this problem and get my wireless speeds the same as my Ethernet speeds. I am running Leopard 10.5.7 and upgraded a few days ago, I also used software update to update the rest of my software.
Today when I turned on my computer, it suddenly would not recognize any kind of Internet connection. The Ethernet cable that I use every day now shows up as 'unplugged' even though it is plugged in. I have tried using a different cable, and it still shows up as unplugged. When I try to connect to the Internet wirelessly, there is always a connection timeout and I can't connect. I use a self-assigned IP address and I've never had this problem before. I've also reset my PRAM, but it hasn't worked.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
NO issues until this morning. Put computer to sleep and it would not boot back up properly (stuck on Apple boot screen and it FINALLY came on after many tries). Now my wifi or ethernet won't actually "connect" to the internet. It says connected under network preferences and it's green, but I have no internet connection...
My macbook wont load any web pages. It is connected to my wifi network and it says my Internet connection is good under my network settings. All my other devices on the network have no issues (ipad2, 2-iPhone 4's and 2-PS3s). Also when I connect my MacBook to my router with an Ethernet cable it loads any and all web pages instantly. I also tried installing Firefox thinking it may have been an issue with safari. No luck there. The issue was intermittent at first and would require I restart my computer/router and then issue would be corrected. Now the internet wont load any pages at all. I also tried zapping the PRAM, flushing the DNS cache, removing files from the system config folder under Library/Preferences/system configuration and a few other things I can't exactly remember. My MacBook is up to date, my routers firmware is up to date. I even tried tethering my MacBook to my iPhone via wireless Internet and still could not load any websites.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I just got a new MacBook Pro, but my wife uses my old 1.25GHz Alum. PowerBook. My MB pro flies, but unfortunately, the wireless ethernet on my old PB is slow as hell. I've got 11+GB of free space left on my hard drive and Safari or Firefox are the only applications I have open. I also have a cable internet connection with wireless through my 1st Gen Airport Express, yet it's still slow.
I recently completely a wire pull from the network hub (Dell Power Connect?) in the office of a church, to a computer in a different room of the church. I plugged in the cat5e cable to the computer, it connects to the network, computers on the network can access it's public folders and remote access it, but the computer cannot browse the internet using the built-in ethernet plug. The wireless-internet on the computer allows me to navigate the internet just fine.
With the Airport turned off, and the ethernet plugged in, I can ping [URL] with 0% packet loss, but when I try to connect to google on Safari or Firefox it says that Safari/Firefox cannot connect to the server.