Applications :: Have Lost Data On Entourage Database Rebuild - Want To Retreave It?
Sep 13, 2009
Entourage has been playing up recently and on a restart today it said the database needed rebuilding and not being very technical I just did it without reading up first.
I had antivirus running at the time and I think this may have caused problems.
I reopened entourage and have lost all data between April and today which is a major issue for me.
Can anyone help me recover the old data and get it back into entourage? I'm not very technical so step by step would be great.
I was about to do a clean up because my mac is running very slow and I presume it's because I'm running out of space.
I am trying to rebuild my Entourage database (Entourage 2008 12.2.3 under Mac OS X 10.6.2). It seems to work ok (through the 5 steps) but when I open Entourage after that it tells me that the database is not working well and that I need to rebuild it... which I just did. How can I have it rebuilt properly?
FYI, the "Main identity" folder (in "Office 2008 Identities") is already 15.74GB. If this is what can cause the problem, how can I reduce the size? (split my email messages in different files?
I'm running Entourage 2004 on OS X 10.3.9 (iMac G3, for at least a few more weeks). I've never had problems with Entourage until we had a brief power-out the other day. Since I restarted, Entourage won't open. It says the database is corrupted, and I need to rebuild it. But I can't rebuild it -- the Entourage Database runs into an error almost as soon as it starts, and says it has an I/O error with a bad block. However, Apple's Disk Utility and Hardware Test both say everything's fine.
Anyone have any clues what to do next? Is it believable that Microsoft would find a bad block that Apple can't?
i was saving some files to disk yesterday to free space on my hard drive and today my laptop has a different interface for microsoft entourage and everything from my entourage calendar has been deleted. i did not download a new version of entourage. i have not lost any data from any other programs.
I have just configured Entourage and when I went to check mail, it gave any error and suggested that I fix the database. The MS site says you click the Entourage Icon while holding down the option key and it should give you the option to fix the database. When I do so it comes up and asks for a "Fix Clock Key". I'm using the new version of Office for Mac 2008 Home/Student edition.
I am using Entourage 2008 on Snow Leopard. I deleted folders in Entourage and when I tried to delete them from the "deleted items" folder, Entourage crashed. I force quit and then tried to rebuild the database, but that also froze. Restarted the computer and was able to open the "rebuild database" window but it keeps freezing at step 5 when I try to rebuild database.
Some document (jpgs, pdfs, pngs, docs, gifs) icons in finder do not have previews, regardless of whether or not "display icon preview" is on, and regardless of the state of similar, or even copied versions of the file. Some folders are better/worse than others, and some have complained about problems involving externals, and perhaps permissions?
Additionally, I've had instances when previously previewable files have, over time, lost their previews, sometimes while they've been in a folder I was poking around in. These previews can even go missing in the Cover Flow view and QuickLook, and just show the generic icon picture.
I really don't think this is due to processing power, or taking time/RAM to compile the previews, and I haven't noticed the correlation some have between PC origins and lack of preview.Is there some way to force finder to rebuild it's preview database? Does anyone know what the deal is, or indeed, if there is one?
(I had a look around, and there were a couple o' threads, in this site and others, and an archived support article which didn't really answer it, despite the "answered" tag.)Basically: some docs don't generate previews, or lose the ones that they get, does anyone know why?
I keep getting an error message "Database Daemon Fatal Error" when trying to open Entourage 2008. I tried removing and re-installing Office, but each time I open Entourage I keep getting the same message: the Database Daemon has encountered an unknown error. The daemon will need to quit, and Entourage may need to be force quit.
I work for IT Support in a company and i've been handed a Mac that gives 9 beeps (3 short, 3 long, 3 short) which signals a system board problem. I am trying to get the user set up on a Windows laptop as we have no spare Macs for him and i am transferring the data from the Mac HDD to my laptop. The problem is, the emails on the HDD are in the database format and not the .mbox format. How do i convert it to a useable PST?
I am running Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac on a MacBook running OS 10.6.2. I am having a problem with my Entourage database. For a while Entourage would freeze while opening, but then eventually open after a restart. Now it won't open at all, it comes up with a message that say "Entourage cannot access your data. To attempt to fix the problem, rebuild your database." So I click ok and it opens the Database Utility.
But here's the weird part: After a few seconds the Database Utility opens and comes up with a message saying I need to quit all Microsoft programs before it can run. So I do that. I even quit ALL programs except the utility. But it still comes up with another message telling me to quit all Microsoft programs. So in other words, the database utility won't run. What do I do now?
I have a Macbook operating on 10.5.8. I have MS Office 2008 for Mac version 12.0.0 which includes Entourage. I have used Entourage for about 2 year with no problems but have accumulated a large amount of data.
A couple of days ago I got the message "Entourage cannot access your data..."...I have attempted several time to rebuild the database but at page 4/5 I get an error message.
It was suggested that I should upgrade so have successfully installed 12.1.0 but 12.2.0 won't install as "I don't have a software version....."
Two of my six mailboxes were duplicated after the update, so I deleted the duplicates in mail preferences. However, the original mailboxes then lost all email content and showed only the headers, so I rebuilt them both and hey presto - instantly lost the entire contents of both mailboxes, including headers. Any ideas for recovering? Have tried hosting server but emails have also gone from there.
Two days ago, all my saved and sent emails (except for the last 2 or 3 days) disappeared. I believe I had a corrupted database. I imported a rge backup file from a week ago and got all my emails in the "Saved" folder (whew), but that backup did not have the "Sent" folder, so I still do not have all my sent emails.
How to I recover my sent emails either from the rge backup file or some other way [VERY IMPORTANT]?
Is there anyway to recover the week's worth of emails I lost, saved and sent, from the backup to the crash [not as important]?
I'll no longer be using Entourage, so I'm just looking to recover these emails, and possibly import them into Thurderbird.
Some content in Name.xls may not be saved because it is not compatible with the Excel 97-2004 Workbook (.xls) file format. Do you still want to save the workbook in this format? To save the workbook in a new format and preserve all content, click No, and then on the Format pop-up menu, click Excel Workbook (.xlsx). To save the workbook in the current format and remove all incompatible content, click Yes." Somehow I managed to not read the popup properly and just went ahead and saved (clicked "yes"). I then closed the spreadsheet and now all the work from the past 4 hours is gone.
I have lost all my data from my harts drive. The laptop is under warranty. I have been told that they have replaced my hard drive but could not get any data off the old one. I have now lost all my data, photos, files, music etc. NO backups, only simply because i did not know how to do them. Is there any way of getting the files back? All my work spreadsheets and accounts were also lost.
So, I'm trying to recover some lost files. I put it on Data recovery 3. Everything went fine until the power in my house went out, stopping the entire process. NOW when I try to run the process, it just stalls at 33,3%, with no indication of how much time left...
Need some help here. My friend is a DJ and had an external drive with tens of thousands of songs on it. The plug broke on it and I think that corrupted it since Eject was not used. I pulled the 3.5in HDD out of the case and hooked up up with some other external plugs I have.
When I run Data Rescue 3 on it, it shows that it sees almost all of these and the only two formats it counts up are mpeg and mp3s. Data Rescue then finishes the scan and has a bunch of crap files that are not needed, but none of the songs show up. What is going on here? Did I miss something in Data Rescue 3.
The drive is a 1TB drive and the backup drive we are using is 640GB, but there was only about 250GB of music on the drive to begin with.
I am interested in developing a database at work (a medical research laboratory), and was wondering if anyone could suggest a decent database program. We currently have the following computers in the lab:
- Power Mac G4 running Jaguar (could upgrade to Tiger if need be) - Power Mac G5 running Tiger - Power Mac G5 running Leopard - Mac Pro Quad Core Intel Xeon running Leopard
It would be extremely useful if the database program could sync databases, such that changes that one user makes on the database is transmitted to the other Macs (if so, we would require a server? Could we just convert one of the macs over to being a server? which one would be best?).
Specifically, if the database could be extremely user friendly, that would be great. Its just for keeping track of what reagents we have, what protocols we have, what cell lines we have, etc. etc.
I have Entourage 2008 and have since long enabled the sync feature to sync with ical and address book. I use Entourage mainly as sync engine and do my daily work in the standard MAC applications (mail, adressbook, ical).
Since a couple of days I noticed that events did not sync between Entourage and ical. I tried to disable and enable the sync option i Entourage to get it working again. Nothing happened.
I just booted into Windows and saw that there were some Windows Updates available and it asked me to reboot the computer however it failed to boot into Windows. So I restarted and tried to boot into OS X instead, but that didn't work either.
So I put in the OS X install DVD and checked out Disk Utility. Turned out that all my partitions where screwed up. There were 3 partitions listed as Windows_ldm, with incorrect sizes (I had 4 partitions before).
Long story short: I'm now reinstalling OS X and I lost everything I had on the drive, I think. I'll try some restore software once I've gotten OS X installed.
A little pissed right now... How the heck can Windows F up the entire drive?
I have saved the MS User Data from Office X prior to whiping my HD clean for a rebuild ... A new install of Office X creates a new MS User Data folder automatically when opened. When I choose the import option in Entourage X there is no listing for the current version and when I select another version, Entourage 2004, for example, only the new "Main Identity" shows with today's date. I can hit "browse" so it will "see" the original "Main Identity" and select it but after clicking OK, only the new "Main Identity" shows with today's date is shown and defeats the import.
I have also tried Office 2008 > File > Import >"Entourage information from an archive or earlier version "> and tried either option Entourage 2004 or Entourge X and have the same experience: only the new identity shows with the new installs' date. I can hit "browse" so it will "see" the original and select it but after clicking OK, only the new identity shows with today's date is shown and defeats the import."
I used to use Entourage but can no longer open it (ID no longer works). I still have my old Entourage identity/data and want to import all of this into Apple Mail. But there is no option to import Entourage data without opening Entourage (which I can't do anymore). Any suggestions how I can import the data to Apple Mail?
I have searched a LOT and think I need to rebuild my site, but I wanted to know if I can avoid that. I have three sites created in iWeb. They are all published to the web. I have one domain file (should there be three???)
I have all of the website pages in my website file....however, within iWeb I deleted all of the pages for one of the sites. In order to ever edit those pages, do i need to rebuild them or can I transfer them back in somehow??
One more note...I do have that particular website in its entirety in iWeb on another laptop...(not mine and I do not have continual access to it); will this help me? Can I somehow merge the two iWeb apps so that I have all three websites??
Did a regular upgrade of Leopard to Snow. Ran Entourage data base utility. Nothing happened. Waited 5 minutes figured that was long enough. If I can't fix a damaged data base, it may not be worth the upgrade. Can't get Office 2008 until late December. Suggestions? Reinstall Office?
I've seen lots of threads go by about importing e-mail from one program to another, and my case is seemingly simpler, but I have had no luck so far.
I want to import into Entourage the e-mail from a backup of the disk. I know how to import mail into Entourage from other e-mail programs and I know how to import mail into Entourage from an archive created by exporting from Entourage, but I cannot figure out how to import from a backup of the folders under the "/Users/(username)/Documents/Microsoft User Data" folder, under which is where Entourage stores mail.