ITunes :: Pauses Music Playback When Import CD?

Jun 14, 2012

I use my Mini as a music server with all music stored on an external RAID. If I import a CD while iTunes is playing music, it will finish the song and then pause the playback. Is there a workaround so it can both import and play at the same time?

Mac mini (Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: QuickTime X Video Pauses During Playback

Aug 29, 2009

I'm trying to figure this out and I've gone through 'Energy Saver' settings and turned off 'Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible' but sometimes - not reliably, playback of a video file just pauses and then resumes as normal after about 10 seconds. It happened just the same with QT and Perian under Leopard and now happens in Snow Leopard too. Similarly, this sort of oddness happens with playback on VLC too.

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ITunes :: 10 Import And Playback At Same Time

Mar 5, 2012

I've got mac 10.6.8 and iTunes 10. I used to be able (on previous computer) to playback music as I imported from the same cd but I have never been able to do so since I upgraded. I have tried all the settings in itunes preferences for when you import a cd but whatever option I choose I cannot play and import at the same time and I know you are meant to be able to. If I start off by playing the cd and then hitting the import cd button it immediatley stops playing. If I start by hitting the import cd button (or change the preference to import when cd is inserted) then the play button is greyed out.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: ITunes Video (music) No Playback?

Sep 10, 2009

I'm wondering if anyone else has or is having issues with video, specifically music video, playback in iTunes. I noticed it when I was trying to play a video I'd downloaded, about 3 weeks ago. I'd bought the video some time ago, already have watched it several times before, but this time it didn't play. I didn't think much of it. But all of my other music videos did the same thing. From what I can tell, it's exclusive to music vids. My tv shows play fine, the few movies I've bought, etc. But not a single music vid plays back. It's just a screenshot of the video. I made a smart playlist, of all my music vids, versus tv/movies and there are 61 music vids and not a single one plays.

This was happening prior to the iTunes 9 update, but I'm not sure when exactly, or with which update it did start happening, as i just noticed about 3 weeks ago.

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Software :: Playback Of Non Synced Music In Itunes?

Feb 15, 2010

Mac OSX 10.6.2
iTunes 9.0.3
MacBook Pro and iMac i7

I have a bizarre situation when I try to play back entire an entire music album from iTunes. The music is on an external drive with the library on the computer. There is more music on the disc than will fit on my iPod so not all music is checked for syncing. When I select the first track from an album that has been checked, it will play the entire album and even go on to the next one. If the track is not checked, it will play that track only and nothing I seem to do will play the tracks in succession. is normal behaviour or if it is a bug or what. And if there is anything I can do to change it so that unchecked files will play one after the other.

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ITunes :: How To Import Music From CD

May 15, 2012

Just about to set up my new imac, I realise any purchased music will be accessible on my new device but how about music imported from my own cd collection ? Will i have to upload them again.

iPad, Windows XP Pro

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ITunes :: Can't Import Music Into 10.6.1

Jun 8, 2012

Any type of audio track I attempt to import into 10.6.1 is not showing up. There's a similar thread here and it was determined that turning Match off then on fixes the issue, but I don't subscribe to Match so that doesn't work for me.

I've tried adding tracks to the main music library and to a playlist by dragging into iTunes, open with, double clicking on the track, and dragging the track onto the icon in the dock. Nothing. I've tried numerous different tracks, all of which play fine in Finder.

Info:Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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ITunes :: Import Music Titles From A CD?

Feb 14, 2012

i am importing a store bought CD but the song titles and artist info is not coming over. It only lists the songs a track 1, track 2, etc.

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ITunes :: Import Ipod Music To It

May 19, 2012

How can I import the music from my ipod nano to macbook air?I have no music yet on iTunes on the mac. There is only the option to sync itunes with my ipod and then all songs on my ipod would be deleted - is the other way around also possible??

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ITunes :: Import Its Music Library To My New Mac?

Jun 4, 2012

How do i safely import my itunes music liberary from my old windows computer to my new mac? Homesharing doesn't work for me. I do have my complete liberary on my old windows computer as well as on my Ipod.

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)

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ITunes :: Why Can't Import Music To IPhone 4s From A Different Computer

Apr 2, 2012

I can import music from my iTunes on my own computer, but if I want to import some music from a friend's computer, the iPhone 4s doesnt do anything.  Why is that? And is there a way to actually get msuic from a computer thats not your primary library?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1

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MacBook Pro :: Cannot Download Music From ITunes Or Import CD

Apr 14, 2012

When I try to download music from iTunes or import a cd the error message says a file was specified instead of a folder and won't move into my iTunes.

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ITunes :: Play Music But Not Import To Library?

Jul 5, 2012

Can I play a track (a sound track for my movie) so I can listen to it first, without it being import to my iTunes library?

iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1

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ITunes :: How To Import Music From Flash Drive (Formatted With Win PC)

Jun 9, 2012

How do I import music from a flash drive that was formatted with a windows PC to my MacBook - the drive is showing it has over 3GB of info on it but none of the files are showing up in finder? I had backed up my iTunes library on the flash drive about a year and a half ago before I switched from a dell to a MacBook pro.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Stop Itunes Auto Playing Music After Import?

Sep 3, 2010

Is this possible, could not see it in preferences.

So when import music or movies to itunes on OSX is plays the media after import.

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OS X Yosemite :: No Longer Import Desktop Music To ITunes Since Upgrading

Dec 4, 2014

I can no longer import desktop music to my iTunes since upgrading to Yosemite 10.10.1

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ITunes For Mac :: How To Get Music Folders And Import To Playlist Maintaining Same Structure

Sep 9, 2014

I have a folder full of mp3 files that are organized in the way that I defined. I'd like to import to iTunes maintaining the same organization. I thought about creating Playlist folders using the same structure of my files. Is there some way of creating this?

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Applications :: ITunes Pauses Songs Unexpectedly

Sep 28, 2007

last updates of iTunes there seems to be a problem with playing music: iTunes just randomly pauses and continues playing after a while.I believe this all started after updating to 7.4.1 it was really bad then, iTunes would pause like 20 times during a song and it would take very long for a new song to start.

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Software :: Unexplained Airtunes / Itunes Pauses

Oct 3, 2005

almost everytime I use airtunes, somewhere in the middle of a song, the music will quit unexpectedly. sometimes the music will resume in a three-count, sometimes longer, sometimes not at all. When i look at itunes, it looks like the song is just paused - meaning the little diamond that shows where you are in the song in the display along the top isn't inching along anymore, however the actual PAUSE button on the upper left has not been selected (meaning there is not a PLAY arrow displayed. the double bar PAUSE button is still showing). I have tried:

stopping the song (clicking the PAUSE button) and then starting it again
quitting itunes and restarting
restarting my ibook (G4)
unplugging my airport express and plugging it back in to reboot
using the airport admin aplication
completely unplugging EVERYTHING (modem, airport base station, airport extreme) and then slowly rebooting them all in order
upgrading itunes to the current version

at first, I thought it was a problem with airtunes, like the signal got lost or something, but after looking at itunes and realizing the song isn't *going* anymore, i thought the problem was with the application. but I don't know. I've never experienced this if i use the computer speakers, but then again, I hardly ever use them so I really don't know that for sure. oh, and I bought my airport base station *after* the airport express, and I'm pretty sure this problem was happening when my "network" was just my ibook and the express. (my experience level: I'm a former PC'er. I'm fairly knowlegable, but more on the software end. I know *nothing* when it comes to mac hardware.

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ITunes For Mac :: Starts Up On Its Own / Pauses And Plays Intermittently

Jun 3, 2014

iTunes has a mind of its own after the recent update. Opens on its own, starts playing, gets stuck, gets unstuck. I close it, it opens again.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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ITunes :: MP3 Won't Import To Library, But Will Import Into IPhone

Apr 15, 2012

I recently purchased an MP3 album from Amazon, which downloaded fine. Unlike previous times, however, the Amazon Downloader app didn't load the music into my iTunes library. I tried to manually add the album to my iTunes Library, with no luck. I was able to load the album into my iPhone Music app by dragging and dropping on my iPhone device in iTunes (after turning off iTunes Match).. If I double-click on the songs on my hard drive, they will play in iTunes, but do not import. 

I am running Mac OS 10.7.3, iTunes 10.6.1 (7) and have iTunes Match active on my computer.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Using Itunes To Play Music From External Drive / Playlists Show No Music File

Aug 6, 2010 I don't have the same functionality with iTunes. Basically, I can't use iTunes at all anymore as the interface for my music and videos. Once the external drive is mounted, I can navigate through it and play individual songs, but I can't use iTunes to do that. All my previous Playlists show up down the left side of iTunes, but there isn't any music in them.

I downloaded 2 songs yesterday, made a Playlist out of them, and because the path in the Advanced tab of the iTunes Preferences is correct, it automatically added the songs to the external hard drive. I synced my iPod and it was completely erased except for the 2 new songs. Is there a way to use iTunes to navigate my music like I used to when I stored the information on the internal hard drive but keep the information on the external drive? I have a Mac running Snow Leopard and the latest version of iTunes.

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How To Import Music To Mac From Phone Via Bluetooth

Apr 8, 2012

I am trying to import music from my brother's mobile phone to my macbook (itunes) via bluetooth connectivity.I can send one file at a time from his phone but obviously this is very time consuming so am trying to find a shorter method.When i go to import playlist in itunes, the phone is not recognised in 'my devices'.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)

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ITunes :: Mac Goes To Sleep While Playback

Apr 21, 2012

My Mac goes to sleep even when iTunes is playing. This is pretty ludicrous. Is there anyway to prevent this other than changing my power savings settings to never let my Mac go to sleep? I don't want to do that, I want my computer to go to sleep when I am not using it. This sure seems like a bug. I am running the newest version of iTunes as well as Lion.

My current energy saver settings are:
Computer Sleep: 15 min
Display Sleep: 15 min
Put hard disks to sleep when possible - yes
Wake for network access - yes
Allow power button to put the computer to sleep - yes
Start up automatically after a power failure - no
Restart automatically if the computer freezes - no
Again, I would rather not have to change these settings in order to keep iTunes playing.

Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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ITunes :: No Playback For Movie Rental

Feb 27, 2012

I rented a movie and it won't play.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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ITunes :: Choppy Audio Playback - Mac OS X 10.6?

May 20, 2012

it basically appeared today, and I haven't changed anything, to my knowledge.  Playback is choppy, with some stuttering and static noises...It does this even when playing straight to the computer speakers...I've disconnected my router to make it isn't the culprit (it slows down my internet connection quite a lot). 

Mac Mini

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ITunes :: TV Show Playback Messed Up

Jun 9, 2012

TV show is currently downloading but it says I can play it now. When I play it, the picture is all messed up but the audio is there. The screen looks like this as it plays...

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)

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ITunes :: Volume Fluctuations (Goes Up Or Comes Down) During Playback

Jun 15, 2012

More and more I have this issue both during playback on any iMac or Mac mini or even iPOD where as the volume just goes up and comes down. From blasting my ears to a whisper, and all throughout songs from ACDC, Pink Floyd, classical, Samsh Mounth, etc. Most of the songs are in MP3 from my CDs that I ripped through iTunes. I tried AAC and it does the same thing, and AAC will not playback from my Amazon music account, so AAC is a no-go.

Even so I never had issues in the past when ripping my music through other applications, just seems for the last couple of years I have had intermittent issues ripping through iTunes. Any settings or other adjustments I should or should not have made? These are huge fluctuations that vary (on a scale of 0-10) from 2 to 8. Its that bad. All Systems are 10.6 or 10.7 and intel based.

Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Various iMacs, Mac Minis, iPads

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MacBook Pro :: Bad Audio From ITunes Playback

Jun 28, 2012

I seem to be having problems either with hardware or iTunes. First, I notice a delayed response with iTunes when pressing play. It didn't used to take so long to start a track, or even unpause a track. This is with only one other program open, Firefox. Also, with mutiple files from different albums, there are pops, dropouts, and clicks when listening to music. It sounds like I'm moving the 1/8th jack around in the headphone output. This would lead me to believe I'm having a hardware issue. It happens with headphones or speakers.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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ITunes For Mac :: How To Stop Playback From Cloud

Dec 10, 2014

I just purchased a new iMac with the latest iTunes (12.) 

I'd transferred my iTunes off the old Mac Mini onto an external HD.  During the setup of the new iMac, I imported to library from the external HD.  Now my music list includes songs from the iMac HD AND the cloud purchases. When I play the songs, iTunes will play both those copies on the Mac as well as DOWNLOAD the song from the cloud. 

i'm on a limited data plan & I don't want songs downloaded which already exist on my HD.  Where's the "stopper" for this? 

MacBook, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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