PowerPC :: Does AirPort Extreme Work With G4 Over Linksys?

Jul 24, 2007

I was looking at getting a new Airport Extreme base but I'm not sure if it will work with my 15" G4 Powerbook at all? I currently have a Linksys WRT54G which is OK but is such a pain to set up when it does happen to crash once in a while too. Besides, I don't think I'm getting the most powerful signal I can get too. Besides saying that the new wireless "N" has 5 times more speed than the wireless "G", is it worth it to switch over from a linksys to the Airport Extreme?

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OS X :: Airport Extreme Card, Linksys G Wireless -- No Range?

Jun 10, 2009

I'm lucky if I can get more than five feet away from my Linksys wireless-G router before the Airport Extreme says it's getting no bars. My son also has an Airport Extreme card in his iMac; connection is always iffy, even though his computer is barely four feet from the router.

Do I need a wireless-N router? Is there no backwards compatibility here (e.g. shouldn't a wireless-G router be able to work with wireless-N Airport Extreme cards?)

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme Slower Than Linksys Router?

Jul 10, 2009

I just bought an AE and replaced my older Linksys with SpeedStep router and for some reason the internet seems slower.I did a speed test to compare with my older system and it's night and day how much slower it is now.

With the Linksys I was getting from 10-15Mbits download.With the AE I'm just tested and got 700KB down Anyone have a clue as what I can do to speed it up?By the way, the AE is connected directly to my desktop by ethernet cable.

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PowerPC :: Will AirPort Extreme Card Work With G4 (10.2.8)?

Jan 13, 2007

I currently own a G4 PowerBook running OS X 10.2.8 (archaic, I know) which I use as a word processor. I want to set it up to recieve my friend's 802.11 wireless signal (with his permission), which is sent out by a base station tied to a Windows machine. Two questions I have:

First, will an Apple PowerBook and Airport card be able to receive a signal from a Windows machine (I don't see why not, but...)?
Secondly, I seem to only be able to find the AirPort Extreme card on the Apple Store. Will the Extreme card plug and play with my notebook, or not? Are there any good third-party cards that I can buy that will work well if not?

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PowerPC :: Won't Work With External HD Via USB To Airport Extreme

Jul 4, 2007

I just purcahsed an AppleTv and the Seagate FreeAgent 500GB External HD. I wanted to know if I could transfer my iTunes library to my external drive over Airport Extreme if the Seagate is attached via USB Hub?

I was also wondering if I did this would my library will be recognized by my Powerbook and AppleTV. Also when I sync iPods, iPhones and the like to my powerbook will they sync from the Seagate attached to the extreme?

I also plan on adding an iMac in October. Will it also be able to access the library from the Airport Extrene base station?

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Hardware :: Current Linksys Versus AirPort Extreme / Express?

Dec 9, 2009

I need some network guidance as well as if an upgrade is worth it. I currently have a linksys WRT54G firt gen. Its old but works, up until i moved into an area with many different wifi networks. I have tried different channels and what not. I have found a decent one but it still screws up a few comps here and there. My question is would buying the dual band airport extreme fix said issues? Or would buying the express also fix the issue? I am looking for things to get this holiday season and a new router was an option. I really would like to wirelessly print from my mac and pc running windows 7? this would be possible correct? Also is there any real difference between extreme and express to warrant the $80 more. Also how many printers can you configure to the wireless router at the same time?

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Hardware :: "Bridge" Or Extend A Linksys Router With An Airport Extreme?

Sep 7, 2009

My neighbor has a blazing 10mb dl wireless connection which I can use. Problem, I'd like to use my Airport Extreme so I can hook up an external HD for use with Time Machine. I'd like to extend the Linksys wireless network with my AE.

Can this be done without needing a wired connection to set the two routers up? I'm hoping I can just connect my AE to the Linksys by way of remote setup.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Airport Utility 6 Doesn't Work With Airport Extreme?

Jun 15, 2012

The latest upgrade of AIrport Utility doesn't support my Airport extreme, but the old version 5.6.1 says it doesn't work in Lion. How was I managing my Airport before th 6 update? What do I do now? Will I have to get a new Airport?

I have DSL service. I have an iPod Touch and an iPad 1 that I'm trying to connect. I just upgraded both iDevices to iOS5. I've been having trouble keeping an internet connection live for them, but now I can't even get the wi-fi to connect.

AirPort Extreme, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac Mini :: How Well Would AirPort Extreme Work

Oct 13, 2010

Possibly in the market for a MacMini but was wondering how well it would work if I streamed video files, mostly .avi files from an external HD connected to my Airport Extreme. Does processor speed matter, or is more important to have a good WiFi/internet connection?

I was going to buy a Mini and then upgrade the HD/RAM, but if I can get away with getting a base model and simply stream videos and other files from the drives that I have shared over the network, it would certainly save me a ton of money.

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OS X :: New Wireless Box Not Work With AirPort Extreme

Nov 4, 2010

We've just moved house and signed-up to O2 Broadband. They've supplied a Thomson wireless box that plugs into the phone socket. This box, however, doesn't work with my Apple TV or Airport Extreme/Airport Disk. I've tried to make my Extreme 'extend the network' but it says the network cannot be extended.

How can I ditch this O2 wireless box and get back to my Apple-based network (considering the broadband enters my house through a phone socket rather than a Cat-5 ethernet cable that the Extreme can accept)? I want my AppleTV/Airport disk back as I had in my old house!!

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Work With Airport Extreme Connection

Dec 6, 2010

I cant get on my network as it keeps saying password failed etc. 3 iphones and 2 ATV's and the ipad are connecting with no problems at all.

I was able to link to my neighbors wifi that has no password though And. it's a 1 month old MacBook Pro 13" and a pre 09' White Macbook

AND the iMac in the bedroom is working on my wifi fine as well.

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Mac Pro :: Airport Extreme Card & (2007) - Not Work?

Mar 14, 2008

I got a new Mac Pro in December of 2007 that came without an Airport card installed. I'm now looking into getting one to install myself, however I'm a bit confused as to what card to buy. The one available on the Apple website says it is incompatible with Mac Pro's introduced in 2005. So I'm assuming that will not work. I've looked online and have found some like this with model number MB363Z/A.

I THINK this is what I want, however when I enter that model number into google and search a bit I find that some websites have it listed as Airport Extreme Wireless Card for Mac Pro (2008). Now, what I'm wondering is if this will work for my Mac Pro that I got in December of 2007, or not.

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MacBook Air :: Will SuperDrive Work With AirPort Extreme?

May 21, 2008

Can you plug it into the AirPort Extreme and not have to plug it into the MPA every you need to?

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Hardware :: Will New AirPort Extreme Work With XBox 360?

Apr 22, 2009

From what I've read there used to be a compatibility issue because the port the xbox 360 uses was blocked by default or something, but now with port mapping there is a way to get this to work in the newest airport extreme? What I don't want to do is have it connect to my computer and then xbox live, which I know is a workaround. I just want the xbox to work with the router directly.

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Hardware :: Won't Work With Airtunes With Airport Extreme

Jun 26, 2009

I have an Airport Extreme in my living room along with my surround sound speakers hooked up to my tv. Could I hook up my speakers to my Extreme instead of having to go out and buy an Airport Express?

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OS X :: Getting AirPort Extreme Card To Work Via WiFi

Mar 30, 2010

I'm running a PowerBook G4 15" FW800 (running 10.4.11) which has only ever connected to the internet via an Orinoco WiFi card, and I'm trying to upgrade it to a better card whose signals aren't stopped by a couple inches of walls. So I bought an AirPort Extreme card on Ebay and hooked it up, but it's not working right. I'm hoping for some advice. Note that I don't have an AirPort base station; I have a Linksys router, which the Orinoco card was able to communicate with fine. Anyway, I got the AirPort Extreme card (no software CD included), and hooked it up as demonstrated in this video. My laptop already had some AirPort software on it, which refused to acknowledge the existence of the card.

I then I installed the software available here, which seemed to overwrite the previous set of software; I also ran Software Update. No matter what, the laptop refused to acknowledge the existence of the card. Applications->AirPort Utility, AirPort Admin Utility, and AirPort Disk Utility all turn up blanks. AirPort Utility, for example, just says it's "unable to find any Apple wireless devices". The software that was there before I installed the software linked to above gave a different message. if I do get the laptop to recognize the card, will I even be able to connect to the Linksys without an AirPort base station or something?

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OS X :: Won't Work With AirPort Extreme, AirDisk And Backup

May 31, 2010

I am experimenting with two drives connected to my new AirPort Extreme. The first is for Time Machine, has been working well. The second is the experiment. The second drive is a storage drive that is usually attached to my iMac and is included in the Time Machine backups of the iMac. My question is if I decide to keep the storage drive on the AirPort then what would be the best way to keep it backed up? Could I run Carbon Copy Cloner from my laptop or would that just be a big mess? The goal would be to backup the storage drive to the other drive connected on the AirPort Extreme. I can live with the storage drive on my iMac if it is felt that this is a bad idea... just would be nice to be able to access the drive without having to have the iMac on... maybe I need to buy a less power consuming Mac Mini to be used as a server.

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Power Mac :: How To Configure Airport Extreme To Work With G-5?

May 20, 2012

My G-5 in connected to the ethernet with a modem  I need help in configuring an Airport Extreme as a wireless base station

G-5 Powermac Early 2005, Mac OS X (10.4), SN#G853051TRTY

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PowerPC :: Connection For Airport Extreme?

Nov 22, 2008

what is the connection for the airport extreme? is it pci? also i know i plugged an antenna in the airport card. is the antenna free on the other end?

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Hardware :: New AirPort Extreme Randomly Hangs / Not Work?

Dec 19, 2009

I got a new airport extreme and sometimes the internet will take 40 seconds to load or not work at all. Normally theres about 7 seconds before it loads. My old router does not do this. During these slow times I try my old router and it works perfectly and instantly. I read it could be software or is my router broken? It hangs or doesn't work on both mac, pc, and my xbox and ps3. Whats really weird is I think it even hangs through ethernet because my xbox takes a lot longer to load basic images?

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OS X :: AirDisk And Airport Extreme / Can't Work With Partitions For Specified Users

Jun 16, 2010

I have an external drive connected to my AirPort Extreme Base Station; the drive has 3 partitions, and we have multiple Macs in the house. Is there a way to specify which partitions are available to which Mac? For example, I'd like partition #1 to be available only to Mac #1, and so on.

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PowerPC :: How To Airport Extreme External Antenna G5

Sep 16, 2010

I know i might recieve some criticism from people but whatever.. it'l help some people out.I got ripped off on craigslist buying a powermac g5 from some punk (literally... he lived in a warehouse with skate ramps and grafitti "art" )Got this powermac, shady south side chicago kid, wont return for an antennaIve tried everything to use the airport extreme without an antenna, never get any signal without the side off. Today i was using a safety pin (a large safety pin for a hoodie or jeans)unclipped it and jammed it in the Dr. bott slot/hole ....wherever the port is on the back of your g5 that your antenna should go.Somehow i realized that it took less than 5 minutes to load a facebook page, i then scanned for networks and damn, i saw my neighbors networks.

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PowerPC :: Airport Extreme Card From Ibook?

Mar 3, 2008

Will an Airport Extreme card from and ibook G4 work in an iMac G5??

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PowerPC :: Does New AirPort Extreme Card Compatible With G3?

Apr 26, 2008

As the title says, will the new airport extreme card with 802.11n work in an old iMac G3 capable of adding an airport card? I know I need the card adaptor, but does this new one work fine, or do I need to buy an older version? Also, which old macs would have compatible airport cards?

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PowerPC :: Using EMac USB 2.0 Airport Extreme Card

Jul 3, 2008

My university was tossing an eMac so I decided to take it. I put Leopard on it (10.5) and purchased an Airport Extreme PCI Card (A1026). I followed the instructions here: [URL] to a T, and no luck. System Profiler doesn't recognize the card. So, I decided to take the card out and put it back in while the computer was on. The computer came up with the black screen that says I need to restart the computer; however, upon restart it still doesn't recognize the card.

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PowerPC :: Finding Connection For The Airport Extreme

Feb 22, 2009

what is the connection for the airport extreme?

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PowerPC :: Emac G4 - Unable To Use Airport Extreme

Jun 12, 2009

i installed the airport extreme card from my G5 cos she wants it in her bedroom but it's not connecting to the router,

my router is a Thomson TG585 V7

i never had this problem with old airport, it only seems to be with extreme although the card was connecting to the network from my g5 was basically inches away from it, the Emac is on the floor about 2ft away i goto connect and it just keeps timing out, i've made sure the wpa key is correct and even tried manually entering the network config details.

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Airport Extreme Card

Dec 27, 2009

I called Apple and they were very unhelpful about which airport card is required for the iMac G5 1.6 Ghz. I found a bunch on ebay (A1126) but I think those are for different models.

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Have PowerPC G5 Running OSX 10.5.8 / Would Like To Fit Airport Extreme Card

Mar 30, 2012

I have a Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5 running OSX 10.5.8 and want to have wireless capability, if possible. There does not appear to be a dedicated slot for an Airport Extreme card on the motherboard, so I'm wondering if there's a card that would work in one of the spare PCI slots?

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Dual 2GHz

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Hardware :: Cannot Access Work VPN Using Airport Extreme Base Station

Oct 10, 2010

I am having great difficulty accessing my work VPN via my Airport Extreme Base Station (N model, 2007), and I wonder whether anybody can help? I was getting no joy accessing my work VPN (using my works laptop) via the AEBS (i have Virgin Cable Broadband). Citrix would not connect at all. Getting very frustrated and suspecting it was something to do with my ISP, I ended up buying a cheap second hand Belkin Wireless G cable router just to double check that it wasnt a problem with my hardware. To my utter shock, I managed to connect first time using the Belkin Wireless G router to the VPN. This obviously meant there must be an issue with the Airport Extreme Base station. The question is, what? I am utterly confused, and haven't a clue where to start in terms of adjusting the settings, and what settings I actually need to change to try and solve this. Has anybody any ideas where to start? Why can I connect via the Belkin Router (which cost me �9 on ebay) and the vastly more expensive Apple router?

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