Hardware :: Using Apple's 24" LED Monitor Or Samsung's 32" 6000 Series LED HDTV
Jun 11, 2009
Does anyone know the difference between the apple LED monitor and the samsung LED HD tv? They both do the same resolution. You connect dvi to hdmi with an adapter for the samsung 6000 32". You are paying 300 more but you get an awesome tv 1.2 inches thick. what is the difference in the two besides the tv tuner and $.
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Nov 6, 2010
Any info on when Apple will introduce the 6000 series into iMacs - if they ever will ??
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Jun 7, 2012
Figured I'd get a mac pro since they're the only ones with a full tower. But I'm holding back on buying one for now since I can't help but wonder: Why Can't I order one with a Radeon card in the 6000 or 7000 series? Why can't I order one with a Nvidia card? (Incompatible drivers?) Can I replace the Video card with a better one? Can it support Nvidia products at all?
Mac Pro
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Apr 25, 2012
I'd like to view online content on my Samsung 7000 series LED. I don't mean streaming saved content, rather using my TV like a wireless monitor. My iMac is connected wirelessly, and the TV is wired to my router. Is it just a matter of getting something like a D-Link Boxee Box or Slingbox?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.6), iPhone 4S
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Jan 30, 2009
i am trying to connect my Mac Mini to my 860 Samsung Series 8 HDTV. I am using a DVI to HDMI connector into the DVI port on the back of the Mac Mini. I have plugged the HDMI cable into the back to the Samsung in the HDMI/DVI port. When i which the source to the correct HDMI input i either get a message saying "no signal" or, sometimes briefly, "mode not support"
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Apr 26, 2010
I did a google and MGoogle search but had trouble wading through all the previous threads.In order to connect my MacBook Pro (specs in signature) to my Samsung 40" HDTV, I need the following:
- DVI-HDMI Adapter
- HDMI Cable
- Audio cable - What type? Is this plugged into the headphone jack on the MPB and where on the TV?
Also, what do I need to know/do on the computer in order to ensure the picture and sound is on the TV. Do I need to switch any settings or is it as simple as plug it in and away you go. I'd like to purchase these cables today after work and since I'm nowhere near a Mac store can they be bought at BestBuy, The Source, or somewhere similar?
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Jul 1, 2012
how to get sound to play on my TV from my laptop for several days now. I bought an Mini Display Port to HDMI converter (Kanex Iadapt) off Amazon that is supposed to have audio support. I connected it with the HDMI cable to my TV and changed my display settings to mirror and the picture comes up fine but when I tried to change the output in sound settings to my TV my TV didn't even come up as an option. I went out and bought a Y audio cable figuring my laptop may be older than 2010 and needs an additional cable, plugged the audio cable into the same HDMI outputs in the TV and still no sound.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jul 26, 2005
I also took the time to search on this topic and couldnt find anything related
heres the sitch!
Computer = Mac Mini 1.42 model
TV = Samsung TXR3079WH HDTV
DVI to HDMI cable connected to a Samsung HDTV TXR3079WH
the tv doesnt come with dvi connectors so i opted out and purchased the dvi-hdmi cable. i hook it up to the samsung tv and then boot it up and nothing appears on the screen. it just freezes the television to the point that i cant even change to a different source input.
I tested it with different resolutions (i had an LCD next to me to interchange with) and neither resolutions worked. I then thought it might be the DVI-HDMI cable so i hooked it up to my Comcast HD Box and it worked perfectly fine. I then took the Mac Mini to a neighbors house and hooked it up to his 47" Panasonic HDTV and the Mac Mini fired right up and worked beautifully on the Panasonic HDTV using the same cable. Went into System Preferences and under diplays it actually said "Panasonic HDTV" so it recognized the tv. and the resolution automatically reset itself to 1900x1200. Then afer seeing that the Mac Mini was capable of this and all the settings must have been right, i walked back over to my house and the initial problem started again. No Picture on the Samsung HDTV. After all this i found out that the DVI port on the Mac Mini works, The DVI-HDMI cable and the HDMI port on the back of my Samsung TV works as well. So i think it might just be a samsung driver issue? dont know how to resolve this issue.
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Feb 29, 2012
I'm trying to transmit audio from my 2008 late model MacBook Pro to my 2011 Samsung HDTV. My MacBook's Model Identifier is MacBook Pro 4,1 (ancient, I know). I purchased this DVI to HDMI cable which does a beautiful job of transmitting the video to my HDTV, but no audio (as advertised):[URL]
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Mar 25, 2009
I have a Mac Mini that I use as a HTPC with an *old* 30" CRT TV. I want to slightly repurpose the machine so that I can use it for both work and play. At first I was thinking about a 30" monitor and a TV tuner, but my 2007 Mini can't drive it at full resolution.
Now I'm thinking about a a 1080P HDTV, but I'm not sure what would be a good size if I want to use it as both a monitor (sitting relatively close) and a TV. I use a 30" Apple ACD at work and it is *plenty* big enough for my work needs, but I know the resolution of an HDTV is much lower. Any suggestions about what size is a good compromise to function as both a TV and a PC? Also, any specific model or brand recommendations? I'm new to HDTVs...
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May 9, 2012
I have a MacPro 2010 3.33ghz 6-core I use a Samsung Syncmaster 305T 30" display for my main monitor, which I love. Can't say enough good things about it. I am an audio-for-video professional, and display my QT movies on a 32" Samsung LED UN32D5500 HDTV But I also (try to) use it for other general computer display tasks. The problem is, the text is blocky and fuzzy. I mean pretty terrible. No comparison to the 305T. Ok I don't expect miracles comparing a $1000 2560x1600 DVI monitor to a $500 1080p TV. But two things:
1. I want to get a slightly bigger HDTV, probably a 37", although up to 40" is possible.
2. I spend about half my time watching QT movies on it, and half the time using it for other computer purposes. I also will occasionally use it to watch movies from an external BluRay player. Assuming that almost any TV will do the job of displaying movies (as that's what they're designed to do), can anyone recommend a TV in that size range which specifically stands out as displaying text more sharply than the norm for an HDTV ?
I would prefer LED, and 120hz, but really the other criteria above is the most important, as I have noticed the Mac won't output 120hz...only 60hz, unless someone knows something that I don't.
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Nov 20, 2010
I am looking for a hdtv, in 32 to 40 inch range, to buy this black friday and was wondering what kind of specs I should consider when choosing one. My primary use will be in logic sessions and sibelius (scoring) I understand that 1080p is a must for reading text (music note heads) and that 720 is crap. I was looking at the Westinghouse 40inch 60hz 1080p hdtv from target. Would this suffice.
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Apr 19, 2009
i've been lookin around for a couple days now for my macbook because the screen is kinda small and al my books i'm gettin are pdfs (kinda good don't gotta buy books now) trade off burning my retinas starting at my screen for hours on end... haha but yea my dad said he would spot me money to buy a monitor and i pay him back whenever i can i was looking at the samsung t240hd (refub for ~$280 shipped) my dad was showing me the costco deal its a 26" proscan hdtv with dvd player for about the same price but brand new... i'm kinda on the samsung 1 because it looks soo much sleeker however for the money i was wondering is there any other hdtv/lcd monitor that i should get? ACD looks amazing but is surely out of my grasp
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Aug 13, 2009
I am still waiting on delivery of my 13'' MBP, comming from China , and I am thinking about secondary monitors and I do have a 17'' LCD monitor that I could use but i also have a 42'' Plasma TV that would be awsome, I think. Has/does anyone use there HDTV's as their secondary monitor?
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Apr 15, 2010
I just purchased a Samsung Series 4 Model 530 monitor, 32 inch, with a resolution of 1920 x 1080p. Can this effectively be used as the main monitor for my new Mac Pro laptop? I can NOT find this resolution in the prefs anywhere, and do not know if I can really use this monitor. I work in print design, and as a result, I am always viewing typography in great detail.
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Mar 9, 2010
I'm looking to have a display hookup in my room for my Macbook Pro 15". I can't decide if i should get a 26" 720p HDTV with a pc input or a large lcd desktop display with a cable input to watch tv.
What are the pros/cons? Has anyone tried/preferred either? Any recommended monitors or hdtvs?
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Jul 4, 2009
I read a few posts that seem to indicate that non-mac monitor cannot display higher them 1680x1200 when connected to a Mac computer. A friend of mine is planing on getting a new Mac pro with a 30" Samsung monitor (2560 x 1600). Will he be able to run the monitor a max resolution?
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Feb 19, 2010
I love my new mac-Mini refurb and new Samsung DVI 21.5 monitor. My MacGeek score went from 341 on my 2001 466 mhz G4 Digital Audio model to 3044 on the new 2010 2.26 base Mac-MiniStartup is unreal fast... Applications move so much faster as it should be! *Hard to believe that this little box is 10 times the CPU speed and 6 times the hard drive @ 25% of the price in 2000.
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May 1, 2007
I'm using a DVI->HDMI cable to connect my Powerbook to my Sony LCD TV. The Sony's native resolution is 1366x768. For some reason my Powerbook doesn't want to switch to this resolution. I can get 1280x720, but this leaves a black border around the images the whole time.
I've tried setting a custom resolution using the trial version of SwitchResX but to no avail. It won't do it.
Anybody have any similar experiences and possibly found a fix?
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Jan 13, 2009
Would this setup work with an HDMI (M) to DVI (F) adapter? Does anyone have any experience using HDMI out laptops with DVI Cinema Displays?
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Mar 14, 2009
I have the standard 13" aluminum macbook, and I was looking into getting the 'Mini DisplayPort to VGA' adapter to connect my 22" Samsung monitor. On the Apple website, I have seen nothing but horrible reviews about the connection cable, saying that it exclusively does not work with Samsung brand monitors and TV's. On the other hand I only see good things about it connecting to other devices and monitors.
Can anyone shed any light on this? It's already ridiculous that i have to pay the 30$ price for this cable just to use an external monitor, the least I can do is know that it will for sure work.
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Mar 30, 2008
I have just stumbled upon an amazing deal at [URL] Apparently, you can get a brand new Mac Pro with a 22' Samsung LCD monitor for only $2794! Here is the link to their website..
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Jan 13, 2009
I have a 2.4 GHz Aluminum MacBook which I'm trying to connect to a Samsung T220HD LCD monitor/TV.
I'm using the Mini Display to VGA adaptor.
I know the adaptor works b/c I can connect it to another external monitor at my work.
When I connect the MB to the monitor, the MB sees it b/c "Syncmaster" shows up after I detect displays. However, nothing shows on the T220HD screen. Sometimes, the LCD simply says, "There is no device connected."
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Jun 14, 2009
I connected my Samsung syncmaster 215TW with macbook - via minidisplay port reduction to DVI. when I turn the monitor verticaly, nothing happens... do I have to install some aditional software to my macbook?
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Sep 5, 2009
I'm doing up my setup sometime in the near future, and this includes getting new dual monitors for my PC, or to use to expand my MBP.
The Dell is �40 more expensive (24" usually seem to be this expensive compared to 23") Does anybody know which one actually has the better display?
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Apr 10, 2009
However Ive just bought a LG M2794D 1080p tv/monitor and now have a problem. The TV is showing it recognises when the HDMI cable is connected to the macbook (on the screen the input menu shows live connections) or not through HDMI cable and mini-DVI to HDMI connector but the macbook does not recognise any external monitor. In display preferences there is no arrangement tab either and no resolution greater than 1280 x 800. Of course the TV has full 1080p resolution.
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Dec 28, 2010
I've been using my 15" MacBook Pro (purchased late 2009) running 10.6.5 with a very old 23" Apple Cinema Display for a year now with no problems. I use both the laptop screen and the external monitor at the same time. Recently I tried switching to a Samsung SyncMaster 245BW since the Cinema Display is starting to show its age in terms of picture quality. Everything works fine until I launch QuickTime or any application that uses QuickTime (iTunes for example). This causes the Samsung monitor to jump back and forth very quickly from a screen full of snow to a normal screen over and over and over, rendering the external monitor useless. The only way to get it to stop is to quit QuickTime, unplug the external monitor, and plug it back in.
The same thing happens when I try switching external monitor resolutions from 1920x1200 to anything else. The only refresh rate available is 60hz. All others are grayed out. My MacBook Pro apparently has just one graphics card since the energy saver preferences don't include the option to switch between better graphics and power saving.
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Dec 23, 2010
I just recently got a Samsung P2450H 24" monitor and I've connected it into my MBP with a mini Displayport > HDMI adaptor and with a HDMI cable. I've changed the default setting from AV to PC in the Samsung Monitor menu as recommended by others on this forum, and now I'm getting the maximum 1920 x 1080 resolution available on both Windows 7 and Mac OS with no overscanning issues etc. Everything fits on the screen. However, the text and font on websites looks a bit jagged and a bit blurry on Mac OS and I'm not sure why. If you stand far away, it's not that noticeable, but sitting at a reasonable distance (say 2 feet), you can definitely notice it. It just doesn't look that sharp in general.
People have said HDMI connections don't work that well on Samsung Monitors and I'd be better off with a DVI connection, but I can't see why there would be a discrepancy between the two modes. Which leaves the other reason - that this is an inherent issue to do with all Samsung P2450H models being affected with Mac OS, and not the cable itself? Has anyone experienced the same issues I've just alluded to? Perhaps I'm just being pedantic, but I'm pretty sure blurry/jagged text shouldn't be a characteristic of this monitor.
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Jun 13, 2010
I have a Samsung SyncMaster 2243BWX monitor attached to my Mac Pro 1.1 [OS X: 10.6.3] that refuses to display at its native 1680 X 1050 resolution.
System Pref incorrectly sees the display as a "SyncMas461". I've tried attaching the monitor via DVI & VGA connectors with no difference. Any advice?
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Dec 31, 2010
macbook 2.16GHz
OS X 10.4.11
I received a Samsung SyncMaster XL2270 as a gift. I would like to use it as a desktop monitor for my macbook when at home, but the driver included with the monitor is not mac compatible.
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