I know I could use text edit or iwork but I was looking for some software that I could keep open while at work that I would could put in the projects and things I am working on. My boss wants me to keep a captain's log per say of my every day stuff.
I live in a hall at a university and they ban anyone who uses more than 5gb of bandwidth in a day. 48h first time. 14 day for the second time, and then forever.... I was banned for the first time 5 min ago and I realized a badly need a software that alerts me when I get to, let's say, 4gb and then stops the network when I get close to the limit. I wasn't able to find such an application for mac os x
I'm about to buy new 27" iMac. I am undecided between the two quad core models. There are big differences in the daily use between the two? worth spending more for the Core i7.
Time Machine does full backups of my MBP almost every day.I carry it back and forth between my office and my home so I don't know if it does a full bakcup every time the network changes or if this is the result of a bug.A daily full backup is rather excessive and Time Machine doesn't have any user configurable settings regarding type and frequency of backup.
For the past four days my iMac slows down in the afternoon after running fine for several hours. It runs fine after repairing the disk permissions but does the same thing the next day.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
When I first purchased Lion and used the iCal application, I was able to set Reminders to repeat themselves on a daily basis (eg. Take Your Pill). But now, for some unknown reason, this option has disappeared. I have one reminder that still shows this (since I have not marked it completed), but I cannot create any new daily reminders. What happened? Did Apple remove this option from iCal?
Mac's instruction manual for my MBP states if you are not going to use the computer for a couple of days or longer it is best to shut down. For people that use their computers everyday, is it best to but it to sleep when not in use or to shut down and unplug?
When I try to open current pages of daily newspapers I am getting out of date pages loading in safari, chrome and firefox. Occasionally the correct page loads. I have tried emptying the cache and resetting to no avail. I am currently staying in a condominium and receiving my connection remotely and wonder if this is part of the problem.
When I startup in the morning, sometimes the preferences that I have set in the finder are changed or not loaded. IClock doesn't load the time and Date as I set it up. Also the view preferences are changed from Column to Icon.
My macbook pro 2008 is now crashing on a daily basis (when I'm on Safari) When I click on the "Send report to Apple" I get an error message that it can not be sent. I've updated all my software but the problem persists.
I'm running a MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2009) and am getting daily (sometimes multiple daily) kernel panics. It's been months since hardware changes (upgraded to 8Gb RAM, quality modules that work fine on other identical Macs). Today is the first day that it's happened more than once, but I hope that's not a sign of things to come... Here are Pastebin dumps of the Problem Report, System log, and Console log.
I haven't done any serious software updates in a while, but I did set up a Windows XP VM in Parallels Desktop, which has been running during most kernel panics. Maybe bad drivers that are incompatible or need updating? It sometimes runs for hours before a panic, so I don't think running in Safe Mode would be effective (unless I take it home overnight, which I may try). It seems that my problem is similar to another thread I found on this forum, but mine is a bit different, and I don't run any microsoft hardware (Logitech keyboard and mouse).
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 15" 2009, 2.66GHz, 8Gb RAM
Since 12th May when updated to 10.7.4 have at least one kernel panic per day sometimes four per day which means iMac i3 is useless for running a server platform. Multiple entries about this form may users is there a bug in OSX update? My recovery partition holds 10.7.2 any idea if this is bug prone as well?
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Still occurs if Safari 5.1.7 not in
My network diagnostics remember my name, password, etc., but for some reason it won't connect to the internet the first time I try each day. I have to click on "Network Settings" and manually go through to change all the red dots to green. Like I said, I don't have to update, change, or manually enter anything; just click through the boxes. If it saves all my info, why can't I simply launch Safari from the beginning?
3/26/12 1:44:13 PMkernelAppleBCM5701Ethernet: 0 a BCM5701Enet::replaceOrCopyPacket timedout This is the last line I get in any logfile before the system totally locks up. This happens at least once a day, with no particular pattern. This started happening about 3 weeks ago, and the only solution is to power cycle the machine.
There are no other items in the log files to indicate anything is wrong. This is the only common log entry, and always the very last before the system is power cycled. I have no idea what is causing the system to hang like this. Mac Mini Snow Leopard Server
How do I stop itunes from corrupting it's library on almost a daily basis? It's actually becoming infurating to use, and what's happening is I am losing my downloads since the last automated itunes backup (having to rename & replace the current corrupted library with the last backup which is usually a day or two old).
I've only got 160MB left on my HD and my daily.out log is taking up a large part of it. This is what the log is telling me and I can't say how far back it goes because just the one day can take up a few pages of scripts! This is a sample of what the majority of the log seems to be: This was the 15th of June just passed.
I have no idea what any of this means, and if it wasn't for Google I wouldn't've found the folder in the first place. And this is only around 26GB of the whole 79GB the HD has available. My personal files take up under 20GB of data.
I think you guys will agree with me, that I have powercycled my battery too much, resulting in a serious loss of performance with my battery.
I have been unplugging my MBP each, and every night, and then using battery during th day until I got the low battery warning, then plugging it in until the evening, and so on.
Looking at the status below, 50+ powercycles in 10 months has reduced the life of my battery by half. Looks like I will invest in a new battery at some point, and follow Apples guidelines to the letter in future.
I'm new to mac, having used microsoft word before. The letter-heading template I used on Word updated the date every time I opened it, so I always had the right date showing. How can I get my new letter-heading template do that in Pages? When I select date and time from the Insert menu it's fine, but the next day it still shows yesterday's date.
I am new to Mac and I have a 10.6 server running the following services: AFP, DCHP, DNS, NetBoot, NFS, Open Directory, Print, SMB, Software Update, Web. Everything is going well. I wanted to know what could I be doing to make sure it stays that way. I run the Repair Disk Permissions every 2 weeks, but that's about it.
New iMac at first of year has always locked up with green squares (1/4") randomly on the open window. I have to do a hard boot to unlock the screen. This may happen 5 or 6 times a day but I'm finding no pattern. It happens in any software, mail, internet browser, extra programs and only using what I need at the moment, including mail and internet, hasn't worked. I've run disk utility - repair disk and repair permissions multiple times to no avail. I've reinstalled the OS Mavericks and Adobe Creative Suite programs (Photoshop & Premiere Pro), no improvement.
I purchased a high-end iMac specifically to handle high-demand video editing needs. But this happens when checking email or browsing the internet too. Here's a listing of the system from a "Panic (system crashes) log" from the "Activity Report."
Let me just say that I'm not a Mac user and and never have been i have the UK iPhone and was waiting in line to get it, so i do appreciate Apple products. Basically i want to find out the total of all the bandwidth that all the PC's/Mac's are using in my household, I've got the software for my Windows machines but my sister has a Macbook (which i recommended her btw) and i don't have a clue what to get for it? I need something that can display daily & weekly preferably monthly even hourly if it has it.
I recently went through my Applications folder and uninstalled some applications. Now and then, I'll find a file or a folder or a bunch of files and folders from an uninstalled application. Does anyone know of an application that can delete these files that I no longer need?
Sorry for the incredibly stupid question, but I just got the gfxCardStatus application for my i5, and was wondering whether turning on the NVIDIA video card will make applications like Mail, Firefox, etc. faster?
I read something about OpenCL, but am not really sure whether it works for all applications.
I find that turning on the NVIDIA card, instead of using the integrated Intel one, makes my laptop hotter.
I have a second user on my Mac Snow Leopard. I have the calculator in my Applications and Dock...he doesn't. How can I get this for the second user? (I recently upgraded with the disc to Snow Leopard..could that be part of the problem?)