Hardware :: Connecting Macbook 13,Apple Tv And Samsung LCD

Aug 30, 2009

connect the macbook unibody 13" (not the pro) , the apple tv 40gb to a samsumg LCD full HD 37" LCD (3 HDMI inputs, 1 component video input, 2 composite video, 1 PC input, 1 optical sound output).

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OS X :: Connecting MacBook Pro To Samsung LCD

Apr 23, 2009

I thought it would be pretty straight forward connecting my mbp to my lcd samsung. I'm using a belkin hdmi to dvi, and after I connect and select the input on the tv, all I see is the original os x background on the tv. Ao at least I am seeing something and the cable seems to be working, but that's all I see. I can't get anything else to display. When I watch instruction videos people just seem to get the whole desktop with dash and everything to display right after connecting.

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MacBook :: Connecting To Samsung LCD Audio?

Feb 17, 2009

I am trying to connect my macbook to my Samsung LCD TV. The TV is Samsungs 3 series, and has 2 HDMI, audio, optical, RCA and PC input. I hooked up the video via the display port-HDMI and used the HDMI 1 port on my TV. It looks great. I tried my 3.5 audio cable to plug into the audio input on the TV. No luck. The audio input seems to correspond to that PC input so I'm guessing that I have to use the PC input in order to get the audio to work as well. Is this accurate? If so does anyone recommend an audio connection type that would work? Maybe I'll just run to Best Buy to get a 3.5 audio cable to RCA.

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OS X :: Connecting Macbook Pro To Samsung Hd Tv With DVI To HDMI?

Jul 17, 2010

i just bought a DVI to HDMI cable, to plug my macbook pro to my big samsung tv. I successfully connected them to eachother, but there was only 1 problem which ruins the whole experience. There are weird fuzzy colours all around the screen and is almost impossible to see anything.

Here you can see the DVI cable plugged in the MBP:

And on the tv screen everything looks messed up:

this is a brand new cable so i don't think it would be the problem, im only afraid maybe my DVI input would be broken.

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To Samsung Pico SP-H03?

May 12, 2012

I have just bought one of these pico projectors to try and display my macbook's screen.  I cannot seem to get it to find the computer though, doesnt say anything about not being able to connect to a mac so is it not possible??  I have the minidisplay port to VGA connector, just says no signal or something about audio being present or not. 

Final Cut Pro 7

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Hardware :: Connecting MacBook To Samsung Monitor?

Jan 13, 2009

I have a 2.4 GHz Aluminum MacBook which I'm trying to connect to a Samsung T220HD LCD monitor/TV.
I'm using the Mini Display to VGA adaptor.

I know the adaptor works b/c I can connect it to another external monitor at my work.

When I connect the MB to the monitor, the MB sees it b/c "Syncmaster" shows up after I detect displays. However, nothing shows on the T220HD screen. Sometimes, the LCD simply says, "There is no device connected."

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MacBook :: Connecting With A Samsung 2333SW Over VGA - How To Get Full Resolution

Dec 1, 2009

I have a BlackBook with a Intel GMA950, can I get full res 1920 x 1080 using a VGA cable on this type of monitor?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Connecting Macbook Pro To Samsung TV's HDMI Port?

Mar 22, 2012

I'm running a Macbook Pro 4 (Year '09-'10) w/ a Intel Core 2 Duo, Speed 2.4 GHz. I've a Samsung 720 HD TV and am wondering if there is a way to play video directly from my Macbook Pro to my TV's HDMI port? Is there a USB to HDMI?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Hardware :: Connecting Samsung LCD To MacBook - Screen Starts Pulsating?

Oct 12, 2010

I just purchased a 20" Samsung SyncMater P2050 LCD monitor to hook up to my Macbook. I also bought the mini-DVI to VGA adapter, the cabling is right. After powering on the Samsung and booting my MacBook the Samsung is recognized and the snow leopard desktop comes up on the Samsung. I am able to get to the monitor set up in the preferences window, and move the external monitor to where I want it. After a short time the Samsung screen starts pulsating, first at the out side edges of the display, it progressively gets worse, ad then the screen goes black. This happens every time after I shut down the Samsung, and then power it back on.

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To Samsung P2370HD 23" Monitor - It Does Show The Entire Screen

Jul 3, 2010

I just got my Sammy HDTV/Monitor, which is a 23" 1080p HDTV. However, when I connect my MBP via my mini-displayport to HDMI adapter, the screen gets cut off on the top and the bottom. I have tried to switch the resolutions from 1080p to 720p, but it still does the same thing. It gets off both when I use the external as a secondary monitor and when I mirror the displays and use it as a primary monitor. When I turn overscan off in System Prefs, the 1080p image shrinks and there are black bars around all sides (however, it does show the entire screen). Does anyone know how to fix this? I want to get the most out of my recent purchase, and I know this is possible because I've seen it.

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Mac Pro :: Connecting Two Samsung LED's?

Sep 25, 2010

I'm planning on getting two of this samsung monitor.


The main connection out of the monitor is DVi. So I'm assuming I need to buy Apple's Mini Display Port to DVI Adpater, which is this link. [URL]

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OS X :: Connecting UMB To Samsung LCD?

Aug 20, 2009

Is there a adaptor that I can use to connect my UMB to my Samsung Series 5 LCD via HDMI, or do I have to just go with the mini display port adapter?

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IMac :: Connecting To Samsung SyncMaster P2450H?

May 30, 2010

At the moment I have a 24" iMac (early 2008 model) which has been a fantastic machine. But I would like to extend the screen size by plugging in either 1 or 2 extra monitors to spread my windows out. I'm a web designer now, doing things related to Wordpress, so it is useful to have all the applications open in front of me, without having to CMD + Tab between windows or use Spaces.

I asked at a local Apple reseller some time ago what options were available for pluging in an additional monitor. I was told it wasn't possible with the then newly launched Cinema display, but was told something might be possible using VGA and a third-party display.

I'm now thinking again about extending my display space. I note Apple state the 24" cinema display is now iMac compatible and I've since found various video's on YouTube showing multi-monitor configurations with the iMac. I've seen a Samsung SyncMaster P2450H (or very similar) in person and thought the picture quality was excellent. Online the SyncMaster P2450H picks up good reviews and is much cheaper than a Cinema display. So my questions are as follows:-

1) Would there be any compatiblity or other issues connecting the SyncMaster P2450H to an iMac?

2) What cables / adapters / splitters would be required for a single monitor or two monitor setup?

If anyone's got any experience of the SyncMaster P2450H or can suggest something better, I'd be interested to know.

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OS X :: Apple Network Samsung Bdp Will Not Connect?

Apr 4, 2009

here is my set up:
macbook pro/imac
apple wireless router
samsung bdp 3600

all connect to the internet wirelessly accept the samsung. it came with a wireless dongle, it can see my network but will not connect when i type in password it does not connect.

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Hardware :: Using Apple 24 LED Or 2 Samsung XL2370?

Oct 11, 2009

I have just sold my 30" ACD which just did not agree with me, Too much on the screen caused no end of head aches. Anyway that aside release date of the New Samsung XL2370 is just around the corner with a 24" ACD costs 849,00 Euros and Two Samsung XL2370 come in under 800,00 Euros with delivery. Getting the Samsung s saves buying a new Graphics card as I currently have a Nvidia 8800 in my Early 2008 Mac Pro a ATI Radeon HD 4870 is another 315,00 Euros just to have the new Apple Mini display port. Anyone seen a XL2070 or P2370 up close and personal like. And can comment on the quality? I believe the XL2370 is the same as the P2370 just a change in backlighting.

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Software :: Samsung BD 3600 Won't Sync Up With Apple

Apr 19, 2009

I have a Samsung BD-P3600 Blu-Ray with Netflix streaming and Pandora capabilities. I also an Apple TV at the same location.

At my computer (IMac 20") I have an Apple Extreme for wireless streaming, and use it as my router

The problem is that the Blu-Ray will not talk to the Apple Extreme, which means that I don't have the Netflix and Pandora enabled at the TV. I can see my network and a neighbors when I do a search for connections within the Blu-Ray setup screen, but when I try to connect I get a message that the player failed to connect

The Blu-Ray has the wireless dongle installed. I know it's not an internet problem per se, since I have had no problem getting the Apple TV to work with all its functions including instant streaming of movies and TV shows. I have no problem w/ my ipod touch eoither. I have entered IP addresses, passwords, and every other thing I can think of until I'm Blu-Ray in the face.

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MacBook Air :: Hacks When Connecting To Apple TV

Aug 22, 2014

I am trying to connect my MacBook Air through Airplay to Apple TV but every time I do that, no video is working good. On the laptop the video is working witouth problem but when I watch it on the television, the pictures stops working sometimes and hacks a lot. I talked to apple customer support, they told me it's something with the settings in the computer but they wanted me to pay.

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MacBook Pro :: What Converter Cable Is Necessary For Connecting An Apple LCD

Apr 27, 2010

i want to be able to connect one of the new macbook pros to an apple lcd display like this one:


what converter cable would i need? just a mini-display to dvi? or something else?

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To HDTV - Apple Adapter?

Jul 29, 2010

I just ordered a new Macbook pro. I'm going to have a HDTV in my room at school and I want to be able to connect my laptop to it. So I could buy apple's mini displayport to hdmi adapter and then buy a hdmi cable, but that would probably end up costing me like $60. I'm wondering if anyone knows if something like this would work? It seems like it would work but its from hong kong so I donno lol. Anyway, anyone know any cheaper alternative to the over priced apple adapter? Also, I understand that the new macbooks have audio output through the minidisplay port so the adapter has to support audio too.

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting Two Apple Monitors With Mini DVI Plugs?

Jan 7, 2010

I have a new macbook pro that uses a mini DVI port.

I currently have an apple 30" monitor connected to the macbook pro using that mini dvi port. My wife just bought me a 24" apple monitor which also has a mini dvi connector (male). I need either a mini-DVI splitter to create two female mini DVI inputs at the macbook pro to connect these two monitors or an adapter that has a female mini-DVI on one end and a female DVI on the other. I previously had a 2nd non apple monitor connected using UV plus.


So simply--how do I plug in the 2nd monitor.

I have called apple support and searched google with no success. I fear at this point that this is not possible to do. Does anyone know of a solution?

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MacBook Pro :: Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Not Connecting With Bootcamp / XP

Jan 18, 2010

My Magic Mouse works fine but I can't get my wireless keyboard to cooperate. It recognizes it, but doesn't give me a chance to enter a pass key.

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting A Non-apple Screen To 2011 13"

Jul 5, 2012

I would LOVE to have an Apple screen , but its simply out of my financial league at the moment.  So I am currently looking at 2 Dell screens, one 23" and one 24".  What I am wanting to know is, does the display port on my MBP (early 2011, bog standard basic 13") carry sound with it if I am not using Thunderbolt, or will I need to plug something into the headphone jack to get sound.  Its not something I need *all* the time, just occasionally, so its not a huge deal if it wont do it, I'll simply use a headset for those times. The input options on the Dells are DVI, VGA and Display Port.  No HDMI on the models I'm considering (perhaps I should consider one, for this?) 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting To External Display - Apple Mini Displayport To DVI And DVI To DVI Cable

Oct 7, 2009

I have a presentation tomorrow and need to hook up my MBP to the projector in class. I bought an Apple Mini Displayport to DVI cable, and a DVI to DVI cable. I thought this would be the case, but come to find out the system does not support DVI. So I had to run to Best buy to get a DVI to VGA cable. I tried out the MDP > DVI > VGA rig on my external monitor and got nothing. The screen on my MBP responded by turning blue for a second and then back to normal...but the monitor said "No Signal". Is this some jargon with DVI-D and DVI-I? I need to know by tomorrow morning if I have to run back to the Apple Store and get a Mini Displayport to VGA cable.

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Hardware :: Using Apple's 24" LED Monitor Or Samsung's 32" 6000 Series LED HDTV

Jun 11, 2009

Does anyone know the difference between the apple LED monitor and the samsung LED HD tv? They both do the same resolution. You connect dvi to hdmi with an adapter for the samsung 6000 32". You are paying 300 more but you get an awesome tv 1.2 inches thick. what is the difference in the two besides the tv tuner and $.

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Mac Pro :: Connecting A 24" LED Apple Display To 08?

May 7, 2010

My dad has bought a 24" LED Apple Display to use as a secondary screen with his 2008 Mac Pro3,1.

He called Apple before he bought it, and the guy said he needed a Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adaptor, so we have one of those... and it doesn't fit.

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Mac Pro :: Connecting Non-Apple Monitor To 2007?

Jun 30, 2012

I need to buy a new monitor to replace my current Apple cinema display.I use a 2007 Mac Pro and am looking at this monitor-[URL]What I need to know is it just a case of using a DVI cable to connect them together?  As the the cinema display uses firewire and a usb as well as the DVI socket.  

Mac OS X (10.6.8), Logic 9.1.6

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Hardware :: Connecting Apple TV To Uverse Wireless?

Apr 17, 2009

UVERSE has been a technological nightmare so far. Right now our main issue is getting our Apple TV to work with the new AT&T Wireless. Our internet signal shows up on our Macbook Pros and we can get on the internet; however, my iTunes has only synced once with Apple TV, but hasn't shown up since in my iTunes, and it's never shown up in my husband's iTunes that he knows of. So the only music and pictures the Apple TV is showing on our TV is what's is stored in the Apple TV library. Does anyone know how to get our Macbook Pros to connect with the Apple TV via the new Uverse Wireless?

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Hardware :: Connecting XBox 360 To Apple Cinema Display

Feb 21, 2006

I have a 23" Apple Cinema Display (the older model in the clear plastic casing) with a Dual 2ghz G5. I'm not to technically inclined yet as I just got into computers and decided to give macs a try. I just got a xbox 360 and was hoping to connect it to my cinema display. Just wondering if this is possible. From what I understand my G5 has and DVI out which is why I had to get a DVI to ADC adapter for it to work with my display. Microsoft sells a VGA adapter but I'm guessing that will not work with my display. Also if it is possible what type of device would I need to use the monitor with the xbox and the G5 together? (I know I can't use them at the same time but alternate so I don't have to keep unplugging and hooking up cables every time I go between machines).

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Hardware :: Connecting 23" Apple Cinema Display To PS3

Sep 4, 2010

I'm wondering if it's possible to connect a 23" Apple Cinema Display (1920x1200) to a PS3. The Cinema Display is one of the older models, and it only has ADC. However, I've heard of switchers such as the Gefen HD Mate that would make this possible. These are hard to find now (and if they are available, they're ridiculously expensive). Are there any other ways to make this work?

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Hardware :: Connecting PlayStation 3 To 24" Apple Display?

Mar 9, 2009

I have just ordered a new iMac and going to get the 24" Apple display to use my with my iMac as a dual display

Just have a quick question, which I hope someone will have a definitive answer too. As per the title, does anyone know if there is any way that I can connect my Playstation 3 to the 24" Apple Display.

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