Hardware :: 23" ACD Brightness And Power Buttons Not Working?
Jun 3, 2010
I noticed yesterday that my 23" ACD, which I use as a secondary monitor, power light was going on and off even though the monitor appeared to be working fine.
When I put the computer to sleep the monitor stayed on (I could see the backlight lighting up the screen even though it was black).
Now the power light stays off, the monitor works, but I can't adjust the brightness and the power button doesn't work. When I go the System Preferences and Displays there is no brightness slider available for the 23".
I have tried unplugging it, rebooting the computer etc, and even booting up in my backup of Leopard (I usually use Snow Leopard) but it doesn't change anything. Anyone else had this issue? I did have a power cut the other day, but I don't know how that could have affected it.
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Jun 20, 2009
So I installed Vista 64 bit on my Macbook Pro (Santa Rosa), I installed most of the drivers I can find, but I cant get the screen brightness buttons to work (F1 and F2)
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May 18, 2012
I have a iMac with Boot Camp so im often using windows when im using programs/games that are only made for windows...However, the buttons F1, F2, F10, F11 and F12 are not working (I dont know about the other buttons F3-F9). I cant adjust the brightness and sound anymore by pressing F1 and F2 etc. What could be wrong?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), With Windowns 7 :)
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Dec 26, 2010
I'm a noob to the MBP. Just got it last month and still learning how to use it. Anyways, my volume and brightness button worked a few hours ago, now it doesn't work. When I tried lowering the volume it doesn't work. Then I tried using the play button to start my itunes and that doesn't work either. I don't know what I did wrong. How can I get it back?
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Nov 12, 2009
My volume and brightness (both display and keyboard) buttons stopped working. I deleted front row out of the Applications folder and CoreServices folder. I rebooted and they started working again. Then I went and started streaming a movie on Netflix and now they aren't working. Any ideas?
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Mar 28, 2012
My screen is frequently dim. The brightness control buttons display that they are working, but the brightness doesn't actually change.
MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 27, 2009
Just got my first mac today "09 imac 24". Its fricking sweet. But one thing I am used to with Windows was to use the Home/End keyboard buttons to get to the beginning/end of a line. They don't seem to do anything on the mac.
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Mar 22, 2012
My volume buttons aren't working, the icons appear on screen but don't control the volume at all.
The only way I can control the volume is by using the output volume scroller in system preferences. How can I get the buttons to control volume again?
MacBook Pro 2.93 Ghz, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Mar 22, 2012
My volume buttons aren't working, the icons appear on screen but don't control the volume at all. The only way I can control the volume is by using the output volume scroller in system preferences. How can I get the buttons to control volume again?
MacBook Pro 2.93 Ghz, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Oct 26, 2010
I Seem to have a problem recently on my 27" iMac with the razer Naga Gaming Mouse. I installed all drivers from RazerZone. Each time I start my iMac my razer naga doesn't track, all the mouse buttons work but it just doesn't track, its really weird because I have been using this mouse for a month now and never got this problem until I think I started to put my IMac to sleep.
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Jan 20, 2008
I spilled some red bull on my brand new macbook, it wasn't much, I let it dry and I cleaned the outside. Everything works fine, the keyboard works too, every single key works. But some of them are sticky! And it is very uncomfortable to write on! Obviously with these keyboard designs I can't take the keyboard off and clean under it, and I don't want to take it to the Apple store because it's not really damaged and they won't cover spills. Is there a way to clean under the keys to clean out the stickyness?
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Nov 24, 2009
Relevant hardware: new Mac Pro, aluminum wired full keyboard, external speakers (Line Out). Every now and then, the volume up & down keys (F11 & F12) stop working. (Usually seems to happen upon waking from sleep, but not certain of pattern yet.) The volume keys still make the translucent volume graphic pop up, and they still make that pop-up's slider move up and down, and they make that feedback/confirmation "blip" sound grow louder or softer. But, this has no effect on the actual volume (except if I move it all the way down to Mute; that works).
I can only change volume with the mouse -- in the menu bar or in System Preferences. The keyboard volume buttons have no effect on those sliders, when this problem arises. All the other F-keys continue to work properly, so it's not a general keyboard or F-key issue. Only volume up/down. If I restart the computer, the problem is fixed. And I just noticed that if I go into System Preferences and change the Output to "Built-In" and then back to "Line Out," that fixed the problem too. At least, for now.
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Mar 13, 2010
I have F8-F12 (without fn) mapped to spaces/expose/dashboard, and ever since I installed Snow Leopard, at random times my computer will stop registering them as "hey, open up dashboard" and interpret it as "hey, F12 was pressed, let's send this along to Firefox or Terminal or whatever". Sleeping or user switching doesn't help, I need to reboot.
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Apr 12, 2008
The F buttons on my Macbook have stopped working (e.g the volume change/brightness/track skip... etc). I cant find anything in the system preferences about it..
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Jan 19, 2009
I am just wondering if there is a way to have a brightness preset for when the macbook is plugged into the wall and running on battery?Eg. When plugged in I want 100% prightness, but when running off battery it automatically lowers the brightness.Right now I manually lower it and some times forget.. especially times when I need that extra bit of battery power
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Nov 13, 2010
For a while now I've had a recurring problem that I can't figure out. The buttons on my mouse will suddenly stop working; I can move the cursor around the screen, but the mouse buttons (all of them, plus the scrollball) do nothing.
It's not a problem with the mouse (so it might not belong in this forum), because I've tried other mice and had the same behaviour. I don't know if there's a pattern, but I think I've only had the problem since I've started running the new Football Manager 2011 game.
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Jul 25, 2009
I spilled coffee patron (which is a syrup-like coffee flavored tequila) on some keys on my macbook 13" last night. I immediately flipped it upside down and wiped it dry. I then wet a cloth to try to save it from stickiness. It was fine but today the space bar, the "b", "command", "option", & "control" keys are very sticky. Also my caps lock, tab and the squiggly dash (that's use to abbreviate the word approximately above the tab key) are not sticky but don't work at all! My caps lock wont even light up! I would like to remove the keys to wipe under it before taking it to apple care. (which will most likely turn me down.)
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Sep 2, 2014
I have a macbook pro 13" and i recently got some kind of software update from apple and I didn't think twice of it but I just noticed the fwd, play, rwd buttons have stopped working and I went to my preferences > keyboard > keyboard short cut to look for f8 and it said "move focus to status menu" what should i do to fix this? should i bring it in to apple?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Sep 12, 2014
I have a desktop and I'm using iTunes version 11.4. I don't know when the buttons stopped working exactly but I've tried everything except downgrading itunes. They've always worked before.
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Feb 26, 2009
How to calculate the regular MacBook power consumption if it is left on lowest screen brightness for about 12 hours, plugged in, with just a browser running Gmail? The following is the System Profiler->Power Information that pertains to this topic:
Battery Information:
Model Information:
Serial Number:DP-xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Device name:xxxxxxx
Pack Lot Code:0002
PCB Lot Code:0000
Firmware Version:0110
Hardware Revision:0500
Cell Revision:0102
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):4831
Fully charged:Yes
Full charge capacity (mAh):4831
Health Information:
Cycle count:188
Battery Installed:Yes
Amperage (mA):147
Voltage (mV):12604
System Power Settings:
AC Power:
System Sleep Timer (Minutes):0
Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):10
Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):20
Automatic Restart On Power Loss:No
Wake On AC Change:No
Wake On Clamshell Open:Yes
Wake On LAN:Yes
Display Sleep Uses Dim:Yes
Battery Power:
System Sleep Timer (Minutes):5
Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):10
Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):1
Wake On AC Change:No
Wake On Clamshell Open:Yes
Display Sleep Uses Dim:Yes
Reduce Brightness:Yes
Hardware Configuration:
UPS Installed:No
AC Charger Information:
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Jan 2, 2011
I have an Apple Wireless Keyboards and have noticed a problem with it. So the wireless keyboard has the EXACT same layout as my MacBook keyboard, so I would assume it should function the same. You know how along the top there are lots of function buttons? Well none of those work like they should. Clicking any of the buttons from esc (very left) to the play/pause button doesn't do anything. From there, the forward button (>>) does what F3 should, the volume off button does something I'm not quite sure what it is the volume down button pushes everything off to the side of the screen (not sure what it's called ) and volume up opens my dashboard. So is this something completely wrong with my keyboard, or is it something weird that they all do that I don't know of?
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Sep 7, 2014
I've noticed that my music control buttons on my laptop are not working after I start up chrome. when i boot i can use them fine with itunes but when i open chrome they become unresponsive.I've tried resetting the PRAM and SMC to mo avail.
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
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Jun 4, 2014
I have a late 2008 model macbook pro and the resent update to 10.9.3 has made my screen dim, keyboard backlight dim, and volume special functions to stop working?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Jul 8, 2008
I've noticed recently that my screen brightness will suddenly increase or decrease by itself. When I press one of the control buttons it indicates that it is 3 or 4 steps higher or lower (obviously allowing for the fact that pressing a control button moves you one step anyway!) I have the 1.8 SDD. I love the machine....but anyone have any ideas about this. It only happens under battery power.
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Mar 19, 2012
Following on from my recent post regarding the new apple wired keyboard after very helpful feedback from people who responded to my post I decided to take the leap and purchase it! Good news is that I am really happy with it and am glad that I got it! Much nicer then old apple keyboard that I was using.
I also downloaded spark v. 2.1.1 which has enabled me to change the functions of Fkeys to enable to play, pause, etc... in itunes in accordance with the keyboard layout. However, there are two functions that I am having difficulty assigning which are the F1 and F2 keys which allow the decrease and increase of screen brightness. So that I can control my screen brightness using these keys.
G4 POWERMAC (1.25GHZ), Mac OS X (10.3.9)
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Sep 12, 2009
I have a MBP with an apple wireless keyboard. The keyboard has brightness keys on it but they have recently stopped working. It is strange as the keys on the MBP still work but the ones on the bluetooth keyboard, placed exactly in the same spot (the wireless KB and the Macbook pro's KB are exactly the same), don't.
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Jun 14, 2010
I bought my first Mac computer last month, the 13" 2.4 variant. Loving it so far.I have lately noticed however that my ambient light sensor is not much of help. Before, after coming out of sleep I could notice the screen changing to accommodate for the room's light output. I could also put my hand over the sensor near the iSight and witness the brightness decrease in front of me.
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Jun 27, 2012
Simple as that. Any idea how I turned this off by accident?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 13, 2009
Up until recently, F1 - F5 have been Brightness and Volume controls, as they have been since I got the thing. I go to use the Volume, and it doesn't work. I then try the Brightness, and it doesn't work. F6 - F12 all work just fine, which leads me to believe that iBook had a brain fart.
My volume balance has always altered itself. Balancing itself out of one speaker left or right as it so chooses. I know it's smart, but now it's just screwing with me. Settings go and change on their own, dock icons have switched, but this one has stumped me. How do I get those hardware function keys back to doing what they're there to do?
Also, I tried it with an App called Rowmote, that lets you control your Mac from your iPhone, with Apple Remote-like control, and the volume won't change using that either. Another symptom is that sometimes it makes clicking sounds, as if it were changing slowly and glitchy (which it did click sometimes anyhow) when using the Volume slider in the menu bar.
No, the options in System Preferences is not checked to use them as FN. Any ideas?
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Apr 30, 2005
The issue is with the brightness keys and the brightness slider controls. It appears that after the 10.4 upgrade the main LCD on some PBs and iBooks stops working. In my case the attached screen lost the ability to adjust brightness, but my external 20" LCD is fine. It looks like two things have happened. The association between the keys (F1 and F2) and the code for controlling brightness somehow got disconnected and/or the "capability" of the mac to adjust the brightness of the attached LCD got lost in the upgrade. We've tried repair permissions, rebooting, new users to no avail.
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