Hardware :: Airport Express Doesn't Work With Printer - How To Connect
Jan 19, 2009
I connected my imac to aiport express and the airport express to my wireless network and to my printer.
The light on the airport express device is green and the computer suggests I am connected to it.
When trying to print, though, i get a message that the printer is off-line, and in addition, the wireless network sometimes drops altogether.
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Aug 24, 2008
I'm looking into buying a wireless router, I have a macbook pro and wanted to ask how the Airport express is. Is it a good router? Ill be living in a 2 bedroom apartment so the range I'm assuming should be good. Can I connect a printer or my external hdd to it?
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Jan 15, 2010
I have a standard wireless network for the Internet, and have just bought an airport express to make my printer wireless -- thinking I could use it to create a second, separate network (with no internet connection) that just connected to the printer.
I realize that I'd have to switch networks from the Internet to the Printer if I wanted to print, and vice versa. No big deal.
But it didn't work so far. Maybe my theory is faulty.
I'm wondering if I need to also connect it via an ethernet cable to the wireless router.
Or I've just bungled the setup.
I have a MacBook with an 802.11G airport card. The express (and router) can do N as well as G.
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Aug 29, 2009
I've got an Airport Express that, when connected to the existing wireless network, continues to blink an amber light (No IP address, right?).
I've had the Airport Express create its own network, and I can stream music through to it just fine. When I have it join the network my laptop uses, the light just keeps blinking yellow, and I have to hard reset it to be able to get to its configuration again. iTunes never sees it.
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Mar 9, 2009
I've set a wireless network and connected my multifunction printer in an AirPort Express. I can access it from my computer to print, but the scanner utility doesn't recognise it. What could be wrong?
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Jul 26, 2009
I have a networked printer which i can see and print to fine over a wired connection (it comes up in add printer utility)
When I switch to airport over my airport express it won't come up (Well it does for a millisecond then disappears) and if I manually add it via mdns:// it doesn't print.
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Jan 25, 2010
After a surge fried my beloved HP LaserJet 1320, I purchased an HP LaserJet P2055dn. This has a built-in print server, to my understanding, with an Ethernet port that would be available for me to connect to a router. I would ideally like to share this printer between my MacBook and another computer (an HP notebook PC running Vista). What's the best idea here? Please bear in mind one thing: the HP notebook has flaky wireless, so it might have to use an Ethernet cable at some point--thus I'd like to explore all of the feasible options.
1. USB to my computer and set up printer sharing?
2. Ethernet to my computer and set up printer sharing? (Does that make any sense? Maybe not!)
3. Get a wired router and, while the computer is on my desk, connect it to the printer and to the connected computers.
4. Get an AirPort Express and connect the printer up to the USB port. Now, we're using WPA2 on our wireless network here, and I thought I read somewhere that one cannot extend a wireless network that's WPA2. Can I hook up a printer to an Express that's a client?
5. One idea that especially intrigued me: Get an AirPort Express and connect the printer up to the Ethernet port, then set up network printing on all connected computers, rather than Bonjour printing. Again, network-extending question still applies--I'm really clueless here.
Since I *have* a network printer, would network printing (i.e., option 5) be faster/better/more efficient than Bonjour printing? Less software or drivers to install? or more?
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Mar 3, 2010
i'm using an airport extreme as my primary router for internet and everything, and i have a airport express set up in my bedroom for wireless music. i've set it up that the express is joined with the extreme so internet (from the lounge room) and music (in my bedroom) all run through one network.
i just purchased a printer which i plugged into my airport express to enable wireless sharing, and in airport utility it shows the express is connected to the printer, but while im connected to the extreme it wont let me print to it, however it'll still let me stream music to it. And to make is very frustrating because the networks are joined, it wont even let me connect to just the express to do the occasional printing that i want.
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Feb 9, 2012
Migrating to Mac from XP my first purchase was a MacBook Pro, and now I'm trying to come up with a method to print to either my HP 8050 or HP 720C. So far nothing works.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), with HP 8050 printer
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Apr 27, 2010
This is driving me crazy. I bought a Belkin F5D9050 802.11g compatible usb wireless card, and it will not recognize my airport express!
I have changed the settings in windows, and know the drivers are correct, it just won't find it as a online router/hub.
It says the network is unavailable, and there was an issue setting up wireless, it is like the windows wireless setup and the card are competing, so I cancelled the windows g setup and still nothing.
I am running SP 3 for XP, and tried chatting Belkin support and no one knows.
I installed Airport Utility, and etc and still doesn't connect.
The only flicker I had was when I went into my mac and tried creating another network, and then it signaled a device, but would not connect.
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Mar 10, 2010
The Airport Express (AE) doesn't works as expected.
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Sep 12, 2010
Question: Can a wireless printer 'join' an Airport Express Network? The printer in question is not near my router, can the printer join the network wirelessly so that I can print w/o a USB connection?
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Dec 9, 2008
I just realized that when my printer is plugged into my AirPort, it does not let me see ink levels. Is there a workaround to this?
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Aug 4, 2009
I already have a wireless network in my house. I'm about to buy a printer, but would prefer to keep the printer in a different room. Can I connect the printer to one of those AirPort Express Base Station, then print wirelessly from my laptop?
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Dec 11, 2009
With an Airport Express-connected printer, is there any way to configure things such that:
- I can leave the Airport Express on (as a base station)
- I can leave the printer off by default (so as not to waste energy)
- I can select 'print' within an application
- The print job queues
- I can then switch on the printer and the job will begin processing
Is this possible with an Airport Express-connected printer? The problem is that the printer is a fair walk from my office and I have to walk there to switch it on and then walk back to print and then walk back to collect the print out.
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Aug 24, 2008
The case: I want to plug in the Ethernet LAN cable from my DSL cable modem to my Airport Express so that it provides me with W-LAN for my notebook (Sony VAIO, soon to be MacBook Pro owner). The problem: The Airport Express doesn't recognize the Ethernet Internet - it just tells me that there is nothing plugged into its WAN port. (But the cable is!) If I plug the same cable directly into my notbook WAN port, it works fine so I guess there's no defect in the cable ... Settings are PPPoE (needed to connect to my Internet). Any other information needed? Just let me know. If anybody out there has a hint for me, let me know. I wonder if this is a Windows thing? On the other hand - as the Airport Express doesn't recognize that the Ethernet cable is plugged in - it doesn't matter if MAC or Windows cause this is even a step before the computer itself comes in play.
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Sep 18, 2009
Is it possible to extend my wifi network with my Airport express, knowing that my airport express is not connected by ethernet ?
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Mar 29, 2008
I have a problem with my Airport Express. I plug it in to the plug and connect the ethernet. When i go to search for the base station on Airport Utility it doesn't show it and it tells me to rescan to see if I can find it but it never does. Any ideas on how to fix ?
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Dec 20, 2008
ok so heres the deal.I have my airport extreme upstairs which is providing wireless through my house with a speedstream router plugged into it. downstairs is my tv with my xbox 360. I just bought a aiport express so i can plug my ethernet cable from my xbox into and that will supposedly connect wirelessly to my extreme.
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Jul 24, 2009
I just bought a second hand AirPort Express.
After trying again and again and failing to connect to my home wireless network which has a password, I tried again after disabling the password, and it worked fine, I'm playing music via iTunes through it right now.
Problem is, I'd obviously prefer a secured network, why can't I connect to a secured network? I'm using a Linkseys WRT160N Router as a base.
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Sep 15, 2009
I have an airport express to pump music to my speakers, but use an airport extreme as my primary network - I had a problem with the extreme and had to reset it to factory settings - when it came back online I gave it a new name etc. and set it up - internet works great, but the airport express is now offline...I've tried resetting it by holding down the reset button for 10 seconds and also holding down the reset button as I plug it in...neither does anything and I cannot get the airport express software to recognize it...it only lists my airport extreme.
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Sep 21, 2009
well i've had my mac for about 5 months now, its a OS X 10.5.8 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GB 1067MHz DDR3. I have an AX and it has worked flawlessly until about an hour ago. The power in my barracks went out, (im a Marine by the way) and all of a sudden i can't connect. I've tried resetting everything (i.e. the AX, the internet, and my mac) many times and nothing has worked. I've restarted my computer, the light is green on the AX, and my mac says im connected, but i can't get to the internet.
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May 18, 2010
I have an Express that's being extended via WDS from an Extreme. I'd like to connect my Xbox and PS3 to the Express therefore was thinking to connect a switching hub to the Express. Will a switch work on the Express being extended and is there anything special that needs to be set-up?...cross-over cable?
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Jun 15, 2012
The latest upgrade of AIrport Utility doesn't support my Airport extreme, but the old version 5.6.1 says it doesn't work in Lion. How was I managing my Airport before th 6 update? What do I do now? Will I have to get a new Airport?
I have DSL service. I have an iPod Touch and an iPad 1 that I'm trying to connect. I just upgraded both iDevices to iOS5. I've been having trouble keeping an internet connection live for them, but now I can't even get the wi-fi to connect.
AirPort Extreme, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 1, 2010
I just bought 3 airports: 2 new double band Airports extreme and 1 "N" airport express.
I have one of the Airport Extreme #1 connected to the DSL router and have configured the network, both 5 and 2.4 I have the Airpot Extreme #2 to expand the signal of the network (I realized that the Airpot Extreme as a bridge it only can replicate one of the networks 5 or 2.4. Is replicatiog the 2.4 network).
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Sep 29, 2010
I currently have 3 AXs on my home network--2 extending with one creating a network. Currently I have 11 clients attatched to one Airport and none attatched to the others! Thus that airport is getting hammered with traffic and bottlenecking and slowing down etc.
Is there a way to distribute clients more evenly and/or choose which one to connect to?
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Jan 26, 2009
is it possible to run both a wireless connection with airport express, as well as have a direct ethernet connection to the computer? i have a simple, two-way ethernet splitter than comes from the port in the wall that should technically be able to do this, but i have tried this without success and i am guessing there is a little more to this problem than just having both connections hooked up at the same time.
anyways right now i am running on an airport express wireless connection. at my school there is a campus-based p2p program that can only be accessed through direct ethernet connection, leaving me inaccessible to it when i am on my wireless connection. there is a bunch of registration junk that has to be done when i switch from ethernet to wireless, which is why i would prefer to have both set up at once.
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Mar 21, 2009
I have several devices in my living room that do not have wireless capability, but i'd like to get them on my network so they have network and internet access. (xbox 360, slingbox, directv box, receiver)
I currently have a time capsule which provides the internet connection to my network
Can I plug in an airport express behind all my components in the living room, then plug a 4 port hub into its ethernet port, then plug all my devices into that hub? Will all my devices have a functional wireless connection at that point?
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Jan 27, 2010
Is there any way to connect an Airport Express base station to a wired network requiring authentication?
I'm using the university network which requires a user name and a password and bought an AE to set up a private wifi network for my mac, ipod touch and printer, without considering this.
I've tried a few things but haven't found anything useful. I guess sharing the connection via my mac's Airport would be possible, but how do I set up the AE to extend the mac's wireless network while it's connected to it? It can't be done from an ipod touch, can it?
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Apr 18, 2009
I've been using airport express for a year, but lately the airport utility ceased recognising my airport express. No matter what I did, nothing changed.I took it to my friends house, to try it on his mac, and the utility found it and the strangest thing was that my macbook (at my friends house) also found the airport express in the airport utility menu. But when I took it back to my place same thing happened, the utility could not find the wireless device. What could be the causing this? I mean, it worked at my place before and now it doesn't, but it works at my friends house. Could there be something that interferes with the apple airport express frequency?
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