Compressor 4 :: Won't Do Distributed Processing With FCPX

Dec 8, 2014

Running 4.1.3 with FCPX and Send to Compressor has all of the distributed processing groups greyed out in the selection drop down. I can only run compressor on This Computer. 

If I export the file from FCPX and then drop that into Compressor from the finder it works fine. Is there a reason it is not working when directly connected? 

I have deleted and reinstalled  both apps but get the same results.

iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)

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Compressor 4 :: Change 24fps To 29.97 When Transcoding For FCPX?

Aug 25, 2014

I'm uprezzing clips from a public domain flick to match my FCPX timeline of 1080i. (Might as well to see how it looks.) The public domain flick is 24fps. Should I change it to 29.97, or does it matter?

If I should change it, what choice do I choose in the retiming panel? 30@29.97? 29.97@30?

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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OS X :: Distributed Processor Load Over Network?

Nov 2, 2009

I have heard that there is a free app that is able to share your computer processor load over the network to another computer. I have an iMac and would like to see if I could get my MacBook Pro to also work out things, running in parallel.

So if for example I want rip a movie or work out Pi to a billion decimal places (which i dont ) I can have both computers working on this task.

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Intel Mac :: Emails Distributed Over Apple Mail And Outlook

Jun 21, 2012

I've got a work emailadress active on Apple Mail on my computer at work and I got the same account active on Outlook on my home computer. The thing is however that I'm receiving emails on Apple Mail that I'm not receiving in Outlook and vica versa.Does anyone have any experience with that? I couldn't find any similar problems on the internet.


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App Store :: Can't Update The FCPX

Jan 31, 2012

Mac App Store says that I didn't use my account to purchase FCPX, but I only have the one account. Now it won't let me update it.When I look at my purchased history, it lists all the apps I've bought, but it has an "Install" next to FCPX.  However, it is installed. In fact I've been using it quite recently.  However, when I click on the "Install" button, it gives me a message: We could not complete your purchase. Fincal Cut is already installed on this computer. Choose Software Update from the Apple menu to check for available updated. When I do that, it says everything is up to date!  How can I correct this? I'm on a MacBook Pro 2.3 i7 running 10.7.2. 

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MacMini 2012 External Thunderbolt Boxes For FCPX

Apr 20, 2012

This was discussd here and there last year but here we are again.We left this subject with the following collective thoughts with some varations and name callings:

- MacMini is OK to run FCPX when maxed out with RAM and editing are done in Proxy.

- MacMini quad server has advantages over the standard MacMini but the GPU ( if there is such thing in MacMini ) is not really up to the task.

- The bottle neck is the GPU and the slow drives generally.

A year has passed and manu vendors are displaying thunderbolt boxes in ranges that could take an express card to all the way up to Two PCIe2 cards and FibreChannels and 10GB ethernetcards..Any of thesee boxes could help the MacMini to rise to the battle for FCPX performance? Is it possible to put a high-end PC video card in Sonnet thunderbolt box and get a real GPU out of the combo for example?

Mac Pro Quad 2.6, Mac OS X (10.6.5), Mac Classic II , PB 180C , ..., iMac G5

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Motion 5 :: Graphics And Audio - Sound Effect Not Going To FCPX?

Aug 23, 2014

I have done a quick generator in motion with graphics and audio. I have saved it and its showing up in FCPX 

However when I goto use it I see the graphics but there is no sound that is contained in it. 

MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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Motion 5 :: Published Title Does Not Work In FCPX - Red T Error

Sep 2, 2014

I'm working on a series of short sports videos that will be playing on jumbotrons, and have been trying to create a Title template in motion, with intent to publish it to use it Final Cut Pro X.  I started creating the first title, and then after Saving it and publishing it, I opened FCPX to add the title.  The title tile under 'Titles' would appear in the correct category, and would show the tile, until I moved the scrubber over it.  Upon scrubbing the new title, or placing it in the timeline and scrubbing it, it would show a RED T error.  I was using a newly installed font, so I decided to try a brand new basic template with a basic font, and the same thing would happen.   

FCPX and Motion 5 are both updated.  I've done this before, but it was a couple of years ago.

Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9)

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Applications :: Best DVD Ripper / Compressor?

Dec 30, 2010

So I just got a new AppleTV for Christmas. I started saving my movies to my computer/iTunes. Tried Casino Royale with RipIt and it turned out great. However since then I've tried Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (the extended edition) several different times and I just haven't gotten it to work.

Tried it with RipIt and it flat out didn't work. Didn't even result in a playable format. Tried Handbrake and the audio drops out completely 3/4 of the way through side A of the movie. Tried ripping it via MakeMKV then converting it to an AppleTV friendly format through Handbrake and the video turned out horrible. Then I tried ripping it via Mac The Ripper and then compressing via Handbrake it and once again the audio drops out completely. Is there any other way to get the extended edition of Lord of the Rings into iTunes with good video quality and not having the audio dropout problems?

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Compressor 4 :: How To Create Chaptered DVD

Sep 4, 2014

I bought FCPX and Compressor because all my Kool-aid drinking Mac friends said you have to have this to edit (former Avid user). Learning as I go and I am very impressed with the FCPX software from where I came from. 

However, I don't see anyway to make chaptered menus in Compressor 4? Really??? I know DVDs are not the future but they are sure the present right now. What they currently use to get a project off the timeline and into a chaptered DVD that I can duplicate and hand to people..... 

Compressor, Other OS, Newby beyond newby

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Compressor 4 :: Mac Pro SSD Drive And Libraries

Dec 7, 2014

I just got a base level mac pro. When I run compressor, it fills up the library in the ssd drive and crashes the machine when it runs out of disk space. Is there a solution for this? 

Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

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Compressor 4 :: 4.1.2 Crashes When Add New Settings

Jul 1, 2014

Having just upgraded the FCP suite to the latest (4.1.2 for Compressor) I've run into a bug that has been affecting other users in earlier versions, e.g.:  Compressor 4.1.1 crashes when trying to create custom setting from scratch..Basically I run Compressor, and choose the "New Setting..." option under the lower left drop-down menu. 

I get a spinning beach ball, then the app crashes.I've tried a full reinstall of the app after deleting it and it's associated preferences and app support files. I've also logged in under a clean new user account and the same thing happens, so it must be some issue on a system level. 

The only workaround I've found from another thread is to duplicate an existing setting and modify it from there. But clearly it would be better if it didn't crash. For those who might be interested in the details, here is the crash log: 

Process:         Compressor [710]
Path:            /Applications/
Version:         4.1.2 (249189)
Build Info:      Compressor-24918009038000000~1


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Compressor 4 :: Keeping Same File Name Possible In 4.1.2?

Aug 19, 2014

Is keeping the same file name possible in Compressor 4.1.2?

Compressor, Mac OS.9.1.x, Compressor 4.1.2

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Applications :: Can I Copy Compressor App To Another Computer

Mar 28, 2010

Am I able to copy the Compressor App (part of the final cut pro suite) to another Computer with a legitimate serial? It's only on one computer at present but I'd like to transfer it to another computer as it only has DVD Studio Pro and FCP - no compressor.

Can I just copy the Icon onto a HD and past it onto the other computer or will I have to copy all the files associated with it too?

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Compressor 4 :: 4.1.3 Crashes Since Installing Yosemite 10.10.1

Dec 2, 2014

Compressor 4.1.3 crashes since installing Yosemite 10.10.1 on MB Pro Retina 15" (late 2011).

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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Compressor 4 :: Why Won't IPad Turn On Unless Plugged In

Jun 25, 2014

My iPad works while it's plugged in, however when I take it off the charger, power it down then try to power on let's say an hour later, it will not turn on unless connected to the charger. When I power it off it has over 50% battery life.

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Compressor 4 :: Frame Rate From H.264 To ProRes

Sep 1, 2014

I have h.264 footage from smartphone with 29.8 fps (container mp4) and converting to ProRes via Compressor i have the issue as follows:

1. If i set automatic fps in Compressor to 30fps, converted footage to ProRes playbacks smoothly.

converted footage available here: [URL] ....

2. If i set automatic fps near original 29.97 fps, converted footage to ProRes playbacks stutters (especially if you pay attention to the part of footage, where child is going toward a house wall).

converted footage available here: [URL] ....

Original footage: [URL] ....

However, if I repeat the same processes in Adobe Encoder, footage playbacks smoothly in both cases:

Footage converted via Adobe Encoder 29.97fps Apple ProRes: [URL] ...

Footage converted via Adobe Encored 30fps Apple ProRes: [URL] ...

It does not matter which type of ProRes i choose, problem persists in all of them under 29.97 fps.

MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Software :: Final Cut Pro - Compressor - Color And Shake

Nov 21, 2008

Apple this week released Pro Applications Update 2008-04, a recommended update for all users of Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Server, and Logic Studio. The release addresses general performance issues, improves overall stability, and includes new versions of Final Cut Pro, Compressor, Color, and Shake. Final Cut Pro 6.0.5 Among the enhancements delivered as part of Final Cut Pro 6.0.5 are: Improved High-Precision Rendering: If you render sequences using the high-precision video processing setting, make sure to update to Final*Cut*Pro*6.0.5 for improved reliability when rendering still images and footage in high-resolution formats. Extended Metadata Support for the Panasonic AG-HMC150 Camcorder: Final*Cut*Pro*6.0.5 captures the additional metadata for footage recorded with the Panasonic*AG-HMC150 professional AVCHD camcorder. Improved Support for the Panasonic HDC-SD9 Camcorder: Final*Cut*Pro*6.0.5 provides enhanced precision and reliability when ingesting files from the Panasonic*HDC-SD9 camcorder. Improved Support for Metadata Imported from P2 Cards: Final*Cut*Pro*6.0.5 provides support for extended metadata that is captured on P2 cards. Compressor*3.0.5 and Apple*Qmaster*3.0.5...............

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Compressor 4 :: OS X Mavericks (10.9.1) - How To Delete Active Batch

Sep 9, 2014

I have a batch that will not finish and I cannot delete it. After much frustration, I deleted the entire program and re-installed it. The batch is still there!

Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 3 GHz 8-Core with 32 GB Ram

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Compressor 4 :: 4.1.2 - Email Notification When Render Has Been Completed?

Sep 3, 2014

I would like to be emailed a notification that my render has been complete.

I can't seem to find any info on how to set up an email notification when a render is complete.

My Compressor is on a computer that is used by many people so I don't want to have an applescript create an email via apple mail as that would mean my emails would be available on that machine.

I seem to remember on version 3 this being available but I can not even find the settings in compressor 4.1.2. How this can be done?

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Compressor 4 :: Codec Update Includes MXF Settings

Dec 2, 2014

ICYMI, today's Pro Codec update includes MXF settings, with a variety of codecs to choose from. 

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Final Cut Pro X :: Send To Compressor - Share Grayed Out

Jun 5, 2014

I'm transitioning from FCP 7 and a Sony DV camera to FCP X and a Canon HD camera. I shot video of a dance performance in HD 1920 x 1080, 59.94P. I imported the AVCHD clips into FCP X with the copy media option. One clip is 1:26:57 (1 hr, 26 min ...) and the other is 1:21:43 long

When I used FCP 7 I created sub-clips for each dance before laying them down on the timeline. In this FCP X project I created compound clips off of the longer of the two AVCHD clips (the performance up to intermission), created a project named DVD 1 and moved the compound clips to the timeline and added titles.

If I follow my old workflow, the next step would be to send to Compressor and then import into DVD Studio Pro but I want to burn a simple DVD to check out how the titles look but when I try to send the project to Compressor the "Send to Compressor" and "Share" menu items are grayed out. If I select the original 1:26:57 AVCHD the options are also grayed out but if I select the slightly shorter 1:21:43 clip they are not. If I select any of the compound clips the option are also grayed out.

Mac Pro (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 3.33 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon

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Final Cut Studio :: Why Can't Export Sequence Using Compressor 3.0.5

Aug 23, 2014

why I can't export my FCP 6 sequence using Compressor 3.0.5.   

I have an hour-long 1080p Pro Res 422 sequence that I am trying to export using Compressor 3.  Whether I export using the 'Pro Res 422' preset or the 'H.264' preset, transcoding commences but then stops abruptly 15 to 20 minutes later with an error message saying 'Quicktime Error: -50.'

For what it's worth, I have an early-2008 dual quad-core Mac Pro desktop with 6 GB of RAM and two ATI Radeon 5770 graphics cards.  I am currently running OS X 10.6.8.  The media (including Motion graphics) and project file are on an external drive connected via Firewire 800.

how to properly export this sequence at the highest quality without getting the error message

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Final Cut Pro 6

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Final Cut Studio :: 30 Hours Export Using Compressor 3.5

Aug 27, 2014

export from fcp 7 to compressor 3.5 took over 30 hrs. sequence was 95 min. 1920x1080 60i pro res 422. i did use the sharpen filter on the entire sequence. export was using the youtube setting (h.264) w/ same source size. i'm using a 2x2.8 ghz quad core intel xeon mac pro w/10 gb ram 4 x1tb hard drives. source files are on external fw 800 drive and i export internally to my hard drive. 30 hrs is ridiculous. i also tried first exporting sequence as a prores 422 same setting file. that took 20 hrs and then exporting that using the youtube setting which took another 15 hrs for a total of 35 hrs. what can i do to speed this up?

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Applications :: ITunes Relaunches Automatically - Compressor Not Launching

Feb 17, 2008

I'm running iTunes 7.6 on a MBP 2.4GHz with 10.5.2 installed. Last night, after having a problem with Compressor not launching(ie it would launch but no window would display), I was forced to take Apple's Compressor Troubleshooting basics and trash Compressor, Qmaster, and Motion. I reinstalled those applications without a hitch and everything is working. Or so it seems until this morning when I tried to play a song in iTunes. It would hang up briefly, then quit. The subsequent error message was that "...The Problem may have been caused by the FX plug-in." I trashed CoverSutra, thinking that may have been the problem, despite the fact I never used it. I even uninstalled iWOW2 with no results. Trashing the iTunes .plist did yield some positive results as songs would play, but if I tried to quit iTunes, it will automatically relaunch.

After perusing the Apple support discussion, it seems this is a common problem, although many of the reports were from last month. I just find it odd that all of a sudden I'm now encountering these problems. I do have Synergy installed, but I've never had any problems with it before in the past and even with it not running, iTunes still behaves poorly.

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MacBook :: Snow Leopard - Compressor Update Cannot Be Saved

Apr 1, 2010

Ever since I upgraded to snow leopard since it came out, I have been having problems with updates, such as iPhoto, iTunes everything and anything. Whenever there is a new update released by apple and I open up for example iTunes it tells me there is an update available, so I click on update. It downloads when it is done I click install, when it is installing I get an error saying:
The Update "Compressor Update" can't be saved. The update could not be expanded and verified. It may have been corrupted or tampered with during downloading. The update will be downloaded and checked again the next time that Software Update runs.

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Final Cut Pro X :: Chapters To Compressor 4.1 Do Not Fully Transfer For DVD Menu

Aug 20, 2014

Making DVD, chapters from Final Cut Pro X to Compressor 4.1 do not fully transfer for the DVD menu.  I can get the title of the chapters by clicking "include subtitles" but the associated picture for the chapter does not show (though it will on iDVD).  So I have a boring menu with the words but not the picture. For example, one chapter is of Baltra, Galapagos.  The island isn't shown though the chapter says, "Baltra"

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Compressor 4 :: Compress Video File For Burning Blu-ray Disc?

Jun 1, 2014

I just got an OWC Mercury Pro external Bluray burner that came bundled with Roxio Toast 11 Titanium.  I'm editing with FCP6 as part of FCS2 and my version of Compressor is 3.0.5 so no "Share to Bluray" template is part of the default options. 

The default Compressor options are:

DVCProHD 720p24     (the footage was shot and edited using this codec)
HD DVD H.264 60 minutes
HD uncompressed 8-bit or 10-bit 

I've also considered exporting a Quicktime .MOV file and letting Toast do the compressing. 

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Compressor 4 :: Cropping 1920x1080 Video With 4:3 Aspect Ratio

Dec 6, 2014

I have a 1920x1080 video that I want to crop to a 4:3 aspect ratio.

I'm working with compressor 3.  

When I set "crop original" to "4x3 1,33:1", I cannot manipulate the cropping. It is fixed to left=240, right=240, top=0 and bottom=0.

This results in 1440x1080 4x3, that's correct. But what I'd like to do is crop the top and bottom, too, while keeping the 4:3 aspect ratio.

How do i do that? 

When I set "crop original" to "custom" (I hope I translated that correctly), cropping left, top, right and bottom is possible. I manipulate the red rectangle in the preview window  and the cropping changes accordingly. Now how do I tell compressor to keep the 4:3 aspect ratio while manipulating/zooming with the red rectangle? I don't want to calculate the cropping, this is way too cumbersome.

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Compressor 4 :: Batch Convert Multiple Image Sequences

Aug 29, 2014

I need to batch convert multiple image sequences (tiff) to prores. The problem is this: when I import image sequences, the frame rate is set 29.97 by default, but I need it to be 25 (they come from a video shot at 25fps). Changing the frame rate of every image sequence, one by one, is too time-consuming. How can I change it on all my sequences at once? 

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