I am using Safari four and often like to use command-[number] to select my bookmarks using the keyboard rather than having to click on them or guess what number they are.
is there a way to do this? i'd like to have a small number that identifies the position of the bookmark on the bar so that i can quickly know what number to press.
Can Safari be configured to display bookmark icons in the bookmark bar? I love having that feature in Firefox. I like having just the icon in my bookmark bar; that way, I can fit in more bookmarks and it's less cluttered.Does anyone know how to display bookmark icons in the bookmark bar in Safari? Can you get different skins for Safari so that I could get that feature?
I have a bookmarked a reputable company for easy access.Log-in icon, easy and secure, no problems.Weeks ago, I entered a wrong password, and a page stating "error" appeared. log-in was successful when reset and again, secure, and safe.
Now this page is still appearing any time I press the log-in button to access the secure logging in page, when I go to bookmark. OK, I removed the whole bookmark from safari, accessed the general web site of the company, and whenever I try to access the log-in page, (not even bookmarked!) I immediately get the same error page!, again and again, without even entering any data or user name or attempted password. This "error" page must have been stored somewhere on my MBA.How can I remove this and start a fresh bookmark?
Yesterday afternoon I opened up safari and found it looked somewhat naked. My bookmark bar was missing. I went into preferances, and it was still checked. I unchecked it, and checked it again. Quit safari.
Restarted. Nothing seems to get it back. An ideas as to what happened, or how I can fix it?
Then I minimised the Safari window, and when I returned, the bookmark bar has gone. Preferences says that it's still on 'show bookmark bar' is ticked. I've tried quitting safari, I've rebuilt permissions. The bookmarks are still there - I can 'show all bookmarks' from the bookmark menu - just the bar has gone
Any ideas where it might have gone to and how I can get it back - hadn't realised how much I depended on it for casual browsing unti it wasn't there.
Can someone please explain to me what happened to all my sub-folders? I am clearly missing something here as they cannot have just disappeared into nowhere.
All my folders had organized sub-folders containing hundreds of links before I downloaded Safari 4.0.3, with the viewable page version of bookmarks only the few "loose" pages can be seen. Where did all my original (subfolder filled) bookmarks go? Can I get them back?
I do have Glims installed and I checked "Replace bookmark titled "-" with menu separator." However, I can't get it to work.
What exactly do I need to do? I tried adding a folder to bookmarks menu by clicking "+" and then renaming the folder to "-", but it didn't work. I also tried renaming a bookmark to "-" or - if you will, but nothing worked.
When I click on the bookmark icon in Safari it does not show all the bookmark folders I have in my bookmarks drop down menu.
This is what is in my drop down menu:
And this is what is I see when I click the bookmarks icon on the top left bar.
I've tried dragging and dropping the folders but that does nothing, and I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Safari (it just came back with all my bookmarks in exactly the same place), then I tried restoring Safari to factory settings but that did nothing either.
I am trying to use multiple page numbering formats in iWork Pages 08 but I cannot figure out how to do this, or if it is at all possible. I am placing my page numbers in the footer but I am requiring a rather complex system. I am writing my university thesis paper, and this makes page numbering a headache. First off, my Cover page and Abstract page cannot have page numbers on them, then the Table of Contents and Preface must use the Roman numberal page numbering Format. Finally, when I reach the Introduction down to the reference pages, those will require the Arabic page numbering format. Is it at all possible to have these mulitple page numbering Schemes present in a single document? Or am I forced to write every section as a separate document (which completely renders the Table of Contents application useless). Please help becuase I have tried everything I can think of and I do not know why this feature is unavailable. furthermore, the steps for ensuring your coverpage is without a number is just rediculously long.
I am trying to add page numbers to a document in Pages. The document is in Page Layout as opposed to word processing and is a custom sized page. When I go to Insert, nearly all the possible choices, including Page Number, are inactive.
As I am discovering Pages, more and more issues come at hand. I am writing a long paper, with different chapters. In order to be able to change the order of the chapters I please, I have made a section out of each and every one. Now I face the following problem: The first, I think, four pages I have enumerated with roman numbers, the rest I wish to have in Arabic numbers. However, now that I have introduced sections, each sections restarts the arabic numbers. So, e.g, page 10 start as 1, page 11, again, as 1. Each next page is a new section, therefore, starting with one. So, how do I make those sections behave properly, and continue numbering properly?
I am writing a legal brief, and I need to have different numbering systems for each section of my brief, but I can't figure out how to do it in Office 2008. One for the cover page, roman for the table, and arabic for the rest.
Quitting Safari after adding a new bookmark results in losing the bookmark when I reopen Safari. Quitting Safari after deleting a bookmark results in the deleted bookmark reappearing when I reopen Safari. Any suggestions for fixing this problem. This problem does not occur if I close but do not quit Safari.Â
Info: Safari, Mac OS X (10.7.4) 2.5.3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo MacMini 4GB Memory
Is there way I can see which pages I've already bookmarked in Safari? Chrome and Firefox have stars. Is there and extension or app I can install to get this functionality in Safari?
I figured I could just drag a bookmark onto the dock, but no dice. I want to quick access to a website (actually a web-app) that I use quite often during the day. How do I get a link on the dock that sends me to my website/webapp?
Requirement is to add a fixed url, [URL] as bookmark to safari - browser on click of a hyperlink.Â
For Example: Following works in IE and Firefox but does nto work in Safari.Â
<a href="javascript:if(document.all)window.external.AddFavorite('http://facebook.com','facebook'); else if(window.sidebar)window.sidebar.addPanel ('facebook','http://facebook.com','');">bookmark   http://safari.com</a>Â
I'm switching from Windows to Mac (I think). One frustration is that I imported my bookmarks from Internet Explorer into Safari. No problem there. But they are arranged alphabetically, which is of no use to me. I want to organize them with the ones I use most at the top, etc.
So I go to the place where you organize bookmarks and I can drag and drop bookmarks to any position on the list. But when I drag a folder of bookmarks I can't drop it between two other folders (so that it show up between the two). Instead, I can only put the folder inside one of the other folders.
So I've been searching the net and the solution people seem to offer is "drag the folder to the top of the list...". This is ridiculous. This would mean that I would have to plan strategically and first put the folder I want to be at the bottom, at the top, and proceed until lastly I place the one I want at the top. Of course if anywhere along the line I screw up, then I guess you start over again?
Is there an add on available that would allow me to search my Bookmarks by the name I gave the link rather than the url name, etc? I have a huge amount of bookmarks and folders. I can't figure out how to search my bookmarks by the name I gave the bookmark or folder. I use Safari most but also Firefox and Chrome. I use all with xMarks and LastPass so I can use my bookmarks, etc., with all my browsers.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 750GB HD, 2.2 GHz, 6 GB memory, 15"
When I create a new folder in bookmarks, the name reverts back to "untitled folder". It first started happening when I'd name sub-folders. I'd keep renaming them, and finally they'd stick. Now I've got a main bookmark folder that I've renamed over and over and over and over .... it just won't stick. So I downloaded Safari again, thought that might fix it, but no.Â
I have recently done a total restore of my failed hard drive. I am now unable to add a bookmarked page because Safari crashes. Also my F9 & F11 keys do not function as before ( show all open apps or desktop only)
I'm running an old software, it's Mac OS X, ver. 10.4.11, 2 GHZ intel core 2 duo. Safari version 4.1.2. On the Safari tabs at top, "Bookmark" tab, just under "bookmarks bar"option are two websites that are not websites that I have bookmarked. I can't make them go away. I have tried to right click on them but to no avail. They aren't opened anywhere else. Found them right after a new power up.
When I click on a link on any web page, a "bubble" travels across the screen and "enters" the history icon. I then have to open History to find the link and then click on it. It then moves to a tab under the bookmarks bar and I have to click on that in order to open the link. This problem started suddenly today, several weeks after I upgraded to OS X Lion. Everything was fine before. My Safari is version 5.1.3.
When I clicked on a bookmark category, I used to see of the list of sites under that category. Now a get a pciture of the sites and have to scroll through all the pictures to find what I want. How to I get it back to show the list and not the pictures of the sites?
Safari after update to 5.1.4, has a bug in interface on Snow Leopard (10.6.8): 'add bookmark' button (combined with addres bar), and horizontal scroll bar didn't look good. I think, that shouldn't happend on flagship Apple browser, on just a little older OS X than 'Lion'.
My NEWS bookmark folder and its content of over 30 sites has disappeared on my iMac, my iPhone and my iPad. To retrieve every link one by one would take a long, long time. I have both iCloud and Time Machine backups. Can someone please tell me how I can retrieve the folder from a backup?
I'm struggling with my Safari bookmarks in OS X Lion.Since upgrading to Lion and activating iCloud for bookmark sync, when I add a new bookmark or bookmark folder, it doesn't show in the bookmark menu. if I open show all bookmarks it is there in the 'Bookmarks' part of the tree, but they are not showing through in the Bookmarks menu part. I think that the problem is that iCloud is interfering, because they do show up on my iOS devices. It seems to me that iCloud is putting all new bookmarks in the portion of the database which relates to iOS/iCloud and is not keeping these in sync with the ones on my local mac.At the moment I have to remeber to open two windows, both open at the Show All Bookmarks page and manually copy the new iOS-friendly bookmarks into the local menu so that they appear there in the futiure, which is a pain to put it mildly.