Applications :: Using Dragthing And Want To Make A New Dock But For Some Reason Dragthing Is Not Coming Up?
Jun 9, 2009
this is probebly me being really stupid but im still getting used to my mac. I'm using Dragthing and i want to make a new dock but for some reason Dragthing is not coming up in the bar at the top and is still showing Safari even though i am 100% using Dragthing and it is click onto it. It's just the only way to add a new Dock is to go on file and new dock but i cant do that This is a screenshot i just took, I dont understand why it wont show it at the top.
I am new to the Mac OS world as i only got a mac one week ago. I'm learning lots of new stuff everyday but can't seem to figure out how to make my applications show up at the Guest Account Dock or even at the Applications folder for that matter.
I got Microsoft Office for Mac and it works fine and all on my User account (admin) but i cant make it show up at the applications folder or at the dock so when someone borrows my laptop for some office editing they have to be logged on my account.
Is there a way to customize the applications that show up on Guest Accounts? Ps: Love my macbook air. It makes me never want to touch another PC laptop again.
I recently tried to download a free trial of World of Warcraft for Macs but instead screwed up the display settings on my Macbook (version 10.6.4 OS X). I removed it from the computer when the game didn't play, it just gave a black screen, at which point I had restarted the computer to find text sizes magnified, the display setting changed so the whole screen wasn't being used, etc. I was able to change the screen display size no problem but cannot figure out how to make the icons and text in boxes such as applications in the dock, or system preferences folder smaller. Is there a way, without reinstalling the operating system, to reset these minor settings? I could live with the changes but would rather not.
My Application icon is missing from the dock and i am not able to drag it from the finder window. However I am able to access the applications through the finder window. Also, while the applications folder was on the dock, its standard icon was not coming on- instead it was showing the icon of the first application in the folder.
10.6.3. When I make an alias on my desktop of a folder and then drag it to my dock it'll stick there but it will open like a folder. When I click it it will open Finder and then that alias. I want it to open like Stacks do, preferably in list mode with the flyout menus. Why can't I do this? I had it in Leopard but can't get it to work in SL. I checked all my settings and can't find anywhere to create a stack from an alias. Or from anything for that matter.
first time i have ever come across. I have a Intel 2 MacBook Pro. There is no sound coming from the speakers even though it is not muted and the vol is turned to the max. There is sound coming if i plug headphones in the jack. Just noticed that there is a red light coming from where the headphone jack is...anyone have any idea how i can get my speakers to work again?
I'll be using the Air and all of a sudden there will be static or electrical buzzing coming out of the right speaker on my 13" MacBook Air. It's about 16 months old.
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Late 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've been trying to change my docks theme for the past few days but have been unable. I've used Candybar, Dock Library etc. and none of them seem to work. I'm really annoyed because it used to work for me. Any suggestions on how I can remedy this problem?
My iTunes log has suddenly disappeared or atleast seem invisible i.e the space for it is there, I can click in the space and the app opens but not logo can actually be seen Anyone seen or heard of this happening before ? Running snow leopard on Core2Duo 24" iMac.
When I import an album some albums split into several albums. How do I stop this from happening? I have tried dragging and dropping them into one location.
Just switched to Lion and the size of the dock items are too samall I have increased their size in pref but they are still very small. Also I am missing several dock items from the right side of the dividing line and yet if i mouse over the empty space the captions of the missing icons show and some times I can select the desired action by clicking on the empty space where they previously showed.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6), with lion can I open power pc
With all the app store teasers, recent release of iLife 11 one might have thought iWork '11 was coming soon. Alas, it does not seem to be so. At least all I see is installed next to the apps. I actually like the new MS Office, so I am not nearly as desperate as I once was for the new Apple products. But we all know Apple often has a unique spin on the common, and I still prefer Keynote to all others and would love to see that pushed to even more development possibilities. Considering the way the web works, the way Hypercard worked, and Keynote, I could imagine making keynotes that are HTML5 ready and have scripting abilities and interactive abilities like Hypercard. That would be an app that rocked, and brought some life back to the MIA web development scene for the Mac.
I've got a movie I'm exporting from FCE, just in the standard "Export to QuickTime Movie" option. The file looks fine (other than the fact that, when I watch it in QT, the aspect ratio is wrong). When I put it into iDVD and let it burn, the video just looks... weird. I'm not sure how to describe it, exactly, but it's just weird. I can't figure out what's wrong. Is it possible it's something in iDVDs conversion to MPEG-2?
Is anyone else having this problem? At first I thought it was me, but then my friend says he's getting the same thing. What could the reason for this be, and is there any way to fix it?(ps. I have of course checked to make sure the relevant boxes are ticked in preferences)
How do I stop applications from coming up when I power up my computer. If this were a Windows system I would be able to take the app out of the start up folder. On the Mac I don't know how.
I tried doing several things such as flattening the images, changing the resolution, using different file formats. I tried making the images exactly 1920 by 1080 which someone mentioned was the px dimensions that imovie uses and that didn't work.
The only time the image seems clearer is when I go to show photo settings, which is weird.
These images were originally raws so I can make them whatever size is needed for imovie. I just need to know what it likes best!
I was thinking I might not be rendering them properly. I imported it into idvd and it rendered it that way. Is there another way I can do it maybe?
when i opened my macbook today, i noticed that when i clicked on mail, there was ablack question mark over it, then i tried to open photo booth and aperture but the same thing happened, safari, itunes, pages and some other apps are working but some aren't. i verified and repaired disk permissions and searched for the broken apps in the finder but they're not there.
Sorry for the incredibly stupid question, but I just got the gfxCardStatus application for my i5, and was wondering whether turning on the NVIDIA video card will make applications like Mail, Firefox, etc. faster?
I read something about OpenCL, but am not really sure whether it works for all applications.
I find that turning on the NVIDIA card, instead of using the integrated Intel one, makes my laptop hotter.
So, to start off I have been attempting to try and learn to use CandyBar by myself.. I've done a pretty good job. I was just wondering how people customize their docks so well. I download most of my icons from iconfactory, although really the only one I liked was "Agua Onyx" but it didn't come with the ones of apps like firefox, iTunes, etc.
Everytime I drag the Applications folder from the left side of the Finder window to the dock, I just see a poof of smoke and nothing gets added to the dock BUT the Applications folder from the left side of the Finder window disappears!!
Am I doing the dragging/dropping wrong or something? I've tried to add it to the right hand side of the dock (the side by the Trash can), and it still does the same thing.
I've seen a video on youtube awhile back about opening all the dock apps at once. But now I'm having trouble finding it. Does anyone know how to open them all at once?