Applications :: Message - Entourage Cannot Access Your Data
Jul 3, 2010
I have a Macbook operating on 10.5.8. I have MS Office 2008 for Mac version 12.0.0 which includes Entourage. I have used Entourage for about 2 year with no problems but have accumulated a large amount of data.
A couple of days ago I got the message "Entourage cannot access your data..."...I have attempted several time to rebuild the database but at page 4/5 I get an error message.
It was suggested that I should upgrade so have successfully installed 12.1.0 but 12.2.0 won't install as "I don't have a software version....."
Entourage has been playing up recently and on a restart today it said the database needed rebuilding and not being very technical I just did it without reading up first.
I had antivirus running at the time and I think this may have caused problems.
I reopened entourage and have lost all data between April and today which is a major issue for me.
Can anyone help me recover the old data and get it back into entourage? I'm not very technical so step by step would be great.
I was about to do a clean up because my mac is running very slow and I presume it's because I'm running out of space.
When i'm listening to music on my Mac Pro I 'randomly' get the message:'to access this podcast, you need to log into'Like i say this is when i'm listening to music and not trying to open a podcast. It happens randomly (about every half hour or so) and is usually in the middle of a song. It never happens when a song's starting and i've never been denied access to any songs (or podcasts for that matter).I've also got the same music collection on my MacbookPro and don't have this problem there.I put '' into my browser and came to LBC Podcasts site. I believe i've never downloaded any LBC podcasts and searched their podcasts list to make sure.
I've had this problem for a few years now, my macbook pro recently not booting up, being the reason for me playing music on the mac pro more, hence needing this problem sorting. This problem has persited over many itunes and os updates. For the record i'm using itunes 10 and OS X version 10.6.4Apologies if this problem has been covered here before. I searched the forums and on google and couldn't find an answer.
Within the last week, all of our computers have developed a 'bouncing E'! The entourage symbol jumps up and down and demands attention, there is a box saying 'Entourage could not read this .rge file', it never stops, it just comes back every half hour or so. I suspect it has something to do with sharing projects, but we have done nothing differently from normal so can't trace the reason. It's possibly linked to when one person sent an invite to all the others asking them to attend and event but I'm not sure.
It was also suggested it might be because there is a lot (ie up to 10 years in one case!) of email in the in box, but we have been doing some clearing out with no result. I don't know much about macs and am in the dark here, and everyone is blaming me as it was my idea to create a shared diary/contacts list in entourage. Some other forum said to find the corrupted file, but I've no idea where to look or even how to tell that it's corrupt.
(Using OSX 10.5.7 on MacBook, Comcast cable modem):For the pst 24 hours I have not been able to connect to my Entourage email account, which denies every combination of letters and numbers, upper and lower case, of my formerly reliable password. System tries to log in, then gives me the error message "invalid username/password." I can't find a "forgot password" link or otherwise change the password. If I try Mac mail I get "system timed out." I can use webmail to get password but not Entourage or Mac Mail.
I have saved the MS User Data from Office X prior to whiping my HD clean for a rebuild ... A new install of Office X creates a new MS User Data folder automatically when opened. When I choose the import option in Entourage X there is no listing for the current version and when I select another version, Entourage 2004, for example, only the new "Main Identity" shows with today's date. I can hit "browse" so it will "see" the original "Main Identity" and select it but after clicking OK, only the new "Main Identity" shows with today's date is shown and defeats the import.
I have also tried Office 2008 > File > Import >"Entourage information from an archive or earlier version "> and tried either option Entourage 2004 or Entourge X and have the same experience: only the new identity shows with the new installs' date. I can hit "browse" so it will "see" the original and select it but after clicking OK, only the new identity shows with today's date is shown and defeats the import."
I used to use Entourage but can no longer open it (ID no longer works). I still have my old Entourage identity/data and want to import all of this into Apple Mail. But there is no option to import Entourage data without opening Entourage (which I can't do anymore). Any suggestions how I can import the data to Apple Mail?
I can not send or receive e-mail using Entourage with Hotmail. When sending e-mail, I receive an error message as follows: HTTP error. Access to the resource is forbidden. The Hotmail folder list could not be received. Account name: "hotmail" Error 18597
I am using Entourage 2004 on my MacBook ver 10.4.11. I have a good internet connection. There is no problem with the hotmail account or password as I can access it on my PC but not using my Mac with Entourage. I called Cox Cable but they didn't have a solution or explanation why I was not able to use Entourage with hotmail.
Did a regular upgrade of Leopard to Snow. Ran Entourage data base utility. Nothing happened. Waited 5 minutes figured that was long enough. If I can't fix a damaged data base, it may not be worth the upgrade. Can't get Office 2008 until late December. Suggestions? Reinstall Office?
i was saving some files to disk yesterday to free space on my hard drive and today my laptop has a different interface for microsoft entourage and everything from my entourage calendar has been deleted. i did not download a new version of entourage. i have not lost any data from any other programs.
I've seen lots of threads go by about importing e-mail from one program to another, and my case is seemingly simpler, but I have had no luck so far.
I want to import into Entourage the e-mail from a backup of the disk. I know how to import mail into Entourage from other e-mail programs and I know how to import mail into Entourage from an archive created by exporting from Entourage, but I cannot figure out how to import from a backup of the folders under the "/Users/(username)/Documents/Microsoft User Data" folder, under which is where Entourage stores mail.
I accidentally deleted my entire exchange calendar. I use entourage to manage my exchange account. I have a back-up of the main identity file from just before the delete. Great, right? Sure, except that when I swap out the current (without calendar data) main identity with the back-up main identity (with calendar data), the data populates the calendar, but then gets wiped when entourage syncs with the exchange server. Specifically, the data disappears when syncing is at the "Updating sync issues" stage (as noted in the lower right hand corner of entourage during sync).
Neither I or my IT girl can sort out how to force entourage to use the local calendar data instead of the blank server calendar data.
I keep getting a message "wants access to your keychain" but the process asking is not identified. I think it is a process called usbmuxd which I understand is fine but even when i say allays allow it keeps popping up.Â
I get an error message when trying to access the mac app store from my apple menu and any browser. I want to upgrade to iMovie '11 from '09. I also want to upgrade from snow leopard to lion.
Everytime I'm trying to run a java based app, I get an error message saying that I have to install Java first but there's no internet connection - when there is one (I'm connected to wifi internet at all times and it's not like the connection disconnects when I try to open the app) Â I can't even access the Java settings because the same message pops up. I checked my browser settings (I use Chrome) and Java is enabled. Â
ive got a .bin and .cue file. How do i access the data within these files? do i need to burn a cd or dvd? if so, can leopard do this? or need a third party app?
Every time I sign into my Macbook, I get an error message from Automator; "The data couldn't be read because it has been corrupted.". I have never created an Automator workflow. How do I find out what Automator is trying to run and stop it?
After pressing the iPhoto icon, the software seems to be turning on but later an error message appears and I am unable to access iPhoto. I tried moving the .plist for iPhoto to Trash but this did not work.
The video card in my iMac died a while back, so now I'm only left with my Windows XP laptop. 95% of my data was in the iMac, but fortunately I had Time Machine (TM) backing up on an external HDD. I recently wanted to retrieve some of the MP3s stored in the TM backup, so after installing MacDrive 7 on my PC, I went into the drive to retrieve the music, but I couldn't find it! I see lots of folders with dates on them but no music anywhere.
I tried searching the entire backup volume for *.mp3 and nothing. I tried making hidden and protected operating system files visible and nothing. The TM backup seems fine. I'm sure if I connect it to a Mac I'll be able to access the data. But only having a PC at the moment, how can I retrieve my data backed up by Time Machine and copy it into my PC in a way that Windows can use it?
So I'm switching over to a Mac and I'm thinking about data backup and recovery. I've got a new MacBook Pro and I'll be connecting a 1Tb external drive for Time Machine. I will also use either Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper to do a clone backup once a week to a separate external drive that I will leave locked up at work (offsite). But...
If my laptop were to die and I have to get Apple to repair it, I understand that I could be without my computer for possibly weeks. How can I get to my data if I don't have another Mac at my house? Are the clone backups of CCC or SuperDuper accessible through Windows, at least to pull out individual files?
In my Windows world, I always have a couple of computers laying around and if I lost a computer (or drive) it was no big deal to just access a backup image I created with Acronis from another computer and pull out files I needed to work on.
Is it possible to access an external USB HDD's data, that is used for Apple Mac OS X 10.5.8's Time Machine backups, on non-Apple Mac machines (Windows and Linux)? Or can it be only be accessed with a Mac? I use multiple computers and OSes.
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2.4 Ghz; A1260 model; 15" size.
I want to setup a home network around a Mac Mini Server. I want to access this server via a 27" Apple Thunderbolt Display w. mouse+keyboard combo.I also want to be able to connect my macbook to this Display however (using thunderbolt).I would like to be able to connect this MBP (thinking about the new 15" rMBP) such that it will retrieve my data (mainly photos) from the central server vault (on the Mac Mini server) and in the same time output the video to the Display.
Motivation: I have a huge photo database which I want to store on the storage disk(s) attached to the server (for now the MM's internal disks) and not on the MacBook .... I more or less only use the (powerfull) MBP as the workstation and want to have the possibility to have the output also displayed on a large display (the 27" ATD).Maybe it is a stupid & trivial question I am asking here but I am a bit confused about the possibilities of connecting devices via Thunderbolt.