Final Cut Pro X :: Removing Optimized Media From Multicam?

Dec 5, 2014

I edited a multicam project that had three AVCHD clips as the source. The footage was optimized (although I never chose to do it –Final Cut did it on its own). The project is done now I want to send the Library overseas. I'd like to just put it on a thumb drive rather than have to buy and ship a hard drive. What happens if I delete the optimized media? Is there a way to switch it so FCPX plays back the original media, not the transcoded, and I'll let the next editor decide whether she wants to optimize?  

iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10), FCPX

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Final Cut Pro X :: How To Manage Save Location In IMac Of Optimized Media During Import

Sep 4, 2014

When I'm importing some file with optimized media, it is create in many different folders referent another jobs that haven't any relation with job about media that I'm importing. So, I need to manage it to save in the right location according to media subject.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), FCPX 10.1.3

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Final Cut Pro X :: Multicam Clip Editing?

Jun 30, 2014

I am able to create a multicam clip, and when I double click it it drops to the timeline & appears in my Angles viewer. However, when I hover my mouse over the 3 different angles it doesn't change to the blade, nor does clicking the clips themselves seem to make any cuts.  In short, I have a multicam clip that I can set up but cannot edit. Have the Pro Manuals & watched many how to videos but I cannot tell what I'm doing differently.

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Final Cut Pro X :: Multicam Angle Editor Clips Can't Be Moved

Aug 26, 2014

I have a multicam clip and when I open it in the Angle Editor, I can't move any of the clips. They just snap back to where they were. For whatever reason, FCP X really fudged up the "auto" syncing of these clips and I have to move them around and sync manually. 

What's the secret? I can press , and . to nudge left and right but grabbing them and dragging them down the timeline isn't working.

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Final Cut Pro X :: 10.1.3 - Export Audio As Separate Files From Multicam Clip

Aug 27, 2014

I've been trying to to export my Audio from FCPX 10.1.3 as Separate Files (per Roles) from a Multicam clip but it stops and freezes after exporting the first Audio track listed in the export setting. Example:

I have a Multicam clip with 3 Audio Roles (Bob, John and Marc, all assigned to their Audio Roles).When i export Audio as Roles (separate files), i then select all the Roles i want to export: Marc + John + Bob. It will export up to 35% or so and freeze.Then i look in the Finder location of the export to see the audio of Marc only.

If i put John + Marc + Bob, i will see the Audio for John only and so on.If (i have to at this point) i cancel the export, the audio file gets deleted and i get nothing out of FCP. Is there a way to export Audio as Separate Roles file from a Multicam clip or do i need to add all the Audio clip separately from the Multicam on the Timeline?

I'm adding the audio in the Multicam clip so that, if i want to remove a chunk of video from the timeline, The audio attached to it will also be removed and everything stays sync'ed after the cut i made. 

I tried Detaching the Audio from the Main Timeline.  I then get the Audio but still in a "multi cam" bundle.  When i select that and look in the Inspector, i see all the Roles but i can't Export like i want to. 

OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Final Cut Pro X (10.1.3)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Multicam And Compound Clips Missing After Event Transfer?

Jun 21, 2014

After transferring my projects, and then events (separately) to my external hard drive, everything worked after relinking media except for all of my compound clips and multicam clips.  

I do not know where to locate them in Finder, nor how to get them back. When I tried transferring my events and projects back to my internal hard drive, they still were not there. 

Everything was fine before with Final Cut Pro X (Version 10.0.8) but now it is seriously hindering my work. 

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Final Cut Pro X :: Setting Optimized Or Original Rather Than Proxy Before Sharing?

Dec 4, 2014

When sharing, if we have the project to work with proxies (assuming I transcoded clips in both the formats) is better to change it before or whatever is my setting the render quality  depends on setting in my share options. 

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ITunes For Mac :: Removing Duplicates From Media Folders?

Aug 21, 2014

CNET is full of apps to scan and delete duplicate music files in the itunes media folder (I'm not talking about the duplicates in itunes library but actual duplicated files), any decent app that can get rid of mp3's and keep the lossless versions? 


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Final Cut Pro X :: Cannot Import Any Media?

Jul 1, 2014

I recently made some software updates to FCP X and now I can not import any media into FCP X. Does this sound common? 

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Final Cut Pro X :: Cannot Export Media At All

Aug 29, 2014

I was working on a project and trying to export my project.I tried to to export by using 'Export Media', Share>Media Browser, Share>Apple device and nothing works and comes up with an error dialogue like below. I'm using iMac late 2012 with Mavericks. 

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Final Cut Pro X :: Removing Events / Projects From Library Manually

Jun 26, 2014

Removing either Events or Projects from the Library manually (deleting from package contents on drive)?

Any reason there could be a problem?

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Final Cut Pro X :: Temporarily Removing Events And Projects From Library 

Jun 27, 2014

Experiment Results: Temporarily removing Events and Projects from library 

REASON: I wanted to test removing events and especially ram-hungry projects from FCPX 10.1 to unclog the app a bit. I've been getting lots of spinning wheel time and dropdown windows saying projects unopened and unneeded were being loaded. 

METHOD: I copied a library to another drive and experimented by manually removing some events made up entirely of projects. Why not remove them? There seems to be hysteria about manually touching the library but no one relates an actual incident that highlights how things can go wrong. 

I copied a library to another drive and experimented by manually removing some events made up entirely of projects.  The projects are early versions of segments of feature length doc I most likely will never need to bring back in. After removing an Event that had only Projects, FCPX opened no problem and a lot quicker. 

ODDITY: Removed Events names still appeared with the twirly triangle beside them tho the event icon didn't appear and the Events were empty. I tried trashing them but couldn’t. I then closed fcpx and removed media. Reopened no problem. Closed.  

Returned Event folders and media to their proper place, reopened no problem. The projects were all there tho their icons were blank at first but then after a couple minutes pics started appearing in them and pretty soon all seemed normal. I opened projects, they worked, no problem. 

Moving projects & media manually between events—This may be where things get dicey, but you could do this manually with earlier versions of FCPX. It's not something I would do normally since ti's too easy to do in FCPX. But since I have this copy I might try it just to see what happens. If you don't experiment it's  not science it's religion.

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Final Cut Pro X :: Won't Allow To Leave Media In Place

Jun 30, 2014

I already have a folder of media on the same drive.  When I go to import the files, FCPX has add to library selected and won't let me select "leave in place".  Is there a preference or setting somewhere that will let me reference the files? 

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Final Cut Pro X :: 10.1.2 - Media Management -> Render Files

Aug 20, 2014

Running FCP X 10.1.2 ... I wanted to verify a few things with the community about media mgmt that the white paper really doesn't explain to well. My archiving procedure is as follows: 

I import media to an Event to offload footage from camera/card. I then close FCP X, open the finder and open the library and "show package contents" and then pick the original media folder. I then copy that folder to another offsite drive I have dated by year -> folder. 

Example: 2014 - Footage from Colorado.  (I do this to always store my original media outside any project I'm working on for future reference. This is ok, correct? Is there a better way?) 

Second, I learned the other day that if I want to archive/backup libraries or even clean up the library,it is good practice to remove all rendered/transcoded media files. It is pretty simple from the "file" menu to do this. Question, if I just removed the rendered media, how long does it take again before FCP X background tasks starts working / rendering media again? Do I stop this somehow so I have time to backup the library? I thought this process was automated after a few seconds? 

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Two List Views Of Event Media?

Dec 10, 2014

The first thing I do after importing my media is I sync the secondary audio with the video clips. 

The audio clips are usually named Zoom... or Tascam... and the video is typically named MVI... or something else. 

Going back and forth between the correct take of the audio and the correct take of the video requires that I scroll up and down the list. It would be great if you could split the view into two separate lists and that way you could easily see both while syncing. 

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Final Cut Pro X :: Library Linking To External Media?

Dec 8, 2014

Working on an iMac with a FCX library that links to an external media folder which has all my video. I'm not using managed media, but external links to the video source footage. 

I make an exact duplicate copy of my FCX library on a USB drive, including the external media folder with all my video clips -- using the same folder structure and everything, But when I move that to another computer (MacBook Pro), open the exact same FCX library, open the same project -- I get missing links on every clip on my timeline. The library doesn't connect to the external media folder. 

Re-linking causes an error and doesn't work either. The FCX library just won't take my "external media" folder which it links to fine on my iMac. All my projects on my MacBook Pro, have red "missing file" icons instead of the clips. 

Running FCX 10.1.4. and Yosemite. 

iMac, OS X Mountain Lion

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Final Cut Pro X :: Importing Media From Multiple SD Cards?

Aug 21, 2014

After using FCP 7 for years, I have finally moved to FCP 10 and completed a course which didn't deal with this basic question. I have for example 3 SD cards, with video clips on them, lets call them, 1/ wide shot, 2/ close up and 3/sundry. I have created a library and have no problem importing data from SD_1, but I cannot work out how to eject SD_1 and insert SD_2 to import data and so on. Even after the MBP has imported, rendered and shows all background processes as "Idle" if I try to eject SD_1 it shows a message, "Card in use".

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Can't Relink Media That Is In Library File?

Dec 9, 2014

FCPX says media is missing, but "show package contents" on the library file shows all of the media where it is supposed to be. How do I make FCPX see the media?


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Final Cut Pro X :: Creating / Using Proxy Media Files

Aug 29, 2014

I just made the transition to FCPX and I've imported video to a number of Libraries. (I really have to fight hard not to call them Projects)

As I didn't completely understanding all of the import settings, I made Optimized video along with the Original media.  Ok, no big deal.  The files take up a bit of space, and because of the nature of the project (lots of talking head interviews) not sure I really need Optimized video, but wasn't too concerned.  I'll know for next time that I don't want to check that box, unless I really need the Optimized video. 

My question is -

If I wanted to make a copy of my media files to a portable HD, work with these files off site with the same Library that is on my Macbook Pro, make logging notes, selects, maybe even creating a Project or two, and then return  to my office where I would re-connect the original media files located on the office-bound hard drives, what do I need to do to ensure that this will work properly?    

Secondarily, would it now make sense to create the Proxy files to use for this purpose?  Is this not what these files are normally used for?  Smaller, and more easily taken on the road and edited, and then the Library will re-connect everything to the original files once re-connected to the drives that contain the original media? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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Final Cut Pro X :: How To Search Media Based On Notes

Jun 5, 2014

After I add notes to clips, how do I search for them?

Pages 09

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Final Cut Pro X :: Project With Green Frames - Media Has Been Transcoded To Pro Res 422 (HQ)

Dec 5, 2014

My project has some green frames in it. My media has been transcoded to pro res 422 (HQ) from another codec (I don't know which one, I don't have original footage) using PAVTUBE HD converter. What's the best way to deal with this situation ? It's a 2 hour long conference and I don't feel like looking at the whole thing without blinking my eyes to find and cut all the little green frames.

Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Video Won't Share Because No Referencing Media On Camera?

Jun 26, 2014

Trying to upload video project on final cut pro x and won't because says no referencing media from camera even though it is uploaded. 

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Final Cut Studio :: Log And Transfer - DCIM Contains Unsupported Media

Jun 4, 2014

the message am getting is "DCIM" contains unsupported media or has an invalid directory structure. Please choose a folder whose directory structure matches supported media.

Final Cut Pro 7, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Media Not Copying Into Event When Drag And Dropped?

Jun 21, 2014

When I add media files into an event by dragging and dropping the file into the project the file does not get moved/copied 'Macintosh's HD Projects' folder. 

Is there a setting somewhere I can change so dragging and dropping behaves the same way as when I use CMD+I to import a file? 

I am using the most up-to-date version of FCPX in Mavericks.

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Final Cut Pro X :: Able To Recognize Again Media Files From Original Hard Disk

Sep 2, 2014

My hard disk is a Raid system. 4x3TB = total 12TB but 3 TB is for backup. So in effect usage space is 9TB. But now used up 7TB (called it original harddisk) I took my iMac to a shop and it dis some verify and tried to repair the disk using Disk Utility. But it cannot repair. Apparently, he said that my hard disk is okay but it has a directory corrupt problem. That is why now my FCPX cannot read all the data. All my media files for FCPX are stored in this 9TB external hard disk. So, I was told the steps to do are: 

1)  copy all these 7TB data from Original hard disk into a new hard disk (called it haddisk B). 

2) Then reformat the old 9TB hard disk (which we earlier called as original hard disk). 

3) Then I copy back from hard disk B into Original Harddisk 9TB Question is will FCPX be able to recognise again my media files from the Original hard disk in

15.4, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 27" iMac - 4GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 1GB ATI Radeon HD, i5 QuadCore

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Final Cut Pro X :: Rename External Hard Drive Without Losing Links To Media?

Dec 1, 2014

I have a new Mac Pro, OS X version 10.9.5, running FCPX version 10.1.3. I have copied all of my data from a 1T external hard drive to a new 4T external hard drive, but FCPX doesn't recognize my media files unless I rename the new drive to that of the old one. The problem is I want to continue using the old one. Is there an easy way to relink my files and keep the original name of the new drive?

Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5), FCPX 10.1.3

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Final Cut Pro X :: Imported Media With Folders As Keywords - Option To Delete Keyword?

Jun 1, 2014

I imported media with "Folders as Keywords" and now I find I don't really need that. I'm trying to delete those keywords, but of course, I don't want to lose the media associated with them. I tried Control-Click the keyword hoping it would give me the option to delete the keyword but no luck. What else can I try? These are some very big files and a lot of them, so I don't want to screw anything up.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), MacPro2,1 Quad-Core Intel Xeon

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Final Cut Pro X :: Editing On Internal Or External Drive For Small Media Files With Lots Of Layers And Compositing?

Aug 21, 2014

I am upgrading my mid 2012 MBP with an internal SSD. I have16 RAM. OS is Mavericks. 

I edit videos using a mix of photos (imported layers via photoshop), short animations, short video clips. I do some very basic stop animation also. So each media file is not heavy (photos, pics, short videos), but I do a lot of layering and compositing in FCPX.  I had a lot of delays and freezes with 5400 rpm HDD… so I decided to upgrade to SSD. 

Some people have told me to edit it all on my internal SSD as the media files are not big.. 

Everywhere else on the web I read that all media / libraries should be on an external while I edit them. But most of these contributors are using huge video files, HD, which is not my case. 

So – with small media files but lots of editing and effects  / animation, should I spend the extra money on a good external 7200 rpm USB3 to edit from ? Or just use external drive for storage and not editing. 

Not going for TB as I read there would not be a difference between USB3 and TB on a 7200 rpm external drive (difference is felt when using RAID, r SSD external) ...

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Removing Underside Of MBP 17 - Pop Sound When Removing On Cover Normal?

Jun 30, 2010

as an extension to my question regarding RAM utilization, I've decided to upgrade my RAM. I went through the process of removing the underside of my MBP. After taking the screws out and mentally marking which slot they came out of (some are of different size), I pulled the lid up at the black trim area (the "neck" of the display mount) as this was the easiest way to get a non-damaging grip on the metal underside -- read: I avoided using a screw driver on the lid. As I started to lift, I was surprised at the amount of force I needed to use in order to remove the lid; something near the center of the cover was still holding the lid to the underside of the body. In fact, the amount of force I needed to use made me pause to question if I missed an important step other than simply removing the screws. I decided to "go for it" and applied more pressure while pulling the lid up and away from the body and heard a "pop" noise.

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MacBook Pro :: Using Optimized Drivers For Windows On An MBP?

Nov 4, 2010

So although 5-6 hours of battery is not uncommon for a MBP running OSX, when you get windows on there, it goes down to 90 mins.

Most people (inc me) believe this is not a failing of windows, but a result of poorly written drivers not utilizing the hardware correctly.

It doesnt look like apple will ever write decent drivers for their hardware for use with windows.

So, im wondering are there any projects to get decent drivers for apple hardware for use under windows? even if you didnt get the full 5-6 hours, it should still be easy enough to get 3-4 hours from a mac on windows.

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