I'm wondering if anyone else has or is having issues with video, specifically music video, playback in iTunes. I noticed it when I was trying to play a video I'd downloaded, about 3 weeks ago. I'd bought the video some time ago, already have watched it several times before, but this time it didn't play. I didn't think much of it. But all of my other music videos did the same thing. From what I can tell, it's exclusive to music vids. My tv shows play fine, the few movies I've bought, etc. But not a single music vid plays back. It's just a screenshot of the video. I made a smart playlist, of all my music vids, versus tv/movies and there are 61 music vids and not a single one plays.
This was happening prior to the iTunes 9 update, but I'm not sure when exactly, or with which update it did start happening, as i just noticed about 3 weeks ago.
why are all my iTunes videos so damn choppy?! High Quality Youtube videos are "ok," but HD Youtube videos are just as bad as trying to watch anything on iTunes.
what do i need to upgrade (word choice?) to successfully watch iTunes videos crisply. i'm assuming it's like a graphics card or a processor or something. i could buy a decent computer in the next couple of months but i'm not because my parents are strongly against me upgrading anything because i'm going to college Fall 2010, so they said i'll just get a high-end something or other when the time comes. the point of what i just rambled about was is there something on my current PC that i can upgrade?
Other than Itunes 9.1 breaking outlook syncing on my ipod touch, I cannot close a video when it is running. The X with a circle around it does not close the video anymore. I have to hit escape every time. A reinstall also did not help.
Mac OSX 10.6.2 iTunes 9.0.3 MacBook Pro and iMac i7
I have a bizarre situation when I try to play back entire an entire music album from iTunes. The music is on an external drive with the library on the computer. There is more music on the disc than will fit on my iPod so not all music is checked for syncing. When I select the first track from an album that has been checked, it will play the entire album and even go on to the next one. If the track is not checked, it will play that track only and nothing I seem to do will play the tracks in succession. is normal behaviour or if it is a bug or what. And if there is anything I can do to change it so that unchecked files will play one after the other.
I use my Mini as a music server with all music stored on an external RAID. If I import a CD while iTunes is playing music, it will finish the song and then pause the playback. Is there a workaround so it can both import and play at the same time?
I noticed that whenever I open itunes store within the Itunes application I only get the App store, podcasts and itunes U. I cant find any music or video files in the store. I removed itunes and all associated files according to instructions in the following URL http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1224. I reinstalled the latest version and that didn't solve the problem. I am using an Imac and OS 10.6.5. My Itunes version is 10.1.1.
So I love keeping all my music in Itunes, well organized and on my local machine, so I have this checked in preferences. I however never want iTunes to save videos in the libary.
I have a large external hardrive that I am using to backup my entire DVD collection in friendly .m4v format. Playing them on my Mac however opens iTunes and copies a file that is nearly 1GB to my local hard drive.
I have a Rev A MBA but for the first time I just downloaded a TV show from Itunes and tried watching it back. It was very jumpy, freezing and video and audio were sometimes out of sync. I turned off all other applications, which improved it, but did not solve it. I tried downloading a second one and had the same problem.
Is this common? I would have thought of all applications to work well, Itunes should be one of them.
The video podcasts in the playlist open but dont (and cant) play, although when I drag the progress slider left to right it fast forwards. As I drag and I can see whats the video content. I am on 10.6.3 latest Itunes on Snow Leopard, having fell back to Snow Leopard from Lion yesterday.
These podcasts are mp4 - and VLC plays them perfectly, i have d/loaded Xiph, flip4mac, Mplayer X. Lame and these made no difference. I was watching these exact same files on the exact same machine yesterday. But under LION. the files aren't corrupt. Quicktime wont play them either. Quicktime is ticked to work in 32 bit mode.
I recently upgraded to iLife 06. Now if I import a clip into iMovie, then apply, for example "fade in" at the start it results in jerky playback. It renders the whole program useless.
So I bought a Sony Bloggie camera, and sprang for the extra $20 for the 360 video recording attachment. So sony touts on their website how great this camera and their software plays with Mac and PC, the truth is only the mobile dumbed down version of their software works on a Mac. The full version is PC only. unfortunately the full version is needed in order to convert and watch videos shot with the 360 attachment.
Fine no problem thats why man invented VMWARE. So I install the software on my windows XP virtual machine with XP sp3. The software converts the video but whenever I try to watch it the thing crashes and I get that report error to microsoft message. So my question is, are there any alternatives I can use preferably on Mac which will play the 360 video? I know a lot of websites have 360 virtual tour videos embedded.
I am running a Macbook 2.4GHz with 4GB of RAM and Snow Leopard.
I have an issue using Keynote 09.
I have created a presentation that has a m4v video playing in the background.
The video was the first thing I put in and was just placed on the slide and set to play when the presentatation starts.
The video starts at the beginning automatically and plays for the entirity of the presentation. The presentation is only 2 mins long. Over it are a number of different words all with various animations. There is also a music file playing in the background.
I have then recorded the show with manual timings and now when I play it in Keynote it runs smoothly from start to finish. The video continues to play and the transitions are smooth.
HOWEVER, when I then try and export the presentation as a Quicktime file I encounter a problem. The video starts initially at the beginning of the presentation but the minute any other animation kicks in the video freezes and does not restart. I have tried a large variety of export settings but to no avail. I have also spent time trawling the internet to try and solve this problem but no solution found.
It is very frustrating. I need to export it because I need it as a movile file rather than a keynote presentation.
I've found since updating to iTunes 10.1 that my playlists occasionally skip to the next track during playback. This has never happened before. I haven't tried to replicate it elsewhere, but did try a local reinstall. Has anyone else encountered this problem?
just moved my whole iTunes library (21560 songs) to my 2TB Time Capsule... And well everything went great, until I updated to iTunes 10, it updated the iTunes library on open, fine, took two minutes on the ageing MBA, but now, it is Determining gapless playback for my entire library... And it's been going for about 6 hours and it's on 856/21560, so my question is... Is there anyway to stop iTunes doing this?
I recently downloaded a movie off of Itunes and started playing it. Halfway through it froze. It's like an invisible wall, I can't get any further than it.
It seems a whole section of my 350+ movies in my iTunes have all of a sudden stopped playing back. These are movies that played back perfectly just a few days ago but now only display a black screen with the timeline ticking away as if it was playing. All these movies were ripped from DVD's and converted using Handbrake.
Has this happened to anyone else? I think its some type of file corruption but I can't imagine what caused it. What makes it strange is that it only happened to a section of movies and not one common trait can be found among them.
I've done a bit of googling and mroogling and haven't been able to find a solution let alone another user have the same problem.
Any ideas? I have all the video_ts folders backed up so I just need to encode them again, but I would like to prevent this from happening again.
At the moment most of my music is either stored on my Macbook or on an external hard drive. Is it possible to transfer all my music and videos to an external hard drive and then sync it with Itune so that every time I plug it in I can access them?
Each time I sync my iPhone and I had foobar or another media player open the sound distorts really bad. Now this used to happen months back then suddenly worked with out any interference. But again, iam now getting this awful distortion when I try to sync-anyone know why?
Before anyone says anything: Yes, I did do my research with MRGoogle before creating this thread. Most of the questions people had ever never answered (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=791337) or the posts where from 2+ years ago and not that relevant to the newer releases of iTunes.
Anyway, I decided to do a bit of song searching on iTunes today. I have a bunch of songs from the DDR series that I wanted to find the original, full versions of. So I opened up iTunes (which took about 30 seconds to load, mouse cursor pinwheeling the entire time) and opened up a playlist of said songs in a separate window. In the main window I opened up the iTunes store and started my search. To pass the time, I played the playlist in the background while switch between the two windows to check song tiles, artist names, and the like. While searching for songs, iTunes would randomly start pinwheeling for ~5 seconds, music still playing in the background. The same thing happened when I tired to change to a different song in the playlist. I tried to open TextEdit so I could copy down the songs I couldn't find in the iTunes store and the system pinwheeled yet again. It 5+ seconds to open TextEdit. Even when I'm running Firefox with multiple tabs and windows open, it opens instantly.
I know my machine is a bit old (Early 2008 MBP 2.4 C2D) but its not ancient. I'm running 4GB for crying out loud. I've had similar issues in the past that got so bad I stopped using iTunes all together for awhile. I've tried installing iTunes, uninstalling iTunes, even going so far as to remove most of the iTunes-related fumes from my Library. Nothing seems to help.
I'm at a loss to why this is happening. Originally I thought it was a corrupt library or something, but I've rebuilt my library and it was a temporary fix. Anyone here have ideas about what I can do?
When a video track begins, the iTunes window comes up, even if I've got iTunes hidden. (Note: it doesn't bring the iTunes application to the foreground; it just shows the iTunes window behind my current window.)Â
Clearly, this is not the behavior I want when it's _hidden_! ...But I can't find any way to stop this behavior
P.S. This is iTunes version 10.6.1(7) on OS 10.7.4. Also, I'm running SizzlingKeys 3.3.5, if that matters (there doesn't seem to be a preference in this app to control window behavior...).
so a while ago my friend sent me a link to a video of her playing a piece on the piano that she composed and I downloaded it off youtube and uploaded it to Itunes to listen to as part of my soundtracks. It all worked fine for a while but now if I want to listen to the video it will not automatically play when I just play the entire library or when i just play a playlist with it in the homemade video does not play as part of the list, video's from itunes do but simply not this one.Â
basically the bug makes it where the playback position (where you are in a podcast) is not synced correctly between iTunes and your device (iPhone 4 in my case).
Scenario 1: Download a new podcast episode on your Mac/iTunes. Listen to 20 minutes. Sync to iPhone. When you listen to it on your iPhone, it starts at the beginning...not 20 minutes in like it should.
Scenario 2: Download a new podcast episode on your Mac/iTunes. Sync to iPhone. When you listen to it on your iPhone for the first time, it starts randomly somewhere in the middle...not at the start like it should.
This bug didn't exist with iTunes 9. The bug appeared in iTunes 10 and still exists as of version 10.1.1 that was released a couple of days ago.
Any ideas on how to get movement on this from Apple? Already reported it as a bug online as well as posted in the thread on the discussion forum. This bug is PAINFUL for heavy podcast listeners.
I am buying a new iMac and want to transfer my entire itunes library of music and video and my iphoto library. All this media is currently on 3 total external drives and I would like it all to live on one single external drive going forward.
I had sound on my computer last night but when turning on this morning there was no sound. It is not muted. Also, when I try to run an event in IPhoto as a slide show, it shuts down.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Only had the computer for 2 1/2 wee
Very simple. I just want to be able to upload a photo to a song and upload it to youtube. i want people to listen to the song and have the album art cover.
I'm wondering whether to go PC and Sony Vegas Home Studio or iMac and use iMovie but I'm not sure if iMovie can do what I want: I want to make a music video for a track I made, in Sony Vegas I can add a audio file to a track below the main video track and see it's waveform, then edit the video clips to match certain points in the track. Can iMovie do this? I've done a bit of searching on the net but can't find a answer. All I've seen the green background that gets added to clip window. Also is a Quadcore i5 OK for video work?
For about a month now I noticed that whenever I'm watching a video on YouTube in HD or when I'm watching a movie trailer on Quicktime at 1080p, the playback lags. Prior to this everything worked well. All the videos I watched played smoothly at any resolution at any quality. I have an iMac with the following specs:
2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4 GB of DDR2 SDRRAM ATI Radeon HD2600 Graphics Card with 256 VRAM
Also, I do not have many windows or applications open when I watch these videos. I have also close to 21GB of hard disk space used up out of about 280.
how to compile a 10 minutes single video having photo slides with background score/music and videos, in mac. file formats, Input files, provided- photos and hd videos from Nikon camera & music Output file needed - 10 minutes video of avi / mpeg / mkv / mpeg 4 / hd video. Is thr any mac software which does this job?