Applications :: 360 Video Recording - Error On Playback
Feb 5, 2010
So I bought a Sony Bloggie camera, and sprang for the extra $20 for the 360 video recording attachment. So sony touts on their website how great this camera and their software plays with Mac and PC, the truth is only the mobile dumbed down version of their software works on a Mac. The full version is PC only. unfortunately the full version is needed in order to convert and watch videos shot with the 360 attachment.
Fine no problem thats why man invented VMWARE. So I install the software on my windows XP virtual machine with XP sp3. The software converts the video but whenever I try to watch it the thing crashes and I get that report error to microsoft message. So my question is, are there any alternatives I can use preferably on Mac which will play the 360 video? I know a lot of websites have 360 virtual tour videos embedded.
I wanted to use a lavalier mic for a video conference, but when I plug the mic in to the MacBook Pro (late 17" 10.9.3) I get no playback from Garage band or other recording apps until I unplug the mic. I have tried a Rode lav and a Sennheiser mic for DSLRs. Am I missing something, or is there a problem with the computer?
Is there any software out there that's cheap (or free) for Mac that allows you to record a video/audio session of your desktop? I'm talking about software similar to what Adobe Captivate and Camtasia do.
I want to record video and audio of what I am doing on my Screen Via IMAC. Can anyone recommend a good Application to achieve just that. Would prefer freeware but if it needs to be a paid application so be it.
I recently upgraded to iLife 06. Now if I import a clip into iMovie, then apply, for example "fade in" at the start it results in jerky playback. It renders the whole program useless.
why are all my iTunes videos so damn choppy?! High Quality Youtube videos are "ok," but HD Youtube videos are just as bad as trying to watch anything on iTunes.
what do i need to upgrade (word choice?) to successfully watch iTunes videos crisply. i'm assuming it's like a graphics card or a processor or something. i could buy a decent computer in the next couple of months but i'm not because my parents are strongly against me upgrading anything because i'm going to college Fall 2010, so they said i'll just get a high-end something or other when the time comes. the point of what i just rambled about was is there something on my current PC that i can upgrade?
I'm wondering if anyone else has or is having issues with video, specifically music video, playback in iTunes. I noticed it when I was trying to play a video I'd downloaded, about 3 weeks ago. I'd bought the video some time ago, already have watched it several times before, but this time it didn't play. I didn't think much of it. But all of my other music videos did the same thing. From what I can tell, it's exclusive to music vids. My tv shows play fine, the few movies I've bought, etc. But not a single music vid plays back. It's just a screenshot of the video. I made a smart playlist, of all my music vids, versus tv/movies and there are 61 music vids and not a single one plays.
This was happening prior to the iTunes 9 update, but I'm not sure when exactly, or with which update it did start happening, as i just noticed about 3 weeks ago.
I'm planning on adding how to videos to my site (flash) so that its easier for my customer to understand how to use a page. Ie instead of trying to explain common things in a FAQ I would have a video actually showing them. Ideally I'll be able to record my actions on screen and my voice as I describe what I'm doing. I'm willing to pay for the app, but just not that much ie less than $100. Now I don't need an all in one, for instance if there is a free app to do screen recording and another free app that can record my voice and another to merge them together I'm fine with that. I understand that free is free and I have to deal with some of the headaches. Any advice as to what software I would need. A quick google for mac screen recording brings a bunch of results.
Other than Itunes 9.1 breaking outlook syncing on my ipod touch, I cannot close a video when it is running. The X with a circle around it does not close the video anymore. I have to hit escape every time. A reinstall also did not help.
I am running a Macbook 2.4GHz with 4GB of RAM and Snow Leopard.
I have an issue using Keynote 09.
I have created a presentation that has a m4v video playing in the background.
The video was the first thing I put in and was just placed on the slide and set to play when the presentatation starts.
The video starts at the beginning automatically and plays for the entirity of the presentation. The presentation is only 2 mins long. Over it are a number of different words all with various animations. There is also a music file playing in the background.
I have then recorded the show with manual timings and now when I play it in Keynote it runs smoothly from start to finish. The video continues to play and the transitions are smooth.
HOWEVER, when I then try and export the presentation as a Quicktime file I encounter a problem. The video starts initially at the beginning of the presentation but the minute any other animation kicks in the video freezes and does not restart. I have tried a large variety of export settings but to no avail. I have also spent time trawling the internet to try and solve this problem but no solution found.
It is very frustrating. I need to export it because I need it as a movile file rather than a keynote presentation.
What is it's purpose? I mean I know you can watch your media files that are on your mac, but you have itunes, quicktime, or dvd player. Is it for recording or editing video? Is it better for watching movie and tv shows on your mac?
I just upgraded to leopard on my MacBook Pro (2.4ghz Duo & 2GB ram) and have been messing around in Photo Booth, I noticed when I record a video with a video backdrop the process turns out sluggish and jerky. It only seems to be the backdrop that is quite laggy so I was wondering if this is just a case of there not being enough ram to handle it or is something else up.
For about a month now I noticed that whenever I'm watching a video on YouTube in HD or when I'm watching a movie trailer on Quicktime at 1080p, the playback lags. Prior to this everything worked well. All the videos I watched played smoothly at any resolution at any quality. I have an iMac with the following specs:
2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4 GB of DDR2 SDRRAM ATI Radeon HD2600 Graphics Card with 256 VRAM
Also, I do not have many windows or applications open when I watch these videos. I have also close to 21GB of hard disk space used up out of about 280.
I purchased it in June and have had this issue from the start. I am getting some artifacting/ghosting effects on the screen at times when watching videos. It happens 3-4 times during an hour or so of playback and resolves itself within a few seconds each time. The effect looks similar to that of poor encoding or something along those lines which is what I thought it was at first, until I tried playing videos that I knew for a fact didn't have this problem. The video pretty much freezes or colors get inverted in some areas, but the audio is not affected. Let me know if you need any additional details.
I have a Mac Pro 1,1 with two displays and an NVIDIA 8800 card. I was booted into Windows 7 using bootcamp, the machine froze during video playback, hard rebooted. Blue Screened in Windows, went to restart into OS 10.5.7 and I get the Apple logo and spinning gear, it then flashes briefly and goes to a grey screen. The second monitor never engages. The machine is fully booted as I can connect to it with my laptop through filesharing. I've tried PRAM/SMC reset, removing all the RAM/all external devices, pretty much everything. I've even tried replacing the video card and switching PCI slots, with the same issue still occurring.
I have had my black macbook for a little over 2 years it is a c2d 2.16. It has ran flawlessly until recently it has been freezing during video playback. Mostly during online streaming like hulu or netflix. The screen usually gets these little red or green dots all over it when it happens. A couple times the the sound continued but usually it stops. What is going on? It has happened almost every day for a couple weeks now. I am running the latest version of OSX
I'm using a 15" 2.33 GHz Intel Core Duo Macbook Pro, with 3GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM, with Snow Leopard. Western Digital 320GB 7200 drive.
I've recently been having video playback issues, starting within Final Cut Pro. The clip will play fine at first but then stutter and freeze on and off. I have to constantly stop and play to get through it.
This is question is being posted in the Mac OS & System Software because I couldn't find Quicktime under Windows software. Quicktime Player works fine under XP Pro on one PC and my other XP Pro computer has Quicktime Pro. MOV video is washed out running with Quicktime Pro but also Realplayer's playback is washed out. All other image files display fine.
I have a 20-inch Mid 2007 iMac with 2.4 intel core duo with 4gb memory running OS lion 10.7.4. I am getting choppy video with play back. I have tried resetting Safari, Uninstalling and reinstalling old and new versions of Adobe Flash. Am I SOL? Is my Processor to old? Can I upgrade it? Or do I need a whole new computer?
I use my quicktime and built-in isight on my macbook to make video chats and email them to my relatives. The audio in my recording hace a "cricket like sound" in the backround. This does not appear when I just do an audio recording. Only when I do a video recording. I use the built in microphone. I've adjusted the microphone settings in the system preferences still with the same result.
When playing DVDs on the Apple Air USB DVD player, the video can get quite jumpy when the screen image is complex. Pans are especially challenging. This is when the computer is driving a 1920X1200 external monitor.