Applications :: ITunes Crashes But Won't Die And Can't Be Killed?
May 17, 2009
My iTunes has started to crash after a period of time (often when I haven't done anything) and, when it happens, I can't kill it using Force Quit, killall, kill -9 or even sudo kill - I end up with a zombie process which stops the machine from rebooting.
The library is stored on a 1TB drive in a Power Mac G4, connected with a SATA card. It streams from there to an Apple TV in the lounge.
I've tried repairing permissions and even taking out the RAID setup so that it's now just on a single drive, but no dice.
I've just tried to mess around with some stuff in iTunes so i can sync my iPhone on both of my Macs. I did it all as instructed but when I opened the window was huge, and I can't make it any smaller. It's like a copy of my iTunes on my 24" iMac.
I tried deleting everything iTunes related and reinstalling but still the same.
Anyone got any solutions as to how to have a COMPLETELY clean version of itunes, or how to make the window smaller?
What in the world is Apple doing lately? One ****** up after another... Aperture 3.1 won't open. It crashes every single time. I repaired the permissions, deletede the preferences and nothing!
It won't open, at all, I've deleted every plist associated with iTunes, the cache, everything. It will only open if I do it manually through Terminal and that isn't perfect in my opinion. I have also downloaded it twice and installed it twice, same thing happens. They've pulled iTunes 10 from the download page.
Over the weekend, I replaced my 500 gig drive with a new 1 TB drive into my MacBook Pro. I used Time Machine to back everything up and did a restore with it. When I sent to use iTunes after the restore, nothing was listed in there but it did show my custom playlists, but only the names of the lists, no music listed inside. No music also was listed in the Music area. I then readded all my music and now when I go to music, iTunes crashes. But I also notice that it shows at the bottom I have XX,XXX songs taking up XX space. But the music area is still blank. I also notice in Videos, it is blank but shows at the bottom I have 1 video, which is correct and how it was before the restore.
I've had iTunes 10 on my PPC Mac crash twice in the past hour while playing SD video that worked fine in iTunes 9 here. The first time iTunes itself crashed. The 2nd time it caused a kernel panic. Has anyone else had any issues playing video with iTunes 10, particularly under Leopard or a PPC machine under Leopard? I'm about ready to go back to iTunes 9 at this rate.
I was asked to install iTunes 10 on someone's computer running Vista. I ran the full install, launched iTunes 10, and it immediately crashes with CoreFoundation.dll error.
I then I tried uninstall every Apple-related software and tried reinstalling, still no go.
I used 7-Zip to extract all the install files from the iTunes install package. I tried installing each separate and came to the conclusion it was the Apple Application Support. Everytime I try to install it, it goes all the way and then crashes with a weird matrix_blahblah error (I apologize, I'll get the correct error for you tomorrow).
Did anyone else encounter this? I tried everything, even replacing the CoreFoundation.dll file and registering it with regsvr32.
I just got my new 64gb ipod touch, and every time I try to sync photos on to it, iTunes crashes. I am running the latest versions of itunes, snow leopard and iphone 3.1. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
iTunes has been crashing for months when playing CDs (but it's fine for DVDs and the audio files on iTunes). ppc G5 iMac, 10.5.8. Twice on inserting a CD, again when the CD concludes, and often during playing, or when I try to adjust volume. It did this with a LaCie external drive and now that I've installed a new replacement Toshiba internal superdrive it still does exactly the same thing. After reading about the many bugs with v9.0.1 I obtained v8.0.2, deleted everything to do with iTunes and reinstalled the older version. However, the crashes continue unabated. Have run Disk Warrior, Tech Tools Pro5, reset the hardware pulling the AC plug etc., run Permissions over and over, thrown out prefs files, etc. No improvement. AppleCare on iMac is expired and no other forum has helped. Couldn't find another ap just to play CDs or I would use it! QuickTime doesn't work.
So if I sort my files in a list in iTunes and I scroll through the album list, it ALWAYS crashes. It doesn't happen if I click and drag the scroll bar, but if I do the two-finger scroll on my trackpad or if I scroll with my magic mouse, iTunes automatically crashes.
I don't know why, but iTunes entirely too often on my computer. I use a 15" MBP running 10.6.4 (The latest version of SL). I'm using iTunes 10, but I was having this issue prior to the update. It crashes seemingly randomly sometimes when I finish an album, sometimes between songs, and sometimes just mid-song. Restarting seemed to help once, but it eventually started crashing again, and all subsequent reboots have had no effect. I have about 21 GB of music, mostly pirated (though let's not get into that debate); I listen to music by the album. My library is completely music (no TV shows, podcasts, etc.). Am I the only one sending them 20 enraged error messages a day?
I was waiting a lot for the update of the new Mac OS X Leopard, because blogs said that it was a very good update with a lot of impovements.
But after the update installed, my Mac restarted twice, and it stayed for ever in the gray page with the Apple and the little circle rotating on the bottom.
It never turned on. I sent it to see if they can fix it and if they can recover all my information. I'm still waiting.
If someone has any information about this issue please let me know.
The 10.5.4 update appears to have killed my MBA. On boot I either get a grey box in the middle of the screen in four languages telling me I need to restart my computer, or I get a blank pale blue screen. I left it on the pale blue screen overnight but it never moved on from there...
Have everything backed up on Time Capsule, but I'm new to Macs, so can you advise on next steps, how I would go about getting my MBA to a state where I can restore from backup, etc?
Pointers to apple support sites welcome but I'm on my iPhone so searching isn't great.
There is a process, "PocketCloudService" that I cannot finish even from terminal (kill PID), the response is "Operation not permitted". I did the same of killing proceses from terminal and it worked, but it doesn't with this process. It belonged to a program that I unistalled, "Pocket Cloud". I reinstalled that program and unistalled again, but the process continues running, even if I restart the mac. It's annoying because sometimes it spends about 80% CPU, warming my mac (and my patience!), therefore I finish the process "PocketCloudService" from Activity Monitor, but it restarts few seconds after. I just want to delete or block the source that launches that process and not have to stop it manually anymore.From activity monitor when I check the process, the main process is "launchd (1)", user: root (0)
I got time capsule for Xmas and I tried installing it today and I popped in the disk and installed it, which went alright. Now when I tried to set up my time capsule, it seems to have disabled my Wi-Fi network, even though it appears a strong connection, it just doesn't bring up my Internet anymore, even when I try to surf on my iPhone with Wi-Fi, it still doesn't work, so I am using my 3G network now.Also, can I not use time capsule to expand my hard-drive for more space on my operating system? I need more space, that's what I heard time capsule can do, in conjunction with backing up old files too.
I just had a unique OSX experience (for me, at least). An application became unresponsive, so I tried to force-quit it from the Dock. It would not quit. Then I tried to tried it from the force-quit dialog. Nothing. Then I opened the Activity Monitor and tried to quit the process. Again, the application window sat open. Then I pulled out my last trick and attempted to kill the process in Terminal. To my amazement, it just sat there. I tried to shut down, but it timed-out. In the end, I had to shut the Mac down with the power button, the first time in years that I've had to do this. Otherwise, OSX (10.4.7) seemed to be working fine -- I was able to quit all my other running application in an orderly fashion before shutting down.
Has anyone had any issue with their external Iomega Rev 35 drives not working after the 10.5.6 update? I did the update correctly and then a couple days later did my normal weekly backup across firewire to the Rev drive - done this for a year. But this time after transferring it went dumb and wouldn't eject. Here's the chain of events:
1. I successfully updated my MacBook Pro to 10.5.6 from 10.5.5. 2. Two days later I connected my firewire Rev35 to my Mac to transfer some files as I do weekly. 3. After successfully transferring the files the drive would not eject the disk using the button or the menu eject. And the drive's activity light/button was now slowly blinking. 4. Consulted the help files and they said a slow blinking light meant the drive needed to be reset, and that was accomplished by unplugging from power and plugging back in. 5. I unplugged and plugged back in using both firewire power and wall power - no change. 6. Then I pulled out my USB Rev 35 I have and plugged it into the Mac and transferred the files to a different disk. 7. After transferring the files that drive did the exact same thing.
Since these external drives appear as a CD/DVD (I think) perhaps it's a problem with ending the write session or something like that.
Installed Lion successfully on my 2007 MacBook Pro. First run went OK. Tried restarting and won't boot. No Chime... nothing. SMC reset and PRAM reset don't do anything. Sleep light comes on for split second, optical disk engages momentarily, then all goes dead. Screen stays black. Attempted start without RAM seems to indicate logic board is working. Getting repeating tones. Flashing light when I press and hold power is the most I can get with the memory installed.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2007 MacBook Pro - 4 GB RAM
this is more of a very open ended question to see if anyone knows an answer, but I just uploaded snow leopard onto my mbp (early09) and all is great until I try and connect to my wifi, which it does but at the same time brings down the whole system so no computer can connect to the Internet the only way to fix it is to reset the wireless modem and turn off airport on the mbp. does anyone know why this might happen like hardware compitablity or is it a glitch other people are having ?
After my intel iMac froze when running Snow Leopard, I was forced to restart it, and it turned out the HD was corrupted. But after erasing it and performing repair disk, everything is now ok. But since the failure it refuses to reinstall usually giving the message "an error occured when intalling Mac OS X"
For the last few, very frustrating days, I've tried everything I have read on the net: resetting PRAM, checking the HD is set as GUID, erasing and repairing the HD numeous times, performing hardware tests. Even slaughtering farm yard animals. Basically everything. And still it won't install.
I really am at my wits end, and to make matters worse, the genius bar here in Tokyo is so busy I can't get a reservation til Friday evening.
Got a 3 year old macbook (OSX 10.5) that runs Windows XP (SP2) off a partition on the HD. Booted up in windows and was downloading two files via Bittorret when it gave me a cyclic redundency check. With a quick look, got some advice to stop using your computer, youre harddrive is failing. So i shut down.
Problem is... I can't bootup again. I just want to get a few personal files before i say goodbye. But i can't boot back up in OSX or XP. And it doesn't sound like the drive is physically failing either. No clicks, no loud spinning, just regular harddrive noise.
I've also tried connecting it as a USB to my GF's teeny weeny cutie EeePC. It will recognize the Windows partition and take forever to map out whats on there, but it won't recognize my Mac portion of the HD (which is where I would like to get my files from).
So because of this whole bootcamp mixup with my Mac,I can't access nothing of importantance (all on my macpartition). Windows won't boot, Mac won't boot, and I can't get anything off the Mac portion cause windows won't see the Partition.
After using Open Firmware Update my G4 went into a crazy circle. At first, it was impossible to start up, and when it was possible, just for a couple of seconds, and then the translucent screen asking you to restart the computer pressing for a few seconds the start up button.
Info: Quadra 605, G4 Desktop, IMac 500, eMac, iMac G5 PPC, iMac G5 Intel, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
I'm on a newer iMac running Yosemite and went to install ilife 09, to get iDVD (that I need) and somehow it killed iphoto? The ap wont even open. I opted for the custom install and thought everything went fine (only selected iDvd, but I have no iphoto.. I'm downloading it from the ap store now, My question is this, I purchased ilife 09 and ilife 11. This shouldnt be a problem should it? I should do the custom install on 09 (opting only for iDvd) then do the same for 11 right?Â
I closed down iTunes and opened it back up to discover that it wouldn't open anymore. I tried removing the library file, thinking it might have become corrupted somehow, and iTunes would sort of half-open, but not for long. And then when I'd try to open it up again, it would crash.
At this stage, I could get it to briefly open every time by removing all the library files every time, but then it would recreate them, and when it close/crash (and it would do this every time fairly quickly), it would once again not open at all unless I removed the library files.
New version just downloaded and has crashed approx 8 to 10 times. So I reloaded the iTunes 10.6 , rebooted and experienced the same behavior. Trashed the new version, so now I have no iTunes. Don't see any opportunity to reload older version except by doing a total system reload (Snow Leopard). No, I don't have Time Machine, I had one of those crummy AirPorts with 500GB HD, but it died due to complete lack of cooling (another subject, sorry). What a totally crap design that was.