OS X :: Snow Leopard Killed My IMac And Won't Reinstall
Oct 6, 2009
After my intel iMac froze when running Snow Leopard, I was forced to restart it, and it turned out the HD was corrupted. But after erasing it and performing repair disk, everything is now ok. But since the failure it refuses to reinstall usually giving the message "an error occured when intalling Mac OS X"
For the last few, very frustrating days, I've tried everything I have read on the net: resetting PRAM, checking the HD is set as GUID, erasing and repairing the HD numeous times, performing hardware tests. Even slaughtering farm yard animals. Basically everything. And still it won't install.
I really am at my wits end, and to make matters worse, the genius bar here in Tokyo is so busy I can't get a reservation til Friday evening.
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Aug 31, 2009
this is more of a very open ended question to see if anyone knows an answer, but I just uploaded snow leopard onto my mbp (early09) and all is great until I try and connect to my wifi, which it does but at the same time brings down the whole system so no computer can connect to the Internet the only way to fix it is to reset the wireless modem and turn off airport on the mbp. does anyone know why this might happen like hardware compitablity or is it a glitch other people are having ?
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Aug 30, 2009
Upgraded to SL on Friday evening and so far it seems to be working great. However, both my Cisco VPN Client and my Remote Desktop now refuse to run.
With Cisco I get: Error 51 Unable to communicate with the VPN subsytem
Remote Desktop: Remote Desktop Quit Unexpectedly.
really need these 2 applications to log into my office computer while I'm at home.
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Feb 5, 2012
I have 2 iMac G5's both running Snow Leopard 10.6.8.Suddenly one decided that it woud not allow Photoshop 9 (CS1) to work so I tried to reinstall. It seems to reinstall but will still not save files. Tried to reinstall Photoshop CS2, and the whole CS2 suite and the discs will not load at all. I have tested the disc in the other iMac and it's fine. I have tried all the obvious repair routes - disc utility, restarting from the system CD, creating a new user, software updates, but still cannot get any of teh Adobe sofatware to reinstall properly.
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Aug 29, 2009
I put snow leopard on my mac this afternoon and have been kicking the tires. I ran Parallels 4.0 and the windows worked just fine with my XP Partition. When I tried to boot it up in boot camp however, I got an error telling me it couldn't load windows.
I imagine this is an issue with the drivers, but I can't figure out where the drivers are and how to get them on the windows side.
When I open windows in parallels, I can't find any drivers to load on the DVD for snow leopard's boot camp.
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Feb 3, 2012
Adding to Security Update woes. Appleworks quits and quits and quits, always when Print command given. Printer works fine for Text Edit and Mail,
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Dec 16, 2009
I had a 2008 24 inch imac (3.06ghz C2D) and had some issues with it. First the hard drive failed, upon bringing it into the Apple store, they told me that they replaced the hard drive and screen (due to dust under it), however, this was not the case. What they had actually done is replace the entire unit and gave me a refurb which was previously registered to someone else (as evidenced by the registration info). A few months later, I had another issue, this time the logic board had failed and I once again had to lug this 20 pound beast through the largest mall in the city in order to get it to the Apple store (for the second time). I politely explained my discontent with this whole process, they did not inform me that the unit was a refurb and now it had failed yet again. Much to my surprise they offered me a replacement in the form of the i5 with a 1tb drive, 4 gigs of ram, the works. Now here is the problem: I was not given any of the included dvds as they do a "like-for-like" swap only. This is now an issue because I can not install Snow Leopard from the retail dvd, nor can I install Leopard from my previous iMac disks. In addition to this, I do not have the correct drivers for a boot camp install. Thus I am stuck if I ever need to reinstall Snow Leopard or if I need to utilize boot camp (which I do).
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Oct 31, 2009
I am having way too many problems with Snow Leopard... I lost communications with two printers in my office, lost emails, and just having way too many things to fix (should have waited). Can I reinstall OSX 10.5 (that came with my MBP 15)? I still have the original disks that came with the MBP.
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Nov 18, 2010
Long story short, wanted to reinstall the OS cos it was acting up, performance-wise. SuperDrive hasn't functioned in years, so that's a no. Remote Install via PC doesn't work, this feature is limited to MacBook Airs. And finally, an external DVD drive didn't do the job, cos even after starting install - once it reboots, something in the OS tells it not to read from the external. Hours were put into these attempts!
Is there any other possible way to reinstall Snow Leopard?
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Aug 21, 2009
I was just wondering if when I install Snow Leopard if it will remove all the Leopard applications and replace them with Snow Leopard-formatted applications, or if it will just edit the applications to work with Snow Leopard. Photo Booth is broken on my computer and I don't want to Archive and Install unless it's the absolute last resort.
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Jul 31, 2010
Got a kernel panic. I believe it be caused by a small piece of software that powers some touch screen technology that my company works with - software I was testing with my MacBook. As with Audacity though, sadly, some apps just don't translate well over to Mac. The uninstaller won't work. Also, my drive is seeking way too much, and I've got a lot of clutter. This image on my 17" is actually a holdover from my 13" over a year ago. Kudos to Apple for the seamless transition, but I think it's time for a clean slate.
Here's my challenge.
I'm not worried about the apps. I've got a tally of what I need and I can go get them again pretty easily. I'm also not worried about custom configurations - the dock was easy to tweak as was some of the settings. What I need to make sure I grab is the files that are not system files. Instead of restoring from Time Machine, I plan to reinstall the OS completely fresh, then install the latest versions of the apps, then copy back over my files. According to what I've read on Migration Assistant (and I did MRoogle it first), there is not an easy way to selectively pick and choose files that I want to migrate. Is that accurate?
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Jan 25, 2010
It looks like I'm going to have to reinstall OS X on my laptop because it's just generally unstable. I just have a question about the upgrade disk that I bought for $30 from apple.
On Windows 7, if you purchase the upgrade disk, it even allows you to reinstall a fresh copy of windows as long as your able to present a vista disk and show that you own a copy. Is that the same for Snow leopard? Or do I have to reinstall OS X Leopard and then proceed to upgrade?
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Apr 6, 2012
If for any reason I need to re-install Lion OSX, would I need to install Snow Leapord first and then upgrade to Lion?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 5, 2009
I have Windows XP on my Mac now. I am about to upgrade to SL right now. Isn't there a new version of Boot Camp on there?
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Jun 15, 2010
If I move from leopard to snow leopard, do I have to re-install all software again? What happens with the files in the hard drive?
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Feb 14, 2012
How do you open DVD/CD drawer to reinstall Snow Leopard from disc after installing new hard drive? Note: Mac Pro won't start up
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Apr 5, 2012
I currently have snow leopard 10.6.8 and have installed all the latest software AND FIRMWARE. Would I be able to revert back to snow leopard 10.6.7? (will there be any problems with the already installed firmware designed for 10.6.8)
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 6, 2012
I need help to reinstall the software for my Lexmark Z615 printer. Due to other problems on the MacBook, I had to wipe the hard drive and start over. When I did, I could not find the CD-ROM with the software for the printer. I am still looking for it. I then went to the Lexmark website and downloaded the "Lexmark Utility Web Installer.dmg" for the Z600 series. I opened that file and activated the "Z600 Series Utility." That led me to a window that asked for the "printer software." I looked at the list of "printer software" offered by the utility, and none of them was for the Z615. I chose another one more or less at random and tried to print with it. Of course, the printer did not operate. I have gone into "printer setup," and here is where I am:
I am at the limit of what I know about setting up printers. Does anyone have any advice for what I should do next to get the printer to operate?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4 gig RAM
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Apr 7, 2012
how do i make this install work
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Apr 19, 2012
Trouble with fonts from the "Get Go". Now fonts are disappearing in my Adobe CS5 font lists while I'm working. Noticed in my System Fonts folder some fonts I had not noticed before. Is there any way to reinstall my system fonts without reinstalling the entire system. Also all the fonts in my system folder seem to be Windows True Type fonts. Is this correct?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2 x 2.93 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon 64GB
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Apr 30, 2012
I have read the forums about how to reinstall from the initial snow leopard dvd, but my dvd is back home at the moment. Is there any other way to reinstall? I am in dire need of the free screen capture functions for a school project.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5 4GB
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Jun 19, 2012
I have a mac running snow lepoard and want to reinstall the operarting sytem without erasing any data
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Dec 30, 2010
I just got a new 1tb sata 2.5in and I want to install it, but I do not have my snow leopard disk. If I use a leapord disk will it reinstall snow leapord from my time machine backup or do I need to find my snowleapord disk?
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Dec 4, 2009
The title says it all but is there a way to do this? is it as simple as just reinstalling on the partition?
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Jul 26, 2010
Due to certain problems with Logic Pro 8 I've got to do a clean re-install of Snow Leopard. But there is a problem: bootcamp partition. It was created with Snow Leopard to install Windows 7. Can I possibly do a clean install of Snow Leopard without losing Windows OS? Formatting only the Mac partition will do the trick? I ask you people because I've found various information on the web, although most threads concerned migration mac system as well
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May 9, 2012
I updated with show leopard and my networked printers have disappeared. I tried to reinstall but nothing did!
Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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May 26, 2012
I've been obliged to reinstall ALL my data.On a brand new hard drive, I did a clean DVD install of 10.6.5, and then a clean Software Update install of 10.6.8, in my MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo, with 4 MB of RAM.I have NOT been able to rely upon my Time Machine backups (long story).Instead, I've been obliged to do a raw copy of all my data from an external hard drive.Everything seems to be back where it was except Mail 4.5.Mail launches fine, it can see all my accounts, it can pull down new mail, and I can see all my Mail folders, as evidenced by this screen grab:The problem is that ALL my Mail folders (Inbox, Drafts, Sent, Trash, Junk, etc) appear to be empty.
So, for example, the Mail folder called 'Newspapers' shows that it has 20,418 unread messages within it.However, when I click on the 'Newspapers' folder, I can't see ANY messages, either read or unread.Instead, I just get a blank white screen.All my Mail accounts are running on standard POP configs. No IMAP complexities, or anything like that. I've installed EXACT copies of these three folders, all of which worked fine before I was forced to reinstall all my data:
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo. 4 GB RAM
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Dec 22, 2008
Has anyone had any issue with their external Iomega Rev 35 drives not working after the 10.5.6 update? I did the update correctly and then a couple days later did my normal weekly backup across firewire to the Rev drive - done this for a year. But this time after transferring it went dumb and wouldn't eject. Here's the chain of events:
1. I successfully updated my MacBook Pro to 10.5.6 from 10.5.5.
2. Two days later I connected my firewire Rev35 to my Mac to transfer some files as I do weekly.
3. After successfully transferring the files the drive would not eject the disk using the button or the menu eject. And the drive's activity light/button was now slowly blinking.
4. Consulted the help files and they said a slow blinking light meant the drive needed to be reset, and that was accomplished by unplugging from power and plugging back in.
5. I unplugged and plugged back in using both firewire power and wall power - no change.
6. Then I pulled out my USB Rev 35 I have and plugged it into the Mac and transferred the files to a different disk.
7. After transferring the files that drive did the exact same thing.
Since these external drives appear as a CD/DVD (I think) perhaps it's a problem with ending the write session or something like that.
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Nov 26, 2009
I loved the speed improvements Snow Leopard gave to my computer, but I knew that I would have to do a clean install sooner or later. Now, Safari and Firefox are crashing frequently (multiple times a day!) and everything is slowing down again. I'm hoping a reinstall of the operating system will fix that. However, I used up all 5 installs on my Family Pack. Can I reinstall Snow Leopard with that disc, even though all 5 installs have been used? Do I need to buy another copy? Can the Genius Bar do the clean reinstall for me while my computer is there for other repairs?
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Feb 13, 2010
I've been having big problems trying to solve my problem. I've checked all the posts related, tried all the solutions and still I didn't get anything, so I'm sharing my problem and hope for someone to have the solution.
I installed Windows XP with BootCamp and it was working fine.
But then the HD space of the windows partition was too small and I needed more space. So what I did was erase the partition with the Disc Utility.
But before that I wanted to test the Parallels to see if the windows 7 would work fine with it. It installed easily but I didn't like the performance of it, so I just erased it with the AppCleaner. Then I erased the BootCamp partition with Disc Utility.
But when I tried to use the Boot Camp Assistant again, it only gave me the message: "The Disk Cannot Be Partitioned Because Some Files Cannot Be Moved"I've checked the forums and it was said that probably if I use iDefrag, it would solve my problem.Once I did it, I still got the same message.Then I decided to repair the dic, so I did the verification and clicked on Repair Disc Permitions and I've got this message:
-The file SUID "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ARDAgent" was modified and cannot be repaired.
Then I decided to reboot the whole system inserting the installation disc and pressing the C button, but all I get is a white screen and no response. And sometimes the Macbook not even start properly (also having only the white screen and no response), so I need to press the Option button till the Mac HD icon appears and I can access the computer.
And now I really without any option and I wanted to install the windows.
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