OS X :: Application Won't Quit / Process Can't Be Killed
Sep 7, 2006
I just had a unique OSX experience (for me, at least). An application became unresponsive, so I tried to force-quit it from the Dock. It would not quit. Then I tried to tried it from the force-quit dialog. Nothing. Then I opened the Activity Monitor and tried to quit the process. Again, the application window sat open. Then I pulled out my last trick and attempted to kill the process in Terminal. To my amazement, it just sat there. I tried to shut down, but it timed-out. In the end, I had to shut the Mac down with the power button, the first time in years that I've had to do this. Otherwise, OSX (10.4.7) seemed to be working fine -- I was able to quit all my other running application in an orderly fashion before shutting down.
There is a process, "PocketCloudService" that I cannot finish even from terminal (kill PID), the response is "Operation not permitted". I did the same of killing proceses from terminal and it worked, but it doesn't with this process. It belonged to a program that I unistalled, "Pocket Cloud". I reinstalled that program and unistalled again, but the process continues running, even if I restart the mac. It's annoying because sometimes it spends about 80% CPU, warming my mac (and my patience!), therefore I finish the process "PocketCloudService" from Activity Monitor, but it restarts few seconds after. I just want to delete or block the source that launches that process and not have to stop it manually anymore.From activity monitor when I check the process, the main process is "launchd (1)", user: root (0)
Problem is pretty much summarized in the topic line. Had a distnoted process that was eating up all my CPU. Killed it in Activity Monitor, and the computer hung. Forced a restart, and it won't...restart. Tried a safe reboot, resetting the NRAM...no joy. Â
2012 (I believe) iMac running the latest version of OS X Mavericks.Â
How do I close an application that won't quit and doesn't show up in the force quit dialogue box? I was trying to open Printer Pro but it doesn't show up in the finder and when I tried to put it in the trash it says it can't throw it away because it's open. The forced quit dialogue box does not list it as open. What do I do?
That was supposed to be APPLICATION
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
A while back I installed an application that allowed me to stream media from my Mac to my PS3, called Gridcast. It didn't work well, so I got rid of it. Since then I have had two processes constantly running, "gridcastd" & "GridCastAlerts." When i select and quit the processes nothing happens, they just continues to run.
PowerMac G5 OS 10.5 Leopard - I am getting this error message. If I start up from Install Disk and try to Reinstall the OS, it throws an error message stating "Cannot verify Disk." If I start up from Install Disk, it goes directly to OS Installation without utility options. If I DO NOT Start up from Install Disk, little is recognized, including Main Menu Bar at top. If I insert Install Disk, it does not recognize a disk was inserted to work off. This all happened when: I chose to do a clean restore on the HD to sell the PowerMac. During the process, I had to stop it and I followed directions. Quit Install and select disk to restart from. I chose my HD and proceeded.
When ever i quit an app, i swap spaces to the next app I have open. Example, quit safari in space 1, auto jump to mail in space 2, quit that, itunes in space 3. Never seen this before and wondering if its some new feature of a utility I got maybe with an update or something.
Since downloading 10.5.1, I have had the message below pop up about every half hour. Almost every time, I click "Report...." to send to failure to Apple. I have also tried clicking "Relaunch," but that done nothing to fix the problem. Half an hour later, the popup comes back again. It has happened now more times than I can count. I have tried to research what this application is, but to no avail. Does anyone have any idea what I can do to fix this or to at least get rid of the pop up?
Sometime when some application hangs I try to force quit it and the process completely disappears from the Activity Monitor, but the little white marker under the icon on the dock remains and there is no way to restart the application. Does any one know of an easy way out without having the restart the machine? I have a 2008 MBP with Leopard 100% up-to-date on the machine. I tried restarting the application directly from the Application folder instead of double clicking on the dock, and I got "An unexpected error occurred (error code -600)" -- according to Apple, error code -600 means: procNotFound - No eligible process with specified process serial number.
I just bought an iMac G4. This machine has been great, until a few hours ago. I was surfing Camino, when I went to go to IE for Mac (to check my Gmail, because Camino crashes when I go to Gmail) and then the same website I typed in on IE [URL] showed up in Camino. Of course, Camino crashed. Then, Camino started itself back up again, automatically surfed to [URL], and crashed again. Then Camino started up again...(and so on)
So I chose to force shut down the computer via the power button (which was probably a bad choice). When I got back on, I tried starting Camino. It crashed almost as soon as I clicked on it. I tried again...same thing. I soon came to realize that everything to do with the internet (Camino, Safari, IE, AIM) crashes the same way (almost as soon as you click on it). You ask how it crashed? Just the normal "This application unexpectedly quit" type.
Entourage stopped opening on my system a few days ago. When I attempt to launch I receive the message in the subject line. This happens from both the alias and the program icon. I am on OS X 10.5.6 and this is the first time I've had any trouble w/Entourage.
I just moved from windows to apple and when I opened mail and set my yahoo account in it, the application downloads all my messages {about 1200} and so far all is ok. But as soon as I click on one of these messages or any RSS, the application quits and I get " mail application quit unexpectedly" msg.
Not sure what my wife did but I have a copy bar that states Downloading untitled download to downloads. There is a bar indicating something is happening. There is an x next to it to stop it but it will not stop. I tried to shut down my computer but it will not let me as there is something running. Is there a way to force quit like in windows with control alt delete?
You must quit the following application before you continue. The installation cannot be complketed while the following software is running. I am trying to install Office MAC, What does this mean?
I have never worked with applescript before, so I am completely lost. I have a program that does not like to be open when the computer goes to sleep. I usually remember to close the app, but sometimes I forget and get myself in trouble. If I do forget, very bad things can happen to the database of the program, so it is imperative that it is closed.
I am hoping there is an applescript that will quit the application if I put my laptop to sleep, usually by closing the lid. I don't want to trigger the sleep with the applescript, just something that will see that the computer is going to sleep and quit the application before it happens. Is this possible, and if so, how do I go about doing it?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
This has happened multiple times now since installing Yosemite. The problem displayed above is that after force quitting I can't open an application all. Even though it's not running anymore, as proven by the black dot that would be under the icon if it was. I've had this happen with 2 different applications: Steam and Google Chrome.
I have some software such as mail, text edit running and suddenly it stop responding. The mouse cursor keep on spinning for a long time. What you normally do is hit Option + Command + Esc to force quit the software. After i've done so. The software crashed and ask you to send in the crashed report and everything else is very normal. But the software dint actually quite. i can still see a small indication (at the dock) below the icon that the software still running and when i hit Option + Command + Esc again. I still can see the software in the force quite dialog, it doesn't report it as stop responding. When i check the Activity Monitor, there is nothing there.
I am using a MacBook Air. When I attempt to select a file for uploading, Safari freezes and the spinning ball goes on and on. Example: When attempting to select and upload a document from my computer to the google drive, the wheel starts to spin when attempting to choose a file. I am unable to upload anything due to this issue.Â
I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I installed that freaking Google Notifier and I have been getting this message "The application GoogleUpdateChecker quit unexpectedly" every 30 minutes.I already uninstalled it and this message is still popping up.How can I delete this file so this message won't pop up again?
I did a software update, and now Safari, iTunes, and just about every other application (software updater, pages, etc.) won't launch!When I click on them I get an error message "The application quit unexpectedly".I just got my macbook, and it doesn't work
Is there a way for a Microsoft Office application to auto-quit when you close the last window of it opened? For example, when I close the last window opened of Microsoft Word, the icon sits in the dock with the indicator light still on underneath, waiting for me to manually quit it. I know many other apps auto-quit once they are closed, just wondering if this is an option for Microsoft Office for Mac?
Since upgrading to 10.6.1 I've found that every time i wake my MB from sleep, applications keep quitting left and right, and I get these "application quit unexpectedly" messages. It's happened with Entourage, Safari, iTunes, Dashboard. It's getting pretty annoying. I've tried resetting the PRAM but that didn't help. Does anybody have a clue what to do?!
I have a Mac Pro with several raid array and single drives attached (1x Wiebetech RTX600 Raid 5 through SCSI; 1x CalDigit HDElement Raid 5 through miniSAS; 4x internal drives).Unfortunately, due to various reasons (electricity outtage and software crashes), I'm experiencing system crashes and need to hard re-start the system. Upon restart, I am able to boot back into Mac OS X, but sometimes one, or both of the raid arrays will not mount.However, after a period of 0.5 - 2 hours, the array would magically re-appear again. Sometimes this might even happen to internal drives that I had mounted inside the chassis of the Mac Pro.
I am wondering if anyone knows of a good osx based alternative to Process Explorer on windows - what I'd like to be able to do is graph CPU and memory for a specific process and ideally see what network connections a specific process has open. atMonitor seems to do this pretty well generally, but not for specific processes (this is for monitoring a multiplayer flash game).