Applications :: Software For Pro Bookmark Synchronization?
Apr 29, 2009
my Mac Pro is scheduled to arrive in a week and I'm looking for a piece of software that allows me to keep the bookmarks of my MacBook Pro synchronized with God I mean, uh, the Mac Pro. Preferably automatically or by the click of a button. I'm sure there's an application that does exactly this, but Google didn't seem to know of any.
Can Safari be configured to display bookmark icons in the bookmark bar? I love having that feature in Firefox. I like having just the icon in my bookmark bar; that way, I can fit in more bookmarks and it's less cluttered.Does anyone know how to display bookmark icons in the bookmark bar in Safari? Can you get different skins for Safari so that I could get that feature?
When I sent an email from my Gmail account in on my MacBook, it shows up in the Sent folder. When I send it from [URL] on a public computer or from my iPhone or iPad, it shows up in the Gmail mailbox in (which is its own mailbox and not part of the Inbox section of
This makes it difficult when I'm trying to find a recently sent email because I don't use any one machine more than the other. I divide my emailing time between all my devices and I love how simply it works. Is there a way to get all sent Gmail emails to show up in the Sent folder under the Mailboxes section in the top-left corner of the window?
I added someone the other day, and now every time I log in it says " on the local list is inside the group "Friends" but not on the server list. Do you want this buddy to be added?" It doesn't say this on IM+ on my iPod Touch, and the contact doesn't show up until I click add. Is there any reason for this? Is there any way I can permanently add them or something?
I have a bookmarked a reputable company for easy access.Log-in icon, easy and secure, no problems.Weeks ago, I entered a wrong password, and a page stating "error" appeared. log-in was successful when reset and again, secure, and safe.
Now this page is still appearing any time I press the log-in button to access the secure logging in page, when I go to bookmark. OK, I removed the whole bookmark from safari, accessed the general web site of the company, and whenever I try to access the log-in page, (not even bookmarked!) I immediately get the same error page!, again and again, without even entering any data or user name or attempted password. This "error" page must have been stored somewhere on my MBA.How can I remove this and start a fresh bookmark?
I need an app to save all my important bookmarks to, are there any out there?I have had to uninstall and reinstall variuos browsers and i always loose my bookmarks, so i need an app that saves them, so they can be retrieved later, if anything were to happen.
I can not find where to edit the url and right now it is just sitting there a account or something I can change so that I am able to MOVE ON dealing with godaddy as well.
Yesterday afternoon I opened up safari and found it looked somewhat naked. My bookmark bar was missing. I went into preferances, and it was still checked. I unchecked it, and checked it again. Quit safari.
Restarted. Nothing seems to get it back. An ideas as to what happened, or how I can fix it?
ANyone else have this stupid problem? I want to bookmark a sight, and I get this crap:I have to click on each folder to see which one is the folder (Music, Recipes, Funny stuff, etc) that I want to save the site in. What the hell?
Any way to move the bookmark bar from the top to the bottom in FF3? I like the bookmark bar and all of the favicons, but it's a bit distracting at the top.
Then I minimised the Safari window, and when I returned, the bookmark bar has gone. Preferences says that it's still on 'show bookmark bar' is ticked. I've tried quitting safari, I've rebuilt permissions. The bookmarks are still there - I can 'show all bookmarks' from the bookmark menu - just the bar has gone
Any ideas where it might have gone to and how I can get it back - hadn't realised how much I depended on it for casual browsing unti it wasn't there.
Recently I installed SafariStand and loved how you could add a new tab by a bookmark on the bookmark bar rather than having to click on the little plus sign way in the corner in Safari 4. I also tried to add a close tab bookmark as well but have no lucking in finding out how.
I am using Safari four and often like to use command-[number] to select my bookmarks using the keyboard rather than having to click on them or guess what number they are.
is there a way to do this? i'd like to have a small number that identifies the position of the bookmark on the bar so that i can quickly know what number to press.
can anyone say what the best option is for a program that syncs bookmarks between multiple browsers. One that maybe shows all the bookmarks in a dropdown from the menu bar and possibly free. I tried Bookit, but it doesn't even support firefox.
I have used Firefox for years but I just downloaded Chrome to give it a try because I hear good things about it here on MR. I have a bookmark toolbar and in Firefox, I have have just text only, but on Chrome, I can't find out how to disable these icons.
Can someone please explain to me what happened to all my sub-folders? I am clearly missing something here as they cannot have just disappeared into nowhere.
All my folders had organized sub-folders containing hundreds of links before I downloaded Safari 4.0.3, with the viewable page version of bookmarks only the few "loose" pages can be seen. Where did all my original (subfolder filled) bookmarks go? Can I get them back?
I do have Glims installed and I checked "Replace bookmark titled "-" with menu separator." However, I can't get it to work.
What exactly do I need to do? I tried adding a folder to bookmarks menu by clicking "+" and then renaming the folder to "-", but it didn't work. I also tried renaming a bookmark to "-" or - if you will, but nothing worked.
It would be really great to be able to bookmark some words you want to remember or review in the native dictionary, thus keeping a list of them for future reference. Of course you can copy paste to anywhere and keep them thus but I was looking for something simpler and more straight forward. Any plug ins or third party apps?
I recently started using Google Chrome after seeing all of the new extensions. So far a few things are still left to be desired. I was wondering if anyone knew of an extension I could use to enable bookmark keyboard shortcuts, i.e. Command+1 for your first Bookmark in your Bookmark Bar on Safari. In chrome Command+1 will select a tab if you have multiple tabs open.
The lack of the shortcut has severely slowed down my work flow, I have been using Command+L to focus the address bar and manually typing in the website. I have searched a lot today and found Bookmark Launcher, Shortcut Manager, and Chrome Dial. I am not looking for these extensions. I might use something like USB overdrive and map out the key combination (if I can).
When I click on the bookmark icon in Safari it does not show all the bookmark folders I have in my bookmarks drop down menu.
This is what is in my drop down menu:
And this is what is I see when I click the bookmarks icon on the top left bar.
I've tried dragging and dropping the folders but that does nothing, and I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Safari (it just came back with all my bookmarks in exactly the same place), then I tried restoring Safari to factory settings but that did nothing either.
I own a Palm Tungsten E2 PDA and have just installed the synchronization application on my MacBook Pro. However, I've attempted the first synchronization which seemed to go OK but I can't find on my Mac Pro any of the calender/address and other information that is on my Palm and should have been transferred. I've looked in iCal,Address Book and iMail but there's nothing.
I just switched over from a PC a couple of days ago and I am getting used to my new Macbook Pro, and MAC OS X. However I have run into a problem I have no idea how to fix, or what's wrong.
I have the "Switching to the Mac" book from the Missing Manuals series, and throughout the book it mentions wonderful keyboard shortcuts that can be used for a variety of things. The problem is that most of them do not seem to work. For example, Control-F4 is apparently meant to cycle through all open windows, only it does nothing on my computer. This is true of many of the shortcuts I have tried. I tried to search the forums here but haven't found an answer, nor has googling turned up anything useful.
Also, I was using a program called Syncback to sync my flash drive with a folder on my hard drive before, and that program is not available for macs, so I have been looking for a replacement. I tried Rsync, but it didn't seem to work - only syncing some of the files in the specified folder. Does anyone know of a freeware program for synchronization of files that is good?
I am a mac user and I have a problem with my gmail account, some friends are unable to email me.According to them it shows a message "undeliverable." I contacted the google support team and they say that the problem lies with that fact that my mac is not synchronized with the internet time?
If I use Time Machine to back up automatically to an external hard drive, but want to keep large files only on the external hard drive, will I lose the files once deleted off the computer (i.e. will Time Machine synchronize, or just save new files?)
When using geekbench, will you get an accurate score from the 32-bit system, or would you need to use a 64-bit system in order to see what your true score is? I only ask because I don't mind spending $20... but I'd rather spend that one something that I will use more than one time.
Currently my 2008 2.8 oct core mac pro with 16 gb's of ram is getting me an average of about 9250.
Quitting Safari after adding a new bookmark results in losing the bookmark when I reopen Safari. Quitting Safari after deleting a bookmark results in the deleted bookmark reappearing when I reopen Safari. Any suggestions for fixing this problem. This problem does not occur if I close but do not quit Safari.
Info: Safari, Mac OS X (10.7.4) 2.5.3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo MacMini 4GB Memory
Is there way I can see which pages I've already bookmarked in Safari? Chrome and Firefox have stars. Is there and extension or app I can install to get this functionality in Safari?